The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1361: This is going to die

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A scream punctured the sky above the arena.

In the next moment, some panic-stricken Lydia fell to the center of the arena.

Her mood at this moment is as bad as it gets.

She had never imagined that the **** Demon Lord would not treat her as a human being. Without saying a word, she released her slave collar. She just felt that the power was recovering, she was put on another slave restraint, and then she was thrown into this arena.

At this time, the seven-mesh and eight-sugar that was dropped would not be mentioned. Lydia looked up and saw that on the yellow sand in front of him, there was a pool of greasy plasma with meat emulsion.

The thick **** smell ran straight into the nasal cavity, making her unable to resist and wanted to nausea again.

In front of this bloodstain, the ogres Ablon Giantmaul was picking yellow teeth leisurely, and saw Lydia just fall in front of him, and immediately opened his greedy mouth with excitement.

Human beings are a very rare food for them. Some ogres can only listen to the legendary description in their lifetime, but never taste the deliciousness of human beings. What's more, human women who still have such delicate skin and tender meat are simply the best of the best! Better than the legend!

Right now it can be said that any ogres can't help but slobber and move their index fingers when they see humans.

Speaking of ogres, they are close relatives of the giant clan. Although they are not as tall as giants, the ogres are still not comparable to other races.

In front of him, the Ablon Giantmaul from the Giantmaul clan was simply taller and more powerful than a bear.

Such cannibal monsters are very ugly, with sharp yellow teeth in their mouths, thick necks, and rough yellowish-skinned skin. Standing there, it is taller than a floor.

His lower body was only surrounded by a very rough metal skirt, bare upper body, carrying a metal sledgehammer with spikes, especially the sturdy tendon, making him like a wall of meat, exuding Strong sense of oppression.

In front of this kind of monster, Lydia is weak like a rag doll that can be crushed easily. The body and style of the two are not at the same level, and they are even more incomparable.

"It's over, this time it's really over."

In the shadow of this monster, Lydia's heart jumped, palms supporting the ground, and instinctively struggled to retreat backwards.

The dirty and sloppy ogres are disgusting and smelly. With the flesh and blood of the dwarf just now, the **** and greasy dirt mixed together to smell bad, just like a catalyst, constantly deepening Lydia's inner fear.

It made her like a little rabbit that fell into a bear's den, and she had no way back in the face of a fierce beast.

"Dare to follow? The female slave who won the lord, two hundred gold coins!"

Wang Yan seemed to be a king looking down on the world, and when he raised his hand, he sprinkled two hundred gold coins. Watching the crowd around, it boiled at once.

"Two or two hundred gold coins!"

"If you win that man to slave girl, there will be two hundred gold coins?"

"Who is so generous, is he too much money? That weak human slave girl is enough to love, how could it be possible to win the ogre?"

The crowd around was so stupid, who would use a weak human slave to fight a powerful ogre? And also raise a huge bet of two hundred gold coins!

People turned to look in the direction where the gold coins were thrown down, and the result was a little more amazing.

"Yes, Lord Mo Yan!"

"He was Lord Mo Yan who defeated Chi Lie, the son of the Demon King last night!"

The crowd was a commotion again, but there were many good people on the scene. I witnessed Wang Yan's power at the scene last night, so I recognized this generous lord at a glance. It was precisely since last night that he became famous in the city of Liuhuo. Da Zhen's Demon Flame Lord!

Everyone in the **** adored the strong. In their eyes, Wang Yan was defiant of the Red Refining Demon King, and even in the presence of the Red Refining Demon King, he beat the devil's second son. Such a big man came to them to play a slave fight, which really excited them.

Wang Yan raised his hand and signaled the enthusiasm around him to calm down, and said again that if he won his slave girl, there would be two hundred gold coins. If you dare to follow, you can start.

At Wang Yan's worth, it would not be possible to compare the presence of these people. The two hundred gold coins were just a small amount of money that he took out from the younger brother's confusing lord's purse, not counting pocket money.

Of course, this is also Wang Yan's special intention. It's not that he can't afford to bet, and if he bets too much, no one will dare to follow, but he won't have much incentive.

Now the price is just right, people present can afford it, and it seems to be easily available.

"Wow, really, really two hundred gold coins! If you defeat that weak human slave girl, you can get two hundred gold coins!"

"Great, you can't pick up the green dwarf? If you don't, let your disgusting ogres quickly roll up, and my slave will play!"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm so envious. Someone wants to make a profit. I knew I had brought the slaves in the house!"

Hearing Wang Yan's confirmation and statement, the crowd was on the spot and immediately simmered. They were all tempted by two hundred gold coins, one by one.

In the lower arena, Lydia's face was white, and she cursed the Lord of the Demon Flames. It was a real pit.

Isn't it too bad for her in this situation? Actually, I have to fall into the hole and double the bonus!

This is the rhythm to take her to death?

Could it be because she didn't give the face of this magic flame, this big villain will now maliciously avenge? Or is this big villain itself a big change who likes to torture slave girls?

In short, no matter what the situation is, Lydia feels that she is dead this time ...

"You screaming poor people, what are you arguing about? Since Lord Moyan has Yaxing, I certainly have to follow Gascoll!"

The Goblin businessman named Gascol stood on his seat and shouted at the provocative crowd around him.

Immediately afterwards, he changed his face and looked at Wang Yan very much. He looked respectfully and respectfully. In fact, he cunningly said: "Dear Master Moyan, two hundred gold coins.

Having said that, he took out another 100 gold coins and threw them into the arena, which was considered to make up the difference.

Watching the crowd on the spot, they also began to bet on the black market organized gambling. Of course, these are only small amounts of money, but there are only a few gold coins that come and go, but many people still put the money on the side of the ogre Abulon giant mallet.

In just a few minutes of preparation time, an arbitrator from the black market swelled with a gang, blasting the battle horn symbolizing the start of the gladiator.

As the sobbing horn sounded above the arena, the Goblin businessman Gascole, who was already eager to try, flashed a pair of small eyes, standing on the seat and shouting excitedly: "Abu Long Giant Mallet, give it to me! "

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