The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1364: Don't laugh, I'm serious

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"The fire, the son of flames said, playing games is the same as fighting! They are all a routine. Magic, the magician must protect himself first, and he must first open the shield!"

Lydia's face was firm and refuted.

On the stand above her head, Wang Yan was stunned, unable to speak at all.

This is indeed an example he cited casually. For a magician with strong lethality but relatively weak defense and self-protection capabilities, the first time of combat should not be output, but to protect himself first.

Especially in large-scale battles or when teaming up with teammates, a magician only has the priority to protect himself and keep himself in a safe position so that the magical power of the magic can be maximized.

Therefore, at this time, you need to cooperate with your teammates, cooperate with the position, and the corresponding defensive shield.

But what is the situation now? Right now you are fighting with an explosive ogres, how can you still respond to the heads-up according to the routine of the team battle?

Wang Yan felt a big head for a while. Sure enough, the academic school with no combat experience, and the empirical school that came out of the struggle of life and death, are really two different ways.

Right now this Lydia is born as a noble magic family. Grandpa Emmons is not only the dean of the Starry Sky Academy, but also the president of the Earth Super League. It can be said that his granddaughter has been the glory of the world ’s top magical world big.

Although Emmons has cultivated her, there are also places she loves too much. For example, Lydia grows up so big, the limited two real combat experience, or two soy sauce fight with Wang Yan. In addition, all about the combat and emergency response capabilities are all hearsay.

It won't work like this. Next, this Lidia will not grow much without going through some hardships.

Wang Yan held his forehead with one hand. He secretly broke his heart for the granddaughter of the old Emmons. He turned back to the earth. If he did not blackmail Emmons, he was a bit sorry.

"Cough, boss ... I am afraid that you human slave girl is not saved." The confusing lord who was leaning beside Wang Yan looked at the scene below and could not help smoking.

It's also due to the ogren Ablon Giantmaul below, who is not in a hurry to kill his opponent, but wants to slowly enjoy the opponent, otherwise just a stick down, that Lydia may already be a pool of meat. .

"Master Magic Flame, your slave girl, it's a wonderful flower." The cruel master also opened his eyes wide, "I heard that humans are very civilized, is this the way humans fight?"

The brutal master's thought at the moment is like that of many of us on the modern earth who cannot understand Europe in the middle and lower eighteenth centuries. The two walked back to back, walked a few steps away from each other, and then turned their heads back to the duel.

In the eyes of the inhabitants of hell, whether dueling or fighting, it is necessary to defeat the opponent by any means. There is no routine, just by any means, the winner is king.

The succubus beside Wang Yan smiled embarrassingly, looked at Wang Yan, and neither of them spoke again.

No way, now this Lydia lacks experience, and has experienced few hardships, and she can't grow up.

On the other hand, the chief appraiser Zoe has excellent professional qualities. Although she is also curious about the battle below, it is not her business, and she will never express any opinions in front of these big men.

Zoe abides by his professional responsibilities, but does not represent the crowd watching the scene, but also has such a good quality.

Watching the crowd around, first a little stunned, and then began a series of ridicule and discussion.

"Hahaha, wouldn't this human being never fight before? And what did she just say?"

"The mage fights to open the shield first?"

"Who taught her this weird move? What kind of flame child?"

"I'm afraid that the child of flames is a peerless master? Hahaha ..."

Wang Yan was ashamed, and even he felt a little embarrassed. This Lydia expressed his basic tactics wrongly, so that the crowd around the audience was laughing, just like watching a sitcom.

In their view, there are really few brave people like the human slaves below.

At least they would not dare to stand in front of the ogres at such a short distance and open a magic shield. Otherwise, in the gap where you opened the shield, the ogre will go down with a stick, and you still have a way to go?

The ogren Ablon Giantmaul was also relaxed and comfortable at the moment, as if playing a mouse on a cat, and was not in a hurry to attack.

At this time he could be considered as an interesting opponent, and felt that he had never encountered such an easy fight.

Speaking of which, he used to be an ogre mercenary, but now he became a slave because of debt. But looking back on his life, it can be said that the fight started from birth, and the battle started before the adulthood. What kind of opponents haven't met the warlock wizard, warrior thief, wilderness Warcraft?

But he had never seen a magician, and he would stand in front of him stupidly and open a shield. This ... it was so funny.

To defeat such an opponent is a breeze.

No, he, Ablon Giantmaul, felt that such a human slave girl who had never had combat experience could not be called an opponent at all.

"You, you guys, are not allowed to say bad things about the Son of Flame!"

Under the eyes of all eyes, Lydia was embarrassed and shouted to the audience. "You all have your eyes wide open. This ogre, I ... I will give you a look!"

Even if she laughed at the joke, she dared to laugh at her idol, the son of the flames. Isn't it just a **** and cruel ogre? She Lydia, fight today!

"I remember the son of flame said, after opening the shield, first control, then DPS full strength ... yes, that's it."

Lydia began to mutter silently again, and the ogre also thought it was enough, it was time to enjoy the food, and she reached for Lydia.

At this moment, Lydia's eyes tightened and her hand was a brewing gust of wind.

As the name suggests, gust of wind is to gather elements of the wind system and set off a gust of wind on the ground. This magic is a low-level wind spell, and for Lydia, you can always use it.

If you use Lydia's current strength and then cooperate with the original staff, the released version is an upgraded version of typhoon, which can completely lift the ogre.

However, her power is now suppressed, and the magic she can only cast is mainly at the lower and middle levels.


As Lydia moved forward with one hand, a violent wind of flying sand and rocks suddenly blew out of thin air.

The transparent wind rolled up the yellow sand underneath his feet and rolled forward.

The ogre Ablon Giantmaul was caught by surprise, and the muddy sand blown head-on was fascinated. Humming now and then staggering backwards.

Watching the crowd around, could not help but stunned slightly.

The human slave girl who seemed to be very embarrassed just grabbed the first move. Is it really a drama?


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