The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1366: Angry Ogre

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"It hurts! It hurts!"

Along with the shocking roar and roar, the injured ogre Abulon Giant Mallet brandished an iron rod mallet full of thorns in his hand, venting like a violent knock on the surrounding.

His armpit and chest were cut with a broken wind blade, and a large mouth with deep bones was drawn. At the same time as the blood flow, he also made his ogre race violent characteristics full display.

In addition, the ogre's terrible power is comparable to that of a giant, and it makes him violently roar when he waves the giant mallet in his hand. It is a big pit when it hits the ground, and it will shake and tremble with the stand above.

Opposite the ogre, Lydia shrank from the corner and her face was pale.

She knows that this level of horror monsters, if she just missed a blow, it will be difficult for her to find a good opportunity just like that.

And next, she may face the terrible attack of the ogren storms, can it bear it, or can it survive?

It was just this question that made her heart tight and her head exploded.

"Well, what a terrible power! Where did the green dwarf buy this monster ?!"

With a loud roar, the giant mallet in the hands of the ogre hit the ground again. There was a sway immediately at the feet of the people, and the onlookers in the stands were no longer able to negotiate, and they all exclaimed and discussed.

"This is still an ogre with a controller. If he didn't wear a controller, wouldn't he want to dismantle this free market?"

"Just, that is, what a terrible power! If that giant mallet goes down, even the noble Purgatory Demon Clan, I'm afraid I can't take it?"

"No wonder some people will classify this monster as Warcraft, but I think he is angry, it is even more terrible than Warcraft!"

"That human slave girl does have some skills, but it can only do so."

"She might not be able to support a round in front of the injured and mad ogres?"

"Alas, it is a pity, then the best female slave will be smashed into a patty."

Watching the crowd around, I saw the ogre hurt and mad, all emotions were high, and all mouths were full of mouths, but almost 90% of the onlookers thought that the weak and delicate body of the human female slave could not resist the cannibal Demon's violent attack.

The rest of the onlookers are more happy. They think that the human slave girl is a very good female magician, and may be able to support three or five rounds.

Only three or five rounds, there is no more.

"Hey, hey, you poor people, where do you know the terrible ogre!"

The Goblin businessman Gascourt heard the comments of the crowd, and the whole person got angry. He was short, so he stood on the mount and shouted, "Hey, hey, I saw it with my own eyes. One hundred ogre robbers, a caravan of 1,000 people, shocked almost everywhere!"

"You poor people, have all raised my ears and listened." He pointed his fingers and flaunted with excitement. "The ogre slave under my hand was once an ogre elite mercenary! But I spent a lot of money. The ace gladiator bought at the price, not to mention the human slave girl, anyone who meets him will have to die! "

This Goblin businessman Gascole is also a small rich man. He travels all the year round, buys a house in the city of Liuhuo, hires a bodyguard, and raises many slave gladiators. He is also a regular in the black market.

Therefore, he dared to ridicule the poor people at the scene, otherwise there were few brushes, and no one dared to be so arrogant here.

In fact, the vast majority of the onlookers on the scene were indeed ordinary residents. This is a free market on the black market, as long as there are a few gold coins exchange trading chips, you can come here to wander around and look for black goods. Even if you do n’t buy good things, it ’s good to come and see the fighting. Anyway, the trading chips are not used, and you can exchange them for gold coins when you go out.

So most of the onlookers on this floor were sprayed by the Goblin businessman Gascole, and they had nothing to refute. They could not beat the terrible ogre below.

"Boss, the situation is not good."

In the stands, the deluded Lord frowned, and leaned beside Wang Yan and said, "The ogren is strong enough. You see that his wounds have begun to heal. This physical quality is better than our noble Purgatory Demon Clan. I'm afraid I won't let it go. In this way, your best female slave, I'm afraid in the hands of the ogre, can't hold a few rounds. "

At this time, not only was the confusion, but even the brutal master who expected Lydia to be smashed, and the chief appraiser Zoe, who was indifferent to the gladiator, became interested in the gladiator below.

The human magician Lydia below looks weak and has no sense of power. They originally thought that this human slave girl would easily be torn and eaten by ogres.

Unexpectedly, that seemingly delicate human slave girl, with her delicate body, had hidden such a powerful element control ability, she exhibited the magic of the wind system, and the lethality was so great that it could easily break the defense of the ogres.

This unexpected discovery surprised them all, and they couldn't help but look at each other with surprise.

In addition, they are all people around Wang Yan, and their mentality is naturally more on Wang Yan's side. I can't help but hope that this Lydia will have a better performance, and maybe there will be a miracle.

Wang Yan looked calm and did not answer their meaning, but continued to watch every move on the field.

Suddenly, Wang Yan's eyes tightened slightly, and there was an extra focus on his eyebrows.

Several companions around him immediately caught the change in Wang Yan's expression, and immediately turned to look down at the arena.

At this point, the ogres Ablon Giantmaul has stopped the violent chaotic attacks.

This does not mean that he is no longer angry, but his eyes, fascinated by the sand, have gradually been able to see, and the wound has gradually stopped bleeding, and at the same time he has begun to heal slowly.

The chaotic attack just now was just because he showed instinct when he was hurt.

At this moment, as his eyes could see things, he grinned his teeth, and looked fiercely and nervously in front of her, Lydia forcibly calmly said, "Fuck human, you dare to hurt me!"

"I, ate you! Roar!"

The words were a roar comparable to that of a beast. The ogre Abulon Giantmaul raised his large stick mallet with spikes in his hand and strode forward. The whole person was like a container truck that fell into the air. As Lydia hit her head.

Lydia ’s pupils shrank below, and time seemed to stop momentarily at this moment.

All the onlookers at the scene subconsciously held their breath and widened their eyes. A pair of eyes, all following the steel sledgehammer of the powerful ogre, towards the almost helpless Lydia below, and fell straight.


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