The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1380: Devil's ambition

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"Master Father ..."

For a long time, Lord Chilie, who had a complex expression, couldn't help but ask, "Why don't we wait for the opportunity to find the opportunity to kill the magic flame first, and then take the human slave girl together to check the seal?"

Lord Chilie was very upset. The reason why he said this is that one of them was because Wang Yan took away the fancy slave girl, defeated him in public, and lost all his face, making him wish that Wang Yan would be defeated now. To vent your hatred.

The second reason is that he had previously told his father Chilian Demon King that when he discovered that the seal was loose, there were actually a lot of ingredients added to it. The purpose is to let Chilian Demon King agree with him to use the poison Jiaozhu to kill Wang Yan to show the power of his devil's son.

But who knows, he used a vicious move, not only did he not hurt Wang Yan, but made him defeated by the public in a shameful manner.

In this way, he was abandoning his forefathers, and he did not benefit from anything.

If his father Chilian Demon King, after reaching the seal ruins, could not detect any loose traces, then the cow he had blown out before, wouldn't it be necessary to attack himself?

At that time, the Red Demon King must be furious, wouldn't he want to finish?

Lord Chilie knew that something was wrong, so he wanted to transfer the contradiction to Wang Yan, and secretly gave his eyes to the other two brothers.

The second son of the Red Skeleton Lord quickly said to him, "My father, I think the elder brother said something very reasonable. We might as well get rid of the magic flame that hinders us. We also save such an outsider and hinder us in the big city of fire. Besides, without the magic flame, the human slave girl fell into our hands, and we have no worries. "

Lord Red Bone also coveted Lydia, and wanted to share this human slave girl with his elder brother Chi Lie, but was also beaten by Wang Yan. Moreover, the ribs were broken under the eyes of everyone, which can be said to be quite miserable and quite shameful.

Therefore, he was bitter and hated Wang Yan no less than Chilie.

"Third brother, do you say that?" Red bone is still cunning, and he said, he also deliberately looked at Sanzi Red Rock, trying to pull Red Rock to help them fight against Wang Yan.

"My father, I think my brother is right. When have we been bullied by outsiders? Especially confusing the waste! At that time, my father kindly kept his life and made him a man who was enough to eat and die. Little lord, but the waste is somehow traitor! "

In fact, there is no need to remind Chi Lie and Chi Gu, Chi Yan also tickles the teeth that Wang Yan and others hate. If they lose to Wang Yan, they can still talk about it. After all, in their eyes, Wang Yan ’s mysterious identity is worse than them. Not going there.

But he was actually confused, this wild illegitimate child abandoned by their family, fell to the ground, which is a shame and shame in the **** world that valued his status very much!

And that kind of thing happened in front of the residents of Liuhuo Aocheng, and his red rock face was completely lost. Not only was he Chi Yan, but the faces of their three brothers all lost quite badly this time.

He can fully predict that in the city of Liuhuo, the matter of their three brothers has definitely become a joke of the outflow of the population, and even the discussion of the slaves.

If there is no accident, this matter will spread throughout the Demon King's collar in a short time, and perhaps even more widely. In short, in the world of **** with respect for strength, the failure of their three brothers will definitely make them a long time. Time can't lift his head.

"Master Father, I can't swallow this tone!"

Lord Chiyan's character is hot, he said more and more angry, then stood up from the seat, and asked to show, "In addition, the remains of the starry sky **** are very important, we can't leak a little wind, the magic flame is really hindering, we are not as good as before It ’s not too late to remove the magic flame and **** the slave girl, and then find a way to open the remains. "

Hearing the complaints and crooked ideas of the three brothers, the Chilian Demon King slowly rolled his eyes and silently looked at the three brothers, stunned to see the three of them trembling with heart, and his back was covered with cold sweat, which was cold Humming and sneering: "Your strategy is indeed very good. In the future, does this King have to listen to your opinions first?"

"No, dare not!"

The three brothers, Chilie, Chigu and Chiyan, all felt the cold atmosphere around them, and they tensed their backs together in a fright, and bowed their heads respectfully.

"Huh, don't you dare? Didn't you just say that you are working hard?" The Chilian Demon King sneered coldly, and the majestic sharpness in his eyes couldn't help but add a few points.

The invisible pressure began to fill the eyes, and the air seemed to become dignified.

The three brothers, Chilie, Chigu and Chiyan, looked at each other one after another, and dared not talk more.

At this time, the Red Demon King hated the iron and steel, and stared at the three of them fiercely, threatening humanity, "Do n’t the king trust you? Have you left this king to the killer, the poison Jiaozhu all of you to attend the **** meeting It ’s used, but what happened? Did it hurt the magic flame? Instead, a laughing stock was dropped, making it known to the whole city! "

Upon hearing this, the eldest son Chi Lie was immediately ashamed and embarrassed, and he lowered his head: "My father's atonement is the child's weak enemy ..."

"Huh." Chilian Demon snorted coldly, and said sullenly, "That demon dare to dare in front of this king, this king can never spare him, but not now."

As soon as the three brothers heard that their father had moved, they could not help blinking, and one by one was secretly ruthless in their hearts. As long as their father's thoughts of killing Mo Yan were enough, their father had always been insidious and cunning. My father stared at it, and there was only one way to end!

As for their father, Chilian Demon King, when will they start? That's just a matter of time.

The Chilian Demon King glanced at them coldly, and the three brothers were too tender in his eyes. He knew everything about his mind.

He was not interested in investigating with them, but continued to say cruelly: "Because of your stupidity, that demon flame is now known all over the city, and we are already very difficult to get started. Adding the remains of the old godfather of the starry sky god, it matters a lot. At this juncture, the king will never allow any difference. "

"As for the human slave girl, it has nothing to do with the seal of the old fellow of the starry sky god. This king will know when he goes."

The Chilian Demon King said, his majestic eyes began to narrow his eyes slightly, "You should understand what kind of secret is hidden in that ruin."

"As long as that secret is under our control, let alone a little magic flame, the whole pattern of **** must be rewritten because of us!"

The sound of Chilian Demon King is slow and low, but the fierce momentum in the tone is like a confusing fire, all the inner desires of the three brothers are ignited at once.

"Everything follows the arrangement of Father and Master!"

The three brothers, Chilie, Chigu and Chiyan, responded respectfully and quickly.

Their eyes were gleaming, and there was irresistible excitement in their hearts.

Their father Chilian Demon King personally went out of the horse, if there were any clues to open the seal at the scene, they would be able to be accurately grasped.

When the time comes to get the secret of the great heaven, just take time, the pattern of **** will be rewritten accordingly, and the magic flame that does not know life and death will surely die!


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