The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1394: Expert appraisal

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"Since you are the chief appraiser here, first tell me about the market price of weapons and equipment."

Wang Yanshu sat comfortably on the sofa, while the host of the Abuse County served tea and water beside him, and Lydia, who had overdrawn her body and mind, slept quietly on the other side, cared for by the succubus.

This young human female magician may be too eager to find the child of flame, even whispering the name of the child of flame in a sleep.

And that Wang Yan ’s faithful follower, deceived the lord, went to the outside fart, and at the front desk of this club, he converted a large amount of gold coins and some half-damaged magic crystals that were won by the bet. A more streamlined magic crystal coin,

Speaking of which, the total value of the bet won in this arena is nearly 100,000 gold coins! This is just a bet on the gladiator slave, because Wang Yan is afraid of trouble, does not want to make those small money, did not participate in the result of black market gambling.

Moreover, Wang Yan initially only wanted to make the fighting more interesting, so he randomly placed 200 bets. The result unconsciously, more and more, after winning the last game, actually directly earned nearly 100,000! Such a willful way of doing things is replaced by others who do not dare to think about it.

The magic crystal coins used by the upper class nobility are roughly equivalent to the fire pith. If the funds earned by Wang Yan this time are all converted into magic crystal coins, it is worth about 33 pieces.

However, Lydia released a big trick, exhausted one magic crystal, damaged six magic crystals, and Wang Yan paid for the consumption of this club, so there are 25 remaining, and all are now deceived by the lord , Respectfully placed in front of Wang Yan.

Wang Yan plays with the magic crystal coins that are as beautiful as jade, just like children playing with glass marbles. As if in his eyes, it was either a high-value coin or a glass marble.

This noble and calm, noble and magnificent noble spirit, is naturally natural, revealing a born king temperament.

Appraiser Zoe has never left this underground black market, but what kind of people have never seen it?

For her, the Lord Lord of Flames, no matter in lineage or temperament, is the only top-notch existence. In front of such a distinguished big figure, she can't help but feel a sense of awe and admiration in her heart.

However, Wang Yan did not have the habit of overwhelming people around him, so this peaceful and low-key behavior was a very gentleman's behavior in the eyes of appraiser Zoe.

"Master Huiyan, because weapons and equipment have the effect of protecting their lives and killing the enemy, the market price is much higher than other items, and the float is also large."

Facing Wang Yan's inquiry, appraiser Zoe replied in awe, "The specific price needs to be based on the grade of weapons and equipment, and whether it is from the master, whether it is a historical heritage, whether there is a legend behind it, etc. The conditions are determined. Therefore, the specific items must be read before they are known. "

"It turned out to be so." Wang Yan nodded with interest, secretly fierce competition, advocating the battle of the **** world, the demand for weapons and equipment is indeed much larger than the earth world, and the degree of attention can also be seen, all fast It's enough to do archaeological artifacts on earth.

"Show me this thing first."

Wang Yan took out a gray rush, and Bai Sensen's old machete, just like a broken one, was thrown on the table in front of him.

There is no way, these things are the cracked iron that he found from the old monster's nest after defeating the master of Yanhu.

Because the old monster dominated by Yanhu eats too much, and swallows everything. Any person or monster, when it reaches its territory, will become food in its belly.

Finally, the indigestible items will be excreted again. Those Goblins who are dominated by Yanhu Lake will remove these waste products from the excreta. They seem to be valuable and can be used. All those that are not pleasing are piled up and reserved for steelmaking. material.

Wang Yan picked a few pieces of abandoned equipment from a pile of hills and left them intact. All other damaged items were treated as recycled materials, and they were sent back to the China National African Bureau together. Anyway, the colleagues of the National African Bureau will recycle them.

As for the few things that Wang Yan picked up, since they are not holy items, he can't determine their value, so it's okay to take them out and let Zoe identify them now.

"this is……"

The appraiser Zoe picked up the old Bai Sengsen's old scimitar and glanced at it casually. The corner of his mouth could not help rising slightly, and said, "This is a magic weapon, not bad."

"The main material of this machete is made of the fangs of the Hellfire Breath Dog. It is just that the craftsmanship of the craftsman is not very good, the technique is rough, and the enchantment is simple. The bite scars, the wounds can't heal for a long time, but this has fully brought out the characteristics of the Hellfire Breath Dog. "

"If it's according to the market price, it's about two thousand gold coins." Then, appraiser Zoe read a spell and raised his hand to wipe the surface of the scimitar.

A dim light flashed through, and the old dirty old machete suddenly became spotless and refreshed. Even the blade made by animal teeth began to emit a faint white light.

The process of regaining radiance after the dust is like a treasure is very amazing and breathtaking.

Wang Yan, Chidu, and the Master of Cruel Abuse haven't identified any treasures, and their eyes brightened at the moment.

The most important thing is that this gray scimitar looks like a crude junk weapon, and it can be worth a dozen silver coins.

But now after passing Zoe for a moment, this houndstooth scintillator immediately shining brightly. Not to mention two thousand gold coins, if you take it to auction and do a little operation, three or five thousand gold coins are not a problem.

"Oh, it's just a little trick." Appraiser Zoe saw this and smiled modestly. "It is our appraisers' responsibility to make the treasures reappear."

"It's a bit interesting, let's take a look at these pieces." Wang Yan's mouth twitched, and interest came. He simply picked up several items he had picked up in the dome of Yanhu's old nest.

"This is iron boot gauntlets, the standard equipment used by the Marauder Cavalry Regiment, which is not cheap."

"Uh ... Iron Mantis Breastplate. This is another demon god's equipment.

"Hey, ceremonial dagger, this is a good thing. This is a special weapon used to perform certain magic rituals, which can enhance the spiritual power of the holder, with magical damage. Its former master should be a Very powerful corpses, or demon warlocks, only they will use this magic dagger. "

"The price should be more than three magic crystals. You see, there is a vicious soul sealed in it."


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