The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1418: Last auction

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Zoe's mother was the leader of a blue-claw clan of an eagle succubus.

Helpless **** world is fiercely competitive and there are too many wars, not to mention beware of enemies inside and around tribes, and always avoid being involved in bigger wars.

Her mother was involved in the war between the two demon kings, and unfortunately was eventually implicated. After the defeat, the Blue Claw tribe was ruined, and her mother, along with most of the tribes, was tragically converted into slaves and sold everywhere.

However, even if her mother became a slave, that grace and grace still existed, plus the once noble identity and excellent wisdom, she was loved by the people at the bottom of the underground black market in this flaming city.

The master trainer Hill, who opened the blacksmith shop, also met Zoe's mother, the Saki Blue Claw Queen of the Hawk Lady, at this time.

The person in charge of the black market, President Ned, cares about the influence of the Green Claw Queen in the black market, plus her strong ability to absorb gold, so she is also a courtesy of three points for her, instead of forcing her to pick up guests, but as a red light district Some of the top cards are selected, and after bidding with each other, you can get the time with the Queen of Green Claws.

It's a pity that after Zoe was born, the Queen of Green Claws had become discouraged and ended in depression.

No one can stop a person who is determined to die. After the death of Queen Greenclaw, the young Zoe wanders around the underground black market all day long. In this large underground market town, she was at a loss and panicked.

It was at this time that Master Refiner Hill received the young Zoe.

Although Zoe is young, she has very outstanding bloodline qualifications, which is derived from her mother's excellent genetic heritage.

That is to say, Zoe is different from the ordinary Hawks, but is a child with the qualifications of the queen and is likely to become a tribal queen in the future.

Hill, who pretended to be an old blacksmith here, worried that young Zoe would be persecuted, so he took the opportunity to find President Neder and expressed his willingness to take care of Zoe until he reached adulthood with several surrounding shop owners.

President Ned thought too, how much money can a child sell? If you train an adult and pack it again, maybe you can become a new queen like her mother, so that you can make big money.

So President Ned agreed with Hill's proposal, and his control over Zoe was relatively relaxed.

Zoe, who was relatively free, lived everywhere in this street shop. However, more often, Zoe borrowed from Hill's blacksmith shop, watching Hill iron repair equipment.

Appraisal is a major that needs to be involved in many professions. Hill, as a master refiner, naturally involves a lot, otherwise he will not recognize a thing, so don't mention making repairs. Only Hill, whose main business is refining, does not have in-depth research in this area. He is more focused on the source and type of objects, and the appraiser has to take more aspects of the characteristics and origin of the identified objects. Unearth.

Hill understood that Zoe could not become a refining master, so in some daily work, he showed some repair equipment, and the skills of identifying items were shown to Zoe. As a result, Zoe became interested.

Hill waited for the opportunity to give Zoe some advice, which is to teach Zoe some entry skills in this industry. Coupled with his secret secrets, the young Zoe found his goal in life, and finally he was no longer confused.

In his childhood, Zoe believed that if she could become a master in a certain area and make more money for the black market, then she might not be persecuted and poisoned by the black market like her mother and other compatriots.

As a result, the appraisal technique that made her more interested became her first choice for research.

For decades, Zoe asked almost everyone in the black market who could ask for advice. Zoe, who is now an adult, has finally achieved considerable achievements in identification. The source of all this is naturally because of the hidden master refiner Hill.

"I can't think of the master refiner Hill you know, who is such a hidden and undisclosed master."

After listening to Zoe ’s story, Wang Yan asked sincerely, “I do n’t know if there is a chance. The lord wants to visit in person, and also wants to see how he restored this holy weapon.”

"Master Demon Flame wants to visit Master Hill naturally, and Zoe has decided to follow Master Demon Flame out of the black market. Before leaving, he should visit the master."

The appraiser Zoe smiled with gratitude and said, "As for repairing the holy weapon, you can rest assured that Zoe and the master share the same father and daughter, he will never refuse my request."

When Wang Yan heard it, the corner of his mouth could not help but lifted up slightly: "Then I can rest assured."

Several companions around him also showed a happy expression. It is definitely worth looking forward to seeing a master refining master who exhibited superb skills in repairing holy items.

If their boss has the ability to take advantage of this infamous refiner master to his camp, it will definitely be a blessing for everyone.


On the side of Wang Yan, secretly communicating in the barrier of sound insulation, the scene was still full of complaints and noisy.

It may be because of the pressure caused by all the bidders complaining, or it may be because they understand that over-packaging has brought counterproductive results.

The middle-aged auctioneer on the stand paused a little bit embarrassed, cleared his throat again, and after regaining his composure, said loudly again: "This holy weapon is indeed somewhat damaged due to the war, but it is not damaged, just a little Repair, you can regain the original glory! "

Due to his voice, a large number of bidders on the scene gradually quieted down.

These bidders began to think that the auctioneer said something, is the holy weapon damaged or is it still a holy weapon? Always better than other weapons. Buy it back now, and find someone to fix it, then will the value come back?

These people think that a damaged sacristy indeed has a little purchase value.

"This crow scepter is a top holy heritage of the wind system, with high-intensity elemental affinity. Even if it is not repaired, it still has the power of a spirit-level staff!" The middle-aged auctioneer saw the bidders around him interested. Immediately restored the previous calm, a positive look, and quickly continued to say aloud, "Our black market auction house on the spot, in order to give back to the majority of buyers, this last holy item-level commodity, we will start the auction at the spiritual-level price!"

"Now its starting price, thirty thousand magic crystal coins!"

The middle-aged auctioneer shouted so loudly that it really revitalized the many bidders on the spot.

The starting price of these 30,000 magic crystal coins is indeed the auction price of an ordinary magic weapon. If you have the opportunity to buy this holy artifact back and restore it, then why not make a big profit? Even a common holy weapon, how can it be fired to hundreds of thousands, millions?

Therefore, as soon as the middle-aged auctioneer released the starting price, the whole scene was in a state of discussion.

"Cough, this auctioneer is really cunning, but he can only cheat ordinary people."

Just as there was a lot of discussion, on the side of Wang Yan, appraiser Zoe Jiao laughed and shook his head gently, revealing that everyone was drunk and woke up.

Wang Yan couldn't help but slightly raised his eyebrows: "You mean, there is still a price difference?"


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