The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1430: Force expansion plan

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In addition to the three dark elf slaves, Wang Yan also purchased five barbarian elite gladiators.

These are all elite warriors that can be used for gladiatorial battles. Each half-step S-level commander-level strength. If it is placed in the usual time, the price is very expensive. All the asking prices are 10,000 or 20,000 magic crystal coins.

But under the hint of Zoe, Wang Yan bought all the wounded who were lifted from the arena.

The price of the injured slaves plummeted, plus the personal power of Wang Yan and the cruel lord Yan.

It is still very cost-effective to buy injured slaves, of course, as long as it can be cured, the price can be doubled.

But not everyone is good at healing wounds. It is not cheap to find a doctor or a therapist here. It is not safe to go to an alchemist to buy medicine.

Fortunately, there is a set of official therapists and medical systems in the main palace of the county, which can be provided to Wang Yan for free. As for the ogre, and the general of the dark elf, Camus, Wang Yan also has a way to heal them.

Finally, for the sake of his pet darling and his newly-accompanied Zoe, Wang Yan bought three more succubus and eagle succubus, and as a maid's assistant, gave it to the succubus and Zoe. .

These succubus and Hawks are not cheap. Wang Yan chose some promising, intelligent and thoughtful slaves, otherwise they bought some puppets with destroyed minds. What's the point?

Each of the six female slaves has a B-level or higher strength, and the price ranges from hundreds of magic crystals. It takes a little money to buy them Wang Yan.

Although Wang Yan's succubus was shaped by the Father of Light, not a native succubus in the true sense, but after all it is the same kind. Zoe was also born in the underground black market. In theory, they do n’t want to do anything except that they are of the same race as these slave girls.

But after all, it's the same race. Looking at the same race, the succubus and Zoe will have some pimples in their hearts. Therefore, Wang Yan's so intimate behavior, so that they are moved by the grateful Dade, they are almost satisfied.

Of course, Wang Yan also has his own ideas.

He is building his own army according to his own ideas.

In a legion, there must be a variety of special forces that complement each other, so that they can adapt to different battlefields and different situations.

In hell, many succubi and eagle demon will be reduced to playthings, so that people ignore their own excellent abilities and talents.

If you want to get information, then there is nothing more practical than succubus. Similarly, in addition to the fascinating appearance, the eagle body banshees are a kind of fighting race with wind or thunder affinity, all of them are born witches. Voodoo curse, elemental magic, but they are good at it.

In addition, they are naturally capable of flying, have excellent eyesight, and have the ability to defend the wind. They are easy to move and move quickly. They are naturally born high-level scouts, as well as excellent troops with long-range assistance.

Although Wang Yan currently has limited funds, and the number of succubus and eagle devil is very small, once the outstanding talents are cultivated, these arms are slowly planned to expand.

At that time, it is not just a fully equipped legion, it may be Wang Yan's hand to dominate, or even Wang Yan's foundation for building an empire here!

As a foreigner, Wang Yan uses the native ruling race, the more native **** lords, the **** devil to fight, there are too many disadvantages, but these slaves and minority races that are not favored by the ruler are more likely to become His tool for expanding power.

"Master Demon Flame, please here."

After buying many slaves, Wang Yan signaled to find a place for the ogres and Camus to heal the wound. Appraiser Zoe volunteered to lead Wang Yan.

This is a trading area where slaves are bought and sold. Naturally, there is always a place for buyers to rest, or they ca n’t wait to experience new slaves.

Therefore, on the periphery of the venue, the circle is full of rest areas for dining, entertainment and accommodation.

Wang Yan and others found a fairly spacious hotel, paid the magic crystal coins, and the group walked in.

So far, the magic crystal coins exchanged by Wang Yan have been spent a lot, and a series of auctions have been purchased, with about 8,500 magic crystal coins remaining.

This not only made Wang Yan sigh, it is always easier to spend money than to make money. Fortunately, he also occupied the old nest dominated by Yanhu Lake, as well as the entire Chilian Lake Ze, where the resources are rich, and mining takes time.

It seems that after some days, he has to go back and communicate with the earth once, and then take some resources to exchange for the magic crystal.

At the same time, we must also think about other methods, otherwise the mining progress of a Chilian Huze can't keep up with his current needs.

Entering the main bedroom of the hotel, there is a huge play space with luxurious decoration and indoor hot springs. This is already in the city of Liuhuo, which has already been of very high specifications, so the price is not expensive.

However, the indoor area does meet Wang Yan's requirements. The space is large and the dome is high. The dozen of them gathered here and it was not crowded at all.

After coming here, Abron Giantmaul, the ogre like Roshan, was carried by the confusing lord alone to the big bed inside.

Lord Chew was an excellent warrior, with a lot of strength, but carrying the ogre in, it made him tired. But there is no way, who will let him be a coolie right now, and the rest of the slaves are wounded, where can they resist an ogre?

After fighting against the ogres, the Red Confused Lord did not have a rest. Under Wang Yan ’s arrangement, he went out with Zoe to purchase a batch of good healing remedies, and spent more than 500 yuan with various medical supplies. A magic crystal coin.

It wasn't until these busy days that Wang Yan gathered all the slaves in front of him.

"You are all elite servants selected by me personally. I can see that you have your own desires in your heart. As long as you are willing to work for me sincerely, I can meet any wishes you have in mind." Wang Yan voice Low and gentle, but full of temptation, with the appearance of his demon race, and sturdy momentum, like the **** demon who often uses projections on the earth to confuse people.

As a slave, it is already very good to be alive, let alone whether they can satisfy their inner desires, that is, to give some benefits. As slaves, they are also grateful to Dade and feel satisfied.

Therefore, Wang Yan's confusing and majestic words made the newly recruited five barbarian gladiators and six female slaves very grateful and immediately loyal to their allegiance.

Give them a good life and let their lives be no problem.

After receiving a response, Wang Yan waved his hand, and Meier and Zoe brought their female slaves and began to heal the barbarian gladiator.

Wang Yan also turned his attention to the dark elf Camus at this moment. The slave he really wanted to recover was him.


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