The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1436: The lord accepts your challenge

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"Master Demon Flame, I am very grateful to you to cure my injury. If you change it to usual, I do n’t mind against the will of the Devil God and serve you for 20 years in this Purgatory Demon Race. Things, me and my subordinates, cannot stay here. "

Camus, the thorn of the shadow, looked at Wang Yan quietly, and the spirit of evil spirit was like a surging river, which came out continuously, "So it is convenient for Lord Mo Yan to do this. This kindness, I am Camus. The day must be doubled. "

"What if I don't?"

Wang Yan also looked at Camus in front of him in a casual gesture.

The eyes of the two collided with each other, suddenly like the ancient ice and the fiery lava, violently hit together. The atmosphere of the scene was almost instantaneously, and began to heat up rapidly under the breezy appearance of the two, rushing all the way to the zero boundary.

The thorn of Camus, the shadow thorn, has just recovered from his injury, but he is still able to earn the same momentum as Wang Yan. This alone makes Wang Yan very surprised.

According to common sense, with Wang Yan's current strength, ordinary legendary lords simply cannot compare with him. If you can be a legendary lord who is not weak under Wang Yan's power, there are only two possibilities. One is that his strength is quite outstanding, and the other is the opponent's mental perseverance, which is very outstanding.

Either of these two points is a symbol of the strong. You must know that Chi Lie, the son of the demon king who had faced Wang Yan at the beginning. After facing Wang Yan's strong coercion, his heart was violently shaken. This is precisely his lack of temper and his lack of firmness.

In the long path of spiritual practice and growth, even if the talent is outstanding, if the mentality is unstable, it is often difficult to achieve great achievements.

But the shadow thorn Camus in front of him was different. Not only did he not show any weakness in his momentum, even when he looked at Wang Yan, his eyes did not shake.

This is enough to show that this outstanding general of the Dark Blade Legion, Camus, has equal strength and heart, and is not a worthy person.

Even Wang Yan appreciates such a strong momentum and heart. In addition, this Camus has already used an honorific to him. Although he is still proud, his posture has been a lot humble.

This can explain that this Camus has already recognized his leadership status, but he is not willing to obey it, so Wang Yan believes that if necessary, he needs to take some tough measures to make this dark elf's top strongman completely use it for him. .

"Since Lord Moyan doesn't want to give the next convenience, then you can only challenge Lord Master Moyan in the traditional way of our hell!"

After receiving Wang Yan's answer, Camus sneered, and his dark power began to increase rapidly.

This horrifying force as if from darkness and death lingered around his body like black mist, making him like a venomous snake hiding in the darkness, exuding a deadly danger at all times.


At the entrance, the sorrowful lord who was eager to protect the Lord broke the curse immediately, "You don't know anything about life and death, you are just a slave, what is the right to challenge my boss!"

"Huh! You elves, Zhaze, really are some cunning and sinister people." Chi Chi beside him, the cruel county master snorted, his eyes cold, "If you don't know what to do, dare to hurt Master Moyan even one. The hair of the governor will definitely cut down the skin and flesh of your bastard, one by one, to feed the **** dog outside the gate! "

Both the Lord of Confusion and the Lord of Abuse County were filled with indignation, as did the other slaves.

The slaves glared at each other, encircling the other two dark elves Elsa and Enzo, as if they were ordered by Wang Yan, they would definitely try to tear these dark elves into pieces.

To know that the hierarchical world of **** is severe, it is a taboo and a felony to commit the following crimes. No slave can resist his master, and even if there is, he will be severely executed by those in power.

Wang Yan's newly recruited slaves all have self-knowledge, and Wang Yan has kindness to them. Therefore, these slaves fully recognize and thank the master Wang Yan. Therefore, whether it is for the master or for themselves, they will be firmly guarded beside Wang Yan.

But for the eyes of hostility around him, Camus of Shadows seemed to have no consciousness, and he did not pay any attention to it.

After hearing the scolding of the confusing Lord, instead of being angry, he raised his mouth and pointed to his neck calmly: "I have no collar, so I am now a free person. According to tradition, I Eligible to challenge the honorable Lord Lord of Flames! "

The sorrowful lord and others heard the sound and turned around. It turned out that their magic flame lord had to drop the collar while he was healing this Camus.

Now that this Camus has no collar and no brand mark on Wang Yan's baking, it stands to reason that he really has a reason to challenge his surviving master Mo Yan.

"Despicable! Unexpectedly, the dark elves are such a cunning race!" The deceived leader took the lead to scold, and the other slaves naturally followed the insult.

In the **** world, the collar or brand is often a symbol of a slave. Once removed, it means the liberation of slave identity. But no one will return the freedom of a slave. It can be said that as long as a slave collar is put on, it is often impossible to get relief until death.

Right now, Camus really took the opportunity to play a slippery head. If he changed to usual, he was not ashamed of it, but now he has no way.

His army was slaughtered by his enemies, his wife was still in the hands of his enemies, and he was ravaged. In addition, he was responsible for the devil. He was to be one of the candidates for the left arm and right arm of the new saint, but now he is deeply in enemy territory In the hinterland of China, imprisoned as a slave.

So he must escape from here anyway! At the very least, it is necessary to edge the enemy and save his wife from fire and water.

Even when it was time to die, he was willing.

So now is the only chance he can escape. Even if this Lord of Demon Flame is a character, his mind and strength are all admirable, but this Lord of Demon Flame is, after all, a person of the Infernal Demon Race, he cannot trust the enemy forces Any of them.

In addition, in the dark blade of the special forces group, the long-blooded brigade has made him develop a very powerful survival and combat ability.

Therefore, he was convinced that he could defeat the powerful Demon Lord in front of him. As long as he could defeat the Demon Lord, he would be sure to escape from the city with his subordinates alive!

"Your courage is great."

Wang Yan raised his palm and motioned for the insults around him to calm down. Then he turned his gaze and looked at the dark elf Camus in front of him.

Facing a slave who dared to challenge him, Wang Yan was not anxious or annoyed, but raised his mouth slightly, "It's a little brave, very good, the lord accepts your challenge!"


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