The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1441: Can't hit, use mouth cannon

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"Come on! Camus, you dare to hurt Lord Mo Yan, be careful that the master of the county has peeled you!"

The outrageous county master who helped control the field layout on the periphery saw Wang Yan's shoulders cut through the skin, and immediately glared at the eyes, angering. Beside her, the confusing lord and the slaves also showed their dissatisfaction.

But Wang Yan's pet succubus, while dissatisfied, is more of an accident.

She is the servant who has followed Wang Yan for the longest time, and the one who knows Wang Yan's strength best. But Camu, the thorn in the dark night, easily injured Wang Yan, which surprised her.

Although that trick only scratched Wang Yan's skin, after all, that trick was only a murderous virtual blade condensed by dark energy, but it could easily break Wang Yan's body protection and tough skin.

"Good strength!"

Wang Yan turned a deaf ear to the noise and discussion around him.

He glanced at the wound on his shoulder, the dark energy remaining in the wound, just like a mist attached to the wound, constantly eroding the wound, preventing the wound from healing itself.

Wang Yan immediately transported a blaze of pure yang, the black gas was instantly expelled, and the wound began to heal again at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Faced with the shadow stabbing Camus who hurt him, Wang Yan's mood was not only unaffected, but rather a bit more appreciation for this Camus.

So Wang Yan secretly searched for the figure of Camus, and at the same time he said lightly: "Your dark energy, with strong corrosiveness, is somewhat similar to a friend who is familiar with this lord. , Attached to an excellent weapon, does have the ability to endanger the life of the lord. "

When the words came out, there was an uproar at the scene.

Obviously, they had underestimated the shadow thorn Camus, and even the Lord of the Demon Flame in his eyes praised it so that the strength of this Camus was far beyond their imagination.

They are not the only ones showing up. Outside this hotel building, a large number of onlookers have gathered. There were guests from this hotel, and there were onlookers from all directions.

It was strange that no one had come to see such a big noise.

However, none of the onlookers dared to step forward, because from this hotel building, there was a strong atmosphere, terror and danger, which was deadly enough. No one dared to take risks with his own life.

The movement outside did not affect Wang Yan inside.

He was still holding his breath, paying attention to the slight movements around him. The friend he just spoke of was naturally Catherine the Dark Lady from Earth.

The Dark Lady Catherine, has a great reputation on earth, and her experience is quite legendary. The killing trick she exhibited was the use of dark energy to form Hell Black Flame, which was powerful enough to burn everything in the world.

At the youth meeting, Wang Yan was offended because of offending the dark saint, who was chased by her with **** and black inflammation.

Right now, the dark thorn Camus, using the dark energy, is very similar to the Dark Lady's Hell Black Flame.

It can be said that once any creature penetrates the body by this dark energy, it will definitely cause a devastating blow to vitality.

And don't look at this Camus move is not at all gorgeous, it is not an exaggeration to use the word unpretentious. But it is precisely because of this kind of fighting method that wash away the lead and return to the original, but on the contrary, the huge power condensed between the moves is exerted to the extreme.

Wang Yan can see that the purpose of all the combat methods of Camus so far has only one purpose, that is, to kill the enemy silently in the simplest, fastest and most practical way.

"Camus, your abilities are indeed very good, but unfortunately there is a handy weapon missing."

Wang Yan was surrounded by Camus and watched, but he was not slow, and his expression slowly opened, "You admit defeat, you can't defeat me with bare hands."

This remark is extremely pretentious, and the audience around the eyes widened after listening.

I'm afraid it's not bragging? Now it seems that it is obviously that Camus has taken the initiative, and it doesn't look like he wants to lose.

Of course, these are just the thoughts of outsiders.

With confusion, cruelty, petting, etc., companions who truly follow Wang Yan's battles will understand whether Wang Yan is bragging or playing tactics.

Either of these two possibilities. In short, their boss and boss have great capital and a variety of fighting styles. Can often turn the passive into the active, and the decay into the magic!

"What? Admit defeat? Hahaha, joke!"

Camus, who was ridiculed, couldn't help but refute the sentence, "Master Demon Flame, respect you below as a character, but you are too arrogant."

Such a move is in the midst of Wang Yan's arms.

Wang Yan understands that the more capable one is, the more highly weighted the person, the more sensitive the so-called self-esteem, and the easier it is for the outside world to touch their emotions.

If Camus has been in a dormant assassination state, and Wang Yan does not rely on the help of real eyes or other methods, then he is really very headache.

But as long as Camus reveals some extra movement, it will definitely reveal a little bit of footwork, which is enough for Wang Yan.

Although Camu's voice has been concealed at the moment, it seems to be passed from all directions, but his already fluctuating emotions and bold refutation have made a assassin's taboo.

Of course, Camus didn't expect it at all. He just refuted the sentence aloud. Such slight movements would be accurately captured by Wang Yan.

"I'm too arrogant? Are you too ignorant."

Wang Yan laughed and continued to sneer, "If I am wrong, then you can beat me!"

This last cold drink made Wang Yan's arrogant and domineering momentum unfold. However, Wang Yan is not a simple arrogant provocation, but at the same time the words fell, he concentrated all his energy and paid close attention to the slightest movements around him.

Camus, the Shadow Sting, was indeed irritated by Wang Yan.

Since he was born, he was selected by the fallen demon **** and accepted the baptism from the fallen demon **** samel.

It can be said that from the moment he was born, the fallen demon Samel has been preparing for the **** conference, and he is one of many selected seeds and has received key training.

Camus did not live up to expectations, growing up all the way. At a young age, he has become a famous young general in the Dark Blade Legion, and has made many contributions to His Majesty the Devil God.

Although Hu Luoping Pingyang is now, even if he is now a slave, his arrogance is still there.

In addition, he now desperately wants to defeat Wang Yan, and desperately wants to leave here as soon as possible, so in a hurry, there will inevitably be some subtle fluctuations.

And these additional subtle movements are the clues that Wang Yan wants to search.


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