The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1446: Making money is also a top priority

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"Mo, Lord Mo Yan is rude ..."

Elsa, the beautiful female elf, bowed her head in shame under Wang Yan's eyes, and her voice was slightly inaudible.

Not only she, but Camus and Enzo, who were standing next to them, were a little embarrassed.

No way, how much treatment can a slave get? It would be nice to have a few rags to avoid the cold.

But the status of Camus and Enzo is better. They still have a pair of pants, although they are broken. As a man, there is no problem with a naked upper body. Hell residents are relatively bold, and there are still many men wearing such clothes.

But Elsa is different. As a female elf, her figure and appearance are excellent. In addition, a scary scar has been treated and treated initially, and it has gradually healed and restored. Glamorous.

Especially the pair of full-bodied and charming cups, as a woman, is almost out of the blue, almost perfect, and it is impossible to glance at you.

"Clothes, clothes, put on the clothes for the master!"

The Master of Abuse County walked angrily with his clothes on, shoved the clothes into Elsa ’s arms, and blocked himself sideways between Wang Yan and Elsa. A naked female elf seemed isolated.

She is also depressed now, why is her magic flame Lord, where can you meet all kinds of beautiful women? Could it be that she's a magic flame master, who has a special attraction on her body, especially attracting all kinds of beauty?

If this is the case, if it goes on, will it still be? Her status in this palace is very worrying!

At the thought of this, the cruel master of the cruel county was again melancholy.

Wang Yan ’s succubus loves pets, and he smiles, and then hands two sets of male clothes to Camus and Enzo.

After dressing neatly, Camus led Enzo and Elsa to fall down in front of Wang Yan and formally swear allegiance to Wang Yan. Among them, Camus solemnly apologized to Wang Yan because of his offense, and also asked Wang Yan put on a collar symbolizing his slave again to show his loyalty.

Wang Yan was also polite, and put a collar on him again.

This is the territory of the Infernal Demon Clan. They do not wear collars as slaves, and will be regarded as intruders or escaped slaves, which will be very dangerous.

However, Wang Yan said that after he established a kingdom that was completely ruled by himself, he could restore the freedom of these slaves and allow them to live freely in his kingdom.

As soon as these words came out, all the slaves at the scene were boiling. They shouted the greatness of Lord Mo Yan and their loyalty to Wang Yan, which naturally increased a lot.

Even the three dark elves such as Camus are full of respect for Wang Yan. And they don't feel so much of repulsion to settle under Wang Yan, but after experiencing so many setbacks, they feel that following Wang Yan may be a good destination.

As for Wang Yan ’s current plan, although it is currently only a blueprint for the composition, in order to deliver precious resources to the earth and enhance the power of the earth ’s superpower, it is necessary to establish a solid base here. By that time, these slaves It will be a force to be reckoned with.

After a few days.

After the crowds were packed at the scene, Wang Yan also took a short break, and then told everyone to stand by, and walked into the fairly intact bedroom by himself.

There is also an ogre with a serious injury and a life crisis.

At this time, the rugged ogres Abulon Giantmaul, lying on the bed that Wang Yan had previously placed him, were thick and huge like a meat mountain.

It's just that the delicate wounds on his body and the smelly and unpleasant smell after the inflammation began to make him look like a decaying beast, and his weak breath is very weak, as if he could swallow at any time.

"Since the lord has taken a fancy on you, I have to try it out. I can only survive if I can survive in the end."

Wang Yan murmured to the unconscious ogre, and then took out the fruit of the last purgatory red lotus, "This lord is the only one left, don't let me down. Lord's expectations. "

Having said that, he flicked the red lotus fruit into the ogre's mouth with vigor, and then transported the vigor to help him slowly take it down.

The fruit of this purgatory red lotus is hard to come by, and now the last one, also let the ogre take over, so that Wang Yan not only sighed, he was always alone or teamed up for the mission, then I did n’t feel that, now I found that I want to If you want to raise a group of elite men, you can't do without some wealth and resources.

At the moment, these few people have accumulated his accumulation after he came to hell, and consumed seven, seven, eight, eight, almost empty. If this is the future, an elite army is really formed, if there is no stable wealth income , Really can't keep up with consumption and supply.

"Alas, it seems that making money is also a top priority."

As Wang Yan sighed silently in his heart, the fruit of the purgatory red lotus slowly served by the ogre Abulon Giant Mallet finally began to play a role.

Wang Yan immediately put aside his misunderstandings and began to perform bloodline evolution, assisting the ogre Ablon, heal the wounds, and evolve the body.

Although the Ogre Abron was not destroyed like Camus, his injuries were so heavy that his body functions were in a dormant state to reduce the loss of his vitality. This also led to the powerful potential inherent in the ogres, which could not be realized.

The first thing Wang Yan needs to do is to stabilize the ogre ’s injury, and then use the red lotus fruit to restore the damaged parts of the ogre ’s body a little bit, inspiring the huge cells contained in the ogre ’s body. Potential, and finally borrow the powerful medicinal effects of the red lotus fruit to cleanse and treat the blood vessels of the ogre body and body.

This approach is equivalent to enhancing the cell activity of the ogre and accelerating the healing of the wound. If successful, the ogre can naturally retrieve a life, and with the help of red lotus fruit and blood vein evolution, its strength Get a great boost.

Of course, it is more difficult than Wang Yan's treatment of Camus.

In this way, Wang Yan worked hard for two and a half days, and used several bottles of large-scale recovery potions in the middle of the way, which healed all the ogres' injuries. After spending almost a whole day afterwards, Wang Yan began to use all the remaining efficacy of the red lotus fruit and began the final scrubbing for the ogre.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened.

This ogre, which already had a half-step S-level occupant, after battle and the test of life and death, actually broke through the shackles in the process of Wang Yan's bloodline evolution for him. The time factor exploded, and the ogre suddenly advanced!

At this moment, a thundercloud began to form above the hotel, at the top of the cave over 30 meters high.

Then a terrifying and overbearing repulsive sky thunder formed suddenly, and headed towards the accommodation hotel below, hacking away!


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