The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1451: How do you know he is a good person?

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In the chaotic free market on the ground floor of the black market, there is such a simple and serene little blacksmith shop.

Under the leadership of appraiser Zoe, Wang Yan walked to the store door and saw a small sign on the front of the door with a large hammer and a striking line of words: "Old Hill Blacksmith Shop . "

This should be the location of the master refiner Wang Yan was looking for. What was the previous name of this master refiner? No one knows, and outsiders know the old blacksmith here, named Hill.

Wang Yan nodded at Zoe, Zoe immediately happily gestured to the crowd, and then led the crowd to the inside.

Due to the fact that Wang Yan has too many men today, and the space in this blacksmith shop is too small, most of his men stay outside the shop to stand by. Wang Yan only brought a few celebrities who valued after all and went in.

As soon as you walk into the small shop, you will find that although it is small in size, it is very neat. On the small table near the street window, there are old blue tablecloths with blue swords, flails, and locks. A common weapon that is usually visible.

On the legs of the table, there are two basic shields composed of iron and wood, and a stack of iron locks used by hunters to catch game.

On the other side of the small table against the wall, Wang Yan even saw axe for chopping wood, big saw for logging and other daily tools.

Although these are used in daily life, ordinary weapons and tools can no longer be used, but each one is meticulously made. Even if the most basic common materials are used, it can give people a sense of perfection.

Looking at the whole picture, Wang Yan not only sighed that the professional attitude of improving the low-level items alone is enough to see that the incognito master of the refiner Hill, himself is superbly skilled and professional.

No wonder this master Hill, in the fiercely competitive underground black market, only manages the lowest-level items and can survive to this day, not without reason.

"Daddy Hill, long time no see!"

There was a cheerful voice from Zoe's ear, and Wang Yan looked around and found that behind the counter inside the small shop, a small, capable, kind-looking old man was sitting.

The little old man looked about 50 or 60 years old. His semi-bald head was wearing a dirty old felt hat. The gray-black beard and eyebrows were thick and dense, but the surface was slightly burnt.

As his eyes looked at him, Wang Yan noticed that this little old man was a dwarf tribe, and he should be the master of the trainer Hill.

At this moment, Zoe would like to see his father, giving Old Hill a big hug.

According to the past that Zoe told Wang Yan, without this old Hill and several neighborhoods' accommodation and teaching, young Zoe's life might be terrible.

In particular, this master refiner Hill, if it is not his teaching and enlightenment, Zoe can not have such achievements. In Zoe's eyes, his father was more than that. Old Hill also saw the shadow of his daughter in this Zoe, perhaps this is the important reason why he is willing to keep Zoe.

"Oh, little Zoe, you are getting less and less conscientious. I haven't come to see my father for so long."

Old Hill smiled and patted Zoe, who fell on his arms, but his eyes fell on the following Wang Yan, "Girl, is this ...?"

"Oh, forget to introduce, this is Lord Moyan." Zoe stood up again, pointed to Wang Yan, and solemnly said: "Master Lord Moyan is Zoe's new owner. He will take Zoe out of the black market. The **** will also give Zoe true freedom. "

Speaking of Wang Yan, Zoe's eyes were full of reverence, and Wang Yan also waited for the opportunity to say a simple hello to Old Hill.

However, under the eyes of Zoe's Greek Wings and Old Hill, Wang Yan always had a feeling of seeing his parents in legend, which made him quite ashamed.

"It turned out to be the recently-famed Lord Lord of Flames, hurry, please sit down."

Old Hill quickly got up and greeted Wang Yan to sit down and drink tea, but he himself was a master refiner who had seen the world, and the name of the **** lord alone could not scare him.

So after the greeting kit ended, Old Hill pointed to Zoe's neck and whispered, "Don't you mean that Lord Mo Yan will give you freedom? Why do you still wear a collar that can kill you?"

Zoe just wanted to explain, here Wang Yan raised his hand and slapped a slave contract and a key on the table. "The things that can bind Zoe are all with me. The reason has not been lifted this collar. , To protect Zoe ’s safety. "

"The **** is dangerous. If you don't carry the mark of the lord, you will be likely to be bullied. However, after the lord establishes a kingdom that is completely controlled by the lord, Zoe can fully act as a free man in the kingdom of the lord Life here, Master Hill, you can rest assured. "

The world of **** is a human-eating society, and people who are left alone are vulnerable to attack from outside. Therefore, Wang Yan has left his mark on all his collars, which is indeed a protective measure.

This is acceptable to Old Hill. He also deeply admired the great ambition to establish his own country, but Wang Yan's utter Master Hill made him completely indifferent.

"You, you girl, did you tell me my identity? Didn't I tell you, I just want to spend my old age?" Old Hill's beard was raised, and the girl's big girl Not staying here, raised so big, but his elbows turned straight out.

"Say, say ..." Zoe changed his usual strange appearance, and at this moment it was like a little girl who brought her boyfriend to see her parents for the first time, only promised, "But Lord Mo Yan is a good person, follow , Tell him, it doesn't matter. "

After listening to this, Old Hill's head fainted, and he couldn't stop talking. This Zoe might not be fascinated by this Lord of Flame Flame, right? What does it mean to be a good person? It does n’t matter to him?

People are noble **** lords. How can you be sure that you are a good person as a little slave?

Just when the old Hill was mad at death, Wang Yan took out the wine and meat dishes, and asked the old Hill to drink the wine.

Because listening to Zoe, Old Hill is delicious, especially wine and meat. It is not easy to bring other gifts. It is better to bring something delicious and more practical.

Therefore, Wang Yan, who had mastered the way of life on the earth, had prepared the wine and food that Old Hill loved before coming here. After all, only after knowing and trusting each other, it is much smoother to talk about repairing the holy weapon or asking him to go out.

Coupled with the rich table culture on the earth, it can definitely kill most of the innocent inhabitants.

No, this round of cups interacted, and Old Hill finally accepted the identity of Wang Yan, the "son-in-law", which made Zoe, who was sandwiched between the two, both shy and at ease.

Wang Yan also saw that the time was ripe, so he began to talk about repairing the holy weapon and asking him to go out of the mountain.


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