The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1454: Delicious but braised pork

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"Master Camus, do you want to go over and deal with them?"

The dark elf Enzo slowly looked at Camus next to him and whispered to ask, "We have been blessed by Lord Mo Yan. Those people may not be well-intentioned, and it is a disaster to keep it."

"For the time being, we are on the other people's site with Lord Mo Yan, and a random shot will cause trouble." Camus, the Shadow Sting, shook his head disapprovingly and said indifferently, "And they are all small characters. It was sent by the black market and is not worth the effort. "

Enzo nodded after hearing it and felt very reasonable. He stopped talking and continued to lean on the door to rest. He continued to monitor the movements around him with Shennian.

But at this time the careful dark elf Elsa whispered and asked, "Shall we notify Lord Mo Yan?"

"Oh, you are too young to look at him. Do you think that at this distance, can you hide him?"

Camus raised his mouth slightly, smiled at himself, and Lord Lord Mo Yan's mighty power, he knew it well. But then he said, "Elsa, you still have to inform Lord Mo Yan, remember that from now on, we are all courtiers, and all actions are based on the purpose of Lord Mo Yan."


Elsa nodded slightly, then walked quietly into the blacksmith's shop behind her.

And the barbarian gladiators and the ogres Ablon Giantmaul are leaning against the corner and sleeping.

They are injured and tired. Sleep is a good way to recover from injuries and relieve fatigue. In addition, they are rough warriors with insufficient mental ability, and they are not good for long-distance investigation.

In the words of the earth today, they belong to the category of physical cultivation, and their advantage lies in storing huge abilities in the flesh, in order to stimulate and strengthen the activity and strength of cells, thereby enhancing the comprehensive ability of all aspects.

Therefore, letting them act as snipers and scouts is indeed a little difficult, but the positive charge is definitely a good hand.


At this time in the blacksmith shop, Wang Yan was trying to process some ingredients from **** using the method from Earth China. Fortunately, some condiments and ingredients are very similar to the earth. With Wang Yan ’s current ability, after several attempts, it has been It's getting more and more decent.

A scent of fragrance has gradually floated. Initially, Wang Yan is quite satisfied. To know that he has nothing to do on the earth, he will start a gang. This kind of thing can be done.

"Master Demon Flame, there is something to report." The dark elf Elsa came from outside the door. After obtaining Wang Yan's consent, she walked to Wang Yan's side with respect and whispered a few words, using them just now. The movement of Shennian detection was reported to Wang Yan.

However, as expected by Camus, Wang Yan was already aware of it.

"It should be some little things in the black market. They saw that the lord took advantage of them and caused a lot of trouble. So they hated and feared, and they didn't dare to offend, so they stared at us from afar." Wang Yan replied indifferently, "After all, this is the site of Chilian Demon King, and the black market hasn't made any overstepping actions, so ignore them for the time being and pay attention to their movements."

"Subordinates understand."

The dark elf Elsa fell back slightly, ready to resign respectfully, but was suddenly stopped by Wang Yan.

"Wait." Wang Yan stopped her, and at the same time, with a pair of his homemade chopsticks, picked up a piece of red flutter from the pot, and the trembling braised pork piece was handed to Elsa. "Try it."

Elsa's pretty face turned red in a sudden, she looked at Wang Yan in disbelief, and at the same time her body stiffened stiffly: "Magic, Lord Mo Yan, give, give me?"

Looking at the posture, are you going to feed her? Her Elsa is so big that no man has fed her anything yet.

What should she do next? Straight, can you taste a bite? Also, still eat it? But in front of so many people, is this really okay?

For a while, complicated and chaotic thoughts rushed into Elsa's mind.

A few eagle succubuses and succubus slaves all smirked and whispered in their eyes, envious of them. Zoe, who helped fight next to Wang Yan, although equally envious, kept smiling.

On the other side, the original brutal tyrannical governor, her eyes were round now, she turned the vinegar sea, crying without tears, wondering why her magic flame master, more and more glamorous slaves around her ? Her self-styled palace is in a precarious position.

But in the front desk of the whole blacksmith shop, only Lydia questioned: "This, this is braised pork? Also, there are chopsticks? You, how do you know how to make Chinese dishes on earth?"

"How many plane passages does **** have with your earth, and how many adventurers travel between **** and earth in the long years? Don't you know this?" Wang Yan chuckled softly, "You don't Just an adventurer who was caught and caught? These things are just lords, just to learn a little bit of earth culture in order to invade the earth in the future. "

This explanation is reasonable, and Lydia can only sit aside again, pouting her lips, and secretly said: "Huh, you still want to invade the earth? Be careful not to be beaten to death by the Son of Flame."

"Try it, see if the lord's braised pork is successful." Wang Yan asked Elsa to taste again.

Naturally, Elsa didn't refuse anymore, but it was just a small sip, the mouth was soft and tender, and the meaty taste was slightly sweet and not greasy, but also full of sauce flavor. At once, her beautiful eyes suddenly opened up. .

"Okay, it's delicious!" Elsa felt like she was almost captured by this braised meat, and she couldn't help wondering, "Here, what kind of meat is this, how, how can it be so delicious, so delicious?"

"This kind of smooth and tender meat texture, such a rich taste layer ... I, I have never eaten, such a delicious roast!"

Elsa could n’t help but marvel. It ’s no wonder that **** food is mainly divided into original flavor and nutrition. The taste is entirely supported by the origin of the food. The higher the quality of the food, the better the taste. However, the cooking style of China on Earth is different. For example, the taste and wonderful fragrance of the sauce of braised pork slowly simmered on a small fire can never be eaten in the world of hell.

Elsa's such a big reaction attracted everyone around him, especially the deliciously lazy confessed lord, who immediately came up with his face and asked Wang Yan to ask for meat.

As a result, Wang Yan just lifted the lid, the meat was overflowing, the ogres who loved meat more outside, and the barbarian gladiators all woke up, one by one outside the door, staring at the hand of Wang Yan with drool A large plate of rosy and tender tender meat.

This scent alone can stir the appetite of gravy and sauce, and even the darker spirits Camus and Enzo, who are more determined, swallowed, and the stomach subconsciously groaned.

At this moment, there was a sound of vigorous dissipation inside.

Afterwards, the stone door of the organ was laid out, slowly opened, and the white steam lingered around. The master of the refiner, Hill, held the crow and the staff and walked out of the small workshop.


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