The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1468: The power of the Devil's Palace

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The violent gear rotation sound caused a trembling roar, as if the mountains and rivers were moving, and the earth underneath them shook slightly.

Under the powerful sound effect, Wang Yan and others could not help but looked up behind Dunbar and Camus. I saw a magnificent and magnificent building far away from thousands of kilometers, which deeply shocked everyone's soul.

The towering building was located in a gray mist, so that just now everyone had not been able to see its full picture in the first place.

This gray fog, needless to say, must have been deliberately arranged around this majestic building for defense and cover up. At this time, Wang Yan and others, by virtue of their outstanding eyesight, looked carefully into the mist.

I saw in the mist, an ancient and majestic giant city, quietly standing in the very center of this large square.

The scale and majesty of this huge city far exceeded Wang Yan's expectations. It feels like Wang Yan is a towering mountain with many layers of mountains, set on the horizon imposingly.

The wall in front of this giant city is so wide that you can't see it at a glance. The inner battlement tower and palace tower are stacked one after another. It is like a solid fortress, a combination of a magnificent palace, both an offensive of military garrison and a palace where the king lives.

Wang Yan has already guessed what the giant building is, but no matter what else, this magnificent building complex alone is indeed enough to show the power of Chilian Demon King and deter any enemies from coming.

"Senior Demon Flame, this is my father's residence, and the ruling center of the Red King Demon King's Palace-Demon Palace!" The Red Crab Sovereign frowned slightly, and whispered in the side, "If there is no summoning on weekdays Even I can't get in and out of this palace normally. "

After a brief introduction by the cruel master, Wang Yan can roughly understand the specific role of the Demon Palace.

This is not only the core of Liuhuo City and the palace of Chilian Demon King, but also his ruling center and the last fortification.

According to the scale it can't see at a glance, tens of thousands of troops can be easily stationed inside, plus the defensive facilities built around, it is definitely a very difficult bone to eat.

In addition to it, there is the main palace of the county, and the palace of the three princes as a satellite outer city, and on the outer side is the fortification of the entire Liuhuo city itself.

Such a layer of fortified structures, coupled with a large number of garrisons, made this devil-led capital city armed to the teeth. If you want to capture this capital city from the front and kill the red refining demon king inside, it is really difficult to climb into the sky. .

Although the Chilian Demon King is as strong as a demigod, the more powerful it is, the more he cherishes his life and status. Usually, the ruler of this city lives in the palace of the devil, and he controls the entire devil's collar.

According to the tradition of **** and a high degree of competition, even biological children will move out of the devil's palace once they reach adulthood, have their own palace, and have their own enclosure.

This is the case with the cruel prince. After she became an adult, she owns a prince's palace equivalent to a villa, and a fief that belongs to her. The prince's palace in the fiefs and the Great Fire City is her residence.

The same is true of her three elder brothers, but without the advance notification and permission, even the devil's palace cannot enter easily.

It can be seen that the Demon Palace, which symbolizes the absolute authority of the Red Refining Demon King, is an institution that represents the running power of the Red Refining Demon King. In this piece of Demon King's collar, there is an absolute power that overrides everything.

"Ji-Ji! The door of the Devil's Palace is open. Do you dare to go down again?"

Dunbar didn't return her head, but when she heard the sound, she couldn't help but laugh excitedly, "Lord Demon Flame, I tell you, I'm Dunbar but the general of the demon king's palace! Let me know it, this is the case Forget it, otherwise, with the strength of the Demon Palace, you will definitely not be able to walk around! "

"Really?" Wang Yan sneered disapprovingly, "I also tell you, if you are obsessed and unconscious, then even Chilian Demon King can't save you."

These words choked General Dunbar's chest, and he couldn't spit it out for a long time.

Lord Demon Flame, who was transformed into Wang Yan, was strong in his actions and hegemonic in his means. It was absolutely unmatched by ordinary people. Even the Demon Palace could not suppress him at the moment, and it really made Dunpa suffocated.

Speaking of which, Wang Yan is even worthy of the Chi Lian Demon King, not to mention the military institution under the Chi Lian Demon King.

He Wang Yan is not a person in **** himself, he is just an earth camouflage lurking in disguise. The authority in **** is floating clouds for him, and he does not care.

However, the powerful military power that the Devil now possesses should not be underestimated.

Wang Yan also had some concerns about Zoe's safety, so he secretly buckled the sub-god-level eight in his hand, and at the same time signaled Camus to prepare to start.

But at this moment, the rumble of gears finally stopped.

In the distance, the imposing towering giant gate up to a hundred meters slowly lifted upward ten meters. Under the city gate, a pair of guarded demon king guards began to surround Wang Yan and others like a tide.

The number of these demon guards is so large that it is difficult to count, and the pressure thus formed is also increasing rapidly.

"Boss, we can't break this side."

A report came.

The man who was originally responsible for the post-absence of the Red Confused Lord and others had already merged with the two dark elves and gradually retreated behind Wang Yan.

Wang Yan did not look backwards, just swept away his mind, and already felt that a large number of troops had gathered from all directions, and within a short period of time, he had formed a trend of encircling and closing.

It seems that the defenders of Liuhuocheng have treated Wang Yan and others as riots.

Soon after the army surrounded Wang Yan and others, an elderly warlock wearing a flame witch robe and wearing a metal witch crown slowly walked out of the crowd behind Dunbar.

Those demon kings' guards took the initiative to separate to the two sides, and all bowed down to the elderly warlock one by one. They looked very respectful.

At this time, the brutal master of the county once again introduced in Wang Yan ’s ear: "He is my father ’s most trusted strategist and the governor of the Devil ’s Palace. Among my father ’s many men, only he is the most respected. By the way, Lord Mo Yan He is also a senior warlock, and outsiders usually call him, Emerson, the strategist of the prison. "

"Inferno strategist Emerson?"

Wang Yan was a little curious, and the brutal master who had always been rude to others, speaking of Emerson, the strategist around the prison, showed his respectful expression for the first time, which made Wang Yan look at the other party with a few eyes.

From this look, the other party is indeed a bit capital. The other party belongs to the orthodox purgatory demon clan, with a restrained atmosphere and a seemingly approachable surface, but the temperament is very majestic, and the whole body reveals a respectable strong person.

And this senior warlock Emerson, although old, still has a strong body, and under the skin full of folds and aging, clearly contains powerful elemental power.

If Wang Yan was right, the energy contained in this senior warlock clearly reached the legendary peak state.


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