The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1485: Blood Hand Lord

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The hot mining area is full of magma flowing into streams and lakes.

Groups of Goblins worked hard in the mining area. The lower races like them feel that as long as they can live and have a meal, they are already the greatest gift of the gods to them.

But on Wang Yan's site, as long as they work hard and make contributions, they can not only get enough food, but also accumulate the tinkering wealth. Don't worry about being enraged to a certain powerful creature and being killed.

As a result, these inferior Goblins are particularly hardworking.

Now there are three more human slaves in the mining area. Under the influence of the slave controllers, their combat power was limited to the B level. They were working hard in the mining area under the whip of Goblin Construction.

"Stupid, lazy pig, stupid slave." The strong Goblin builder, wielding a barbed whip, kept the most vicious swearing out of his mouth, "Move faster and faster. Great Lord of the Flame Eat a bite, not to make you lazy. "

Poor Zhang Weidao, Wu Wu Jie, Shen Tu Tian Lu, three human human beings on earth, not only have to do the hardest and dirty work, but also be lashed out and abused by the lower race Goblin. But they couldn't resist at all. Hell's slave collars were continuously improved by countless generations of alchemists. Even some peak-level lords, once put on slave collars, could never escape.

If you do not work well, you will not only be beaten, but also hungry.

"Lao, where are you?"

The three of them worked hard and honestly, eagerly calling for Wang Yan in their hearts, and begging him to fall from the sky and save them from the sea of ​​suffering.

It's a pity not to care about how they pray, it's useless. They can't imagine it in their dreams. It is the comrade Lao Wang who they all missed that caused all their bitter consequences. Behind the scenes is the hands of their boss Han Hongbo.


The sky is still red and gray, and the air is dry and scorching.

While Zhang Weidao was enjoying alternative training, Wang Yan and his party left the plane base of Chilian Huze and started to move towards their destination, the territory of the **** lord Valtere.

The territory ruled by the Blood Lord Lord Vattle is far in the realm of another demon ruled by the demon king. Since Wang Yan agreed to Camus, he would naturally not go back on his words.

Right now, Wang Yan, a pedestrian, continues to act as a traveling merchant and mercenary escort, carrying a few carts and dozens of female slaves.

Reaching the border of another Demon King's collar, they displayed the clearance certificate. It is too simple for Wang Yan and others to get such a proof of identity.

Then he generously offered bribes for more than a dozen gold coins, and with a burst of compliments from the border guards, he easily crossed the border and began to march towards the main city of the blood-lord Lord Watley.

Entering this Demon King's collar, the surrounding environment began to change gradually.

There is no longer a magmatic movement like Chilian Huze, and there are Yanhu and Yanhe Rivers everywhere, but there is a hilly area full of black coke rocks.

These coke rocks are magmatic rocks produced by the movement of magma. Below this magmatic rock, there is still magma, but after cooling above, a strange rocky hill is formed.

In this area, the oddly shaped rocks are uneven in level, like a forest in the mountains, tall and dense, covering the sky.

In addition to the large temperature difference between day and night, some rocks are still covered with hairy long hairy moss, which makes the originally bad vision and becomes more unclear. If you do not glance at the mind, there are beasts hiding on your side, you may not see them.

Moreover, these charred black stone forests are filled with minerals, which makes the magnetic field here very chaotic. It can be said that on the earth, human beings use compasses to identify the direction, which is useless here.

Unless it is an experienced traveler, someone who is unfamiliar with this place will definitely get lost in this rugged stone forest and eventually become the belly of the beast monster.

Therefore, passengers usually pay a little toll to go from the official avenue. There is an official post along the way, which is relatively safe. However, to reach the nearest town, it takes at least seven or eight days to walk to the main city of the Blood Lord, even if the horse is quick to whip, it will take a month to talk about it.

Wang Yan didn't have that kind of idle time. After leading people on the official road for a whole day, he turned into a stone forest path from where he could go all the way to the main city of Lord Vattle.

This is a secret route, provided by the Goblin businessman Gascol who was bullied by Wang Yan in the underground black market.

Gascole, the cunning Goblin, has done a lot of tax evasion and smuggling, and this is one of the secret ways he travels from place to place.

It takes only about a week to go this way to reach the main city of Blood Lord Lord Vattle. One-and-a-half months can save one and a half months without having to give official checkpoints along the way to deduct taxes, which means saving money and being convenient.

Of course, walking here is much more dangerous than taking the official avenue.

"Senior Demon Flame, a group of people came quietly around."

Zoe, the appraiser sitting in the frame behind Wang Yan, slowly opened his eyes. She is holding a pyramid-shaped heritage in her hand, which is the true eye. With this relic, as long as there is any object close to it, it cannot be hidden.

"Oh? Who are these people?"

Wang Yan, who was sitting in front of the frame, asked with interest, "How far is it and how many people are there?"

"A distance of about five kilometers, about eighty people, are ogres."

Zoe spoke slowly, and now she can skillfully use the real eye, just like a detection radar. Even the leader of the dark elf, Shadow Stabbing Camus, is difficult to get close to.

But when it comes to ogres, the more than fifty banshees sitting in the frame with Zoe, their bodies are slightly shocked, and even on both sides of the frame, more than a hundred barbarians dressed as mercenaries are elite, The expression was tense.

Ogres have long been infamous in this land, and some even put them together with the beasts. This kind of race like the ancient fierce beasts, brutal and tough, especially dozens of hundreds of ogres, wielding crude and heavy blunt objects, and at the same time launching a charge towards a certain target, it is really a **** to kill God, Buddha when Kill the Buddha.

Just kidding, so many meat hills seem to be ogres, who sees their hearts without being guilty? Even if tanks and armored vehicles are in front of them, they will be smashed and smashed by them like toys.

Fortunately, the teams around Wang Yan are all carefully selected. They are not so strong. At this time, they saw the boss Wang Yan who convinced them. They were so calm, so they quickly calmed down. Down.

"A lot of them."

Wang Yan calmly ordered, and then quietly ordered, "Everyone is ready, those ogres are coming to rob us." My heart is also secretly funny, and he is always the only one who Wang Yan robs others. Now, he was robbed by a group of ogres ...

He had heard about it before, and it should be said that **** residents almost understand that there are too many robbers robbing and killing in the wild, and the ogres are a relatively famous race.

Ogres are primitive in nature, greedy and barbarous. In addition to preying on various beasts and monsters, they often rob any foreign merchants in their own territory.

Their minds are simple, but they are not stupid. If the other party has a large number of people and their strength is comparable to them, they will block the road, and if they want to get a batch of supplies and money, they will let them go. If the opponent is weaker than them, they will utterly kill the killer, steal all the supplies, and finally kill and eat everyone else.

This approach has to be said to be extremely bloody.

However, with Wang Yan's current strength, the number of those ogres has doubled again, and they are also worthwhile.

Soon, according to Wang Yan's instructions, half of the 100-man barbarian team, hiding their breath, got into the truck. The same is true of other legendary top powerhouses.

Soon, a series of rough and ferocious roars suddenly passed from all directions.

In the next moment, in the stone forests on both sides of the trail, more than 80 ogres, all like rhinoceros wild elephants, launched a fierce charge towards the team of Wang Yan.


The roar of the ogre is like a thunder rolling, layer upon layer. These huge and powerful fierce monsters, either holding sticks and blunt tools in their hands, or holding beast bone knives, and some holding thick rock rocks, all attacked Wang Yan's team. .

In the eyes of this group of ogres, dozens of small caravans escorted by dozens of barbarian mercenaries are just what they have in their pockets.

Although the meat of the barbarian mercenaries is difficult to eat, the materials covered under the canvas of the truck and the dozens of best female slaves are rare good things!

But at this time.

Another more majestic roar suddenly sounded in the truck.


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