The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1487: Strong soldier

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Can this robbery still produce relatives?

Wang Yan looked at the little leader of the ogre robber with some curiosity. His strength was pretty good, about half a step of S-class, but he could n’t see how similar he was to his ablon giant mallet. Place.


Hearing the call, Abron Giantmaul turned around, carrying a steel rod mallet intently, and looked carefully at the other party. Suddenly his body shook, "You, are you ... Zac Giantmaul? You, How will you be here?"

The nerd Abron Giantmaul, who had a big nerve and a strong personality, seemed to suddenly think of Shenmu and became nervous: "I remember our tribe, not in this area. Is it that our Giantmaul tribe died in my father Has it been broken up? "

The social systems of ogres are relatively primitive. They use clans as a link and live in the wilderness in tribal situations.

As for the selection of leaders, in the traditional duel method, whoever has the most fists will listen to them. If you have the ability to defeat the current leader, even the ogres of other ethnic groups will become a new generation of leaders, otherwise, after losing, you will unconditionally obey the current leader.

The Ogre Abulon Giantmaul was once the son of the leader of the Giantmaul tribe. It should be said that the chief of the tribe will obtain a large number of females and reproduction rights, and usually will have many heirs.

However, there was an alien in the group of Ablon Giantmaul. Later, the tribe called this alien one-eyed bloodmaul magnum.

The reason why it is called this is because the ogre has only one eye on his forehead, but his body is extraordinarily strong and tall, and his nature is more fierce. The giant mallet used has never been wiped all year round, and it is named after its blood stains.

This one-eyed blood mallet Magnum is indeed powerful. He was young, but he rushed to the level of the legendary lord early, and then with a strong capital, he challenged Ablon ’s father, the last tribal leader, and at the duel meeting, he brainstormed Ablon ’s father. Cracked and died on the spot.

Since then, the one-eyed blood mallet Magnum has naturally become the new leader. As for the descendants of the former leader, he was all persecuted.

That is to say, the brothers and sisters of Ablon Giantmaul, including himself, were all sent out to hunt or rob, and in the end they fought alone, and either died or were captured and became slaves.

This is how Ablon Giantmaul became a slave, and was eventually sold to become a gladiator in the black market.

These past deeds were all reported to Wang Yan by his awkward narrative method. Wang Yan recruited this Ablon with the promise of return to freedom, and it was the place that impressed him most.

The reason why this Ablon can have a strong desire to survive, even if he is seriously injured, can survive a strong life, because he hopes that one day, he will be able to return to his tribe, even if he is not a patriarch, he will kill the father and his Brother and sister's one-eyed blood mallet Magnum, just get rid of it!

This is his firm belief in perseverance.

"No, no, our Giantmaul clan has not been disbanded. On the contrary, our tribe has unified all the nearby tribes and has become the only ogre tribe in this scorched hill. But, but ... I ca n’t feel it Any glory. "

The ogres Zack Giantmaul looked low, although the Giantmaul clan he was in had expanded into the largest tribe in this area, but in his eyes, there was no slight joy.

Not only him, but even more than eighty other ogre robbers, all with a look of frustration and no expression.

"Why? The clan has expanded so much that it doesn't feel any glory?"

Wang Yan casually asked, and had to say that these ogres were very strong and tall, and even if they were kneeling on the ground, they were half a head taller than Wang Yan.

"Alas ..." The Zac Giantmaul sighed, "That one-eyed bloodmaul Magnum, expanding the group just to satisfy his personal lusts, not trying to strengthen our ogres. And all who are dissatisfied with him Everyone will be persecuted. I, because we were dissatisfied with his rule, were driven out and looted. If we did not grab enough property, we would be lashed and severely punished after we returned, and even The whole family will be killed ... "

Zac Giantmaul had just finished speaking. Several ogres from other tribes behind him also complained together. It seems that under such a dictatorship, these ogres who are dissatisfied with the rule are really suffering.

"No wonder the ogres that came out recently to plunder, the number is increasing, and even dare to plunder to the official road, it turned out to be because of the new ruler."

Zoe came to the side of Wang Yan lightly, and she slowly floated in front of the ogre robbers, her eyes were fascinating and full of temptations, "Gee, how can you survive this bitter life? Why not follow my master? , To ensure that you eat spicy and spicy, and then set foot on the peak of life. "

Although Zoe has never been to the black market, her news is very well informed, and she has maintained good habits when she came out. She is very keen to inquire about all kinds of events around her.

For example, the ogre robbers usually have two or thirty people, and now there are more than eighty people popping up at once. There are already a lot of them. You know that usually an ogre tribe is only two or three hundred people. .

Although there was Zoe's siege, Wang Yan also showed the intention of recruitment. .

However, the Ogre robbers headed by Zac Giantmaul were very hesitant, because they were really afraid, afraid of the revenge of the one-eyed bloodmaul Magnum, so that they did not dare to rebel.

"You stupid guys, what kind of magnum, how can you compare with my master, Lord Mo Yan?"

Seeing all the people hesitate, shy away, and kept squeezing their fists, the silent Ablon Giantmaul finally couldn't help it, and an angry roar broke out immediately, "You guys are timid now , It is really the glory of our ogres, I, Ablon Giantmaul, look down on you! "

After all, the ruthless and bold ogre Abulon Giantmaul thumped and fell down in front of Wang Yan, begging: "Master Demon Flame, your subordinates want to challenge the one-eyed blood mallet Magnum! Do n’t be a tribal leader, the subordinates only want his dog ’s life! "

Ablon Giantmaul's hatred of the one-eyed bloodmaul Magnum is indeed very deep. His father and siblings were both cruelly mutilated by the magnum, not to mention, and now seeing so many people of the same race, also persecuted, which makes him simply intolerable.

Although he was determined to follow Wang Yan out forever, but this hatred, he had to report it.

"Ablon, since you are going to challenge the one-eyed bloodmaul magnum, what are you doing wrong with this leader? You can lead your race and follow this lord together."

Wang Yan patted the Ablon Giantmaul, and said that defeating the leader of Magnum would lead the whole family. Where can I find such good things? Besides, the powerful arms of ogre are naturally more beneficial.

So Wang Yan turned to the ogren robber Zac Giantmaul and asked, "How many ogres are there in your tribe?"

Zac Giantmaul looked at Wang Yan with a trembling tone of fear: "The leader of Magnum has seven or seven thousand people!"

"His ... seven or seven thousand people?"

The Lord of Confusion immediately took a breath of breath and marveled, "I have never been obedient, what ogre tribes can there be, and the number of people can reach this level!"


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