The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1489: One-eyed Bloodmaul Magnum

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Ogres are large creatures in hell, and their combat capabilities are extremely strong.

In this large tribe, as many as three or four thousand combatants, the individual strength has reached A level or above. Among them, the top ogres in the half-step S-class also have more than 200 people. In addition, there are dozens of relatively few ogre shaman mages.

This is the advantage of large tribes. Originally, more than a dozen loose tribes were combined together, and all the powerful and combat powers were merged. The new forces formed in this way are enough to dominate here.

Except for combatants, the other half of the ogres are mostly old women and children.

The strength of these ogren old and young women and children is about B, and the ogres are about C. Although it is not as good as the real core combat power, but it is numerous and can not be underestimated.

It can be said that with such a force alone, it is fully capable of conquering a small town and become the king of its own.

Therefore, after learning that this large tribe had such a strong combat capability, Wang Yan did not dare to care. He prepared everyone to prepare for battle, and then came to the tribe's base camp shortly thereafter.

This is a large group of ogres located in hilly valleys. These ogres use hardwoods, rocks, and uneven terrain to build the outer walls of this tribe into a wild and gritty building like beasts and fangs.

At this time, the walls and the entrance were full of ogren guards, but led by Zac Giantmaul, these ogren guards did not embarrass them, but just watched them with vigilance, making Wang Yan ’s The crowd was nervous.

"Master Demon Flame, the chief leader of the one-eyed blood mallet Magnum, is in the camp ahead." Zac Giantmaul led the way in front of him, looking very nervous, looking very nervous.

But Wang Yan seemed calmer. He looked around and found that this vast tribe is like a small town, but the old and young women and children are all under the **** and control of strong standing, engaged in all kinds of dirty Dirty coolie bears the dirty work of the entire ethnic group, and just seeing can understand that life is very hard.

"That Magnum is really good, enslave all the ogres in this area, and he is here to act as a free emperor."

The sorrowful lord looked ridiculously, quizzically, "If the lord is right, all the peculiar females here are owned by him. Is it a harem?"

The words fell into the ears of ogres such as Zac Giantmaul, making them gloomy and frustrated.

Of these ogres, who has no female relatives and friends and is dominated by the chieftain Magnum? But what can they do? Don't dare to speak even if you dare to be angry.

"Our Clan Hammer is not a slave, and I, Ablon Jumbo, will liberate the entire tribe!"

Ablon Giant Mallet followed behind Wang Yan and said roughly. He has followed Wang Yan for so long, and his thinking has obviously become more active.

However, it was absolutely unthinkable for him, an ogre wearing a slave collar, to say that he would liberate the entire tribe. However, his role as Wang Yan is different. Although he is a slave, he is actually more like a general. He is very free in other respects under the sole premise of obeying Wang Yan's will.


Suddenly, a rough laugh like a bellows suddenly came from the front.

The ogres, such as Zac Giantmaul, who were leading the way, suddenly faced the enemy, their faces changed, and they quickly stood on the spot and bowed their salutes.

Even the pedestrian Wang Yan stopped.

At this moment, Wang Yan and others saw that a one-eyed ogre with brown skin like rock and a size slightly stronger than the ordinary ogres was coming slowly and powerfully.

His appearance is uglier than ordinary ogres, his mouth is full of sharp yellow teeth, there is a single eye on his forehead, and a fat and fat meat full of deterrence is amazing.

In addition, he was wearing a rough hard armor with two huge beast teeth, and a big **** mace in his hand. The whole person was like a walking humanoid beast. People feel chills from the bottom of their hearts.

Coupled with the strong and sturdy legendary coercion, this deterrent is a real thing, which makes everyone feel oppressed.

"It seems that this stinky guy is the leader of these ogres, the one-eyed blood hammer Magnum."

Wang Yan made a wink at the companion beside him, but he hadn't waited for more communication. The Magnum had already approached them.

At the same time, a large group of ogre warriors who had reached the A-level and half-step S-level surged over like a tide.

Zac Giant Hammer turned pale and stood nervously beside Wang Yan.

Not only him, but even the irresistible ogres Abulon Giantmaul, felt pressure and held his weapon tightly.

No wonder, as the saying goes, there are many people, and once a certain amount is accumulated to a certain degree, a qualitative change will be formed, which is the case right now.

The one-eyed blood mallet Magnum itself has the top strength to reach the legendary level, surrounded by three half-step S-peak ogres, and a blue skin, the strength of the legendary food Shaman Shaman!

This strength alone is enough to make him stand out from the crowd in this coke hill.

What's more, along with him, there is a group of hundreds of ogren core combatants. The powerful deterrent formed in this way is far higher than that of Wang Yan.

"Huhhe, Zac Giantmaul, my faithful servant, look at what good things you have captured for me ... oh, it's good, five carts full of cargo, a hundred barbarians, and dozens of excellent female slaves Hey, there are three noble purgatory demons! "

One-eyed Bloodmaul Magnum glanced at Wang Yan and others, and then grinned broadly, and grinned greedily, "Hahaha, well, really good! This leader is really making a big profit today! More fruitful than the previous year's plunder! "

Magnum's attitude is very arrogant, and with his slow IQ, he thinks that Wang Yan and others are just as usual prey and slaves.

Speaking of that, he does have arrogant capital. Except that he does n’t talk to the four top classmates, he has so many powerful fighting forces, and in his old nest, Wang Yan and others even double the manpower. , Can only let him slaughter.

"Zack servant, you're doing well. You can be reunited with your wife and children tonight! Huhhhhh!" The one-eyed blood mallet Magnum smiled wretchedly, and suddenly he seemed to remember something and waved his hands down Brought a small ogren corpse.

It's just that the corpse didn't know what was gnawed on by something, and the rest of the body was already smelly. Then the corpse was thrown into the front of Zack Giantmaul by Magnum.

"Oh, I forgot. Your wife refused to follow me last night. Your stupid son dared to attack the leader on the side. It's really dead!"

"So I ate him." Magnum said with a disgusted face, and said, "Tu ... It's really bad."


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