The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1499: Lord Lord Bloodletter

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At the same time, in the world of hell.

Where can Wang Yan expect that his master Yan Zun is brewing a big event that is falling apart.

His attention was still on the **** hand of the **** lord in front of him.

The power of the big lord in **** is not comparable to some ordinary little lords.

They are not only the relatives of certain devil or elders, but also the high nobles in the purgatory demon clan, all of them are well-known strong men who have been famous for many years and have developed in their respective territories for many years.

Some of these individual big lords, their territories and ruling powers, are even more intertwined, coupled with their huge network and vassal little lords, their power system may not be much worse than some weaker demigods.

The only reason that hinders them from getting closer is that their own strength has always been at the peak of the legend, unable to break through the shackles and advance to the demigod.

This is also no way, even in the **** world with more aura, countless powerful people want to break through the shackles and advance to the demi-god, not only resources.

The powerful demigod demon king, but the most advanced and almost fused with the law, is almost the top of the physical body.

To put it bluntly, this is a process in which a species has evolved to the extreme. Its own blood conditions, grasping the laws of heaven and earth, and the abundant supply of resources, can't do without one.

Otherwise, even if there are too many resources, it will not pile up if you want to pile up hard.

Moreover, the process of advancing to the demi-god is difficult, and it is difficult to go to the blue sky. The highest realm that everyone has to look up to is the realm that Wang Yan has longed to reach. It is also the practical gap between these big lords and those devil kings.

The goal of Wang Yan's visit is among the powerful lords, the **** lord Vattle, who is famous for his ruthlessness!

This guy, Wang Yan heard from the mouth of the three dark elves under his command, is said to be a full-bodied cruel tyrant.

He has dominated this area, including the Jiaoyan hills, for hundreds of years. The forces and territories under his control are very large. There are four or five small lords who only depend on him, saying that he is an emperor under the devil, and it is no exaggeration.

In addition, the blood-handed Vattle is itself a legendary pinnacle, and the realm is much higher than the general legendary lord.

Under his command, there are hundreds of thousands of directly under the army, plus the vassal forces of all parties, the number of troops may not be less than hundreds of thousands! This powerful strength can be regarded as one of the best lords in Purgatory Demon Race.

Previously, even the most elite imperial guard, the soul of the Dark Blade Legion, and General Camus, the Shadow Stinger, were all under the command of the fallen demon Samel. Because of the middeck, this **** lord teamed up with the other three lords in one blow.

This battle directly led to the famous and ever-winning legion that lost a third of its precious troops!

Wang Yan is such a man and a horse, and if he wants to compete head-on with the **** lord's army, there is absolutely no chance of winning. But Wang Yan also had his plan to deal with this big lord.

You should know that this great lord is indeed very powerful, but the corresponding wealth and income are absolutely huge.

As long as he can beat it and get rid of this big vote, Wang Yan estimates that he is the root in hell, and it is considered stable. And the dark elves, especially the dark elves in this Dark Blade Legion, are a very precious top class.

If after revenge for Camus, and after taking away the huge wealth of Lord Lord Bloody's **** wattle, he can still subdue some members of the Dark Blade Legion and let them train newcomers and train recruits for himself, then Wang Yan believes, The quality and combat effectiveness of your future men and the army can definitely rise to a higher level!

Of course, this battle is probably the most risky one after he came to hell. He needs to calculate it.

In this way, after a few days of rest.

"set off!"

Early this morning, Wang Yan sat on top of his lava **** dog mount, and as he shouted, the team behind him set off again.

Today, although he has subdued the entire ogre tribe, his companions only have the ogren shaman priest Walpole Blue Shield.

Because Wang Yan was not going to fight with the **** lord this time, what kind of legionary war was going on, Wang Yan could not win that kind of battle. Therefore, Wang Yan continues to take the route of the elite soldiers. The elite soldiers naturally have the advantages of the elite soldiers. The ogre shaman is the most suitable candidate this time.

As for the other ogres, Zac Giantmaul is temporarily in charge of the friendship between the new chief Abron Giantmaul. The reason Wang Yan gave them was that he would go to the Blood Hand City to ship a batch of supplies, and then come back and take them with him to his territory, that is, Chilian Huze, the territory of Chiyu Lord.

Those ogres have been delicious and delicious these days, and they have new leaders and strong backers. Naturally, they have no opinions, but they are all looking forward to moving to new territories.

As a result, Wang Yan and others disguised themselves on the road again in a low-key manner, but the enthusiastic members of the Ogre Tribe insisted on sending an elite team to **** the new leader and the new boss out of this coke rock hill.

Seeing that these ogres are eager to serve their lives, Wang Yan responded.

"Hey, boss, those ogre materials, why don't we bring them? Let's sell them for money."

The confidant Lord leaned close to Wang Yan from behind, and he smiled with a spring breeze, "Although the Blood Lord lord's city is not as good as the Great Fire City, but there is also a black market, and when there is money, I see beautiful slaves. We can ... hehehe ... "

Along with the wretched laughter, the confusing lord's mind overflowed with words.

"You good lazy guy, after those materials are sold, when Master Moyan needs to use them, don't you still have to buy them? How much is the difference in this price, don't you have a count in your mind?"

Before Wang Yan opened his mouth, the brutal master of the side rolled his eyes silently. He concealed this confusion. In addition to eating, he thought of fooling around. The key was also to sling with her Demon Flame Master. It was simply unbearable.

"Ah? After you sell it, you still have to buy it?"

After listening to the doubt, the Lord of Confusion queried for a while before responding, "Yes, yes, after the sale, I have to buy it, and I have to buy it."

This sluggish response attracted Wang Yan and his companions around him.

"Xiao Chi, look back and eat more pig's brains, maybe you can make up your brains." Wang Yan looked sweaty, and secretly this thick nerve really caught up with the ogre.

As the saying goes, the soldiers and horses haven't moved, and the grain and grass will go first.

Such a large group of people under Wang Yan's men need food, medical care and equipment supplies, otherwise there will be a turmoil in the event of logistical shortages.

The supplies and incomplete equipment harvested from the Ogre Horde now make up for this vacancy. In the future, Wang Yan can save hundreds of thousands, even millions of military expenses.

And those materials can be transformed into medical supplies through the processing of Zoe, the brutal master and a group of female slaves.

Those equipped weapons stolen by ogres can also be forged and improved by Master Hill, led by a few hands, and no matter what is bad, they can also be used as raw materials for casting weapons and equipment.

The difference in price can be large. Besides, the selling price of these materials and materials can be much lower than the purchase price. Wang Yan will not do stupid things. Naturally, he should make full use of such a large amount of materials and raw materials.


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