The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1502: Make a fortune

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The ogre that had just beaten up quickly responded immediately, and then the trailer of the trailer, the equipment for picking clothes.

After a while, all the goods and equipment of this demon **** team were transported to Wang Yan.

There were no other races involved in the whole process. The scene included death guards, all disguised as robbery by ogre robbers. In this way, even if the giant rock devil was angry, he could not trace Wang Yan as a pedestrian.

And the reason why this process can be so smooth, in addition to escorting the ogres tribes who are leaving Wang Yan and others away, are very powerful, and the secret weapon that Wang Yan pressed at the bottom of the box also played a decisive role.

The weapon at the bottom of this pressure box is naturally the second artifact from the earth.

This secondary artifact can build a powerful enchantment called absolute defense. In this enchantment, all of the surroundings can be completely isolated. No matter the sound, the breath, or the fluctuation of life, all can't be emitted.

In this way, Wang Yan is on the other side's path. Squatting on the spot. As soon as the other party arrived, they fought an unprepared ambush, and then the other party reacted, and it was too late to escape.


Wang Yan opened the canvas on the first truck and opened a few wooden boxes, and found that the car was filled with various wines. The total amount was probably a few tons.

Regardless of where the wine is hard currency, Wang Yan picked up a bottle and took a few sips and found that it was good and very hot. So he dropped a few bottles for his men and began to check the second and third cars. .

This second car is loaded with many types of high-level beast meat and hundreds of sets of standard equipment under the giant rock demon king, and the third car is filled with a lot of gold and silver jewelry, and several large boxes of medium-grade Heaven and Earth.

"These three cars are very valuable, they are all first-class goods, and they should be used by the giant rock demon to reward the bloodlord lord and his generals." The Camouflage of the Shadow Sword from the Dark Blade Legion has now become Wang Yan's military adviser He glanced at the three trucks and said to Wang Yan firmly, "The reward for the Blood Lord is not here, it should be on the special envoy."

As soon as he had finished speaking, Ablon Giantmaul, who was touching the body on the side, held a belt, and Fart Bian Bian Ran ran over: "Boss, here, the special envoy's storage belt is here."

The storage equipment made by space technology is valuable everywhere, even if it is made by Goblin. Only one cubic Goblin storage box is of high value.

Wang Yan took this storage belt into his hand and easily cracked the prohibition on it. Then he read it, and hey! This guy's storage belt actually has more than a dozen cubic meters, which is already a second-class artifact in the storage equipment. Thousands of magic crystal coins in the black market are indispensable.

Then Wang Yan made further investigations. Soon a very delicate copper box and handpieces were searched by him in a pile of debris.

"Sure enough, as I expected, this team is the special envoy of the Blood Lord."

Wang Yan glanced at the handpiece, which was the congratulatory message of the Giant Rock Demon King, and in the exquisite copper box, a grey cloak exudes a majestic spirit.

"Here, this is ..." Appraiser Zoe stretched out his fingers and gently brushed from the cloak, a thick rocky breath, like the mountains and rivers, came to the face.

Zoe was immediately taken aback, and quickly exclaimed with excitement: "Master Demon Flame, this, this is a holy weapon! And it is the holy rock cloak that has been worn before the giant rock devil became famous!"

As soon as Wang Yan heard the spirit, the holy weapon was a rare good. It was put in the black market for tens of thousands, tens of thousands. If it is a well-known heritage, the price is even higher.

Later, after some explanation from Zoe, Wang Yan understood that this giant rock cloak was directly crowned with the name of the giant rock devil, and it really did come.

This holy weapon cloak has been following the giant rock devil for a long time. As early as when the giant rock devil was the lord, this cloak was the personal defensive holy weapon of the giant rock demon, following the giant rock devil through a battle.

It is said that when this cloak is unfolded, it looks like there are mountains and rivers added to it, and its defensive ability is very amazing.

Lord Deluded heard that he quickly came over and opened his eyes: "This holy weapon is a famous treasure. It seems that the giant rock devil takes the **** lord very seriously."

Although he is a remote little lord, he still knows the deeds of the famous devil.

"Why use that?" Aside, the cruel county chief Jiao Didi interjected, "You don't want to see how much credit the **** lord has made? The elite imperial guards of the fallen demon Samel, the Dark Blades One third of them were destroyed by him. How big a face did that giant rock devil have?

The Lord of the Red Confusion and the Lord of the Abuse of the Sovereignty, the two of you said something to me, and they were very happy. But the three dark elves, Camus, Elsa and Enzo, all looked extremely unsightly.

It was precisely because they had been betrayed by their companions, and the huge losses caused by the middling, that made the blood lord's current scenery.

However, the **** world is weak and strong, and failure is failure. The three of Camus will not make excuses. It is just the hatred brought by this failure that is stuck in their chests, making them have to complete this revenge.

"It's good to harvest a fine sacristy, but unfortunately this sacristy is so famous that you can only put it away now and plan later."

Wang Yan took this giant rock cape and then comforted the three of Camus and said, "I understand that your failure was because you were betrayed by your companions. Can't hold you guys. "

"But if you lose, you lose, along with my wife ..." When he mentioned the captive wife, Camus was full of pain, and he didn't even dare to think about it.

"Indeed, defeat is defeat, this is already an unchangeable fact, but now is the time for your revenge." Wang Yan's eyes narrowed and said slowly, "The lord can leave the **** lord to you, can It ’s up to you if you are ashamed. "

"Thank you Lord Moyan for your success!" Camus immediately knelt and cared, and at this moment the strong fighting in his eyes, like a steel thorn, pointed directly at the heart.

Wang Yan glanced at them, and when the time was almost up, he ordered: "Be prepared, let's go to Blood Shoucheng to give gifts!"


Wang Yan's men and women were full of morale, and they made a powerful roar. Not to mention assassinating a big lord at this time, they are attacking a demon king, they are not afraid.

As for the five hundred ogre guards, it is impossible to bring them at the moment. The range is too large to hide in Tibet. So Wang Yan asked them to bring the three-car loot to the tribe first, and then arrived at the designated location to wait for the response.

The rest of the elite followed Wang Yan, changed into the clothing of the demon's special envoy and the demon's guard, and went all the way to the city of the Blood Lord.


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