The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1510: Return home

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"Camus, me, I knew ... you will come back ..."

It was a slim woman with long silver hair and a slim figure. She has a gentle temperament, a good face, and a sense of holiness that can't be said.

But now the scars on her body have reached the point of shocking, can't bear to look directly. And just now, she was nailed to the wall at the end of the basement with two spiked weapons, just like the butterfly specimens made by humans.

These two spikes, which were the double thorns of Kamu's weapons, were just thrust into his wife's body.

Wang Yan did not know how much pain Camus had to bear before he could face the misfortune of his wife and rescue her from the wall.

In short, now Camus is very heartbroken. He gently embraces his wife Princess Irene in his arms. His eyes have been blurred by tears, shaking all over, and he can't speak for a long time.

"I, I haven't succumbed to that **** hand until I die ..." Princess Irene's voice was very weak, but she smiled hard. She heard the fighting, and she understood that Camus could reach here, which meant that their enemy bloodlord lord had been wiped out.

It's just that her eyes have no brilliance, and she seems to be under persecution and can no longer see.

"Don't say it, me, I ask Lord Mo Yan to heal you." Camus said as she hugged Princess Irene, but was gently stopped by the other party.

"Demon, Lord Mo Yan?"

Princess Irene tried to turn her face around, but her blind eyes were hard to see, and her weakness made her unable to determine Wang Yan's direction.

Seeing this, Wang Yan took a step forward: "I am here."

"Master Flame Flame, thank you ..." But as the words didn't fall, Princess Irene's body began to gradually divide, and continued to break down into a plume of dark energy, quietly floating like a black mist.

"Camus, I will come back, me, I will definitely remember ... you ..." Before finishing the words, Princess Irene has been completely transformed into pure dark energy, dissipated in the invisible air.

"She has run out of the lamp and dried up."

Wang Yan sighed slightly, "She must have insisted until now to see you for the last time."

Camus stared at his empty arms and said nothing for a long time.

He understood that his wife had exhausted the last trace of strength and could not be saved.

Several of the companions around Wang Yan were silent for a while, especially Lydia from Earth. She grew up with respect, and her mind was as simple as a girl.

When I saw this scene in front of me, I couldn't help but red my eyes. Suddenly she understood that, whether in **** or on earth, if she could not continue to grow herself, she could only watch life and death parting, and things were impermanent, but there was nothing she could do.

This point, the son of the flame she admired already understood, and she gradually realized after coming to hell.

"She has returned to the dark, but she will be born again. Her soul is housed in the dark holy tree. As long as a certain time, the magic of the holy tree can reshape her body and resurrect her."

It took a long time for Camus to stand up slowly and explained to Wang Yan with a sigh, "She was just resurrected, I am afraid I will forget me."

After such an explanation by Camus, Wang Yan discovered that the fallen demon Samel possessed a sacred tree like the Father of Light. Only one of these two holy trees symbolizes light and life, while the other represents darkness and death.

Under the fallen demon god, only the most elite and most loyal core elite are eligible to refine their own bloodline and finally lodge their souls in the great holy tree.

The strange effect of the holy tree in Wang Yan sounds more like a clone. Use a piece of soul carrying personal information to clone another one.

However, re-cloning the resurrected person, although he has all the talents and qualifications during his lifetime, but his memory and strength can only be restored to the moment when he started his soul boarding.

This may be a bit of a drawback, but the holy tree with such abilities can at least ensure that the core elite of the fallen devil will never disappear.

"What if you forget it? You can just remember it, and then chase her once more." Wang Yan's state of mind, comforted.

Camus was also a general person, and he nodded slightly to show that.

At present, the enemy is in revenge, and his wife Irene is still able to be reborn, which is already a lucky luck. At this point of thinking, Camus readjusted his mentality, took two adjutants Elsa and Enzo, and bowed respectfully in front of Wang Yan.

"Master Demon Flame, your kindness and great virtue, there is nothing to be rewarded! No matter whether there is an agreement or a deadline, I will certainly be loyal to you effectively, and our life will be yours in the future!"

The three dark elves, Camus, Elsa and Enzo, are sincere and respectful, with firmness and determination in their expressions.

Obviously they have made up their minds to follow Wang Yan from now on, and will never regret it. Wang Yan was also a talented person, so after talking to each other for a few words, he signaled that many dark elves and other slaves were still being held here. He was immediately rescued and taken away.

The crowd was busy for a while, then with the robbed wealth and slaves, they got into the truck again.

The pedestrian Wang Yan, just like when he came, with the effect of completely shielding the enchantment of the Bajian mirror, drove away from the castle and city of the Blood Lord again.

Before leaving, Wang Yan will also seize the poison sac of the two-horned poison Jiao from the devil's son, Lord Chilie, and throw it in the bloodlord's castle.

The power of this poison sac is comparable to the holy weapon. It is the killer of Lord Chilie when he was held as the **** meeting. Unfortunately, he met Wang Yan, and in turn was captured by Wang Yan.

However, this weapon is disposable, and once opened it cannot be closed. Therefore, Wang Yan has always used Goblin storage boxes and temporarily sealed them with special techniques.

Zoe, who was thrown into the Bloodslayer's castle at the moment, was trained in primary alchemy, and arranged a little organ.

As long as Wang Yan and others go far away, the prohibition here will be detonated, and then a large amount of toxins from the double-horned poisonous jelly will destroy the castle and corrode with all traces.

After all, the traces of Wang Yan, a pedestrian, the less they are found, the better for him now.

Soon after, Wang Yan, a pedestrian, walked all the way, and came to the trail when he came to a place that was inaccessible. While cleaning up the traces, I hurried on the road until I arrived at the base of the Ogre Horde a week later, and the people were truly relaxed. Wang Yan didn't have time to tap his loot until this time.

So Wang Yan sat in the tent, greeted his men, and asked them to move all the loot to him in front of him.

The two barbarians who entered first carried a dozen Goblin storage boxes. Under Wang Yan's instructions, they began to dump the storage boxes one by one.

"Wow la la" sounded, a large number of coins fell down like a stream of water.

After a while, the magic crystal coins full of pure energy, like a hill, filled the open space in front of Wang Yan.


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