The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1535: Scare people when they die

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The Star God is not dead?

This sentence is like a curse of haze, and the black pressure is shrouded in the hearts of Chilian Demon King and others.

But Lydia in this group, surprised and admired, and shocked, almost moved to tears.

As a heir to the Starry Sky Academy, she actually saw the legendary founding ancestor of the Academy in person, and the other party was far more powerful and powerful than she imagined. How could this scene not make her shocked and revered?

What's more, the subspace and the Master Tower are almost miraculous now. She simply couldn't imagine how much power and ability she needed to build this subspace and mage tower to such a degree.

It can be seen from this, what kind of prestige was this starry sky god? Although it is not a god, it is definitely the top expert among the half gods.

The red refining demon king in front of him is indeed very powerful, but compared to this star god, I am afraid that it is still far behind.

When she thought of this, Lydia's eyes were full of hope, and she was proud and happy. Right now this arrogant and arrogant Chilian Demon King, I am afraid that the good days are coming to an end.

"Humph! Sin obstacles, don't kneel when you see the deity!"

It has to be said that the starry sky **** Mawei is quite powerful. One look, a cold drink, is like a heavy hammer, hitting the heart of Chilian Demon King heavily.

This is already the case with Chilian Demon King, and naturally his crowd need not say much. The timid and even panic-stricken, their legs trembling, if they were n’t in front of them, they would have been kneeling and begging for mercy.

"Master Dharma God, when, Xiaolian was temporarily blinded, you, listen to me explain ..."

Chilian Demon King's heart trembles straight, seeing the starry sky **** again, his calves are soft. Had he not been the demigod demon king now, and in front of so many men, he would have been the same as before, and prostrate on the ground respectfully.

"Hey, worthy of being the old senior of the Starry Sky God!" Lydia has not yet reached the safe area and dared not act lightly. You can see that the Starry Sky God is so powerful and so excited.

She was secretly complacent in her heart, this arrogant and magnificent red refining demon king, the revenge finally came.

"Get out! Get out of this deity!"

The starry sky **** didn't give the chance of explanation to Chilian Demon King, and now the staff pointed forward, a thick dazzling magic light immediately bloomed above the tip of the gorgeous half-moon-shaped staff, as if anyone would dare to resist , He will be brutally killed by him.


"Dharma, His Royal Highness!"

Some demon guards with lower mentality and strength finally couldn't withstand this pressure. They threw away their weapons and knelt together to beg for mercy.

The angry star **** in front of him was so terrible. The pressure that almost crushed their hearts was even more terrifying than the red demon king in front of them.


The Chilian Demon King, who was still in a state of horror, suddenly opened his eyes and said fiercely, "Cunning old guy, I can't live with me even if I die!"


The layers of **** flames started to burn from the body of the Red Forging Demon King. As this layer of fire flickered suddenly, the stars around the sky and the mighty star **** were all like mirrors and flowers, and the pieces dissipated.

"Phantom, illusion?"

The three sons of Chilian Demon King and the five legendary demon masters looked at each other. The demon guards who were kneeling down on the ground also climbed up from the ground and looked at the gradually receding scenes around them. Obviously, there was some consternation.

The illusion just now is too real, and even that coercion is as real as it is. These people can't tell the difference between true and false.

"Humans! Hurry up and open the final seal for this king, otherwise this king will make you worse than life!"

The Chilian Demon King was a violent rage at this time, and the panic that had just panicked made him cherish.

If it were n’t for him, Starry Sky God had transformed himself into a purgatory demon through a secret technique he developed. If it was n’t for this illusion, he was eager to bluff and wanted to scare him away, which was very different from the previous image of Star Sky God , I'm afraid he can really get this illusion.

At the thought of this, the Chilian Demon King became even more annoyed. His demigod Demon King almost got down on his knees, frightened by an illusion. If this kind of thing spreads out, it will be a real shame.

Therefore, he eagerly hoped to get the inheritance earlier and completely control this piece of cheats early.

Feeling the horrifying pressure from the Red King Demon King, Lydia didn't dare to take it too hard and had to move forward.

Sure enough, as the illusion was dismantled, the vast starry sky was gradually disappearing, and the surrounding area became a bright and pure white magic light curtain. The place where the original starry gods stood, turned into a small altar engraved with the arcane magic circle.

The altar was shrouded in a light blue bowl-shaped enchantment, but above the altar, an old man with white hair wearing a robe and white hair, with a bone sitting alone, sat in the middle of the altar alone.

Behind the old man, a long knife was shockingly penetrating his chest.

In addition to the long knife, on both sides of the dead bones were placed a magnificent staff with the head of a half moon, and a luxurious magic book decorated with magic stones and I do not know what leather was used to make the cover. .

In addition, a little flame with a faint golden light was being carefully held in the palm of the old man's hands before his death.

Obviously, this old man's dead bones were the starry sky **** Marcus Harvey who was attacked and killed by the Red Refining Demon King back then!

And that little flame comes from the galaxy giant beast, which contains the essence of life!

Legend has it that if you can understand the supreme truth contained in this fire, you will grasp the true meaning of life, and thus truly grasp the secret of evolution, so that you can break through the shackles and be promoted to God!

Even if the **** obtains this kind of fire, he can gain more insights and more breakthroughs in the realm of the vast implication.

We must know that once a species reaches a top level, its own evolution will reach its limit. At this time, if you want to go further, it is no longer a question of how much resources, but an understanding of heaven and heaven, and an examination and exploration of your own limits.

Here, every evolution will be a breakthrough to self. Therefore, even the gods will be eager to take advantage of this opportunity, not to mention Chilian Demon King and others.

"Hurry up for this king!"

Chilian Demon shouted impatiently, scaring Lydia trembling.

At the moment, she looked at the starry sky god's lonely dead bone, her heart was not particularly tasteful, and her tears couldn't help but overflow her eyes.

In her eyes, the starry sky **** is the most legendary character she has worshipped since she practiced magic, but it has ended like this at the moment. How can she not be heartbroken and sighed?

And she also understands how precious that fire of life is, but she can't help but have no choice but to be forced by the pressure of Chilian Demon King.

Just when Lydia knelt in front of the altar and began to set up the circle, when she was ready to unlock the enchantment.

In front of the star god's remains, the air suddenly shook, and the previously disappeared ghost phantom appeared again in front of her.


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