The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1537: Dad, are you still retired?

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"What are you doing? Of course, I'm going to get the fire of life."

Lord Demon's Second Bone Red Bone Lord, while flying towards the altar with his brother, replied disapprovingly, "Master Father, the child believes that this group of life and fire kindness still gives us three brothers."

"Master Father, the second brother is right." Lord Chilie, the eldest son of the devil, also said while running, "The effect of life and kindling can benefit the whole life. The blessings of a lifetime. Even if you ca n’t be promoted to a demon god, becoming a demigod demon is also a matter of utmost importance. By then you have our three outstanding sons, you can also enjoy your old age, and this life is worth it.

"Big Brother 2nd is right!"

Lord Ruyan, the three-faced Demon King of Red Rock, also said rudely, "My father, not me, you have been a demigod deity for so many years, you should retire and give way, after all, the future still belongs to We young people! "

"You! You!"

Chilian Demon King's heart stalked, almost breathless, and died in anger.

The qualifications of these three sons are quite good, especially the eldest son Chilie, who has pure blood and is fully qualified to attack the demigod. On weekdays, the Chilian Demon King also intends to train them. After all, having a son to do things for himself is always more intimate than the surrendered foreign demon.

As for the illegitimate son of the confusing lord, he has never entered his eyes. The brutal master was born and raised in Xiaojiao, and in the future will only be a political bargaining chip for marriage.

The three sons of Chilie, Chigu, and Chiyan are the heirs he really likes to be descendants of future generations.

But he didn't think about it right now. In front of Chongbao, these three sons actually joined hands to rebel against him. This is really annoying him!

"You bastards, even dare to rebel against what your father fancy, where is the courage?"

Chi Lian Demon King vomited blood quickly, and now his eyes were lingering, and a sudden and powerful pressure suddenly burst out. At the same time, Chilian Demon King squeezed with one hand, and suddenly pulled, a condensed **** flame was suddenly born out of thin air in front of the Demon King.

This is the horror of the demigod demon king. He has almost merged with the law. Raising his hand and throwing his feet can provoke the powerful power generated by the law.

The **** fire wave born out of thin air now, the tongue is raging, the force is fierce, and it is quite powerful, and with the control of the Chilian Demon King's mind, like a turbulent tsunami set off by the storm, the head is facing the three brothers of Chilie, Red Bone and Red Rock Overturned.

Where did the demigod demon king shoot, and where did the three brothers Chilie, Chigu and Chiyan dare to make a hard connection? Retreat after rushing.


The Hellfire Tide of Chilian Demon King hit the ground fiercely, and the ground instantly turned into a pool of lava mud, and its power can be seen.

"Master Father! You, you actually kill your son? Then don't blame our three brothers, don't talk about father and son's love!"

Lord Chilie and his two brothers have been plotting for a long time. At this time, they reversed a rake, and blamed the demon king of Chilian for their hardship and dealing with these three sons for the treasure.

Now the three brothers started to speak righteously, and each exhibition means launched a counterattack to their father.

"I'm angry, I'm so angry!" Chilian Demon King's violent lungs exploded, and he had no choice but to respond.

The fire of life in front of him is obviously the treasure of his red demon demon king. These three unfilial sons dare to **** him away, and now they actually frame him in reverse and put him in a demise of the devil demon, in front of many hands, The embarrassment is so high that neither the inside nor the outside are human.

Such a jerk, really mad at him Chilian Demon King, he really wanted to ask, are these three dog things really his own son?

"My father, since you are ruthless and innocent, your children can only be forced to fight back!"

These three brothers, you said one thing to me at the same time, and constantly launched a harassing attack on the red refining demon king.

The three of them are not fools. They know that even if the three join forces, they are not opponents of his father, the Red Demon King, but it is also very difficult for the Red Lian Demon King to control the three of them at the same time. Moreover, it is common for fathers and sons to fight in hell. Every inhabitant of **** has a heart in mind, so they expect that Chilian Demon King will basically not kill them, and will only force uniforms, otherwise, will Chilian Demon King break himself Your own back?

So they fought and fled, and flew to the altar as soon as they found the right opportunity, which made the Chilian Demon King angry.

You must know that the three brothers Chilie, Chigu and Chiyan are all top legendary lords, and they are not weak. Once it is fully exerted, it is as cunning as a fly, and it is really difficult to catch.

In particular, the three of them were very tacit at this time. They rushed to the west one by one, and ran away after the fight. Once they seized the opportunity, they rushed to the altar impatiently.

He has been working hard so far in order to get the only fire of life in this group. How is it possible for these three little **** to be robbed right now?

Right now the Chilian Demon King has no choice but to work hard and start fighting with these three unfilial sons.

The five legendary magic generals on the sidelines and the remaining more than 160 demon guards were all a little ignorant at the moment. They stood on the spot one by one, and did not know who to help.

These legendary demons will be guards with the demon king, and indeed are the cronies of the red fierce demon king, but many of them have also been secretly attracted by the devil's three sons. In addition, a large part of the soldiers and generals of these **** worlds are for their own benefit and survival, and they have become the men of certain powerful forces. Their purpose is very simple. Whoever gives them benefits and backers, they will serve them. Almost the basic survival rules of the world of hell.

So now Chilian Demon King fights with his three sons, they don't dare to help indiscriminately, after all, it is Devil's family affair. In short, no matter which side wins next, they will continue to serve for which side.

"I, my God, these **** demons are too violent, cunning, and fierce."

On the other side, Lydia shrunk under the altar. After witnessing the farce between father and son, when she was sweating coldly, she couldn't stop talking.

As the saying goes, there is no father and son under the imperial power, and there is not a small number of brothers and sons fighting on the earth. After all, in the face of interests, fighting for each other is also a biological nature.

But after Lydia's personal experience, she felt the complexity and ruthlessness. However, the battle between a demon king and three legendary lords is too fierce at present. She is a weak female magician who dare not show her face. She has to be honestly under the high altar and wait for the situation to subside.

But at this moment, a familiar voice passed into her ears.

"Yo, it's so lively here."

Lydia looked around, and a tall Wei An figure was standing quietly beside her.

It is Wang Yan, the son of flame who has become Lord of the Flame Flame!


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