The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1544: No way to escape

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"It's over, it's over! Me, we're dead!"

The demon's second son, Red Bone, and all the men behind him, saw the barbarians again raised a heavy crossbow, and their faces were green.

Those who are full of six or seven hundred barbarians, are armed with heavy crossbows made of purgatory steel used to hunt large beasts. All crossbow arrows can be recharged and have great power. If this is a few rounds of volley, they, a small group of people, have to shoot into a honeycomb, and there is nowhere to hide.

But in front of these barbarians, there are also two hundred ogres that are as strong as a half-step legend. These ogres were wearing heavy armor and holding giant shields and sticks, just like a steel wall, blocking them in front of the barbarians.

Such an iron barrel-like defensive formation is simply daunting, so that the demon three sons and their men, even if they want to rush to kill the barbarians and kill a **** road, they feel nowhere to start, almost everyone is in one. In a state that cannot be brought out by force.

In this way, the sons of the devil and the demon soldiers who were high in the past must all die in the hands of the inferior races that they are usually too lazy to look at.

"Fight, fight! Follow, fight with them!"

Lord Chilie's eyes widened and his eyes were scarlet. "Stay here is a death! Those who don't want to die, rush out with this prince!"

When he said nothing, he roared, taking advantage of Wang Yan's heavy crossbow to launch in the future, and forcibly launched an attack on the ogres who were blocking the road ahead.

"Get away from me!"

Lord Chilie was in a hurry, and raised his hand and threw four or five quadrangular metal devices towards the ogres holding shields in front of him.

This metal device, which is about the size of a slap, has a quadrangular shape like an iron block and looks like a scoop, and is called a flame burst. It is a high-level explosive item in alchemy and is expensive. Once activated, a violent heat explosion will occur with a slight touch, and the single power is comparable to the full blow of a strong A-class!

At present, Lord Chilie throws out four or five pieces at once, and the explosive power of these flames and thunders combined in one piece is probably higher than a legendary strongman's full blow!

Last time, Lord Chilie and his brother suffered a big loss in the hands of Wang Yan. Afterwards, each of these three brothers specially hid a dozen flames of thunder on his body, in order to let the Lord of the Flames die at a critical moment one strike.

However, they did not find an opportunity to deal with Lord Mo Yan, but it is now used here.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

A series of explosions instantly sounded!

The tremendous power of the burst of thunder, as if a missile exploded suddenly, immediately overturned the two ogres in front of the road to the ground.

However, the damage caused by the fire and explosion to the fully equipped ogres is very limited. In addition to burns and shocks, the huge shield with energy storage produced by Master Hill, in addition to leaving some traces of explosion, actually Intact!

The ogres that were blown up, with their thick skin and fleshy characteristics, were able to stand up again after a slight relief, and their combat power could not be reduced much.

But for the devil's three sons who are already in desperation, and their members, it is already great news.

"Haha! It's working, you inferior races, come and taste the thunder of the lord!"

Seeing the power of the flame and thunder, the Red Bone Lord could even overturn the ogre, and immediately with Lord Red Rock, he took out the flame and thunder buried in his body and threw them forward.


There was an explosion and it kept ringing. The three brothers started their way with flames and thunder, successively blasting over a dozen ogres and dozens of brutal soldiers in the back.

Although they did not have enough flames and thunder on their hands, they only added a total of thirty or forty pieces, but they blew out the big circle arranged by Wang Yan.

"Brothers! All rushed with Prince Ben! We rushed to the entrance and we were saved!"

Prince Chilie inherited the excellent inheritance of his father Chilian Demon King, and he also held a majestic Yan sword in his hand. At this time, he was eager to survive, brandishing a big sword, taking his brother and his leader first.

"Chong! Give me a punch!"

"Wait for us to escape, recruit all the men and then come back to **** this **** demon flame, corpse!"

The two brothers, Red Bone and Red Rock, followed the two sides of Prince Chi Lie from left to right, and the remaining five magic generals led the remaining more than 100 elite guards to follow.

At this time, these men and women, seeing the three brothers in front, the open method is effective. Each group is excited and rushing forward. The whole formation has an arrow that is off the string and is straight in the gap in front.

But just as Lord Chilie was about to break through the formation gap, a terrible monster resembling Roshan, holding a huge mallet, descended into the air and fell fiercely!


A loud noise, terrifying explosive power, made the whole ground tremble.

Lord Chilie stopped his footsteps in time, and then dangerously avoided the terrible blow.

"Damn things, dare to stop me ..." Lord Chilie just wanted to abuse, but looked up, cold sweat dripped.

That's right, the Roshan monster that is in front of it is Wang Yan's ogren warlord, Ablon Giantmaul!

Today's Ablon Giantmaul has been promoted to the legendary level and has become the new leader of the Ogre Horde. A sturdy physique, a lot stronger than ordinary ogres.

At this time, he was wearing a set of dark heavy armor, and the traits of the mallet in his hand were higher than that of Lord Chilie. Especially at this time, under the blessing of bloodthirsty, his blood was full of blood, and his **** eyes had changed because of the fighting intention. It was more fierce and terrifying than the wild beast.

So fierce and not afraid of death, except for the bloodthirsty war intentions, no violent ogres with fearful colors, it made the Lord Chilie tremble.

On the continent of Hell World, there is absolutely no creature who is willing to face a blood-thirsty and violent ogren. His Chire Lord is not a fool. How dare he go desperately with this roadblocker?

But at this moment, "呲 啦" sound!

A lightning whip instantly stunned his second brother, Red Bone, on the ground.

Lord Chilie suddenly felt a sense of coolness in his heart, and when he looked around, there was an ogre on their side!

The ogre body is a little shorter than Ablon Giantmaul, but the whole skin actually emits a faint blue fluorescence. And the strange lines composed of blue fluorescence are exactly a kind of thunder totem derived from the ancient heritage of ogres.

This ogre with blue skin and capable of manipulating natural magic is no one else. It is another ogre warlord under Wang Yan, and the legendary shaman Walpole Blue Shield of the ogre tribe!

"Ji Jie, the boss said, no one can let go."

At this point, the ogre Shaman Walpole Blue Shield, with his hands gathered together in a majestic thunder, his eyes smiled with a smile.

He is very different from other bloodthirsty and violent ogres. His gaze is like a gloomy awl, straight into the heart of Chilie and others.


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