The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1558: Worthy of being a son of God

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"Yuan, element quenched body! Really, really element quenched body!"

"How did His Highness do it?"

"He, he was really favored by Mother Earth?"

Among the jaw-dropping onlookers around, the demon three sons were horrified one by one, and the eyes of a pair of rounded eyes were full of incredible looks.

People who are favored by Gaia, the mother of the earth, are often taken by the will of the planet, thinking that it can bring great changes to this planet, or can bring refuge to this planet. Therefore, as the planet itself, it will naturally give more welfare tilt and assistance.

This unique opportunity is extremely rare, so some religious groups call this kind of person favored by the will of the planet as the son of heaven.

When Wang Yan was on Liulidao, he encountered the conspiracy of the abyssal lord. It was precisely because of the help of Gaia ’s will on the earth that he had the chance to escape and at the same time he gained a great opportunity to wipe out the abyssal lord and dark mentor Shaluman.

Wang Yan was favored by Gaia on Earth, naturally because he has the orthodox blood lineage of the God of Fire, and he is a child of Gaia on Earth. In addition, the Earth itself was under great threat at that time. Gaia on Earth will naturally look at Wang Yan, And give her the help she can.

Why is Gaia will be secretly favored by Hellworld? At this point, Wang Yan not only did not know, but even if he knew it, he could not figure it out.

The reason for this may be because Wang Yan is pure in blood, has a very high affinity for flames, and has just realized the true meaning of life reincarnation. This has only led to the recognition of Gaia ’s will, so he secretly gave the gift.

It may also be because Gaia will of the world of **** believes that Wang Yan can bring new changes to the world of hell, and can bring many benefits to the world of hell, so he only took a fancy to him and chose him.

In short, Gaia's will is mysterious and unpredictable, just like the wheel of fate that is unclear about the way, and it is always difficult for outsiders to figure out.

Moreover, even Chilian Demon King and Demon King Sanzi and others are very envious of Wang Yan's great chance, but they are only envious and envious. The element quenching body like this, even if they want to take it away.

Because Wang Yan is now in the wonder of realizing the origin of the universe and the reincarnation of life, the rebirth of the element quenched body and his body is reaching a state of balance.

If Chilian Demon King and others try to force into the element watering, and give themselves a quenching body, there will be only one ending. Even the demigod Demon King will be completely torn into fragments in such a huge torrent of elements!

"The Son of God is worthy of being the Son of God ..."

After seeing the plan, the incisive strategists of the Inferno were also repeatedly sighed, and then excitedly hurriedly respected the Demon King Chilian, "Master Lord Demon, we are all degraded as slaves of the Son of God. Benefit in the future! "

After hearing this, the eyes of Chilian Demon King suddenly burst into glory and brilliance.

Chilian Demon King is a personal essence, and he can't understand the truth clearly.

He was previously detained by the demon lord Moyan, who took away the source of life and all the relics of the starry sky god, and was finally punished by the demon **** Satan as a slave to the son of God, which really made him very depressed and very depressed.

But now that I think about it, it wouldn't necessarily be a blessing for him to become a subordinate of the Lord of the Flame Lord, Son of God.

In his view, this young Lord of the Devil, the young son of the demon, is not only brave and ambitious, but also the only bloodline of His Majesty the Devil God. Now he is more secretly favored by the mother of the earth. It's a weird thing.

He follows this son of God, and the water will rise in the future, and the benefits are absolutely needless to say.

Thinking of this, the Chilian Demon King took the initiative and quickly ordered: "Come here, take the core of the king's lava! There is also a fire pith! All the fire pith in the king's treasure house will be shipped to the king! Son of God! Your Highness is about to be promoted! "


The onlookers gathered all around, immediately shouted their promises, and then busy up and down.

One part ran to move all kinds of celestial treasures, the other part quickly followed the demon three sons to retreat quickly, to avoid being torn into pieces in the next elemental torrent, and at the same time act as a vigilance on the periphery. After all, the Son of God was promoted in their devil's palace, but it was a big deal. Where did they dare to neglect it?

The other part, under the leadership of the Inferno strategist Emerson, laid out the enchantment again on the periphery of the training ground, so as to avoid Wang Yan's promotion of the world's power and the massive destruction of the Devil's Palace. .

Right now, there is only one powerful red refining demon king, who is still in the field, as Wang Yan's assistant and guardian.

In order to please Wang Yan, and to help Wang Yan when he was promoted, Chilian Demon King spent his blood.

For example, the core of the lava is exactly a magma vein, which has evolved over hundreds of millions of years. If it is not picked, the core of this lava is likely to give birth to the elemental lord, and even the top elemental life of the demigod flame demon in the long years to come.

In other words, the core of lava is like a seed buried deep under the earth's crust, full of high-purity fire element energy. For fire creatures, it also has purified blood veins, refined body, and greatly increased elements The efficacy of affinity.

Even if the Chilian Demon King has been in power for so long, he has only found one in the entire Demon King's collar. The purpose is to let yourself purify your blood and refine your body when you encounter any big chance in the future, so that you can go further after evolution.

The great opportunity now fell on Wang Yan. So for his future, Chilian Demon King simply pulled out all his treasures, and took out all his own chips, all of which belonged to Wang Yan.

Right now, Wang Yan is experiencing the quenching of the elements between heaven and earth. If this lava core is nourished, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!

As for those large amounts of fire marrow, it is an essential item in the process of quenching and promotion.

The advantage of fire pulp is that it not only has high-purity fire energy, but also can be combined with cells and tissues in the organism after entering the organism, so that it can further transform and optimize cells while supplementing energy.

It can be said that fire pith is a great supplement for any flame creature. This is also the main reason why in the world of hell, fire pith, ice pith, etc., will become the general equivalent,

With the resource supply of the entire Demon Palace, plus the fact that the Red Refining Demon King himself sits and protects the law, Wang Yan's evolution and promotion this time can be said to be foolproof.

Sure enough, just when the Red Refining Demon King was just ready, a large, dense black cloud appeared above the Liuhuo City.

Heavenly Tribulation came.


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