The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1565: New generation champion

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The burst of thunder and the raging fire burst into the training ground in an instant.

The terrifying power immediately rolled up a circle of intertwined thunder currents, and the shock wave of the turbulent flames spread strongly towards the surroundings.

The Inferno Warrior led people to the defensive enclave under the periphery. Under this violent energy, it seemed like a paper paste, and it was destroyed by force in the first place.

Fortunately, the old and hot Chilian Demon King, seeing the wrong situation, has long greeted the staff to retreat, and there were no casualties at the scene.

However, the entire large training ground covering tens of thousands of square meters, as well as the surrounding seven or eight large palaces, were completely wiped out under this shock wave of devastating Gula!

The scene was shaken, and finally there was only one thunder and flame group intertwined with thunder and flames.

The power of terror reaches people's hearts as if everything in the world can be swallowed and destroyed by it.

The entire city of Liuhuo was also shocked by the thunderstorm. Numerous residents in the city were shaken to the ground, and at this time, all people looked at the fierce thunder in the palace of the devil with anxiety.

"How's Your Highness, Demon God's Son Mo Yan?"

"Have you been promoted successfully?"

"Does anyone know what is going on in the Demon Palace now?"

Many residents in the streets and alleys have begun to whisper in private while being disturbed, and there has been much discussion. However, Wang Yan, who is already a son of the demon **** and has been promoted to a demigod, is no longer the existence of these ordinary residents.

Time passed.

All of Wang Yan's men, as well as Chilian Demon King and others, were all outside the Thunder Flame Regiment, anxiously waiting for the final result to appear.

And this long-lasting energy group center, Wang Yan did eat a lot of hard work.

The outer protective flame wall he constructed with the elements has been shattered the first time he came into contact with the last thunder. Afterwards, the sub-god-level battle armor, the immortal king Liuli Jinjin, gradually disappeared after being overloaded. Even Xinxinliantai was almost exploded under the positive impact of Tianlei.

The three-legged Jinwu and hairy crabs hiding in Wenxinliantai were almost split into roast duck and roasted crab by Tianlei.

At the beginning, in order to tune Lydia, he needed to hide his identity. Wang Yan hid the three-legged Jinwu and hairy crabs at any time in the Xinxinliantai.

However, Wang Yan did not keep them closed. When Lydia was not in her free time, Wang Yan would also let them out to ventilate and eat, drink and play. After Wang Yan got a lot of resources, he would also give them a lot.

This is also the main reason why Wang Yan is still so poor after being rewarded by the Demon God and the tribute of the Red Demon King.

In these days, Wang Yan consumes a lot of resources every day in order to promote the demi-god. Many of his men will also consume a lot of supplies.

But it is not without gains.

You know, his men are all elites, and after being supplied with a lot of resources, all the strengths have advanced by leaps and bounds.

Now that the three-legged Jinwu has reached the peak of the legend, the hairy crab has become a monster that is as strong as the legendary level. If it is placed in the wild, both of them will be the leader of a region in the world of hell. In addition, this time with the light of Wang Yan again, withstood the baptism of Tian Lei, his strength soared rapidly, and his combat effectiveness must not be underestimated.

In addition, all of Wang Yan's men, whether it is individual strength or equipped weapons, have risen to a new level.

Nowadays, these people and horses can be regarded as true soldiers. The combat effectiveness is at least twice as strong as before. If we now face the Guardian of the Red Demon King now, the result will be an overwhelming victory.

The surge in overall power can be more cost-effective than Wang Yan's own improvement of his own strength.

As for the secret realm left by the starry sky god, there are indeed many materials and resources left. However, in terms of materials, in addition to thousands of years of fine wine, many have been weathered and can no longer be used. The resources are also mainly based on magic materials and a large number of magic storage crystals. These have little effect on Wang Yan, but they can be used as consumables for magicians such as Lydia, as well as maintaining the operation of the wizard tower.

But now that Lidia is to be tuned, it is natural to tune it in place.

Wang Yan asked Lydia to put on her own slave collar again, and counted all the materials in the secret realm again. In other words, Lydia is his slave girl, so all the things the slave girl has belong to him, Wang Yan.

If Lydia wants to use it, or consumes it in practice, all must be accounted for. Moreover, they are not given in vain, and all the used things will be paid back in future.

So decided, almost did not let Lydia cry.

She had just been inherited, and followed Wang Yan to defeat the Chilian Demon King. This joy did not make her happy for a long time. Wang Yan seemed to decide to collect debts, so she completely fell to the bottom.

In her eyes, the Lord of the Flame Flame, Wang Yan's incarnation, is simply the most evil and hateful villain in the world!

But people had to bow their heads under the eaves, and Lydia could only admit it in the end.

Fortunately, she completely inherited the inheritance of the starry sky god, and absorbed some of the original meaning of life and fire. With a little guidance, the future achievement of the demigod will not be an accident. It is also a basic goal that Wang Yan expects from her. .

Of course, the accumulation, strength, and comprehension needed by the demigods are far from what she can achieve now. She has just been promoted to legend, and there is still a long way to go in the future.

"Woo! Woooo! No, no, I want it, I ’m not familiar ... Wow wow ..."

"Puff! Puff puff!"

In Wang Yan's consciousness, the three-legged Jinwu and the hairy crab had no intestines, and they could not withstand it completely. After making a series of shouts and complaining of contemplating the pets of the boss, they stretched out their feet and fell into a slumber of evolution and recovery.

In the same way, the questioning lotus platform carrying them also reached the limit, and Wang Yan did not dare to destroy these treasures, so after all the cards were exhausted, he once again used his own powerful demon body to resist the last sky thunder. Yu Wei.

In this way, Yu Wei struggled with Wang Yan for dozens of minutes in the last sky full of annihilation.

Then the regiment occupied almost the entire training ground, and the intimidating Thunder Flame regiment began to slowly shrink and extinguish. Above the Great Fire City, the sky looting clouds finally finally spread out.

At this time, the training ground inside the Devil's Palace has been raged into a huge pit by the violent energy.

At the bottom of the pit, Wang Yan stood calmly. At this time, his eyes were like the vast sea of ​​stars, covered with a sense of blood. Under the watering of elements and the baptism of Tianlei, no matter his temperament or body, he has become extremely powerful.

The kind of majestic power that spreads inadvertently from the inside out, as if stepping on this world. It made everyone on the scene, and even the demigod demon king Chilian, at the moment when he saw Wang Yan's rebirth, there was an urge to creep down at the other's feet.

If the Chilian Demon King is described, this momentum is undoubtedly derived from the blood, but also from the strength of the king!

At this moment, Chilian Demon King can be sure that this son of Demon God Mo Yan, the future achievements will definitely far exceed people's imagination, the entire world of hell, is bound to change because of his appearance!


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