The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1571: The true meaning of darkness

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"Life and death?"

The demon phantom chuckled without feeling emotion, "Continue to speak."

"The world thinks that darkness, death, all represent death, and it is a symbol of evil, but I think this view is wrong." The Dark Lady Catherine said brightly, slowly said, "The fact is the opposite, the dark Strength is actually a kind of anger, or another kind of anger, representing another kind of energy of life. "

The magical energy of the Demon God's phantom body suddenly turned slightly, and it was clear that the Dark Lady had just spoken into his heart.

In fact, this is the case. Life and death, positive energy and negative energy have always complemented each other, and are the basic forces that constitute the world.

As the so-called positive, there is naturally negative. It is between this plus and minus that the universe of heaven and earth has reached a true balance under the influence of these two forces.

The Kingdom of God ruled by the Father of Light, and many living creatures use many elemental forces, are the side of life. And his demon **** Samuel, the dark energy used, and even the necromancers under his command belong to the negative side.

The light father who can control the positive energy, but extremely suppress all the dark energy. At that time, Samuel, who was trying to explore the mystery of darkness and death, suffered the relentless suppression of the Father of Light.

Later Samel realized that it was not because of the dark power he touched that it was some kind of evil taboo. Instead, the bright Father and God are afraid of this power, and even more afraid that Samuel, which has grown and developed with this power, will loosen his rule and threaten his life!

Therefore, the Father of Light immediately launched a brutal repression of him, causing him to run around like a mouse in the water channel.

"Huh! This hatred, this Demon God will one day find you back!"

Although there is no slight fluctuation on the surface of the devil Samuel's phantom, the inner hatred is brewing secretly. And now, with this dark lady Catherine, his revenge on the fallen demon Samuel has undoubtedly a new opportunity!

"Life and death, light and darkness, positive energy and negative energy have always been complementary to each other, and the basic forces that build this world cannot be divided either."

The Dark Lady Catherine is full of new insights, and under the shadow of the demon god, she continued, "Vitality builds the flesh, but the relative dark energy can nourish the soul. And in my opinion, the soul is the most important thing The form of the origin is the essence of life. "

"The soul is actually a kind of spiritual life that can be integrated with the universe of the earth and the earth and truly reach the ubiquity. Usually when the evolution reaches a certain level, the soul will completely merge with the flesh to form another higher life form, In the end, as long as his soul is immortal, the flesh can be reborn, and his life will be immortal! "

The phantom of the devil Samuel, the demon qi slightly tightened again.

The Dark Lady once again said the answer he wanted, which made him extremely gratified and happy.

As the Dark Lady said, for many practitioners and evolvers, the demise of the flesh does not represent true death. Unless their spirits are wiped out together, they will really die. Otherwise, give them a certain amount of time to rest, and with their powerful souls, they will reshape their bodies and resurrect again!

Now the dark energy controlled by the devil Samuel, as well as the death energy and ghost energy derived from the dark energy, are the nourishment for the soul of the god.

Because of this, undead creatures, undead magic, dark magic all evolved from this, and thus born. For the creatures involved in darkness, dark energy is a kind of anger, another kind of life force!

There is always no right or wrong in power, no matter what type of power you master, once it reaches a certain extreme, it can be ever-changing and omnipotent.

"Catherina, I didn't expect you to be able to touch the true meaning of dark energy in the holy tree. The God is pleased for you." The demon phantom is still powerful, but the phantom of the demon's flow is very good.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Catherina would like to live in darkness forever!" Catherine respected her. The more she touched the true meaning of power, the more she understood the greatness of the devil.

"From this moment on, you will become a propagator of the will of the deity, the true sage of the fallen demon."

With a wave of one hand and a brand new magic circle, the Demon God Shadow was quickly engraved in the left eye of the Dark Lady, "This is a small gift from the God."

"Your Majesty!" The Dark Lady immediately thanked her with a tap.

Although the demon Samel did not explain the purpose of this magic circle, the Dark Lady knew the precious use of this god-printed array.

This divine seal is not just a sign of the demon god's exercise of power and identity. It also has a certain divine power, and it has a strong deterrent to all creatures in the Fallen Demon Realm.

In other words, with this seal, you can order all guards and undead creatures in the Fallen Demon Realm. In addition, it is also possible to open a fixed channel for direct passage to the Fallen Temple during times of crisis.

It can be said that with this Divine Seal Array, her identity as a saint is indeed true.

"Due to your excellent performance, the God of God will keep its promise." After the inscription, the Devil God's shadow slowly opened, "The dark council where you used to be will be formally included under my fallen Demon Samel. The God of God Send a fallen archangel to the Dark Council, and she will become your mother's personal guard of the Prince of Roses. The entire Dark Council will also be the focus of funding for the God. In the future, you can rest assured to exercise the Divine Power for the God. "

The Dark Lady thanked again, and with the promise of the fallen demon Samel, she was finally relieved.

You need to know that a fallen archangel is as powerful as a demigod. With a fallen archangel as a personal guard, the Prince of the Dark Council, Prince Rose, regardless of identity or status, will not be worse than the Pope of the Holy See.

In addition, because of the Dark Lady, the entire Dark Council will be covered by the fallen demon Samuel in the future. In this way, let alone the Light Holy Church dare not suppress it easily, even if the future disaster comes, those greedy abyss demons will not dare to easily attack the Dark Council.

After all, there is a **** behind the Dark Council, even if it is an abyss demon, it is not willing to easily fight a god.

After arranging the related matters, the demon **** phantom beckoned freely behind him, and soon a team of men came in from outside the temple. Another servant of the Dark Lady, the necromancer Gabriel, was among them.

Gabriel is also a very good and good seedling among human beings. The fallen demon loves talents. He does not want to turn him into a lich, but inherits the death bible that contains the true meaning of the magic of the undead.

During this time, Gabriel was ecstatic, studying the Bible of death with sleep and sleep.

Today, his eyes are as deep as an abyss, and his body is as thick as a mountain, as if it contains endless magic and knowledge.

Although he has not been promoted at this level, the state and comprehension of the whole person has already reached a very high level. In addition, he has practiced high-level undead magic, which has made him a multiplier.

At this time, Gabriel was full of joy, seeing that the Dark Lady succeeded in rebirth and harvested the highest demon body, or if there was a terrifying demon ghost shadow present, he might be overjoyed.

"See Your Majesty, Congratulations to Her Royal Highness."

At the moment, Gabriel did not dare to make it. He and the team of fallen angels walked to the shadow of the demon **** and the dark virgin, and paid respects to the two distinguished big men respectively.

The demon phantom raised his hand casually, and Gabriel and the fallen angels thanked each other and got up. At this time, the demon **** phantom slowly spoke: "Catherina, these are the assistants chosen by the **** for you, and they will complete several tasks with you before the **** meeting starts."

The purpose of the devil Samuel is very simple. The Dark Lady has just been reborn, and there are many places to master the power. In addition, since it is necessary to show the world the strength of the force and the new saint before the **** meeting, naturally it takes a few major tasks to create a momentum.

Soon under the phantom of the demon god, a handsome and extraordinary archangel stepped out of the line, and owed a gentleman attitude, introducing: "Under Asmode, I saw Her Royal Highness. "

The Dark Lady glanced at the other party, her brow raised slightly.

In front of him, the fallen archangel, regardless of temperament or appearance, was somewhat beyond her expectations.

The Asmode has a mighty black armor and carries a gorgeous spear with a flag. If by human standards, his appearance is perfect. The black curly hair, just right, covers the forehead halfway. Under the dark curly hair, a pair of light blue eyes appeared deep and gentle, especially the unique laziness in his eyes, which made him add a different kind of gentle and mysterious temperament. charm.

But what surprised the Dark Lady most was that the polite Asmode had six magnificent black wings behind him.

In the Fallen Demon Realm, this symbolizes the strong identity of Qiangda Demigod.

But Asmode is not the same. He is not only restrained, but also has no sharpness and aggression unique to the demon demon king, which makes the Dark Lady couldn't help but be surprised.

Obviously, this Asmod is not only superior in strength, but also has reached a certain level of extreme temperament for strength and coercion.

But I want to come too. As a dear friend personally selected by the fallen demon Samel, Asmode, the fallen archangel, has few brushes, and no one said it.

In short, this Asmod's first impression of the Dark Lady, in addition to being full of charm, the strength is unpredictable and unpredictable.

"Go, Asmode will tell you how to do it." Demon God Shadow opened a vortex channel with a wave of his hand, instructing everyone to act immediately.

However, just before everyone was strong, the demon **** phantom spoke slowly and solemnly: "Catherine, the **** has received the news. The son of the purgatory demon **** has appeared in the sky, and successively two and a half gods have lost to him The ending, strength and strategy are quite terrible. So, the time given to you next is not much. "

"Catherina will never live up to the expectations of His Majesty the Demon God." The Dark Lady gave a solemn salute to the Devil God's Shadow, and then stepped into the vortex channel.

She understood that there was really little time left for her.


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