The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1583: Against the sky

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"His, this, this is!"

Under the shrine, Prince Nightblade and old servant Water suddenly sucked back in cold air and their eyes shrank.

"This is ... the blood heritage of His Majesty the Demon God, swallowing the devil's power!" Prince Night Blade and the old **** servant Walt almost exclaimed the name of a blood heritage heritage at the same time.

You should know that this kind of blood-practice method that is almost against the sky comes from the dark demon Mamen.

Dark Demon Mamen itself is a god-level galaxy beast capable of crossing the cosmic galaxy. He derives from the anti-celestial abilities of the bloodline. Once it is deployed, it will be enough to swallow the heaven and earth, so that he can almost absorb the universe between heaven and earth All the energy to make up for itself.

This horrible and unique engulfing ability can even allow him to drain the vitality of a planet in the long years!

However, the dark demon Mamen has no choice to absorb the vitality of the planet of **** to supplement his own evanescent power.

As a result, his injury and aging cannot be replenished by energy alone. Without the special treasures and methods between heaven and earth, it is difficult to restore his injured god-level life factor.

In addition, absorbing the vitality of a planet will be a very long process. And it will lead to a significant deterioration of the environment and life where he is. In this way, the people and all life under his command will be on the verge of extinction, which he does not want to see.

In addition, once he begins to absorb the vitality of the planet, he will surely be rejected by the will of the planet, that is, the will of Gaia, the mother of the earth. In addition, the other two devil gods in the world of hell, for the world they live in and their people will not perish, will definitely join forces to defeat the enemy and destroy him completely.

Therefore, the dark demon Mamen will not and cannot absorb the energy of his planet.

If energy replenishment is needed, the dark demon **** Mamen will usually draw the magical scorpion phase to draw the endless free energy between the universe and the universe, and the stellar energy with extremely high energy. Afterwards, it is transformed into a dark energy for him to drive and to change the local environment and ecology!

In short, the dark demon Mamen is an ancient monster that can easily destroy a planet. His power has long penetrated into the depths of the cells of every creature in the demon domain. Even though he has gone through years now, under the influence of his injury, it is declining gradually, but his terror and power are still the absolute existence that every creature dare not touch.

Therefore, the current appearance of the scorpions and beasts revealed by Uya Ange will be the main reason for the shock of the many guards on the scene, as well as the two gods and demon kings, Prince Night Blade and the old **** servant Water.

You should know that this kind of bloodline ability is almost inherited only in the bloodline genes passed down from the demon Mamen. Anyone who wants to learn can't start.

If the blood flowing in the body is not the blood of the demon god, if there is no gene derived from the demon god, no matter how much learning and hard work, this unique ability only in the blood vein cannot be exhibited. If it is reluctant to imitate, it will even be unable to transform. Many complex and huge energies eventually exploded and died!

But now, Wuya Ange is completely displaying the magic scorpion, and this alone is enough to prove that she is the only blood of the dark demon Mamen!


There was a mighty roar formed by the turbulence of the air flow, suddenly came over the sky, and came majesticly.

Just as everyone's eyes were shocked, they had jumped over the magic fog, and the huge and terrifying appearance of Zhangzhang suddenly opened a huge mouth and suddenly sucked towards the position of the sun on the sky!

"Hoo! Roar!"

The horrible and shocking scene is like a whale sucking a hundred rivers, and it seems that even this world can devour it in one bite!

The violent wind, with a shrill, whistling sound, seemed like thousands of ghosts were crying. The dark misty sky above the head turned into a gloomy gloom.

Everyone at the scene widened their eyes and was speechless in horror.

They were horrified to find that all the free energy between heaven and earth, as well as the rising sun rays of the rising sun, seemed to be swallowed by the huge scary devil scorpion at this moment.

It was originally a ray of light at dawn, but now it seems to suddenly become the night of the sunset. The icy killing atmosphere instantly filled every corner between heaven and earth.

The fierce gusty wind, accompanied by the rotating dark magic mist, and the attraction produced by the devouring of the scorpion law, raged and whistled above everyone's head. There is no light around the world, Xiao Suo is compelling. Animals, birds, and even all kinds of insects that are hundreds of miles away are all like crazy, running everywhere, as if as long as they run slowly, even the soul will be swallowed.

The panic-stricken fear is like a wild grass growing wildly in the bottom of my heart, surging around all living creatures. Even the continuous loss of time seems to be extremely slow because of this giant beast's appearance.


At this moment, in the center of the black vortex, that is, the room on the top floor of the temple, the violent vortex wind has already taken the indoor cups, decorations, and even table and chair decorations into this nearly devastating black. In the storm.

With a series of clatters, all the small objects involved in the storm were all twisted into detritus under the great force. Eventually, a storm formed a broken asteroid belt in the galaxy, and this violent violent black storm is also like a newly formed unknown galaxy, especially the center position, starting to become more stable and full of power More and more vigorous.

At this time, Wuya Ange, who should enter the empty state, is sitting cross-legged in the center of this unknown galaxy.

She is like a new stellar sun, bred with endless vitality in this magical universe full of violent breath.

Suddenly, Wuya Ange's beautiful eyes flicked open, and the magical scorpion phase born outside of the temple was finally greeted with a huge mouth, swallowing all the huge energy absorbed into it.

It was at this time that the black mist galaxy centered on her turned faster and faster, and the energy gathered gathered more and more, and finally it seemed like a surging tide rushing towards her body.

"Um, um!"

For the first time to run this kind of anti-natural power Uya Ange, when the magic energy was poured back, it still could not help but softly cry out.

After coming to the world of **** for so long, in addition to staying in this temple for a long time and managing more than 100,000 young and handsome young people, Uya Ange spends most of his time practicing and constantly improving himself. During this period, she would meet with her father once and get personal guidance from the other party.

Her father, the dark demon Mamen, did not impart this kind of anti-celestial power hidden in the bloodline to her from the beginning, but constantly stimulated her bloodline potential and optimized and tempered her physique. Naturally, the precious resources and various divine powers are not rare.

Fortunately, Wuya Ange itself has excellent qualifications and a very high level of understanding, and within a short period of time it has met the expectations of the dark demon Mamen.

The dark demon Mamen was also in the last meeting, and passed on his life to Wuya Ange.

At this time, Uya Ange is no longer just a nominal demon princess, but a true successor of the dark demon **** Mamen!


Wuya Ange exhaled deeply, running the magic scorpion phase for the first time, absorbing huge energy, far beyond her imagination.

Such horrible engulfing ability made her both horrified and excited.

Horrifyingly, in front of such a huge equivalent of energy, she feels that even if she has experienced the body that the demon **** Mamen personally tempered, there is a possibility that it will be propped up at any time. But the excitement is that this kind of ability seems to be swallowed up by any energy, which is simply a retrograde!

Although it is only a swallow at the moment, it can actually make the world lose its color and panic. It can be imagined that her father, the dark demon Mamen, was such a magnificent shore when he used this ability to the extreme!

Moreover, the huge energy consumed by this time alone is dozens of times more than the free energy she absorbed when she was practicing on the earth!

It is also conceivable from this that as long as you give her a chance and a little time, her Wuya Ange's strength will definitely usher in an unprecedented rapid increase!

"It is worthy of the anti-celestial power from the blood of the demon god!"

Wuya Ange, with patience in her heart, also couldn't help but sigh in her heart, "I didn't expect that my Wuya Ange would actually be the daughter of a demon god. I really don't know the guy Wang Yan, know this news What kind of expression will be in the future. "

Thinking of Wang Yan one day in the future, after learning her true identity, the expression of horror and exaggeration, Wu Ya Ange was warm inside, and then there was a bit of sourness.

In fact, she was very clear in her heart that she did not know when the mission she was carrying now would end, nor when she would see Wang Yan, the unforgettable son of flames again, in the future.

It's just that she didn't want to give up, let alone forget Wang Yan.

Yes, she should never give up!

"As long as you don't give up, there will always be a day when you meet again in the future."

After making up his mind and making up his mind, Wuya Ange's heart became clear. Even if there are many difficulties at the moment, it seems that she cannot be shaken.

At the same time, the devouring power from the demon Mamen began to run fast. The huge energy that almost broke her body began to be quickly decomposed, transformed, and finally turned into pure dark energy, which was perfectly absorbed by her.

The severe pain in the flesh and blood meridians, and even the bones, began to gradually transform into a warmth that made her feel more comfortable.

As the power continued to increase dramatically, Sisi Khan began to be expelled from her pores, and soon she wore a thin tulle skirt and was wet with sweat. Some wet hair on the forehead was also stuck on the cheek and forehead.

So fragrant and sweaty, especially under the moistened black tulle, Uya Ange's exquisite and graceful figure curve is almost outlined and exquisite, charming.

If her appearance at this time is seen by outsiders, I am afraid that no matter who she is, she will be enchanted by her noble and glamorous temperament and charming charm.


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