The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1588: Pharaoh, you pit us so badly

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"Ah! Come, come again!"

"Poo! Poo!"

The three hard-working Jinwu and hairy crabs watched a shock wave that was more domineering than the previous ones, rushing towards them with electrical lightning arcs, and every cell on their bodies exploded.

At the thought of the thrill and pain of Tianlei's wearing, the two of them were crying without tears. But where can I get them right now? In desperation, he had no choice but to use all his strength to resist.

In contrast, Wang Yan on the other side is more at ease.

Faced with the violent thunderstorm shock wave, he set off a torrent of fire in the light of the understatement, and he will blunt all the shock waves that rushed towards him on the side.

In the next moment, the shock wave that would have caused a violent explosion, was actually counted in the flame-like package that Wang Yan set off like a tide, which was silent and silent, and wiped out!

The surging thunder and lightning shock wave only expanded in the flame wave, flashed a bright light, and finally left no trace of it.

Not far away, the three-legged Jinwu and the hairy crab almost burnt by the aftermath of Lei Jie. After seeing this scene, they were flabbergasted and speechless for a long time.

There is no doubt that this is the power of the demigod demon king!

At this time, Wang Yan raised his hand to show his full power, and every move can affect the implication of the law. Especially in this place where the fire element is extremely abundant, Wang Yan can almost move his heart by virtue of his natural rule of the flame monarch, a thought can cause a powerful element fluctuation.

As for the three-legged Jinwu and the hairy crab, there is no such skill at all.

Because of the evolution of mutations, the hairless crab has evolved into an ice monster, and its strength is limited here. In addition, it has just been promoted to legend. Naturally, it is impossible to understand the powerful and powerful power that Wang Yan has after he was promoted to the demise.

The three-legged Jinwu used to be a god, but it is currently an S-level legend. And unlike the ancient Yanmo, the strength of the ancient Yanmo was reduced because of injuries and pollution. The three-legged Jinwu was reborn as a remnant after death.

Because elemental life and flesh and blood life have very different ways of survival. Generally, after reaching a certain level of elemental life, even if you die, as long as the inner core of the soul is not extinguished, after a certain period of time, you can still rely on drawing the surrounding free elements to resurrect.

The three-legged Jinwu was reborn in this way. Although it once possessed a divine personality, it was much more difficult to restore its original strength than the ancient Yanmo.

So now the three-legged Jinwu and the hairy crab, when they witnessed Wang Yan's mighty power, could only be secretive.

As the Heavenly Tribulation and Thunderclouds dissipated, Wang Yan also withdrew his outgoing power, and all the fires receded to remove the fog and mist around him. The entire nest stone chamber was intact and not destroyed for half.

In a few moments, the central position where Tian Lei fell, Zhang Weidao, Wu Wu Jie, and Shen Tu Tian Lu also slowly recovered from the state of being settled.


The three of them breathed a sigh of breath, legendary realm, at this time the three have officially entered the legendary realm.

Although the clothes of the three people were almost destroyed by the thunderstorm, the spirit of the three people was more refined, a strong body, better than in the past, the body was like a copper cast iron, the muscles with perfect lines, and the dragon was like a tiger. Domineering momentum.

I believe that at this moment, no matter who it is, when they see the three sturdy and unusual auras, they will be secretly amazed. I believe that some people say that these three young people are among the dragons and phobias.

"Amitabha! Me, I finally stepped on the land fairy!"

Fifth, he looked at himself inconceivably. In a short period of half a year, although it was hard work, it allowed him to break through the shackles and be promoted to S legendary level, worth it! It's really worth it!

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!" Zhang Weidao was also full of joy, and he sighed in the sky, "I, Zhang Weidao, can be promoted to the legend so quickly, what a bitter value!"

"Haha, don't quit brother, brother Wei Dao, congratulations! Congratulations!" Shen Tu Tianlu couldn't help himself, the thick and thick metal tentacles stretched out again, "I didn't expect that my Shen Tu Tianlu actually has today Hahaha, cool! Really cool! "

"Brother Shen Tu is happy! Don't stop brothers being happy!"

"Amitabha, the two brothers share the same joy!"

Seeing that the two brothers beside them were promoted to legend together, Zhang Weidao, Wu Wu Jie, and Shen Tu Tian Lu, the three brothers and brothers, they couldn't help embracing and sighing. They almost didn't recall the sad past, and came out with joy.

"Hey, brothers, wait for us to return to the National African Affairs Bureau. Those cuties who only know to worship the child of flames, don't be stunned?" Shen Tu Tianlu waved her tentacles, her eyes sparkling.

"Amitabha! Brother Shen Tu's words are very true." Wu Bujie raised his mouth, his face was full of longing, and then he sighed, "Speaking of Lao Wang, it really makes people love and hate."

"Love him because he is our good brother. We can also be pleased to have such a good good brother. But depressed is depressed. The old king is really outstanding, not only looks handsome, but also strong. It ’s still so strong, not to mention the State Administration of African Affairs, which is infinitely beautiful on our planet. "

Speaking of sadness, Wu couldn't help but sigh in the sky, "Now people all over the world know that such a son of flames, all of them adore him. In addition, people also know that the National African Bureau has Gao Mingyue, Lei Hong In the same way, a few of us do not yet know where they are ranked. I am afraid that many people, even our names, cannot be named. "

This led Shen Tu Tianlu to look back a bit. The three of them, a little popular in the National African Bureau, can be placed in the world. They are also passers-by. How many fans can remember them?

"But it's different now!"

Zhang Weidao patted Wuwujie and Shentu Tianlu on the shoulders, and said with emotion, "Brothers, we are now land immortals, powerful S-class legends! We are no longer small characters!"

"Yes! We are not small characters anymore!" Wu Wujie and Shen Tu Tianlu listened, looking excited and excited.

With their legendary strength, back to the earth, is that still not limitless?

When they thought of the future, the hearts of the three people were beautiful.

However, at this moment, a vast colossal pressure like the galaxy and the sea suddenly appeared.

This coercion is powerful and overbearing, with fear and prestige, as if heaven and earth are all respected for him.

Fear instantly flooded the minds of Zhang Weidao, Wu Wu Jie and Shen Tu Tianlu. The three of them suddenly realized that there was another Demon King who could not be provoked!

And the demon flame demon king showed his momentum at this time, and reached the powerful supreme god!

Obviously, this Demon Flame Demon King has also achieved full growth in the past half a year, and has now been promoted to the true Demigod Demon King!

"Senior Demon Flame is on, and we are too furious. If there is an offense, please ask Lord Moyan to atone."

Zhang Weidao, Wu Bujie and Shen Tutian Road felt three huge pressures, and they knelt down to the ground quickly, and they felt bitter in their hearts.

As the so-called Le Ji is sad, if the three of them are too irritated and annoy the Lord of the Demon Flames, they must not be able to walk around.

Compared with this demon king who has been promoted to a demigod demon king, they have just reached the level of legend. They are still just some small characters on the roadside. Their mastery of heaven and power is as small as a child.

"Ah! Boss, you don't respect God too much, no, bird, bird power! Aah ... The **** is a pet of war, and he wants to protest to you! Ahem! Protest!"

With a series of clattering drops of rubble, a three-legged crow made of flames shook the flame feathers of his body and drilled out of the rubble pile in the corner.

Beside it, there are a pair of small eyes, hairy hairy crabs, who also shook their bodies, shaking off the rubble on their backs.

"This, this is this ?!"

Zhang Weidao, Wu Bujie and the three of Shen Tu Tian Lu, a pair of eyeballs were instantly rounded.

How can they look so familiar with this weird flame crow and hairy crab? And they shouted at the boss, could it be ...

The thought of someone, Zhang Weidao, three of them, a small heart frightened, said instantly.

"Just you protest?" Wang Yan immediately rewarded it with a glance, "Eating so many precious resources on weekdays, a little help and advice? Forget it, like you are useless and waste resources. Waste birds, let's sell them on the black market. "

"No, no, haha, Ben, this God complained twice, active and active atmosphere." The three-legged Jinwu neck shrunk and sloppyly flattered, "For the boss, the God is absolutely dedicated, and will never die ! Hahaha, the God is not hard at all ... "

Just kidding, in order to restore its former strength, it doesn't know how many precious resources it has eaten up, but it also has to cling to the thigh of the boss Wang Yan alone.

The hairy crab on the other side was more witty, and quickly used both claws and ran to Wang Yan to sit down and rubbed his thigh intimately, pleasingly.

Wang Yan vomited in his heart, secretly arrogant of other people's pets of warfare, one by one domineering and mighty, but these two of them are just like people, he is also drunk.

Soon after, he re-invited the Wisdom Lotus platform, stuffed the three-legged Jinwu and the hairy crab with a large amount of resources, and put it in again.

No way, his two pets are too conspicuous, and all his partners from the earth know. However, he did not always keep these two pets in the heart lotus platform. When no one was around, he would also let out the breathable air. Of course, he still fed resources to let them wait in the heart lotus retreat.

After being busy with this, Zhang Weidao, Wu Wujie, and Shen Tutianlu were completely shocked. All three of them stared at their eyes and opened their mouths roundly.

Of course, Wang Yan had no intention of concealing it anymore. Now Zhang Weidao and the three have already graduated, and there is no need to conceal it anymore.

In this way, Wang Yan, in the presence of Zhang Weidao, performed bloodline evolution, reactivated the human gene chain, and regained the appearance of human again.

The three of Zhang Weidao saw Wang Yan, who was once familiar, and appeared in front of them again. They immediately knelt and cried, "Lao Wang! You are so miserable!"


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