The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1597: Well, really fragrant!

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"Is it ... that's the one?"

Shen Tu Tianlu quietly waved a few thick tentacles, throwing an intriguing look at the Lord Chi Chi.

Although the races of these two people are different, they are both very carefree and rugged by nature. They have been familiar with them for such a long period of time. Especially in some aspects, they have a common language that smells the same.

Seeing Shen Tu Tianlu's bad smile and eyes, he confuses the lord to laugh without speaking, as if coming over, giving him a positive look. Seeing the former, the whole person instantly ignited.

Especially when he saw the maids of various races with plates, exposed clothes, and beautiful styles around him, he was excited at once: Hey, **** really had unimaginable happiness!

One side was filled with little joy Zhang Weidao and Wu Bujie. The two glanced at each other. They were nervously aware that the thing they had been looking forward to for so long was finally coming. They were really excited and so happy!

But the inner rippling back to rippling, the authentic temperament of the two names can not be lost.

"Amitabha." Five of them chanted the sound of the buddha, and said in a dignified color, "Color is not different, empty is different, color is empty, and empty is color. Since we are in the world of red dust, we should experience the world of red dust. I ca n’t avoid being a monk. Otherwise, how can I test my sincerity to the Buddha? Dear Lord Mo Yan, I am ready for the young monk. "

On the side, Wang Yan and the three women from the earth were stunned. The four were shocked.

For the first time, they saw a monk who said that Da Bao Jian was so fresh and refined, and it was indeed a master of the Five Commandments!

"Supreme Heavenly Supreme." Zhang Weidao also looked straight, deliberately pinched a decision, and read the chant, "The law of the Dao is natural, and the poor Dao must naturally conform to the will of the world. Now that we are not in the world, what are we talking about?"

Zhang Weidao's entry and exit is somewhat similar to Wu Wujie, but he was wisely aware that there were still women on the scene, so he coughed again, "Cough, we are like this Many people, poor people think they should open a few more rooms. "

The words also have a meaningful look, another male companion from the earth, the desert emperor.

"Well, I think what Wei Dao said is right." The emperor of the desert did not blush or jump, but instead said seriously, "There is a difference between men and women. If you want to rest overnight, you still have to open a few more rooms."

Open, open your sister!

The goddess Shiva, Lydia, and the high priest, Belika, were dumbfounded and almost scolded without breaking their mouths.

They are really good insights. The wicked guys in front of them actually put such a straightforward saying in the open house, they are really convinced.

"You, you stinky men! Both of them are big hoofs! They are all gangsters! In the future, I must not let Lei Biao live with you!" Shiva was horrified to realize that if her goddess Lei Biao, having been with these guys for a long time, wouldn't she want to turn into a grassland?

"His! Hell world is really evil ..." The high priest Berika looked around and asked Lydia unreasonably. "Does our demon flame often come and go on such occasions?"

In front of so many people, Lydia's cheeks were blushing and she nodded silently: "I come often, no, but ..."

But before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Belika.

"Huh, Master Moyan, you can't see it, you really have it." Belika glanced at Wang Yan meaningfully, and she didn't forget to give Wang Yan a thumbs up halfway, causing Wang Yan to sweat.

Wang Yan groaned inwardly, and secretly he just wanted to lead his friends to a meal, why suddenly there was such a drama? Are you all actors?

"That ... just have a meal and rest."

Wang Yan wiped a sweat and seemed to want to explain, but none of these little friends beside him seemed to be willing to listen. So no more nonsense, a wave of his hand, attracted a servant, asked for the most high-end private room, and led them in.

This is the inner city of Shendu. All customers and shopkeepers are pure-blood demons. Only the attendants and attendants are slaves of other races. Therefore, Wang Yan brought a group of slaves and attracted a lot of attention from the beginning of the door. In particular, Wang Yan had to take slaves to enjoy the most high-end private rooms, and also caused hostility and dissatisfaction among many pure-blood demons.

In the eyes of these pure-blood demons, slaves are not worthy to enjoy here. However, these dissatisfaction and hostility only swallowed back under Wang Yan's indifferent glance.

In the world of hell, who is the best fist, who is rich and powerful, whoever has the final say. Wang Yan throws a lot of money and is domineering, and no one dares to talk nonsense.

In this way, the most high-end private room here belongs to Wang Yan.

This is a luxurious private room on the top floor, which is very large in size, and can accommodate dozens of people for parties.

On the west side of this private room, there is also a luxuriously decorated open-air balcony. At this time, the sun and the sunset are drooping, and the orange-red sunset light smudges this area like a painting.

If you look down from this balcony, the streets of God are all intricate, with a panoramic view, the bustling crowds, and the distinctive buildings, echoing the brilliant glory of the sunset, so it is another beautiful scenery.

To the east opposite the west, there is a smoky hot spring bath. In the domain of purgatory, where water resources are relatively scarce, hot springs seem to be the standard for high-end venues.

The same is true in Liuhuocheng. The high-end entertainment club, and even the main palace of the county and the devil's palace will build a bath. It seems that only in this way can they show their noble identity and possess a lot of resources and wealth.

If you look at it from another angle, it is true. Purified water in the Purgatory Demon Realm is very precious, ordinary people can't even drink it, and these rich and powerful people can use a lot of water to bathe, and it is still more precious hot spring water. Identity, then there is really nothing to show off.

The baths in this club of Shendu are also very large. It seems that the smoke is smoky and hot, and the main bath alone is probably enough to hit dozens of ogres. In addition to the main bath, there are several small baths around, in short enough to be used by Wang Yan as a pedestrian.

After coming to **** for so long, Wang Yan also found a pattern. In Hell, the area of ​​the house used by people has always been as big as it can be built, and it is not stingy.

Of course, house prices in Hell World are also very expensive, especially in large cities like Liuhuo City and Shendu, any house is overpriced. However, if it is converted into a ratio and compared with the price of the earth's China country, you will find that the housing price is still higher than that of the earth's China country.

In addition to these two eye-catching places, the north and south sides of the private room are the rest and dining area. In the middle is a rotunda, decorated with plants and a statue of a beautiful demon.

However, the statue is only covered with tulle, and it is sculpted with **** enchanting and lifelike, making people look blushing at a glance. All kinds of toys that are also full of **** are all available in the rest area, making it hard to think about it.

In addition, in the team of Wang Yan, there are men and women, and most of them are slaves. This makes the owner of the club who came out to meet Wang Yan's eyes very meaningful.

Due to the large number of people, in order to facilitate service, Wang Yan called several maids to serve. These majestic, maid-looking maids are all pure-blood demon with high prices, and they are all dressed like the statues of beautiful women. They are only covered with **** tulle, and the key positions are only covered by ornaments similar to coverings.

Such a magnificent dress is full of the wild style of the world of hell, and it also makes the atmosphere of the scene hot and ambiguous.

In the face of such a beautiful beauty of the Demon Race, even the natives of the Inferno Demon Clan, the Lord of Red Confusion and the Three Brothers of Chi Lie, are all in love. Zhang Weidao, Wu Wujie, Shen Tu Tian Lu, these three young people from the earth, are short of breath, and the whole person is boiling. Even the desert emperor, who is a top superpower who usually lives like an emperor, can't stand the face of the passionate **** beauty.

Only two ogres and a few women were on the scene, indifferent to these beauties. The ogre's aesthetic is a bit surprising to other races, so they first care more about what to eat.

As for the few women at the scene, it was because of the confusing lord and the pig brother of Zhang Weidao and others. They stomped their feet in anger and scolded Wang Yan for being too bad and too evil.

Fortunately, Wang Yan is also decent, he came here just to eat and rest.

Soon, various **** delicacies were delivered one after another. Smells in the air, the delicious smell of meat, Wang Yan and other people's stomach, can not help but rumbling.

Although they are all highly evolved, they do not have to eat and sleep every day like ordinary people, but proper rest is also very important to eat.

Enjoying delicious and high-quality food, in addition to being a treat, can also supply yourself with high-quality nutrients.

Especially as it is now, there is still no rest for a long time. The two greedy ogres, Ablon Giantmaul and Walpole Blue Shield, are all hareas, and wait for Wang Yan to have a meal.

"Everyone, have a good rest tonight, let go and eat casually, let's go."

Following Wang Yan's signal, the two ogres, who could not wait, picked up a plate and poured them into their mouths.

As an inferior race, they can enjoy this high-end cuisine like nobles. Both are very happy and grateful to Wang Yan.

The deluded lord and others were equally grateful, and secretly followed the master, and then happily enjoyed themselves, regardless of the image.

The cruel master and Meier serve Wang Yan happily. Zhang Weidao, Wu Wu Jie, Shen Tu Tian Lu, and the Desert Emperor are all young and bold young people. They were not very comfortable at first in the face of alternative special **** cuisine, but after trying it, they yelled delicious, Even the worm honey wine made with **** rye as the main ingredient was also praised by them.

The world of **** is huge and rich in species, so the cooking skills here are equally diverse and unique. Especially in the core city of the purgatory demon, the culinary skills are unique.

The cooking technique here is based on the delicious food. The ingredients must be fresh, and then through various cooking techniques, the original deliciousness of the food and the sense of fullness and refreshment are perfectly preserved.

Coupled with the rugged nature of Purgatory Demon Race, the food is full of rich and pure taste and aftertaste while retaining the exquisite and fresh taste. Coupled with enough weight and plenty of nutrients, it will make people feel addicted and almost unforgettable for a long time.

"Delicious! I'm not quite like this. This strange looking meat is so refreshing!"

"Goodong, haha, happy! This wine drinks, and the pores seem to expand."

"Old, oldest, come here, let's go one!"

"Yes, yes, boss, we respect you!"


Zhang Weidao and other earth partners, as well as the sorrowful lord, etc., all ate away at this time, eating and drinking with each other, and there were beautiful maids next to them pouring wine, one by one, talking and laughing, so busy.

The club where Wang Yan is now belongs to the most high-end occasions in Shendu, and the dishes he cooks are the best in terms of taste and quality. The ingredients are also extremely attentive. Every dish is full of nutrients, which is full of benefits for consumers. Some precious ingredients even have the effect of washing the marrow and cutting the hair, increasing the soul and promoting evolution.

Of course, the price of these fine dishes and wine is naturally quite expensive, and Wang Yan can spend a lot of magic crystal coins for this.

"This is the fish in the underground river? Well, it's really ugly ..." The goddess Shiva frowned and looked at the ugly fish in front of her. She suddenly lost her appetite.

This dark river fish that lives deep in the ground is covered with meat. It grows like a pool of white fat. It looks ugly. Its eyes are as small as sesame seeds, but it has a sharp tooth.

Right now, the fish in this dark river doesn't know that through the technique behind him, the cut bones and flesh are separated, and the pieces of fish flakes are blooming, and the weird juice is drowned.

In short, this dish, the goddess Shiva looks like a daunting look, and it does not match the taste at all.

"If you are hungry if you don't eat, you can save me a lot of money." Wang Yan glanced at the goddess Shiva and didn't mean to persuade her to eat.

"Humph!" Goddess Shiva was a little angry this time. She felt that she was a guest, but she didn't persuade her. She was arrogant now, "I'll put it here today, my Indira Brahmin, Even if you starve to death, do n’t eat this ugly fish! "

Wang Yan shrugged, with an indifferent attitude, and continued to eat and drink.

The goddess Shiva looked around, and all of them were in full swing. Even the weakest Lydia was enjoying the food in front of her. On the other side, the high priest Berika was already curious. Driven by the bite, bite after bite, you can't stop eating.

I looked around and found that everyone was enjoying the food, but she was still hesitating.

In the end, I didn't know whether it was because of curiosity or because she didn't want to save Wang Yan's money. She finally picked up a piece of crystal-clear fish and took a sip carefully with the juice that had not dripped at the door.

"Um! Really fragrant!"


Just when Wang Yan and his party walked through the street and were enjoying the food, a group of unpredictable guests came downstairs from the clubhouse.

"Master Shizi, please come in, hurry, hurry in!"

The middle-aged boss was humble and tense to the extreme. Even in this tension, there was an uncontrollable fear.

He nodded and bowed, humbly like a slave. From outside the door, he greeted the door all the way, then pointed at the stairs, and said with a vague face: "Lei Duo, the foreign lord with many human slaves, is upstairs!"


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