The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1599: Raito Shiko

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Raito's son?

Is that the elder of the Satan Parliament, Lei Xiu, the son of Lei Xiu?

I just talked to this son of Raito, but I didn't expect to meet so soon.

Wang Yan looked up and saw the young man who was standing in front of him. He was a typical pure-blood demon, with long black hair, strong sword eyebrows, and a pair of slender black eyes, full of sharp and aggressive aggressiveness.

At this time, he was sitting on the chair with his stab-heavy legs, his thin lips rising slightly, his slender and tall figure, showing a strong air of arrogance of heaven and earth.

Behind him, dozens of equally aggressive men gathered, among them dozens of them have reached a powerful legendary state, and the rest are all half-step legends.

Surrounded by the solemnity of these men, his awe-inspiring body undoubtedly increased by several percent, almost reaching the point where ordinary people are difficult to parry. This makes the entire clubhouse enveloped in a rather depressive atmosphere, and all the guests sit down in the original seat honestly, not even dare to show up in the atmosphere.

"Oh, you are the alien lord with many slaves?"

This son of Lei Duo, who is noble in the **** capital, suddenly sneered. While Wang Yan looked at him, he was also looking at Wang Yan.

However, compared with Wang Yan's calm, Lei Duo's eyes, there is a trace of lightness.

Because Wang Yan has already used the fire of the convergence technique, even a demigod can't perceive his true power. In addition, he is quite low-key. In addition to the slaves and his men wearing suits with obvious signs, he only wore a light **** casual suit, a sub-artifact level armor, and did not show it.

This also led Raito to think that Wang Yan was the same news he heard from his men, but it was just a legendary lord who had gone a little bit of luck, so he had no interest in asking his name.

Wang Yan drew back his eyes in a boring way, and turned around and walked past him.

The light smile smiled on the corner of Raideo's mouth, and then he froze. He has been with God for so many years, but no one dared not to give him such a face.

Not waiting for Wang Yan to take another step, a young Devil with a glorious bird of prey took a step from behind Lei Duo's son and blocked it in front of Wang Yan.

"I don't know what to lift, so bold!"

At the same time, another young demon with thin body and fierce temperament also blocked Wang Yan on the other side and shouted: "We Lei Duo Shizi can't afford to see you until we come downstairs, You do n’t know what ’s wrong, even our Raiduozizi ’s face, I think you ’re tired! ”

These two young demons were at the entrance of the God Capital at the beginning, and they were looking for the servants of the strong foreigners from all walks of life.

At this time, these two servants were foxes and tigers. After shouting, they still wanted to grab Wang Yan's collar, but they were caught by a wolf-like ogre behind Wang Yan, and a group of youngsters, with only one look. He was scared and froze in place, unable to breathe for half a sound.

Seeing that Rituo was not angry but rejoicing, the smile that had froze once hung lightly on his face again.

His eyes swept around the younger brothers and companions behind Wang Yan, especially Lydia, Goddess Shiva, High Priest Berika, the three strong women from the earth, and the charmer, Zoe He is the best succubus and eagle succubus, and he has looked at it several times from top to bottom with his eyes. Even his expression revealed an unstoppable look of wonder.

Reiduo Shizi then got up from the seat, reached out and waved back the two servants of the fox and tiger, and walked forward to Wang Yan.

The eyes of everyone on the scene almost converged on Wang Yan and Lei Duo.

Surrounded by stiff expressions and terrified expressions, the guests sat down in place. Frightened, he led the attendant to the club boss next to Jingli. Behind the son of Lei Duo, dozens of servants under the eyes of Wang Hu, and Wang Yan who showed no weakness on this side, even a group of little brothers who already had some fierce appearances.

A pair of eyes with different eyes, all moving between the son of Lei Duo and Wang Yan, the atmosphere instantly became dignified.

Among these people, apart from Wang Yan ’s brothers and his companions on the earth, no one knows that Wang Yan is the demon lord who has been widely circulated in the Purgatory Demon Realm recently. They thought Wang Yan was only one, in order to participate in the **** meeting of the country lord. The son of Lei Duo is the great aristocrat who is really on the top floor of the **** capital. His father Lei Xiu demon king, but the **** capital, and even the real authority of the entire purgatory demon realm, one of the 13 elders of the Satan Parliament.

Devil God Satan is indeed unrivaled, and is the most noble supreme demon **** in the purgatory demon clan. It can be said that he is the entire purgatory demon clan and the soul and core of this demon domain.

But Satan, the devil, is in a divine form, and the living beings in his feet are all ordinary. He also has the intention to cultivate outstanding talents and develop the Infernal Demon Race into the most powerful fighting race in Hell. Therefore, he established the Satan Parliament to exercise authority on his behalf to manage the vast Demon Territory and a large number of races and populations.

It's just that Satan, the Devil God, can't supervise everything, and over time, the Satan Parliament gradually becomes a supreme authority under the Devil God and above all in the course of the upward order.

In addition, the 13 elders in charge of the Satan Parliament often have marriages and secret alliances with each other. Therefore, the 13 elders who seem to regulate and suppress each other have actually secretly communicated with each other. Polity.

Among them, the father of Lei Xiu, Lei Xiu, the biggest devil, has the deepest family origin and the most powerful forces. It is no exaggeration to say that he can cover the sky in the entire purgatory demon domain.

Especially in God Capital, if an outsider sins against them, there will never be good fruit to eat. Therefore, in the eyes of so many onlookers at the scene, Wang Yan is at most just a small accomplished **** lord. Wang Yan is arrogant outside, but if he arrives in Shendu, Lei Duo's son, dare to have such a lack of vision, let alone attend the **** conference, the end will definitely be terrible.

"This little brother, I don't think you know who I am yet."

There was a contemptuous smile in the corner of Raito's mouth, and his eyes were domineering. Under his condescending look, it seemed as if he spoke to anyone, which seemed to him a blessing.

"Is Lei Duo Shi Zi? Oh, the name I heard the most when I came here is actually not Satan, but your little son."

Wang Yan chuckled slightly, his eyes still not fluctuating, "Now I know who you are, but you are blocking my way, and quickly let me go."

Wang Yan's tone was gentle, but he showed unquestionable power.

His eyes narrowed, and he touched the mold again, and his patience reached the limit, his face suddenly gloomy.

Many of the onlookers at the scene suddenly sweated down, and some timid guests had already shrunk in their seats.

All of these people were secretly horrified in their hearts. What is the origin of the **** lord with many excellent slaves in front of him? How dare he talk to the son of Lei Duo so much, did he eat the bear heart leopard gall? The last person who dared not give Lei Duo Shizi a face was still a young and noble young, and was crushed by Lei Duo Shizi on the street!

Although all fights are strictly prohibited in God, this decree was issued by the Satan Parliament. For the descendants of elders like the son of Ledo, the laws of God are useless for them. With the words that all the residents of God Capital know well, these big nobles are the law!

In the eyes of the surrounding onlookers, the **** lord with many slaves in front of him, daring to refute the face of Lei Duo's son, is just looking for death!

The atmosphere began to become more dignified, and the entire club building seemed to be shrouded in a depressed atmosphere of Xiao Sha.

The source of this Xiao Sha's momentum is precisely the son of Lei Duo, who has touched the mold one after another.

"I don't know what to lift ..." Raiduo Shizi bit his hard teeth, according to his inner anger, "I think you are a talent, I wanted to pull you a hand, take you this country gangster, and go to the **** meeting See the world. But now, this son has changed his mind and joined the **** meeting? Ha ha, don't even think about it in your life! "

"Oh? When he fights for the Hell Conference for His Majesty the Devil God, when will it be up to you, a little man like you?" Wang Yan made no concessions and sneered.

"You!" Raiduo Shizi's eyes were sullen, and his anger rose. "Silhouettes who have no vision, this prince wants to see, in this god, without this prince's approval, what skills can you have to go to the **** conference! "

The eyes of the two were opposite, and the eyes of Raiduo Shizi were fierce and powerful, but Wang Yan was light and calm, and he didn't even take this Raiduozi seriously.

Under such contrast, the anger in the heart of Lei Duo's son was burning, and dozens of men behind him also gritted their teeth one by one, and their eyes were opposite, as if they had to tear Wang Yan at any time.

Dare to face such a arrogant person in front of the son of Lei Duo, Wang Yan is really the first.

The smell of gunpowder on the scene became more and more intense, and all the onlookers who were forced to stay on the scene did not dare to show more, for fear that they would be blamed on the spot if they were not careful.

"Admiral Flame, is this the case? Don't you want to go to a few other places? There is no need to waste time with Raito."

Among the many Wang Yan's men, the three brothers Chilie were the only ones who knew the son of Lei Duo before. At this time, the state of the scene became more and more intense. The eldest son Chilie stepped forward and posted a comment next to Wang Yan.

He knows Wang Yan's true identity, and now he is following Wang Yan, and he is a lot more brave. Otherwise, as the son of the former demon king, he came to this son of Ledo and borrowed a hundred guts. He dared not say such a word.

Of course, at this time he wanted to stand up and say such a sentence, also because of his father Chilian Demon King. At the same time, their father Chilian Demon King was also squeezed and used. Finally, he was used as cannon fodder all the way in the **** meeting, and he was seriously injured and eliminated.

This time, if he did not follow Wang Yan, his Chilie and two other brothers would also be oppressed by these worlds. At that time, I really squeezed out Lao Tzu and squeezed my son again. At the thought of this, Chi Lie and his two brothers really couldn't swallow this breath.

"What are you? When the world is talking, when is your turn to talk?"

Raiduo Shizi's eyes flashed coldly, Xiao Sha's momentum suddenly increased, and the entire hall of the club's ground floor seemed to instantly fall into the ice cellar.

However, after seeing the outrageous Chilie Lord, Raiduo Shi laughed: "Oh, who do I think was originally the three sons of Chilian Demon King."

"It's still ten years ago. At that time, your ridiculous father, with your three sons who were not able to make things, waited for a few weeks outside the inner city gate before I saw my father."

Raito Shiko raised his lips, scornfully mocking and said, "Your ridiculous father, in the face of so many servants, begged hard, spent a lot of money, and pleased the world son, and the father of the world son, must bring you Participating in the **** meeting gives you a few more opportunities to perform before the demon god. Why? Now that I ’m following this countryman, I ’m not asking my son to take you to the **** meeting? "

"Hahaha, I remembered that the three of them were the sons of the devil in the country!"

"I was there that day, the country demon named Chilian, took them three, and asked for time and time again, waiting for our Lei Xiu Devil's car to pass by again and again, it was really good intentions!"

"Po ha ha! You three are the sons of the devil anyway, but don't live up to your devil's father's expectations. What's so good about you with that country lord? Don't be interested, confess to the head of our royal family, maybe our mood is good , Can also take you to this session of hell, giving you a chance for Guangzong Yaozu. "

"That's right, otherwise I missed this time, I'm afraid there will be no chance in this life!"


As soon as the voice of Lei Duo's son fell, his dozens of men began to stir up a lot of talk and noisy.

In the world of hell, the **** conference is quite critical. For the three demon gods, the **** conference is a tool for their game. This is especially critical for the inhabitants of hell, especially some middle and lower nobles. It's no exaggeration to speak of important opportunities that stand out.

Performing well in the Hell Conference not only means a lot of rewards and precious resources and wealth, but also wins a lot of popularity and honors, makes many dignitaries and nobles, and paves the way for future careers. The most important thing is that once it is fancy by the supreme demon Satan, it means flying yellow and reaching a bright future.

If you are lucky enough, like Chilian Demon King, you can be appreciated by Satan the devil and personally give instructions, then your own strength and future achievements will get a qualitative leap.

The Red Refining Demon King laid a solid foundation by following the time when he followed the Star God, and then received the reward and guidance of the Devil God Satan. .

However, in order to successfully pass the selection and formally participate in the Hell Assembly, you must succumb to the Satan Parliament, as did the Red Demon King of that year.

Because of the availability of places to participate in the Hell Assembly and the ability to meet Satan, the devil, the key opportunities for getting ahead are all in the hands of the elders of the 13th Congress of Satan.


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