The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1601: Who is doing things?

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"Chi Luo, what are you doing here?"

Lei Duo's son, who was about to shoot with two people, frowned, and his body, Lei Yan, shrank a bit. Even with his group of men, he stopped, as the enemy looked at the fiery son who had just entered.

"Why? This shop was opened by your house? You can come with Ledo, but can't you come here?"

Shi Luo Shizi's face was sullenly and softly smirked, and with a lot of men behind him, he walked into the hall of the club in such a big swing that he did not care about Lei Duo and his crowd.

After coming in, he didn't look at the son of Lei Duo, but instead looked at Wang Yan and others with no scruples, and then he smiled without good intentions: "Lei Duo, Lei Duo, your vision is finally better, this country lord The slaves are indeed the best. "

While he looked at Wang Yan and others, the scene became silent again.

The guests and the club boss who were forced to stay in their original seats all shrunk their necks and looked at the two worlds of Lei Duo and Zhi Luo diligently, completely at a loss.

The men of the two princes also opened their postures, showing each other fiercely and staring at each other.

On the side of Wang Yan, the Chire Lord, who is familiar with the forces of the major families of God, quietly glanced at the Shiluo Shizi, and then close to Wang Yan, whispered: "Master Demon Flame, this is Shiluo Shizi, his father Chi The Xiao Demon King is also the great elder of the Satan Parliament. Their family status is comparable to that of Lei Duo's son and cannot be underestimated. "

"Oh, Chiro, do you want to cover rebellious recidivism?"

A layer of anger rose in the eyes of Lei Shizi, and after the Shiluo Shizi walked in, there was an unscrupulous shame, "This country gangster is a rebel who is recognized by this son. This son will be executed. ! "

During the speech, Lei Duo Shizi reached out his right hand, and a group of blue and red Lei Yan appeared suddenly in his palm.

The inner layer of blue-blue thunder in Thunder Flame is intensely intertwined and full of water. The outer layer of red flames is solid, like glass. The two very different laws of strength, instead of repelling at all, blended into each other in his palm, as if they were natural, full of compelling killing intentions.

Feeling the coldness of death, those around the guests, all sweating with a lot of fear. Chi Luo Shizi's soft and surly gaze also shrank away from the emergence of this group of thunder flames.

Everyone knows that Lei Duo's son is a rare material in the family of Lei Xiu Demon King, which has been rare for thousands of years! Not only has he inherited the twin talents possessed by his father Lei Xiu Da Mo Wang, but now he is a little better than Lei Xiu Da Mo Wang in those days.

It is not uncommon to master a variety of law powers. Whether it is the superpowers of the earth or the powerful residents of the **** world, when the blood awakens, the strength continues to increase to a certain level. Bypass the category and master some of the other secondary abilities.

For example, the magicians on the earth, when they practice elemental magic, such as fire magic, they often study some wind magic, and finally integrate wind magic into fire magic to help their firepower. This is like a football player, he may not be able to play basketball, but the degree of specialization is different.

But it is rare to have two powers of law by nature. Lei Duo's son is different. Like his father, he is born with the talent of the dual system rule. Today, these two laws are even more integrated, and the two laws cooperate with each other, which is very powerful.

Even among the 13 proudly outstanding worlds of Gods, Lei Duo is definitely one of the best, so after he showed the thunder flame formed by the twinning rule, Zhi Luo had to make him three points.

"Huh! The life of this rebel thief is mainly determined! If you want to protect this rebel thief, just try it!"

Lei Duo's son sneered, his heart would not easily conflict with him, plus he wanted to get rid of Wang Yan out of breath, the moment of the murder, the gorgeous thunder flame in his palm instantly formed a blue and red blend The sharp arrows are missing.

The arrow loss is small, but it seems to contain endless killing intentions. As soon as it is formed, the whole hall of the clubhouse is shrouded in a small killing atmosphere. Those onlookers who were still in the clubhouse couldn't breathe immediately, their hearts seemed to stagnate under the strong murderous intent and coercion.


With the throwing of Raiduo Shizi's arm, the floating thunder flame arrow was lost, and immediately it was like a green and red staggered thunderbolt, which was blasted directly to Wang Yan's heart.

Chi Luo Shizi looked ugly, and snorted secretly. He didn't mean to fight with Lei Duo's son. His goal was the best female slaves behind Wang Yan. Wang Yan's life and death had nothing to do with him, and he couldn't have clashed with Lei Duo for this.

However, at this moment.

A nearly transparent air wave suddenly shot from the entrance at a rapid speed,

Just listening to the sound of "Qiao", like the sound of metal symphony, the Thunder Flame Arrow lost its insignificant air fluctuations and suddenly collided in mid-air, bursting into a flame of thunder flame.

The exploding Thunder Flame and the invisible strong wind rushed straight up to the sky, and then spread and rolled in all directions.

The strong explosion and power shocked all the onlookers at the scene. But these people reacted immediately, and quickly turned to the entrance where the air waves hit, looking nervously.

I saw a tall, rough-looking young Demon who was coming in from outside the door with a lot of men under his hands, laughing loudly.

"Lei Duo, Lei Duo, I have n’t seen you in some days. Your kid is getting more and more rampant. You said that this country lord is a rebel thief, and he is a rebel thief? Are you the decree of our God? ? "

This young Demon, wearing the extraordinary black scale leather armor, looks a few years older than Lei Duo and Zhi Luo Shizi. The body is tall, but the skin is much darker than the usual purgatory. And the eyes are slender, always emitting a sharp light that can't be seen directly.

Of course, the most striking thing is that there is a person with a long foot obliquely behind him. I do n’t know what metal is used to make a wide blade long sword! This long sword is as heavy as a stone, full of green and gray, but it always exudes a sharp edge.

It was against this sharp momentum that this later Demon youth, whose tall body appeared mighty, has attracted everyone's attention since then.

"Humph!" Leiduo Shizi snorted coldly, his eyes showing a sullen anger, "I'm sick, I dare to spoil my good deeds, it's best to call yourself a few pounds or two!"

Opposite the son of Lei Duo, Zhi Luo Shizi was also disgusted, and Wu snorted coldly: "It's noisy where you are everywhere!"

However, this dying world didn't care about Ledo and Chiro at all. These two worlds were full of hostile eyes. He walked in with such carelessness, and stopped directly between the two sons of Lei Duo and Zhi Luo, and his bold and bold eyes fell on Wang Yan as a pedestrian.

"Oh, the best, it's really the best! I really didn't expect that we can meet these good things in our hell." Shi Yin Shizi licked the strong teeth, and his eyes showed a thick greed.

Shiyin Shizi just stood still, and the large number of men he brought with him also rushed into the club hall.

The area of ​​the hall on the ground floor of the clubhouse is actually very large, but with the brigade brought by the three parties, almost half of the clubhouse hall is filled by them.

The guests and the club boss who were forced to stay in their seats at the scene all cried. The innocent people lying on the guns were all white, and several of them even got scared under the table.

Just kidding, the three eldest sons of God are all gathered here at this time. If there is anything wrong with them, who can ate these unlucky people?

The large number of men brought by those three great worlds, although they still look like Yaowuyangwei, but in fact these men inevitably played a drum.

If you put them in peacetime, the two unfamiliar worlds meet each other, at most they will not look at each other well, and will say a few words, because family power and personal strength are almost the same, and there is little serious conflict. But now the three great sons gather here, and with the growing atmosphere now, what will happen next? It's hard to say what they did.

You should know that it is now the time for the selection of the Hell Assembly. Every life in the God City has exerted its strength, and every life is constantly accumulating strength, absorbing all the strong people, and expanding its own strength. These worlds are competing with each other, both on the bright side and in the dark.

Finally, among the 13 competing worlds, the strongest one will become the first main force under Satan. It is conceivable that the various benefits gained and the importance attached to Satan, the devil, will be a great opportunity even for future development.

The foreign lord, who leads a large number of excellent slaves, is undoubtedly the strong foreign aid these worlds see. Those beautiful and rare human female slaves can not only be enjoyed by themselves, but also used to show off, or tame as soldiers. In addition, the many masters brought by the foreign lord are enough to make the strength of these worlds greatly increased. It is impossible to reach the strongest power of God in one fell swoop.

Therefore, the three great generations of Lei Duo, Chi Luo, and Ji Yin all got the wind, and found that this pedestrian Wang Yan is a rare and powerful foreign aid. The same rare and rare human female slaves also make them rush.

With such a great opportunity, how could the three great worlds of the gods miss it? All eyes on Wang Yan as a pedestrian, and one by one is bound to get.

Therefore, many men of the three great worlds secretly squeezed sweat in their hearts. Because if there is any conflict in the future, the first one who is out of luck will be their desperate men.

"Senior Demon Flame, this is Shiyin Shizi. His father is the Great Demon King and one of the elders of the Satan Parliament. According to my father Chi Lian Demon King, his father is a great devil and has a strong wind. , Quite domineering! "

Lord Chilie once again whispered to Wang Yan ’s ear, whispering whispered, “At present, the three generations of Lei Duo, Zhi Luo, and Ji Yin are considered to be the most powerful three generations in the **** capital, the strength of the triple room. Quite quite, as far as the other ten worlds are concerned, they are far inferior to them. "

"However, the subordinates heard that the overall strength of the three great worlds may be even better. And on the weekdays, the world's limelight is better than the other two."

Lord Chilie thought for a moment, and added again, "So the subordinates believe that they want to absorb our power. In their view, whoever can get us will be able to suppress their opponents and become the strongest among the gods. That force. At the same time, you can also get the best human slaves, so many accomplishments, I am afraid that these three great worlds will not easily give up. "

After listening, Wang Yan nodded slightly, indicating that he was clear.

In the world of hell, races and forces of all sizes are complex. Among them, the largest and most relevant faction organization is probably the Satan Parliament in the Purgatory Demon Clan.

In the long history of the **** world, as a native race and a ruling class, there are many large families with deep roots in the purgatory demon clan. In the early days of this family, it was some large tribes that dominated one side. Since the demon **** Satan unified the entire purgatory demon clan, these large tribes naturally merged into one.

This kind of organizational form combined by large tribes is now the Satan Council that replaces the devil Satan to exercise power and govern the entire purgatory demon race!

These powerful family patriarchs have become the eleventh elders from the Satan Parliament. Their heirs and heirs, future heirs, are these sons.

In the God Capital and even the entire Purgatory Demon Realm, the great generations of Yaowu Yangwei are equivalent to the future elders of the Satan Parliament. They are in charge of the affairs of the Purgatory Demon Realm, coupled with the huge power and the complicated network, so no one in the entire God dares to easily provoke.

Because of this, the thirteen sons of the **** capital, including their fathers, have gradually developed a lawless and domineering style.

Except when they meet Satan, the supreme demon god, they will bow down and bow to each other, and all other times, they will look like a single hand to cover the sky.

"Disease, do you sincerely want to fight against this world?"

Raito Shiko's face was cold, and his voice was low, "The country lord is the rebel thief, and those slaves are also the fancy of this world, why? Do you want to fight with Chi Luo?"

The son of Lei Duo secretly scolded him, and Chi Luo and Ji Yin competed with him from an early age, and he was still a step behind. But with so many top-notch slaves, he will never let go!

"Oh, Raiduo Shizi, you are really becoming more and more overbearing. Do you think our gods are all yours?"

Shi Luo Shi Zi's eyes smiled softly, "But this Shi Zi has no interest in those ugly lives, the three human slave girls belong to me, and you slowly fight for the others."

It turned out that Shi Luo Shi Zi had chosen Lydia, Shiva, and High Priest Berika. Moreover, Shiluo Shizi's men are mostly loose, and their clothes are weird and exposed. It can be seen that this Shizi has some special hobbies.

"Haha, joke! Chi Luo, you are really as greedy as ever, there are only three superb human slave girls, do you want to go it alone? Ha ha, dream!"

Shiyin Shizi laughed loudly, and then looked at Lei Duo Shizi boldly, "Lei Duo, these slaves are not yours now, why can't this Shi Zi fight?"


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