The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1618: Special Envoy of the Abyss

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Water vapor? fragrance?

Wang Yan didn't think much, anyway, the girl's boudoir had all kinds of different fragrances. Right now he has just reached the bottleneck of the research and urgently needs outside help. Now, in three or two steps, he went straight to the inside of the boudoir.

"Lydia? Where are you?"

"Come out for me, Li ..."

With Wang Yan's clatter, she opened the door in the boudoir and was stunned by the scene in front of her.

It turned out that behind this door was a bathroom. In the mist of water, the little Nizi, who loves cleanliness, is soaking in the water and is taking a bath!

Wang Yan was dumbfounded. The name that had been shouted halfway was also stuck in his throat.

On the other side, Lydia herself, too, was terrified, and she screamed out with a bang.

"Metamorphosis! Metamorphosis! Quickly, get out!"

Lydia covered her chest with both hands, the whole person shrank in the water, and her tears were frightened.

She had been taking a meditation while taking a bath, but who knew that this majestic, angry fiery big villain had actually rushed in! Even if she is more tempered now, her heart is also stronger, but she can't stand the magic flame so bad.

"Okay, I will go out, and I will go out here."

Wang Yan old blushed, just wanted to turn around and retreat, but then think about it, why do you want to go out?

"You little girl slave, so brave. This **** son wants to come as he wants, and wants to go! Why should I go out?" Wang Yan said nothing, and turned back to the bathroom.

"Woo, it's over, I'm over! The son of flame comes to save me ..."

Seeing that the magic flame of Wang Yan's incarnation was so overbearing, Lydia wanted to cry without tears, and secretly feared that she would be tortured by this big bad guy, but could not escape today.

"Stop and stop, do you think the Divine Son is interested in your humble, humiliating slave girl?" Wang Yan gave her a white eye and reached out to say, "Gossip less, quickly turn you on Give me that magic book. "

"Should it be raised or not? Should it be raised or not? I, I, I ..."

Lydia was choked with shame and anger, and her face was flushed, but when she heard Wang Yan's book of stars, she immediately showed a difficult look, "Then, that's mine ..."

That was her most valuable asset in the Starry Sky Academy. How could it be handed over to this evil flame big villain?

"What's your mine? You are the slave girl of the Divine Son, everything you are is the Divine Son!"

Wang Yan was so concerned about his research problems that he had no time to tell Lydiad, and immediately threatened, "If you don't hand it over, I will go down and search for myself!"

"Yeah!" Lydia was frightened again, so she had to grievously wiped a storage bracelet and handed over the book of secondary artifacts and stars.

"You have to take care of it carefully. You, you promised me, to give me all the relics of the Starry Academy ..." Lydia's voice was aggrieved, almost inaudible.

In front of this abominable big devil, she really couldn't tell the truth.

"My magic flame speaks and counts, and I borrow it for your books."

When Wang Yan got the book, he did not forget to look at Lydia's slim and delicate figure, and then left quickly.

"Damn! I, I will definitely take revenge!" Lydia looked ashamed, looking at the back of Wang Yan's leaving, her fist clenched.

Concealed this rash and impolite princess, she will leave Lydia sooner or later, and then return ten times and one hundred times!


After a period of time, Wang Yan returned to his bedroom, laid a soundproof barrier, and told Meier not to let anyone disturb. Open the Book of Stars, and forcibly enter the secret space of the subspace sealed on the title page of the Book of Stars.

This is where the magic tower left by the starry sky **** is located, and where the spirit of the book of stars is.

Although it is a spirit, it is the manager of all the precious knowledge of the starry sky **** at that time. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a librarian with spiritual wisdom.

"Oh, young man, you are here, I don't know where the old can help you?"

Just as Wang Yan descended on the top of the Magic Tower, an old man with white hair appeared in front of Wang Yan. He has an amiable attitude, just like a virtuous old sage.

Speaking of this, this old veteran of spirits and Wang Yan are old acquaintances, and this veteran spirit shaped by the starry sky **** was very capable. As early as when competing with the Red Refining Demon King for life and fire, this instrumental spirit could recognize Wang Yan's soul origin at a glance, and finally shared the life and fire to Wang Yan and Lydia.

You have to know that among so many people around Wang Yan, the only person who can recognize Wang Yan's true identity is actually this instrumental spirit. It is conceivable that the star sky **** had studied the evolution of life.

This is why Wang Yan came to this dharma artifact spirit to answer his doubts.

"Senior Senior, haven't you revealed my identity?" Wang Yan also politely bowed his hand to the magic weapon of Fa, and saluted him.

Dharma Artifact Spirit also responded immediately: "Of course not, you are the benefactor of our starry sky dharma spirit, and with your instructions, old and natural understands the difference."

"That's good." Wang Yan and the Divine Artifact Spirit are already very familiar, so he opened the door directly, "I am working on a subject recently, and I want to inherit the legacy of the Starry Sky Divine God's old man, and go back to the old man's old days. That way! "

"Why, what?"

For a long time, the Magic Artifact Spirit reacted. "You, you mean, you want to follow in the footsteps of the Starry Magical God and his old man and be promoted to God ?!"

"Yes, to be precise, I hope to find a way to the gods." Wang Yan then outlined his purpose and the difficulties he encountered.

After a while, Dharma Artifact Spirit exhaled with great relief and exclaimed with emotion: "Young man, you are really a hero of the earth! The knowledge of old age is open to you at any time."

"That's really thank you so much!" Wang Yan let out a sigh of relief in his heart, and climbed back to the corner of his mouth with a smile.

The following night passed by quickly.

As the assistant of the starry sky god, the dharma artifact spirit almost grasped the massive knowledge possessed by the starry sky god. In addition to the starry sky god's research in the past, it was only close to the door. With these huge research results, it is most supported. Wang Yan ’s improvement plan on blood vein evolution and the road to god-building based on it, there is a complete Progress.

Of course, this is because Wang Yan itself has a very high level of life, and the individual's absorption and comprehension of these maritime knowledge is very rapid. Otherwise, if you change to an ordinary person, I am afraid that you will not be able to understand and absorb such a huge amount of knowledge for a lifetime.

In the next few days, Wang Yan already had a preliminary plan, but he still could not complete it by others.

So he again found Master Alchemist Hill and the adopted daughter of Master Hill, also the most faithful alchemist Zoe under Wang Yan.

Wang Yan needs Master Hill to design a set of preliminary test equipment for him, otherwise he will not be able to practice his blood purification and optimization theory.

In addition, the alchemist Zoe will help Wang Yan even more. The real eye of the relic that Zoe possesses also has a spirit.

This alchemy spirit comes from the hand of the most famous alchemist in the world of Hell, Orhaus. This grand alchemist can be said to have the world of hell, the most comprehensive alchemy knowledge, and a variety of unique methods.

This alchemy spirit also possesses a huge amount of knowledge. To a certain extent, it has some similarities with the magical artifact spirit.

If Wang Yan wants to further optimize and improve the bloodline evolution technique, many of the theoretical supplements and practical technical methods are inseparable from the help of this alchemy spirit.

Fortunately, Zoe, who is loyal to Wang Yan, has completely inherited all the knowledge of Erhaos. Now there is such an alchemist to assist him, which can save Wang Yan a lot of energy and trouble.

And these men who were loyal to Wang Yan were shocked when they heard Wang Yan's goal. Then he was greatly lamented that his master was very ambitious, courageous and courageous.

And Wang Yan also promised that after completion, he will build a country with his heart and let them live freely, which also makes Master Hill and Zoe full of motivation.

Therefore, with the help of these two masters and two instrumental spirits, Wang Yan's technique improvement design was in full swing. In addition, Wang Yan is now rich in resources and abundant in funds. As long as the research needs, he will provide everything without reservation.


A little bit of time has passed, there is the alchemy spirit, the treasure house of **** knowledge, and the dharma artifact spirit, this life research treasure house from the earth, with the assistance of Master Hill and Zoe. It can be said that Wang Yan's research development is very smooth today.

In the following period, in addition to devoting his attention to this research, Wang Yan was also thinking about how to improve his own strength.

For this reason, Satan, the devil of his son, directly let his temple stop in the square in front of the womb of the god. Every day, he must personally guide Wang Yan's understanding and application of the universe's heavenly path, which has greatly benefited Wang Yan.

On this day, Wang Yan came to the demon Satan in time again.

"For the good son of the father, every time I see you, the mood for the father is always unexpectedly good."

Satan the Devil took a glass of wine from his maid and tasted it with emotion, "Good son, you are so diligent, and the father can assure you that with your qualifications and potential, within a thousand years, you can definitely step on the divine order. My Purgatory Demon Clan, add a new Demon God! "

Demon God Satan looks magnificent. For him, a thousand years of time seems to be fleeting. But this word reached Wang Yan's ear, but it made him feel deeply embarrassed.

"One thousand years?"

Wang Yan raised his eyes and sighed for a thousand years! After thousands of years, the earth has not known how many times it was destroyed by the aggressor. If he can become a **** by this, what is the use?

Ugh! It seems that the path of others may not be suitable for him, and Wang Yan has to find his own way.

"It's only a thousand years. It took nearly ten thousand years for the father to get a real deity."

Devil God Satan ’s concept of time is still weak, he put the wine glass down, put his arms around Wang Yan ’s shoulders, and said anxiously, “Son, do n’t rush to practice today, I ’ll bring you to see you later. In addition to cultivating some things, you also need to learn gradually. In the future, the ruling power of the entire Purgatory Demon Clan will be put into your hands for the father. "

Satan, the devil, can be said to value Wang Yan very much, and he even wants to take Wang Yan with him in political and national policies.

It's a pity that Wang Yan has no time to deal with this now? He asked absently and asked, "Come on? What is it?"

"A special envoy from the abyss world, the Dark Mist Demon King."

Satan, the devil, explained patiently, "The abyssal forces cannot be underestimated. They are the same ancestors as our purgatory demon clan in ancient times. The abyss demon, Kaos, is very powerful and not inferior to his father. But in this turbulent era , The abyssal forces are considered to be allies of our Purgatory Demon Clan, and ally with such a strong man is of great benefit to my Purgatory Demon Clan. "

"Special envoys of the abyss world? No, I don't want to see them. They are all fierce and savage races. I have no good feelings for them."

When it comes to the abyss, the biggest enemy of the earth, Wang Yan is full of dissatisfaction, "I am now actively preparing for the Hell Assembly, and now the Hell Assembly is more important to our Purgatory Demon Clan. What special envoy, I will temporarily disappear Now. "

Besides, Wang Yan is now busy solving the big crisis, he does n’t want to waste a little effort.

"Really missed you?" Satan the Devil asked again and again.

"No, no."

Wang Yan then said goodbye to Satan, the devil, on the grounds that he wanted to prepare for the Hell Assembly.

It didn't take long for Wang Yan to return to his bedroom, which was his private territory, and no one would bother him.

But at this moment, the channel mark that Lydia made for Wang Yan suddenly lit up.

When Wang Yan left the Plane Base, he let Lydia make the vertex teleportation circle, and he and several cronies had teleportation signs in his hands.

In other words, Wang Yan can start a small starry sky gate by teleporting beacons, so that he can quickly communicate with the plane base guarded by the ancient Yanmo.

At this time, the channel sign was illuminated, obviously on the side of the ancient Yanmo. When it encountered an urgent matter, it was necessary to open the door of the starry sky and meet Wang Yan's move.

Without saying anything, Wang Yan opened a small starry sky door in his unmanned dormitory.

However, with the opening of the starry sky door, the ancient Flame Devil did not come over, but differentiated a fire elemental bird from the body. The bird flew past the starry sky door and fell into Wang Yan's hand.

The ancient Yanmo sent Wang Yan an urgent look, and then the small starry sky door began to close.

Such cautious and careful actions made Wang Yan unable to be vigilant. A bad hunch immediately lingered in his heart.

"It seems that something has happened to the earth."

Wang Yan murmured secretly in his heart, and then raised with one hand, the elemental bird immediately turned into a red letterhead that burned after reading, and fell lightly on his fingertips.

Wang Yan glanced down, suddenly narrowed his eyes, and secretly shouted!


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