The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1620: I want to catch Jiuwei Tianhu

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"Hahaha ~ That's my old brother's words." Wang Yan laughed heartily and continued to toast. After two barrels of wine went down, Wang Yan and the Dark Mist Demon King said on their shoulders, "Brother Dark Mist, I heard that. Our abyss was counterattacked by the earth and destroyed a large array?"

"Brother, who are you listening to?" The Dark Mist Demon looked slightly, and the dark golden innate pattern on the wings floated with a strange color.

"Is it still necessary to hear it?" Wang Yan thought, "I have trapped several human slaves on Earth. How can this kind of thing hide me?"

"Boy, since you have heard, I will not hide you." The Dark Mist Demon blasted all the slaves he served, and then lowered his voice. "That was done by some of the strongest demigods on earth. But you can rest assured that they have been trapped by our abyssal army and cannot escape. "

Obviously, the Dark Mist Devil's intelligence system is very smooth.

"Brother, I heard that there is also a nine-tailed sky fox among the demi-gods?" Wang Yan's eyes narrowed as he spoke, a mouth-watering look, "That's a rare species, if it can be caught As a slave girl, you are willing to live a few hundred years less. "

The Dark Mist Demon scolded in his heart that Mo Yan was not very young, and his color heart was not small. Not only had he brought up a group of top-quality female slaves, he even had the idea of ​​Jiuwei Tianhu.

But Mo Yan is Satan's beloved son, and Dark Mist Demon King is the object of the iron-hearted heart. It had to be patient to explain, "Brother Demon Flame, those human demigods from the earth are very important, even our abyss demon **** Kaos also pays attention to them. If the younger brother wants to catch the nine-tailed fox, it is difficult Very big. "

"Oh ~" Wang Yan sneered suddenly. "It seems that Senior Dark Mist still treats me as an outsider. Forget it, a Nine-tailed Sky Fox is just a little rare, and the Divine Son will find a way by himself. , Leave. "

With that said, Wang Yan stood up and walked away.

"Wait!" Dark Mist Demon's heart burst out, the secret path is not good, it seems that it angered Mo Yan, quickly stood up and pulled out a smile, "Don't worry, Brother Mo Yan, let's discuss this matter slowly. It ’s not impossible to grab the Jiuwei Tianhu as a slave ... "

According to various information, Satan, the demon god, is extremely fond of Moyan. Once he offends Moyan, I am afraid that even Satan will be offended. Now is the critical moment when the abyss captures the plane of the earth. If Moyan and Satan jump out and make trouble in any way, it will be very unfavorable for the future development of the abyss world.

What's more, to offend the demon **** and the future demon **** for the sake of a nine-tailed sky fox is very cost-effective.

"Dark Mist, this is right." Wang Yan said with a smile on his face, "Come and come, let's talk about this matter."

"Brother, the Nine-tailed Sky Fox is already an adult, and it would be very difficult to adjust it to teach it." The Dark Mist Demon sighed in relief. The son of the Devil God was really moody and difficult to serve.

"That's not a problem." Wang Yan said with a look on his face. "Not long ago, he just took this from the storehouse of the Father and God." He made a gesture, and there was a slave collar in his hand. The slave collar had a delicate structure and was engraved. The pattern is decorated with countless sophisticated and complicated magic patterns, exuding a dark golden light.

"Slave collar? No, this is ..." The Dark Mist Demon took a breath, "This is the humiliation of the gods, God, how can there be such a thing in this world?"

Ordinary slave collars can only target legendary strongmen at most. However, if you want to control the demigod level, it is absolutely delusional. But the humiliation of the demigod is different, specifically for the demigod level.

However, the demigods are demigods after all, and their dignity cannot be humiliated. The alchemist master who developed the demigod slave collar was beaten to death by a group of demon kings.

Of course, even if there are drawings of demigods, it is difficult to imitate them. After all, it's enough to make up a piece of sub-artifact in order to make up the materials for the humiliation of the demi-god.

Seeing the humiliation of the demigod, the Dark Mist Demon King instantly felt a sense of evil strike, after all, this thing can control it, so that it has no dignity, and the evil weapon is better than death. You do n’t live as well as a dog, and you ca n’t even commit suicide.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in you." Wang Yan said with a smile. "It's difficult to find the second item of this level in the world. It is too wasteful to use it on you."

"Yes, yes." The Dark Mist Demon smeared a virtual sweat secretly, and smiled to please, "Yes, yes, and only the rare demigod creatures like Jiuwei Tianhu are eligible to enjoy the humiliation of demigods. Now. "

By this time, the Dark Mist Demon King no longer dared to stop Wang Yan from thinking about Jiuwei Tianhu. I really want to make the devil mad, and God knows if he will be angry, and apply the demigod of the demigod to its dark mist.

However, it was easy to entangle a group of masters to siege it on the **** site, and even the abyss demon Kaos could not save it.

"That's the way to go." Wang Yan patted the guilty Dark Mist Demon on the shoulder. "The younger brother followed his brother to go to the abyss for a stroll, and his knowledge increased. It would be best if he could catch the nine-tailed sky fox. I ca n’t catch my brother if I ca n’t catch it. In short, Mo Yan remembers this love. "

He became the dark fog brother again, and the speed of this kid, Mo Yan, was really fast, and he was indeed the son of Satan. The Dark Mist Demon also pretended to be: "What's that brother Moyan? Your business is your brother's business. This time, the abyss is satisfied by Brother Bao."


The sky of **** world seems to be so hot and overbearing forever. The smell of sulfur in the air filled people's ears and nose. But after staying in **** for a long time, Wang Yan gradually became familiar with this taste.

Over a vast area of ​​hot magma, the red magma, like the thick paste boiling in the hot pot, emits huge heat. Even if it is far away, the eggs can be cooked.

Suddenly, a giant battleship broke through the sky and broke through the thick smoke.

It was a huge and peculiar warship, the body was dark black, the bow was actually a huge and fierce dragon head, a pair of huge dragon wings fanned, so that the giant ship produced a powerful power, this is a ship The warships made from dragon-shaped monsters are amazing and ingenious.

Wang Yan, who was transformed into a magic flame, stood on the front of the ship with his hand down. He looked around and looked at this domineering and mighty warship like a leader. He could n’t help but praise: “Brother Dark Mist, this battleship cost you a lot. Think about it? "

In his heart, he secretly drummed, and it seemed that he finally underestimated the power of civilization of the abyss demons. The Abyss Demon Race is a civilized race that has developed for at least tens of thousands of years, how could it be the wild primitive race imagined?

"Haha ~" The Dark Mist Demon accompanied him also laughed proudly, "My brother doesn't know that this Dragon King ship is one of the three major battleships of my abyss Demon Clan. His Majesty Kaos personally beheaded a deep abyss in the dark sea. The Dark Dragon King took hundreds of years to create battleships made of countless rare materials. Purely in terms of level, it has reached the level of an artifact. Even the devil **** can do it for a while, and also A certain chance to escape. "

Such a cow?

Wang Yan was even more shocked. He already knew a little bit about the strength of the demon god, and it was far from comparable to the devil-level demon king. This warship can actually compete with the Devil God for one or two, showing how extraordinary its power is.

Presumably ordinary demigod level, when the number has not reached a certain level, why can't it be at all.

This artifact-level warship alone has been able to sweep most of the earth ’s forces. Even Midi's space carrier is far from being able to survive.

This makes Wang Yan add a little bit of pessimism. If the abyssal forces invade the earth in an all-round way, what do people on earth rely on to resist? Nuclear bomb? A large number of nuclear bombs are thrown out, let's not say whether this battleship can be killed, even if it can be killed, the earth will be plagued with holes.

Not to mention, there are as many as three Artifact-class battleships of similar ranks.

The earth people are really far from the abyss demons in the background. No wonder the Uncle Guns are going to enter the abyss desperately, delaying the collision of the two realms.

Seeing Wang Yan shocked, the Dark Mist Demon King became more proud. Artifact-class warships are so precious. When they are used as diplomatic warships, they naturally have the idea of ​​showing muscles.

We must know that in the **** world, that is, the vehicles of the three devil gods are the artifact level. However, Wang Yan has also seen the artifact-level dormitory of Satan the Devil God, which should be much stronger than this Dragon King ship.

The abyss world has benefited from its broken space, and there is nothing but a dark sea everywhere. The demand for flying warships far exceeds the **** world, and therefore it is far superior to the **** world in this technological point.

This Dragon King ship is huge and clumsy, but it is extremely fast, and it passes by thousands of kilometers. In the distance, a huge city appeared. The city is much worse than the Devil's Capital, but it is much stronger than the Great Fire City.

For example, the city built by Chigang is filled with a team of barbarian demon warriors. Their armor is complete and their momentum is high.

The border city!

What this city guards is not the other two demon gods of the **** world, but the long-distance space node channel with the abyss world.

On the surface, the Abyss Demon Clan and Purgatory Demon Clan are close relatives and natural allies.

But in fact, there is no enduring friendship between races? Both the Purgatory Demon Clan and the Abyss Demon Clan know this very well. As a result, the two sides seem to be close and affectionate, but they all set up heavy troops on the border. As the name suggests, once the other side is in trouble, they can quickly go to support.

Huge space nodes are laid across the border city, and the arched gate made of purgatory steel protects it. Hundreds of magic cannons point directly at the space nodes like a sword.

From this point of view, the purgatory demon clan's heart for the abyss world is not small. It is no wonder that both sides are aggressive and aggressive races. As long as the timing is right, there is no guarantee that there will be no wolf ambitions.

Fortunately, the two parties are now using each other for the honeymoon period. When the Dragon King ship applied to pass the space node, it was not troubled. Even the name of the Devil ’s Son was not raised, and the space node was happily activated.

The violent energy collided and collided in the sky, and the original fist-sized vortex expanded in time, until a giant space vortex with a diameter of more than 100 meters was formed.


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