The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1658: "Joint vertical and horizontal"

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The sound of the devil's horns lingered in the hall, full of anger and resentment towards Wang Yan. At first, after being sealed by the fallen demon **** for most of its power and wisdom, it acted as the guardian guard of the Dark Lady.

But unexpectedly, suffered the greatest shame in this life. So far I think that it has an urge to cry.

The corner of Wang Yan's mouth twitched slightly, and it was really the devil with the horns.

It's just that Wang Yan himself was a little bit wronged. The grievances of this horned demon have a half-cent relationship with him, and it was obviously done by the little angel Babe.

But the strength of this devil king has improved, but his intelligence is still very worrying.

Without waiting for Wang Yan to explain, the Devil of the Horns brandished a dark magic steel chain and whipped to Wang Yan.

Then cooperate with the dark virgin with the same strength.

Wang Yan, with one enemy and two enemies, did not dare to use big moves and unintentional love battles. After all, it was a bit overwhelming.


Under a flaw, the dark saint's soul-cutting scythe reached Wang Yan's neck, and his attitude was extremely cold: "Son of Flame, you stupid rogue, what else can you say?"

"and many more!"

A drop of cold sweat came out of Wang Yan, and there was something emptied under his heart, "His Royal Highness, we have something to say, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive."

"Don't you let the virgin be impulsive?" The dark virgin trembles with excitement, "The virgin is here quietly, practicing well. You rush in without a word and play rogue, you you you, the virgin still Do you want a reputation? "

Okay, this is a rogue.

I heard Wang Yan was also a bit sullen, although it was indeed his carelessness, he recognized the wrong person, but he did not have to be so cruel?

"His Royal Highness." The horned demon king Bafu's eyes flashed fiercely. "If you can't do it, let me do it."


Suddenly, Wang Yan's face became very dignified.

"Don't call me Nana." The Dark Lady's eyes were fierce and her anger exploded. "If you have any last words, please quickly explain."

"Alas." Wang Yan sighed a long way, and looked at the Dark Lady with a little more softness. "In fact, I have always been kind to you. You are a strong girl, even under adversity. In, you never give up. "

"Son of Flame." The Dark Lady's heart burst out slightly, her brows fluttering, "What the **** do you want to say? Don't think that just saying two good things, I will let you go."

Wang Yan was speechless for a while, Saint girl, Saint girl, you are forcing me to enlarge the rhythm of the move.


Taking a deep breath, Wang Yan's eyes were a little soft, a little helpless, and a little impulsive, "I know you are blaming me, and blaming me for treating you as Sister Ange."


"But if I know that you are in hell." Wang Yan's voice was a little deep and hoarse, "I must have come to you long ago, even if I would die on the way to you."

Obviously, the eyes of the Dark Lady could be seen, a little surprised and soft.

"His Royal Highness." The horned demon king shivered and persuaded, "The son of flame is the most cunning human in the world, don't be fooled by him."

"Nana." Wang Yan sighed and said, "It's a real trick to get to the point where you are today. If you have the chance to do it again, maybe our destiny can change. Kill me, Nana!"

The Claw Devil growled again: "Saint ~"

"Shut up!" The Dark Lady stared angrily at it, waved her hand, and commanded, "Baffer, you go out first."

The claw devil screamed in horror: "Holy lady, don't be fooled by Her Royal Highness. Flame ..."

The six-pointed star array was opened, and the figure of the horned devil, Bafa, gradually disappeared, and everything was quiet.

"Son of Flame." The Dark Lady gritted her teeth and grunted. "You are indeed cunning, and you are dying to death. You dare to deceive this Saint Girl. If I go down with this sickle, your soul will be harvested, and eternal life will sink."

"Cut it off." Wang Yan's eyes looked at her silently. "If you can die in your hands, maybe everything will be free."


The Dark Lady's shell teeth bit her lip and her voice trembled, "Son of Flame, are you really not afraid of death?"

"Fear! But I would rather die in your hands than you owe you."

"Go. Son of Flame, I let you go, how far you go." The Dark Lady finally took away her soul-cutting sickle.

Well, Wang Yan wiped cold sweat on his heart, and finally escaped.

No kidding, don't think that the Dark Lady can't die. She is a girl who is very cruel to herself. Otherwise, when she was on earth and her monastery was in a deadly danger, she would not curse the light **** in despair, sell her soul to the fallen demon Samel, and gain dark energy.

And looking at what she is now, I am afraid that she has embraced the darkness completely and become a true confidant of the fallen devil.

Wang Yan did not dare to really take risks. In such a situation of deep penetration into the enemy camp, as long as the Dark Lady called, the enemy troops who swarmed in would kill themselves in minutes.

Seeing escape from death, when Wang Yan really wanted to turn his head away, he suddenly felt something was wrong. Just now I vowed to say that dying in the other person's hands is a relief. What is going on in the blink of an eye?

Isn't Baoqi Qi a temptation?

Wasn't it possible that Wang Yan had just stepped out of his front foot, and the soul-cutting sickle flew behind.

Now that he has done it, Wang Yan decides to finish it. At the end of his thoughts, Wang Yan put on a reluctant look and said: "Nana, come with me. The Fallen Demon Realm is too dangerous. Even if you are a saint, it is just a chess piece of the Fallen Devil God.


The anger in the eyes of the Dark Lady dissipated a lot, it seems that the guy who was the son of flame said before, mostly not coaxing her to be happy. The tone also softened a bit, "No, His Majesty the Demon God is so gracious to me."

After a pause, she suddenly had more affection in her eyes, "Son of Flame, its, in fact. I, I don't oppose the arrangement of my mother."

What does it mean?

After Wang Yan froze for a moment, he understood immediately. Mother, is n’t it that the dark council president, Wang Yan ’s little sister-in-law, is now?

The little teacher said that Nana was transformed into a blood clan, and the two sides became blood relatives. Naturally, she is Nana's mother. Within the blood clan, the power of the elders is enormous, and everything that is given to the marriage is a single word, even if the blood descent is given to someone as a maid, it is normal.

Take Wang Yan's sister-in-law, the prince Rose, for example, once gave some of the small blood clan in her family to Wang Yan as a maid.

However, the Dark Lady suddenly proposed this, which suddenly gave Wang Yan some ominous hunch.

"You and I are in hell, and I don't know what will happen next." In the eyes of the Dark Lady, there is a little more watery color, with the meaning of emotion, "I don't, no Mind ... continue just now ... "

A strong sense of danger struck Wang Yan's whole body. This and this, the Dark Lady is the rhythm of eating people.

In order to avoid being harmonious again, Wang Yan hurriedly changed the subject and said: "Oh, Nana, this time you are fully authorized to represent the Dark Devil to participate?"

"Yes." There was a little more doubt in the eyes of the Dark Lady, "Wang Yan, you are here. Could it be that you have joined a certain group? Become a representative of the other party?"

"Oh, this matter is a long story. But since Nana you participated, things will be much easier to handle." Speaking of this, Wang Yan was also relieved. "This time I came to participate on behalf of Satan, the **** of hell. There is a reason to be in first place. When the time comes, Nana will help you a lot. "

"Are you going to win?" The Dark Lady's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Nana, I can't explain it to you now." Wang Yan said seriously, "Our mother planet Earth is at the juncture of life and death. We must unite to save the earth. If I can be in **** By winning the conference, I will be able to bring more resources and self-protection capabilities to the planet. "

The Dark Lady nodded slowly: "The big picture matters, I can understand. The earth is also my hometown, and I will not watch her fall."

"Huh!" Wang Yan breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Nana's experience was very dark, but her heart was still very kind. With the help of Nana, the next **** conference will be more stable as Taishan.

But waiting for Wang Yan to praise her, the Dark Lady said: "Son of Flame, I also hope that you will focus on the overall situation and help me win the **** conference championship. Your Majesty Samal promised me that as long as I can win the championship, he will Support my several armies, which can be used against abyss demons. "

"Uh ..." Wang Yan's eyes glared, "Nana, aren't you? Expecting the fallen demon to deal with the abyss demon, it's better to count on the kingdom of heaven. Nana, listen to me, my current status is not ordinary, I The incarnation of cultivation has been recognized as the only heir by Hell Devil God. "

"Heir Demon God's heir?" The dark maiden show opened her eyes wide and was surprised. "So you are the one said in the information, Lord Satan's Demon Flame Lord?" Now the name of the Demon Lord Lord has spread to the world of hell. Great demon domain.

How did Wang Yan do this? However, the Dark Lady did not have much trouble with this matter. After all, Wang Yan is on the earth, in addition to the title of the son of flame, he is also privately regarded as the son of miracles. In him, there will always be various miracles.

"Good." Wang Yan raised his head, and said slightly, "Nana, in this place of hell, am I better than you?"

"The fame is indeed great." The Dark Lady nodded in agreement. "Even Her Majesty Samel is so stunned by your name that she decides to kill you in the cradle as soon as possible."

Wang Yan's face stiffened for a while, which was also a very helpless thing. The position of his incarnation station was too high, which brought him countless conveniences, but also brought countless enemies.

"You can rest assured that although the demon **** Samuel is very strong, he can be countless for many years." Wang Yan calmed his mind and calmly said, "It is not easy to kill me."

This is not that Wang Yan is boasting, but he is confident that even if he meets Samel's real body, he will be able to delay one or two under the endless life-saving means. As long as he is supported by the devil Satan, it will be safe.

Samuel is very powerful, but it is still slightly inferior to Satan the devil.

"Hehe ~"

The Dark Lady sneered and said, "If I win, according to the agreement of the three demon gods, I can make a request. At that time, do you think you can survive? And I can also give you a free message, the dark demon **** also holds Have the same plan. "

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Wang Yan couldn't help but burst out.

Of the three demon gods in hell, there were two demon gods, who regarded him as a thorn in his eyes and wanted to get rid of it. This makes Wang Yan really wonder if it should be an honor, or is it unfortunate?

Speaking of this, we still have to blame the old thing of Devil God Satan. The bragging is everywhere, saying how powerful his son is, how unreasonable is it to shoot a bird?

But the matter is up to this point, Wang Yan's championship is absolutely necessary.

"By the way, the Dark Devil has heard that there is also a very powerful representative." Wang Yantan heard, "Nana, do you have information about each other?"

He can be sure that Sister An Ge has come to hell. And according to all kinds of information, she is very likely to be the devil's daughter. Since she is not the daughter of the fallen demon god, she is most likely the daughter of the dark demon god.

It is just that the dark demon in the three demon domains is the most mysterious and exclusive. For the mysterious representative of the dark demon god, no information was revealed at all.

It can be seen that the dark demon **** protects it greatly.

At the same time, it also contrasts the monstrous waves of Satan, the **** of hell.

"No, I'm not interested in the other party." The dark maiden's eyes were obviously bad, and it seemed that she also realized that there is a certain possibility that the dark devil's daughter is Uya Ange.

Wu Ya Ange is Wang Yan's nominally serious girlfriend. How could she not be hostile?

"Son of Flame!" The Dark Lady's eyes were heated, "Since everyone wants to win the championship, then each has its own skills."

It seems that this time the combined vertical and horizontal failed.

However, Wang Yan did not think that he would be the opponent of the Dark Lady, and he could not help but easily accept the challenge: "Nana said it makes sense, and the champion won by his own ability is valuable."

After finishing the speech, Wang Yan said goodbye to the Dark Lady, going back to prepare her military affairs to meet the next challenge.


Wang Yan sneaked out of the temporary house of the Dark Lady, successfully merged with Elsa, and then sneaked out of the camp of the Fallen Demon.

It wasn't until she got out of danger that Elsa really breathed a sigh of relief: "Lord, I heard a lot of movement in the temporary dormitory before, and the whole camp was alarmed. Are you okay?"

Wang Yan said with a light face: "What can I do? Just learn from the saint."

"Then this time, the Lord has succeeded in succession?"

"Oh, if I go out in person, can I still be unsuccessful?" Wang Yan said with a smile. "The Dark Lady is very friendly to me."

"It's really worthy of the Lord." Elsa showed an admiring expression. "It was able to take the Dark Lady and retreat all over. It seems that this time we won the championship."

However, what makes Elsa admire even more is that the Lord's "learning" with the saint, the movements can be so great, really worthy of the Lord.

Wang Yan's thoughts drifted into the camp of the Dark Demon: "Elsa, next we will go to the camp of the Dark Demon. I heard that their representative this time is most likely the daughter of the Dark Demon God, let's go Let's go horizontally and horizontally. "


The dark elf Elsa looked at the Lord with incomparably admiring eyes. I have just "joined the vertical and horizontal" with the Dark Lady, and in a blink of an eye I have to "join the vertical and horizontal" with the daughter of the dark devil.

The energy is too strong, this is to go to heaven in the Lord.


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