The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1662: Three demon gods come together

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"Are you going to start? Brother, how long will the conference start?"

"How do I know this? But it seems that it should be fast."

"Hey, hello, let me tell you, I saw that the team of the Three Demons has entered the battlefield!"

"Oh, what is the Demon King? His Majesty the Demon God will be there for a while!"

"Why, what ?!"


With the passage of time, the hot sun has risen above people's heads. But even hotter than the sun is the enthusiasm of millions of viewers in the venue.

That's right, this huge venue is already full of millions of people!

The seats at the venue were divided into three parts according to the forces ruled by the three demon gods.

Among them, each of the three demon gods has dozens of demon **** level representatives. These powerful demigod-level demon, with their respective men and vassals, occupy the front row seats in the venue.

The forces of these three demons have accounted for about 30% of the million viewers. The remaining 70% to 80% of the audience are all high-ranking nobles from all over the world.

The Hell Conference has no requirements on the audience, which is also intentional. The purpose is to pass the results of the conference to every corner of the world of hell.

So as long as you can pay a sum of money, you can enter the field to watch the fierce competition. However, this amount of money is not small. Most people can't afford it. Those who can come here to watch the battle are again generals, small lords, or wealthy merchants.

It can be said that these audiences are all people with heads and faces in their locality, but in this place, the people who can not sit in the first three rows are all insignificant civilians.

Fortunately, the world of **** is well-defined, regardless of the race or people living in a certain class, they can accept their own status, and they are in awe of those who are strong, and they dare not be offended at all.

In addition, as early as the establishment of the Hell Conference, the three demon gods jointly stipulated that as long as they are within the scope of the venue, regardless of identity or race, no private fights and any disturbances that affect the progress of the conference will be allowed.

Otherwise, the guards of the organizer of the contest will directly kill both parties on the spot, and then drag the body out of the court and throw it away. The whole process will not be indiscriminate.

This approach is simple and rough, and implements the three devil gods' contempt for the three views of life, but it is very effective for the security and stability of the scene.

Therefore, whether it is a purgatory demon tribe, night demon tribe, fallen angel, barbarian, goblin, or ogre, regardless of race or identity, even if they have strong opinions about other races, they must be safe here. , No one caused a bit of conflict.

Because of this, this may be the entire world of hell, the only place where all races can coexist peacefully.

"Three-eye deer, fresh three-eye deer ribs!"

"Charcoal grilled eyeballs! Authentic charcoal grilled pig eyeballs!"

"This adult, would you like some local specialties, desert meatballs and giant viper wine?"

"Authentic, of course authentic! Especially this wine, you can't buy it if you change it to another place. Don't believe it? You taste it, and it will delight you to ascend to heaven!"

The sweet and delicate voices are fresh and sweet in the noisy crowd, full of tempting temptations.

At this time, as long as you look around, you can see a succubus wearing a **** leather coat and a maid apron, shuttled back and forth in rows of seats, selling food and drinks, and occasionally let some customers wipe some oil, take advantage of the opportunity Earn a little tip.

On the opposite side of these succubuses, the little ones with gray-green skin and ugly appearance were also rushing back and forth among the crowd.

They are the lower race of this world, Goblin.

"The armor will be waxed! Shoe shine in three minutes!"

A hippy smiling Goblin, in the camp of the Fallen Demon, pleased a death knight and asked, "This adult, you see your armor and boots are all dust, just like coming out of the grave. .Why do n’t you wipe the ash and wax it with a small one? As long as a gold coin, the small one will give you a whole new look! "

"No." The lifeless death knight sat there with no expression on his face, and didn't move at all, "I originally came out of the grave without rubbing."

"Uh." The hippy smiling Goblin was stunned, and then continued to please, "You still wipe it, you see the purgatory demon opposite, one by one, fresh clothes and bright armor, how powerful? The small security officer wiped it for you. Newer and brighter than them! "

"No." The expressionless death knight continued to respond coldly, "The set of the living are false, only death is eternal. The ashes of the grave are the deterrent of the lord!"

"Hiss!" Goblin with a hippie smile, took a breath, and the whole person was stunned. These undead creatures are not all fools, are they?

No way, the Goblin hit the wall again, and now the business was impossible to do, so he turned away and left.

At the same time, he did not forget to scold psychologically, which guy told him that the money of the dead is easy to make? These undead creatures do n’t like to eat or drink. Do n’t even wear armor and boots. If he goes on like this, he still makes a ghost money?

You slipped away, this place can't stay.

Although the Death Knight of the Fallen Demon is not good for business, in this huge venue, the small business succubi and Goblin lower races have good income.

No bullying, no racial bullying, and most of them are rich owners, small races of various races, as long as they obey the requirements of the organizers of the conference, pay taxes according to points, everything else can be said.

At this time, the venue was full of people and people, and everyone was looking forward to the start of the event.

In addition, there are many rumors in this conference, which caused people to have suspense.

There was even a rumor that this time the **** conference might cause turmoil and power collapse in the entire **** world! Therefore, the audience on the scene was full of enthusiasm and expectation for this conference.

Not only was there lively in the venue, but the contestants in the rest area were not idle.

At this time all the contestants have arrived, and everyone is preparing for the upcoming conference.

In the lounge of Purgatory Demon Realm, Wang Yan and his men are also busy or resting.

"Crack! Boom! Delicious, fresh!"

The Ogre Ablon Giantmaul sat on the floor with the Ogre Shaman Walpole Blue Shield, grabbed the big plate with meat in front, and poured it into his mouth.

There were more than a dozen salt-baked three-eye deer ribs on the big plate, and these two meat hills seemed to be ogres, and the meat chewed with bones.

After eating, Ablon Giant Mallet grabbed the wine jar next to him, and slammed with a big swish, while screaming at the Goblin servant in front of him, "Not enough, not enough! Come again, come more!"

"Leader, me! I want it too!"

"I'm done too!"

The ogres sitting around on the floor, holding up the empty plate in their hands, clamored and demanded.

Ablon Giantmaul glanced at the surrounding tribesmen, waved his hand again, and stretched out five palms. The Goblin servant demanded, "Look, let us have two hundred more plates!"


Seeing this scene, the Goblin servant fell off the sweat from his head. He said that the stomachs of these ogres might not be bottomless? I have eaten so much, how can I still eat it?

The dish serving this dish alone is bigger than their Goblin body, let alone, the Goblin leader in front of one eye eats more than 20 plates of various meals, but the result is not enough. ! Still on!

My goodness, these ogres are really scary.

And the gesture seems to be five, not two hundred?

This Goblin servant repeatedly vomited in his heart, so he dare not say it.

Tucao is over and I have to continue my work. After confirming the order, the Goblin servant began to drag the large plate out of the cart. At the same time, small trailers loaded with various delicacies were transported into this rest area again and again.

Compared with the fast food of the ogre, Wang Yan's other men are much more low-key.

The succubes are looking in the mirror and sorting their makeup, while the eagle succubus combs feathers and beautiful nails. For these female races, it seems that their beauty is their second life.

As for the barbarians with the largest number of people under Wang Yan, most of these natural warriors are using on-site training equipment to continue to exercise their strong muscles. Many barbarian cavalry are checking equipment, wiping weapons, and caring for their precious hellfire breathing dogs.

As of today, this army is quite large and has a rigorous system. Everyone understands their responsibilities. Wang Yan no longer has to worry about them.

As the leader of this army right now, Wang Yan is holding a glass of wine, leaning on the sofa in front of the observation window and looking out the window thoughtfully.

This special window can see the whole venue outside, but the outside can not see the scene inside.

At this time, Wang Yan's vision was gradually falling from the camp of the fallen demon domain into the camp of the dark demon domain. Afterwards, he remained silent for a long time, and outsiders could not guess what he was thinking.

So much so that Meier and the brutal master who were serving on the side were silent. Other men, such as Camus, Desert Emperor, Zhang Weidao, and others, are also busy with their own work, or are practicing, or are ready to go.

Lord Lord of Confusion originally wanted to take the opportunity to seduce the succubus maid in the scene, but he looked at the silent boss, and if he felt that he would be beaten, he might be beaten.

So he carried a glass of wine, learned Wang Yan's appearance, and leaned into the observation window.

"Haha, boss, what do you see? What do you want?"

The sorrowful lord did not think it was too big, hey laughed, "The younger brother heard that the leader on the opposite side is a young and beautiful young woman. Isn't the boss thinking ... hey, I know, younger brother supports you!"

"Bah! There is no ivory in the dog's mouth, what's in your head?"

The abusive county master immediately screamed with beauty, "Do you think Lord Mo Yan is like you? All day's thoughts are those broken things? We Lord Ma Yan, naturally thinking about how to lead us to win the conference ! "

In spite of this, she said that the power of the cruel county master was very miserable, but she wished Lord Mo Yan to be a lecher, so that she could reproduce the next generation with Master Mo Yan.

Ooo, is she cruel enough to be beautiful, or is she not waves? Why hasn't Lord Moyan come to spoil her?

"Xiao Chi, is your team ready? If there are any mistakes, I will break your leg first."

Wang Yan stared at the confusing Lord for a while, and then said rather dumbly, "Hurry up and take your big **** away from the observation window, don't block my eyes."

"Oh, so good." After being glared at by Wang Yan, Lord Chidu quickly shrank his neck and stepped aside. "Boss, it's important that you observe the enemy's situation, so the younger will check the armament."

The confusing lord said that he was wrong again? Forget it, let's hurry to prepare the army so as not to be broken by the boss.

After the unsuspecting confessed lord left, Wang Yan took a sip of the drink in his glass, and his eyes fell again on the camp of the Fallen Demon.

Right now he really has a lot to worry about.

In addition to being at the Hell Conference and the Hell Conference, always being alert to the encirclement and suppression of the Fallen Demon God and the Dark Demon God, it is also necessary to try to win the championship of the Hell Assembly.

Otherwise, it is not only his life that Wang Yan and his companions beside him can't survive, but even with the Earth's defense circle will collapse.

This burden is not easy for Wang Yan.

It is not so easy to win the championship in the **** conference where the powerful are like clouds.

Of course, Wang Yan is not without confidence. The hidden card in his hand is enough for his opponent to drink several pots.

But apart from the **** meeting, another important thing also affected his mood.

That is, is Uya Ange in the camp opposite?

He had met with the Dark Saint Nana last night, and at least it is certain that there is no trace of Uya Ange in the camp of the Fallen Demon Realm.

Moreover, the participants in the Fallen Demon Realm are commanded by the Dark Saint, although she may not let her win the crown of her own satisfaction, and the Fallen Demon Realm is not only a strong woman. But the Fallen Demon Realm can have this person in it, and he can feel at ease.

At least, she still recognizes her identity as a human on earth, and everyone is slaves for the earth.

So the only thing that makes Wang Yan unsure is whether Ange is in the camp of the dark demon opposite.

And the dark magic domain is also the most closed and mysterious of the three major magic domains, among which masters are like clouds.

Take the Night Blade Prince who has been in contact twice, it is very simple, and there may be hidden secrets ...

In short, such enemies cannot be underestimated and must be taken seriously.

"Hey, there are two Demon old men and a fallen angel entering the venue. Is **** meeting about to start?" Just when Wang Yan thought about it, the brutal master on the side was pointing at the venue with curiosity. central.

Wang Yan followed the guidance of the cruel tyrant master and turned to see that an old purgatory demon elder wearing a red and black costume was slowly flying out, and was finally suspended in front of their seat in the purgatory demon delegation.

In contrast to this, in the Dark Demon camp, a night demon clan in a black and purple dress slowly flew out.

On the other side, a fallen demon camp slowly flew a female fallen angel.

However, the race of fallen angels is indeed very special, and there is almost no trace of the passage of time in them. In front of this depraved angel, her skin is still delicate, her appearance and figure are still young and slim, and only that mature temperament will make people understand that she has experienced a long time and is absolutely beyond anyone's imagination.

"The three of them should be the on-site arbitration of this **** meeting. It looks like the **** meeting is finally about to begin!"

Wang Yan spoke slowly, everyone behind him subconsciously held his breath and turned to look at the observation window.

There are always three on-site hosts and referees of the Hell Conference.

They are the elders of the clan elders under the command of the three demon gods.

But the three referees will not be present at the same time. Under normal circumstances, when the two parties confront each other, they will use the representatives of the third party as the chief referee of the two parties, so as to ensure the fairness of the conference as much as possible.

At present, the three referees are playing at the same time, and then there is only one thing, that is, the **** meeting is about to start.


There was a thundering air, the three referees raised their arms at the same time, crushed a token, a surging magic energy, and instantly burst into the scene.

Over the demon camp of Purgatory, the blazing **** fire immediately burned out of thin air. The entire sky instantly became a sea of ​​fire. The thick cloud of fire spread for dozens of miles at the first time, following the rear of the purgatory demon camp.


With a thunderous roar, the sky of hellfire was tumbling, and suddenly a big mouth opened, a huge scarlet eyeball, slowly turning behind the crack, coldly looking at the venue below.

A glimpse of the world seems to be able to wipe out the vast majesty of all the creatures in the event, and instantly envelope the audience.

In the next moment, the projection of the majestic and overbearing purgatory devil Satan has already followed this torn sky and landed incomparably on the venue.

The entire venue suddenly became silent. Even if it is not the real body of the demon god, it is just a projection, but the magnificent divine power and the magnificent momentum spread with the raised demon wings are far from those on the scene and can bear Under pressure.

Under this magnificent dignity, everyone on the scene, regardless of the race of men and women, was frightened and chilled. Under the projection of the demon **** projection, one by one felt his own smallness and lowliness. Even in the front row of the meeting room, the delegation of the demigod demon king, who had not been able to live forever, was also in the shadow of the projection of the demon god, and the previous prestige was completely gone.

"Your Majesty welcomes you to the venue!"

"Immortal Purgatory, Everlasting Demon Realm!"

In the camp of Purgatory Demon Realm, almost all of them knelt down on the ground almost immediately. In the front row of the seats, the demon-level demon representatives acted faster than the ordinary audience behind them, kneeling down one by one, and greeted the presence of Satan.

However, almost at the same time.

Another powerful and equally powerful supernatural power suddenly burst across the dark demon camp opposite the Satan projection.

In a short while, the dark magic mist filled the sky like rivers and lakes, covering the sky and the sun above the sky, rolling and surging.

The turbulent dark energy demon domain is as rich as water, and everyone below is secretly looking up at this almost doom-like scene, and a claw splits the sky instantly!


The cracks in the black hole are like the eyes opened by a giant beast, and the terrible and domineering atmosphere seems to come from the end of Henggu's unchanging flood, and rushed straight into the hearts of everyone on the scene.

"Your Majesty welcomes you to the venue!"

"Magic can be dark and cover the earth forever!"

Everyone in the Dark Demon camp, along with dozens of demigod demon king representatives, shuddered immediately, kneeling down on the ground in panic, greeted loudly.

Sure enough, as everyone welcomed, a stream of water and dark energy burst out from above the torn sky.

In the next moment, a burly figure, wearing a crown, and the dignified divine projection, has stood proudly opposite the devil Satan.

Dark Demon Mamen! The supreme ruler of the Dark Demon Realm is also the hateful rival of Satan the Devil.

It was such a majestic demon like a king that was born in the hands of the devil Satan and robbed a large area of ​​land and established a dark demon realm that can now compete with the devil Satan.

There are too many legends about the Dark Demon Mamen. In recent years, there have been rumors from the outside world that the Dark Demon Mamen has been aging and no longer exists.

But the projection of the demon **** Mamen that came to the crowd at this time undoubtedly broke this rumor.

At this time, the projection of the demon **** Mamen, wearing a crown, all hair must be white, and his majesty, it looks like a majestic old king, full of king domineering.

Even if it is just a projected form at the moment, the kind of panic and mighty power seems to be endless, attracting people to worship everywhere. Its power is no less than that of Satan, the devil in his prime.

The projection of the demon **** Mamen stood proudly over the camp of the dark demon. Satan, the demon god, was full of hostility in his eyes, and the mighty power exuded from him exaggerated again.

But opposite the demon **** Satan, the demon **** Mamen showed no signs of weakness, and returned to the past with a calm attitude.

The secret confrontation between the two demon gods is rare in the world. Even if it is just a projection, even if it is only a confrontation of Shenwei, it also makes countless audiences below, the heart beats wildly, and it is silent, and it is prostrate and kneeling one by one. a bit.

But everyone at the scene was immersed in the mighty divine power of the two demon gods. While trembling, another huge pressure suddenly came.

It is the fallen demon Samel!

With a silent whirlpool of demon qi slowly blooming above the camp of the fallen demon domain, a fallen angel phantom composed entirely of dark devil qi suddenly jumped out of the center of the vortex channel.

This tall and noble fallen angel phantom is the supreme deity from the fallen demon domain, the fallen demon Samel!

At this time, the demon Samel projected gently and elegantly floating above the fallen demon camp. Twelve black wings with magnificent power, rising proudly behind him, the panic divine power exuded by him was like all death and silence in time. The source of extinction.


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