The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1665: Mamen's old tricks

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At this moment, Wang Yan really has an urge to spur blood.

He couldn't help it anymore. At least in this situation, he really couldn't confirm whether there was Uya Ange among those women.

Although he is eager at heart at the moment, if he is brutal, it will definitely cause large-scale disputes, so that it will be worth the loss. So he had no choice but to forcibly press his patience to rush to find Ange, temporarily stabilized, when the time is ripe, then find a way to confirm.

Sister An Ge, wait for me again, I will be here soon.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Wang Yan could only silently sigh in his heart and comforted himself a few times.

Perhaps Xu Yan saw that Wang Yan was worrying about something. Zoe on the side guessed his master's thoughts and kindly asked, "Master Demon Flame, you can't tell the daughter of Mamen. real identity?"

"Looking at their mischievous formation, I have to wonder whether there is a daughter of the Mamen." Zoe glanced at the meeting room, speculating on his own, "The subordinates have heard and heard it very early, dark The demon **** Mamen is very clever, and now it seems to be well-deserved. His arrangement must be to obfuscate and hide his true heir. In this way, he can protect his heir and also make this heir become his last Killer. "

"It seems to be the case now." Wang Yan nodded and relieved.

In the present situation, the practice of the dark demon Mamen that shows power and hides power is indeed very sensible and understandable.

Only in this way, he Wang Yan wants to confirm whether there is Wuya Ange in the Dark Demon camp, then it is difficult.

At the same time, on the grandstand above the venue, Satan, the dominant purgatory demon, looked at the daughter of Mamen below and could not help but sneer: "Mamen old thief, you are too careful, right? How scared Was her half-breed daughter really seen? Or did she say that she is too weak to cover up with that broken mask? "

"Mamen, although he does not want to agree, but this time the God appreciates Satan's views." The fallen demon Samel also raised his arrogant mouth slightly, humming and said, "This is so mysterious, I have to make people doubt that your hybrid The true strength of the daughter. "

These three demons are in a competitive relationship all year round, as long as there is a chance of hitting each other, they will not be wasted.

"Oh, the gods are making a mystery?" The dark demon Mamen sneered and confidently said, "Look at the three of us, who will laugh to the end!"

"Cunning old guy!"

"Then let us wait and see!"

The purgatory demon Satan, the fallen demon Samel, and the dark demon Mamen, all with fierce eyes, once again fell into each other's dark rivalry.

The center of the venue.

With the daughter of Mamen, known as the Princess of the Dark Song, after completing the appearance with the team of maids, a young strong who attracted everyone's attention, controlled a ferocious lion and scorpion with dark hair, with a magnificent and high spirits. Out of sight.

The Dark Demon camp immediately shouted cheers like mountains and tsunami, and those audiences were a little more enthusiastic than the mammon daughter who just appeared.

Wang Yan and his men and companions next to him immediately narrowed their eyes and secretly met the old acquaintance again.

That's right, the people who came out now are the night demon prince night blade who has forged a beam with them and has already confronted Wang Yan twice!

At this time, Prince Nightblade, with a magnificent appearance, was dressed in a black scale armor, holding a magic halberd gun. His eyes were as clear and sharp as obsidian. Sitting down the mighty male lion and scorpion beast Introverted and domineering have been elevated to a very high level. It made him seem to despise the king of the world, the edge was full, and the power was pressing.

Behind Prince Night Blade is the lion, scorpion and beast army that Wang Yan has seen before, and a fierce war butcher!

The lion, scorpion, alienated monster with the blood of the galaxy, is fierce and fierce, and its claws and scorpion tail are highly toxic, which is very difficult to tangle. This kind of alienated monster, combined with the elite clan and night elf clan armed to the teeth, constitutes a powerful cavalry, can fly and land combat, and has a very strong combat power. It belongs to the royal arm of the dark demon Mamen.

The other unit, composed of the elves and elite elites, is also a terrible war butcher.

Their mount is a hard-skinned, unicorn barbarian that resembles a rhino. This wild beast is ferocious and likes to eat meat. After wearing armor, it has a strong impact on the battlefield. And because of their ferocious nature, on the battlefield, sometimes they even open their mouths of blood basins directly, biting and swallowing the enemy's enemy or mounts.

Such a powerful mount, combined with the equally well-known demon and night demon clan knight, the two are strong and combined, and on the battlefield, just mentioning the name of this army is enough to make the enemy army frightened.

As soon as these two arms appeared, the atmosphere at the scene was instantly destroyed.

The audience in the Dark Demon camp was excited, and everyone was fanatical. But the spectators of the two camps of Fallen Demon and Inferno Demon immediately tightened their nerves, and their timidity even shivered in their seats.

"All are barbaric lunatics."

In the channel of the Inferno Demon camp, the deluded lord and several home-grown infernal demon generals secretly despised.

The main unit of the Dark Demon camp can make the purgatory demon clan known for being powerful to scold the barbarians. It is conceivable how powerful these two powerful ace units are.

"This team immediately played against us for a short time. Although they did not win or lose, they have to say that their strength is very strong and they will be our main opponent next."

Wang Yan looked at the entrance of Prince Yeblan and other horses, and slowly said, "Also looking at the posture, Prince Yeblade's influence in the Dark Demon Realm seems to be higher than that of the daughter of Mamen."

"It really feels like there is a little bit of arrogance." The emperor of the desert answered Wang Yan, "It seems that their night demon clan's weight in the dark demon camp is very heavy. Obviously only a night demon clan master, actually than The mamen's daughter is more powerful. "

The goddess Shiva beside the two looked at the desert emperor and then Wang Yan, and then whispered beside them: "It seems that the dark demon camp is not as powerful as its appearance, at least the dark demon Mamen seems to be Some are weak. "

Wang Yan glanced at the two companions, then nodded silently.

Indeed, if the rule of the dark demon Mamen has not declined, how can the heir's influence be slightly inferior to this night demon prince?

In addition, no matter what the ruling class is, once the influence of the men is overwhelming and overtakes the rulers, there will undoubtedly be two results in the end.

If this loyal and loyal assistant ruler, then the ruler will definitely let the power expand again. If this man is no longer willing to succumb to the ruler, then it is very likely that there will be a situation where the doves occupy the magpie's nest and rebel against the guests.

Not to mention how much such a situation is in the **** world, even in a relatively peaceful earth world, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign have been commonplace.

The basis for this situation is the weak power of the ruling class.

Judging from the current situation, it can be speculated that the Dark Demon Mamen, the dominance of the Dark Demon Realm in recent years, seems to have declined somewhat, resulting in the rapid expansion of the Night Demon Clan.

In addition, Wang Yan discovered that Prince Night Blade had secretly held secret meetings with mysterious races in the wild, which also made him more determined. This Prince Night Blade and his father Yesha Big Devil might be planning something.

"It seems that inside the camp of the Dark Demon is not very peaceful."

Wang Yan sneered with a sigh of emotion, because the Dark Demon camp was ultimately dead or alive. He didn't care much, and he couldn't care.

The only thing he cares about now is how to win the **** conference championship, and confirm that Uya Angoan is not safe, in the end is not in this camp!

With the passage of time, Prince Night Blade brought his men and a large number of troops into the field, followed by Shadow Demon Clan, a mixed coalition with some other races.

The Shadow Demon Clan can be said to be the darling of the universe. They are a peculiar species between half matter and half element, half fog and half entity. They are very good at using dark energy and the law of space, and their personal ability is very outstanding. The only shortcoming may be the difficulty of reproduction and the small population.

Therefore, like the dark elves, the shadow demons in the Dark Demon camp also belong to a special combat force, and are strictly arranged and trained.

Following the appearance of the Shadow Demon, the multi-ethnic contestant coalition is next.

The Dark Demon Realm implements the policy of multi-ethnic settlement and the ability to dominate. As long as you have the ability, you can have a place here. Therefore, there are many races in the Dark Devil's Domain. In order to fight for more freedom and living space, these races have strong efforts. Coupled with the brainwashing and promotion of the leaders of the upper levels, these multi-ethnic coalition forces have a strong cohesive force, and they are famous for fighting fiercely without fear of death.

At this point, the team of the Dark Demon camp has fully played, a total of eight teams, one more than the Fallen Demon Realm, plus the reserve team, the overall number of hundreds of more than the Fallen Demon Realm.

This also allowed the participating teams and audiences of the Dark Devil to take advantage of it.

"How is Satan's child, can the elite's elite combat power be comparable to your Purgatory Demon Race?"

In the grandstand above the venue, the dark demon Mamen was slightly complacent, "Of course, this **** will let Ye Ren's children show mercy, and you must be more careful at that time. You can't tell you to leave a descendant after Satan is extinct."

"You are merciful? Hahaha, old guy, will my son of Satan lose to that night blade kid? What a joke!"

Satan, the purgatory deity, sneered, "Don't you want to borrow my son, get rid of that night blade? Satan's old thief? As for the elite combat power? You only have so little man and dare to follow me to the purgatory demon. Clan ratio? "

In the class of demon gods, which one is not as good as people.

In the Dark Demon camp, the night demon clan's power continues to expand. The dark demon **** Mamen's direct demon family has always been unable to occupy a dominant position in the population. This is undoubtedly a weak place in the multi-racial dark demon camp.

Since the night demons are big, the **** meeting is undoubtedly a good time to use them as cannon fodder and reasonably reduce them. However, if the Night Demon Clan led by Prince Night Blade is elite, if not only was not reduced in this session of Hell, but made great achievements, then the dominance of the Dark Demon Mamen and the Demon Clan in the Dark Demon Realm will undoubtedly be shaken. Blow.

Satan, the purgatory demon god, said that instead of moving, the dark demon **** Mamen sneered and responded: "Since you are so confident, Satan, you have to see how strong your cheap son is. How elite! "

"Brother Satan, the number of participants has nothing to do with strength or weakness." The fallen demon Samel, who had the lowest number of participants, also said sarcastically, "The **** is also very looking forward to, a **** child and his elite style."

"Then you have to keep your eyes open!"

Satan, the purgatory devil, snorted without showing any weakness, but in fact his heart was also emptied.

He was naturally confident in his outstanding baby son. But he was empty, the baby son was very stubborn, and he had to use his own slave corps.

This made him sad and depressed. How much power can those inferior races living at the bottom of society who have always been despised by the ruling class of the three major demons? How can it be compared with his direct legion of Satan?

Especially after seeing the heirs of the other two demon gods, including all the contestants, without exception, all used the most elite Ace arms.

Under such a gap, no matter how strong his son's personal strength is, he can't withstand the gap between the arms?

Ugh! Melancholy, why didn't this son listen?

When he thought that his son, Mo Yan, would lead a large number of slaves to play, his demon **** Satan felt depressed and stressed. He seems to have been able to anticipate the other two demon gods, and will mock him ruthlessly.

"There are please below, Your Honorable Son of the Satan, the Flame Lord, leading the players of the Purgatory Demon Realm to enter!"

With the host of the Purgatory Demon Clan, it was announced loudly that the most-watched Purgatory Demon camp immediately exploded into a loud cheer.

The legend and achievements of His Royal Highness Moyan, the son of Satan Demon God, have been well-known throughout the past two years. In the Purgatory Demon Race, they are almost regarded as heroes. In addition to the audience, many people have witnessed Wang Yan's once heroic appearance. This has also made the audience of the Purgatory Demon camp's worship and enthusiasm for Wang Yan have reached an incomparable level.

"set off."

Wang Yan spoke lightly, then pulled the reins, pulled up the magnificent lava **** dog, and walked towards the exit of the passage.

The whole body is composed of lava. The strong and powerful lava **** dog is burning with blazing flames and a powerful and domineering body. Every step of the foot will leave a flaming lava footprint on the ground.

Wang Yan, who controls this lava **** dog, no longer keeps hands at this point. His strength has been exposed, and the power of the semi-god-level devil is fully exposed. With one hand, a wave of flame is completely formed by the materialization of elements The cloak just formed behind him.

This time, Wang Yan did not choose the pure yang true fire that had just arrived. Instead, the **** fire with the rule of annihilation and the atmosphere of Satan, the devil, was brought to the extreme.

The scorching heat caused layers of scorching waves beside him. An overbearing sub-god-level battle armor, the dazzling fire pattern lit up for the first time. A pair of innate daggers and magnificent magic wings, while rising high, rolled up this layer of scorching waves, constantly eroding the venue, causing him to pass, every inch of the land, all was flames Eroded, turned into a hot boiling magma!


The Lava Hell Dog roared loudly, and the blood in the hearts of all the audience in the Purgatory Demon Camp immediately boiled. The sound of "Magic Flame" began to be continuously cheered in the crowd, so that both the audience of the Fallen Demon and the Dark Demon were amazed.

"Yo man, Satan, is your son imposing? You are so young at a young age, no wonder you are so confident." The stand above the venue, the arrogant and depraved deity Samel, was the first time he was the Satan Face, praise the export.

"Humph!" The Dark Demon Mamen snorted coldly, although he was reluctant, but he still affirmed, "I didn't expect that you could have such a son, and indeed you can be a bit against the capital of the goddess."

"Mamen, Samuel, then you will take good care of me. My baby son will definitely let you know, what is the father of the tiger without the dog!" Satan, the purgatory demon, has already achieved the ultimate self.

Not to mention, his son can be praised by two dead rivals, which definitely makes him feel comfortable.

But the more he was so frustrated, the demon God Samel and the dark Demon Mamen, the stronger the hidden murder in his eyes.

Just kidding, how dare they, the two great demon gods, stay with this huge aftermath?

Over time, once the son of the demon **** Mo Yan grows up, wouldn't the purgatory demon clan become two demon gods? How can these two old guys resist it? By that time, the balance of the stalemate among the three parties in the **** world will definitely be broken!

Of course, the situation is still far from that point, provided that the son of the demon **** Moyan can safely pass this conference.

The fallen demon Samel and the dark demon Mamen were almost silent for the first time. The two are brewing secretly in their hearts. Are the heirs they selected and the tricks hidden in the ranks vegetarian?

So far, this son of the demon god, Mo Yan, absolutely cannot stay, and he must be resolved quickly, even if he sacrifices several seedlings to die with him, he will not hesitate!

Below the meeting place, Wang Yan still urged the mount to move forward slowly, he was like a flame that burned the world, wherever he passed, a sea of ​​fire!

The dark saint who had already lined up in the meeting place could not help but gave Wang Yan a white eye in her heart. She accused Wang Yan of being a showy guy, and she was really brave, not only daring to attack her boudoir at night, but also in this kind of The crowded crowds of **** conference venues are so pretending that you are not afraid to attract eye-catching trouble and provoke the upper body?

Forget it, the Dark Lady continued to keep her eyes in his heart, even if he said to him with good intentions, he wouldn't listen to him even if he was 80%. Just let him go. Who is he who can always create miracles?

"This purgatory demon is no different."

Opposite the camp of the Fallen Demon Realm, the daughter of Mamen whispered quietly, sending a voice to Prince Nightblade and others who had assembled behind him.

The power of the fallen demon domain opposite had already made her quite concerned, but Mo Yan, the son of the demon god, had reached the point where she had to make her vigilant.

The demon flame walking in front of him is so powerful. Moreover, this person not only has strong strength and power, but also has such a high influence. When it appears, it will make the whole purgatory demon camp boast for it. This is the most terrible place.

Most of the time, personal ability is indeed very important, but strong cohesion is the key factor to be able to grow a country and win a war!

There is no doubt that this demon god's son Mo Yan has such a strong cohesive force! Such a person leads the army, even if it is just an ordinary army, it can also exert excellent combat effectiveness. This has made her have to guard against it. If there is a chance, she must be killed as soon as possible, otherwise it is a huge hidden danger of their dark demon domain!

"His Royal Highness, this person knows, and we have dealt with." Behind Mamen's daughter, Prince Yeblah resented.

"Have you ever fought?" Mamen's daughter froze slightly, and then turned to look. Although she wore a mask and could not see her facial expression, the surprise she exuded was already overwhelming.

"Yes, in the past few days, in order to find some rare treasures for your lord, I met the legendary hot sand overlord in the hot sand desert. As a result, when the subordinate was about to succeed, he was cut off by this guy. For this reason, the subordinates also lost several love generals, alas! It is ashamed, and finally waited for the subordinates to react and fought up all the way, but finally let the **** run away. "

Prince Night Blade directly reversed the scene at that time.

The facts are clearly that he attacked Wang Yan, but the result is that he was attacked by Wang Yan. Moreover, the hunting hot sand overlord, obviously for himself, came to this moment, but instead became the search for strange treasures for the daughter of Mamen.

And Prince Nightblade at this time was so moved and attentive, if the daughter of Mamen was replaced by another woman, I would have fallen into his enthusiasm.

"His Royal Highness, I, I can prove this matter! A few days ago, Your Highness Nightblade specially searched for rare treasures for you, so as to make the strength of Her Royal Highness more stable, but we did not expect that we were attacked by that magic flame!

At this time, the elite generals of the night demons around Prince Nightblade, and the bearded Pulton also said, "It is the mean and cunning magic flame that killed my brother Isaiah! If it was not for him to escape fast, he would have died long ago. He was under the halberd gun of His Royal Highness. "

The coldness glanced through Poolton's eyes. The last incident actually caused him to lose a hand.

Mamen's daughter looked at Ye blade with a sly look, and the sound transmission was grateful: "I didn't expect such a thing to happen, your kind intention is the princess's heart."

In fact, the daughter of Mamen knew this Prince Yeblade and his father Yesha Big Devil very well. What Prince Yeblade and his men had just said was a little bit true and a little clear to her heart.

Only at this special time, she must use the power of this night blade to develop and grow at this **** meeting, and truly realize the long-term unity of the dark magic domain.


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