The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1667: Stop talking nonsense, draw lots!

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Wang Yan sneezed for no reason. He said, "Is someone talking about his bad things?"

In fact, in the grandstand where he did not have a gap, the two demon gods could not wait to eat him raw, and his nominal father, the devil **** Satan, was even more nervous and sweaty.

As for the live audience who talked about him, and the teams of the three camps, it is said that it has broken a million. It's really strange if so many people are talking about it, if you don't sneeze a few.

Wang Yan led the team to the meeting point, and found that the opposite Dark Lady was rolling his eyes at him, and the fallen demon camp next door, the daughter of Mamen and the enemy Prince Night Blade, were staring at him, and millions of spectators were all around. Because he kept arguing. He couldn't help but confess in his heart. Isn't he just bringing some slaves to the war?

Alas, helpless, really helpless, Wang Yan went to the meeting point innocently. The leaders of the other two camps, including the Dark Saints, had insulted this guy in their hearts and dared to ridicule the group heroes, even if they would still pretend to be so, it was too much to beat.

The Fallen Demon Realm and the Dark Demon Realm, the contestants and spectators of the two camps, are mad at the group. But the group of spectators behind Wang Yan and the Purgatory Demon camp came to heaven collectively.

Anyway, they have begun to laugh at the group, these people simply mocked in the end, as if mocking the enemy camp, so that they can raise their eyes and exhale.

Especially the unsuspectingly confusing lord, with a throat, greeted the audience who abused him on both sides of the stands and greeted loudly: "Grandchildren, grandchildren! Are you not convinced? Come down, come with grandpa Attend the **** meeting? "

Behind him, the thick-skinned ogres Ablon Giantmaul were even more exaggerated. The rude and vulgar ogres even disliked the skirts and poked their **** towards the side stands.

Accompanied by his rough ridicule, several older viewers on the spot, with a little status outside, were stunned.

So the laughter of the following group of ogres grew louder.

It was in this ridicule of fear that the world would not be chaotic, Wang Yan's team assembled. After this team, it is the three worlds from the **** capital, as well as the team consisting of Chilie, Chigu, Chiyan, and elites from all walks of life.

Together with Wang Yan, these contestants formed a total of nine teams, more than the eight in the Dark Demon Realm and the seven in the Fallen Demon Realm. If counted as a reserve, then Wang Yan led the delegation of the Infernal Demon Realm, than The other two magic domain camps, the total number should be nearly 30% majority.

This is exactly the advantage of the Purgatory Demon Race as a local race, but the team playing behind Wang Yan was implicated by Wang Yan and had to join in the scolding battle.

As a result, they scolded and scolded. The team and the spectators behind them all scolded him so much that even though some of the participating teams played, the dispute was not over.

The front row of the scene was originally a delegation of three-party demon demon kings used to support the scene. At this time, all the faces were black.

Hell meeting is obviously a very serious matter, but what is the situation now? This is more than ever, this is unprecedented!

But these demon kings dare not manage it. The **** conference is a game between the three demon gods. These contestants are all directly responsible for His Majesty. Now the above Demon God has not spoken, and there is room for them to intervene. .

The on-site referees who represented the three camps on the spot, all faced with ashes, would be even more afraid to intervene indiscriminately. Even the Demigod Demon delegation didn't say anything. How dare they, the three little hosts, manage the heirs of the three demon gods and the elites selected by the thousands of contestants?

So these Demon King representatives and the three hosts at the scene had to stare at the stands, waiting for the words of the three devil gods above.

"Humph! What a fool!"

The dark demon Mamen snorted and slapped it on the armrest of the seat. A fierce and violent divine power suddenly turned like a violent hurricane and swept the audience immediately.

The fierce and noisy crowd at the scene finally closed their mouths immediately under extreme fear, and shrank obediently, and the atmosphere did not dare to show more.

"A group of black people." The fallen demon Samel, coldly glanced at Wang Yan's team, disgusted, beyond words.

"Oh, the people of Wuhe? This **** is waiting to see your arrogant sons, how are they defeated by our Wuhe!"

The purgatory demon Satan had a fang, and the state of tyrants was undoubtedly undoubtedly, "let's talk nonsense, draw lots!"

Now that he has no choice, he can only support his son with a scalp and support it all the way ~

The lottery of the Hell Conference is completely different from the Earth Game.

Because there are three demon gods, the draw is just a passing game, to avoid the two seed teams meet in advance. At the same time, it is also a real show for the major seed teams.

As for the cannon fodder teams drawn, there will be no complaints. After all, being able to participate in the **** meeting and showing his face in front of the three demon gods is already an extremely glorious thing for them. If they can show their strength, it is even better to enter the eyes of the demon gods.

At the beginning, the Red Refining Demon King displayed his style at the Hell Conference, and was eventually rewarded with a lot of resources by the Devil God Satan. Eventually he was promoted to the Demi God Demon King and dominated the party.

The draw ends.

What Wang Yan draws is a team of cannon fodder from the Dark Demon Realm. The leader is a legendary pinnacle demon who ca n’t even remember his name. The 100-person team under his command is a source of confusion. Barbarous infantry with gray skin, there are only thirty legends in the 100-person team.

Wang Yan can single out this so-called "army" if he takes full account of his firepower.

In the past, this team is at least in the upper middle class. But in this demon god's personal grasp and participation in the game, this team can only be regarded as a cannon fodder for knife sacrifice.

Similarly, the Dark Lady and Princess "Dark Song" were also under the control of the three demon gods, each drawing a team of cannon fodder to warm up.

Other demigod-level commanders such as Prince Nightblade and Asmode, the head of the evil spirit, did not meet at the beginning, and soon determined their opponents.

According to the ranking, Asmode, the head of the evil spirit, made his debut. His opponent is the son of Ledo from the domain of purgatory.

In the cheers of the spectators in their respective camps, the two sides came out slowly from both sides of the **** conference venue.

The nightmare, the head of the evil spirit riding on his feet and burning flames, is still the look of water and fire, and the still water is long, without even lifting his eyelids. The team composed of partly fallen angels and most death knights is equally silent and lifeless.

In contrast, the life of Lei Duo is full of momentum.

He is a pure blood purgatory demon, with a sharp and aggressive look, full of aggression, wearing purple-gold scale armor and a luxurious robe of pulling wind.

Holding a giant big sword with twinkling thunder and fire abilities in his hand, it fits perfectly with his innate thunder and fire twin laws, and obviously can exert the power to destroy the world.

Crotch riding is a red-red pure blood inflammation prison dragon more than 20 meters long. This battle dragon has already reached the legendary peak strength. It has a proud head and sulfur in its nose. The smell of the flame, every step, seems to tremble even the venue.

The legion following the son of Ledo is even more eye-catching.

All the purgatory demon.

That ’s right, the Legion of One Hundred People is composed of pure blood purgatory demons, each of which is of extraordinary physique and magnificence.

Especially the group of twenty headed, each of which is under the crotch of the infernal dragon on his body. Each of them is also equipped with a red magic armor, armed with a bright and broad-bladed dragon lance, a waist crotch sword and a hand crossbow, all of which have reached the level of the second holy weapon. Can be described as fierce and powerful, armed to the teeth.

"This? This is His Majesty's Royal Legion, the Inferno Slayer !!"

In the venue, many insightful purgatory demon cries shouted in exclamation. Flame Prison Slayer is a large flying unit composed of Flame Prison Dragon and Elite Purgatory Warrior. The powerful Flame Prison Dragon and Elite Demon Clan have received rigorous training from the moment they were born. After elimination, each of the remaining elites has reached a powerful legendary level, but the devil **** Satan ’s royal army The God Capital shocked the existence of the Quartet.

They are not many in number, but all of them are killing machines that abandon emotions. Their combat capabilities are extremely strong. Once they are dispatched, they are **** slaughter of the enemy, hence the name.

Twenty blaze-killing massacres stopped breathing.

But all this does not count.

After the Inferno Massacre, there are a total of eighty wearing heavy armor, holding shields, burly to extremely terrifying Purgatory Demon Warriors, they are throwing spears, sabers, and beheaded axe, slaughter And strict.

This team, also from the elite divisions of God Capital, is entirely composed of pure blood Purgatory Demon Clan, with one offensive and defensive integration, and is the ace infantry of the Purgatory Demon Clan fighting directly.

Similarly, the conditions for being selected as heavy guards are also very strict.

In addition to having a pure blood and strong physique, you also need to reach the legendary level.

You know, even a naturally strong race like the Infernal Demon Race, if you want to be promoted to a legend, it is a one-of-a-kind existence, and you are qualified to run a small territory.

But even so, it is the glory of every purgatory demon to be able to join the heavy guards of the Guardian God.

One hundred!

Hundreds of legendary royal arms made the audience of the Infernal Demon completely boiled. They sang, roared, and broke out in agitation to praise the Satan.

This exaggerated team can destroy some ordinary cities.

Lei Duo's son riding a huge fiendish dragon, was even more excited to the extreme, as if even his bones were floating a few points. In order to avoid stealing the throne of His Royal Highness Mo Yan, the son of the demon god, he deliberately used some ordinary arms to enter the field.

Now it shows real strength, and it provokes thunderous cheers, which looks great.

"Satan, are you crazy?" The fallen demon Samel's face was all black. "You even brought out the Inferno Slayer and Heavy Guard?" This is not the most exaggerated, the most exaggerated is that these emperors He did not give his dear son Mo Yan, but gave Lei Duo Shizi.

Demon God Satan is also innocent. Originally, according to his plan, the royal soldiers of the Yan prison slaughter and heavy guards were naturally handed over to his son. What do you do, son don't want him, what should I do if I want to lead the slave army?

At this time, the great demon kings came to their heads with tears and snots, and the devil Satan had to retreat and ask for the next, dividing the royal arms into three generations.

With their guarantee, I am afraid that this time **** conference will get a good ranking.

At this point, Satan sneered and said with a sneer: "Why can your fallen angel army be able to fight, and the god's Flame Hell Slaughter and Heavy Guard cannot participate in the battle? I dare to guarantee that this time the Flame Hell Slaughter and Heavy Equipment The guards are all in the growth phase of youth. If you do n’t believe Samir, you can use your divine inspection at any time. "

As a result, the fallen demon Samel has nothing to say. The demon **** Satan is abominable to abominable, but he will not lie about such things.

It is just that Samuel can't figure it out. Satan has collected so many aristocratic arms in his youth, why not use it for his son? Could it be that there is an unknown conspiracy?

For a while, Samel was a little vigilant, and he was still playing the drums. The son of Rush, the son of Redo, had so many ace arms, and it was good for Asmode, the head of the evil spirit, to overturn the boat in the gutter.

To be honest, the demon Samel looks forward to Asmode very much, thinking that he might even replace the Dark Lady to win the championship.

However, whether it is questioning or not, no matter how noisy it is.

After the three demon gods confirmed that the arms of Raiduo Shizi were effective, the first match between the two sides quickly began.

The two hundred-armed troops marched slowly from the sides to the middle. They did not launch tactics such as charge, but kept trying each other to try to find out the other party's flaws.

"Boss, Boss." Beside Wang Yan, the confusing Lord said with excitement, "Who do you think will win the first battle?"

Wang Yan chuckled: "Camus, who are you going to win?"

At this time, Camus, wearing a black body armor, looked tall and tall, and could not see the appearance of a dark elf. He hesitated a bit and said, "In terms of arms, of course, the Inferno Slaughter and the heavy guard of His Majesty Satan are slightly better. These two arms, one attack and one defense, have a long reign under His Majesty. In the past, countless merits have been made, and Megatron's entire world of hell. "

"Ah ~" the confusing lord on the side said with regret, "If the boss is willing to accept the inferno killers and reinstall the guards, this time **** conference will have no suspense."


As soon as the words fell, Wang Yan was rewarded with a bursting chestnut. "Stupid, what do you know? The Yanhei massacre and heavy guards, no matter how powerful they are, are only loyal to the devil. The face is given to you by face, and it will be taken back one day It goes without saying. Such a thing as strength, after all, is a mere emptiness by others. Only by firmly grasping what you can grasp is the way of development. "

"Oh, I see. It turns out that way." The confusing Lord suddenly realized, and he smiled. Immediately, he frowned slightly, and said cautiously, "It's just the boss, are we a little too anxious? The stride is too big, and it's easy to pull eggs."


Wang Yan kicked the Red Confused Kid kicklessly, knowing your sister. The power of Satan, the devil, is unfathomable, and the forces under him are huge and vast. Compared with the whole abyss, they are only strong and weak, and they will rebel if they are full.


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