The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1669: Wu'er Demon Flame Brave Warriors

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Asmode gave him a light glance, he put away the wicked spear, spread his wings and flew slowly towards his camp.

Shocked, not only the audience on the scene was frightened by this sudden scene.

Even the heavy guards and the Inferno Massacre were stunned.

Surrender, did you surrender?

Their emotions collapsed a bit, and they came to the Hell Conference as emperors to show their style. Unexpectedly, this is the first game, and he lost all.

They all looked at Raiduo Shizi with extremely disgruntled eyes. This idiot commander was not good enough, and he didn't even have the guts. With his legendary peak strength, plus the same peak of the Fire Prison Dragon, plus his own talent of thunder and fire twins. If you try your best, you can still do ten or eight tricks with Asmode.

As long as he can stop him for a while, really only for a while.

Asmode deep into the enemy's rear will be surrounded by siege. At that time, even if he grows a pair of wings, he will never escape. At that time, Asmode will either surrender or be chopped into puree.

However, if only if, Raito's son was frightened and surrendered without a fight.

At the same time, Satan, the tall demon god, was also full of anger: "Stupid, stupid, stupid. Lei Xiu, your good son." The anger of the Demon God spread directly to the ears of Lei Xiu, who was stunned.

Lei Xiu's neck shrank and his face was miserable.

This kind of war situation is the result he could not have imagined. Even if they fight hard with the Asmode Legion, at least they can win a terrible victory. However, in this situation, there is nothing to lose.

I'm afraid that after going back, His Majesty the Demon God can't spare the kid.

At the same time, there was intense discussion in Wang Yan's camp.

I have to admit that the guy in Asmode was not only strong enough, but also bold enough. Everything just now was desperate. Once he could not win the son of Ledo in a short period of time, there were no leftovers left, it was definitely his Asmode.

"Fun, interesting." The desert emperor in black armor laughed. "If there is a chance to fight Asmode, please don't intervene, let me enjoy it. Ha ha, it's rare to encounter one, only stronger than I'm a lower-level guy. "

Everyone held their foreheads, they couldn't stand the emperor's pretense, what's lower than you?

Of course, dress up. The big guys from the earth also know the true power of the desert emperor. There are very few people who can overwhelm him in the world at the same level.

If he fought with him in a desert environment, even Wang Yan had to retreat.

However, some dark elves such as Camus did not believe it. If it can be said that His Highness can overwhelm Asmode, everyone can accept it. But the desert emperor among the humans, although he achieved the demigod with the help of His Royal Highness, his strength is not bad, and he is very distinctive.

But to win over Asmode, the head of evil spirits, is a joke.

Return to the battlefield again.

Asmode returned to his own camp with a big swing, and the fallen angels and death knights in the camp were still silent and did not cheer. It seems that their leader's record is inevitable.

They are well acquainted with Asmode's long flowing dress.

In the cheers of countless spectators, they slowly withdrew from the battlefield as if they were a victory, but it was just a matter of course.

Despite some excitement, some are unwilling.

But the game must continue.

Next, the "Dark Song" princess of the Dark Demon appeared. There are still a large number of dozens of similarly dressed maid groups and the Princess of Dark Song mixed together. It is impossible to tell who is the coach.

Those maids who were dressed like Princess Ange, were not the cats and dogs that were randomly found. It is the dark demon **** Mamen who has been prepared for a long time, the secret demon family, the most outstanding girls, the carefully trained superb maid, all of them are all legendary strength, and the elaborate are all Ma The dark system exercises created by the door for them personally, the future potential is directed at the demigod level.

In addition to these dozens of people wearing scorpion masks, driving the maid group of lions and scorpions pulling the golden chariot. At this time, there are more than 30 troops in the dark song princess team wearing giant dark armor and straddling an unusually large war beast.

War Barbarian, this is a kind of unicorn barbarian resembling a rhinoceros. It is covered with hard skin, fierce and brutal in nature, huge and heavy. After wearing armor, it has a strong impact. Moreover, this barbarian is a carnivorous species. As a barbarian of war, it often opens a large mouth of blood to the enemy in battle, biting and swallowing. Therefore, the evil name is very arrogant and terrible.

Even if it is a magic dragon, it does not dare to confront the war beasts head-on, otherwise it will be easily torn to pieces.

As the knight of this barbarian, it is also the cruelest and strongest elite. These demon were domesticated since childhood, the only purpose of survival is to replace the dark demon Mamen, to fight against the enemy, to show the divine power.

As a result, this well-known legion, which was born for war, is called the War Butcher by the outside world. This is a royal arm of the same level as the Inferno Massacre. The overall strength of the two sides is equal.

In addition to the thirty war butchers, there are thirty well-known shadow demon assassins covered by the black mist in this team of 100 people.

The Shadow Demon is a strange creature between half matter and half element, mostly half fog and half entity. Very good at using dark energy and mastering the laws of space. Speaking of them, they are somewhat similar to elemental life, they are all darlings of the universe, and their personal abilities are very outstanding.

It's just that the more powerful the species, the lower the reproductive ability. Without gender, they can only reproduce their offspring by splitting. Nowadays, in the whole Dark Demon Realm, the number of Shadow Demon is scarce and pitiful.

The Shadow Demon, whose strength reaches the legendary level, can be completely atomized in a short period of time, and be in a haunt.

The enemy is often unable to do so even when he is aware.

When thirty legendary shadow demon assassins suddenly disappeared on the battlefield, completely unable to figure out their next move, anyone who is enemies will feel that the back is chilly, and they are always worried. , As if the attack of the Shadow Fiend Assassin would appear at any time.

In summary.

The 100-member regiment led by Princess Ange, even without mentioning Princess Ange's own strength, is purely in terms of the strength of the army.

The enemy is a team of miscellaneous players from the domain of purgatory.

However, this team of miscellaneous brands has made Wang Yan and others very concerned. Because the leader of this team is the three elder brothers of Chidu and Chibui, Chilie, Chigu and Chiyan.

The three brothers formed a team to participate in the competition, but they are also talented. There are more than 20 legendary generals and more than 70 half-step S-class elites.

These are the families of the hard-working demon king Chilian. Of course, this is not to say that Chilian Demon King, as a generation of demon kings, only has more than 20 legendary generals.

According to the rules of the Hell Conference, the contestants must be young and handsome. As for what is a youth, the answer given by the Hell Conference is also very simple, not allowed to be more than two hundred and fifty years old.

Like the Goblins, the life span is only seven or eighty years. If a 70- to 80-year-old Goblin comes to participate, it will also be considered a youth.

However, if it is a lich, it must be stipulated that it cannot be turned into two hundred and fifty years from the day it is converted into a lich.

As for undead creatures such as death knights, skeleton soldiers, etc., it is also based on the age of the soul fire to determine whether it is adolescence, and it is also not allowed to exceed 250 years.

Of course, mounts and pets are limited to 250 years of age.

Unless it is a special case.

The so-called special cases are the slaves with soul links or the darlings of soul links. Regardless of their age, they are not regarded as separate combat units, but as a part of the individual strength of the contestants, just like a holy artifact, a sub-artifact.

Some people may say that a contestant can have a demi-level battle pet with a soul contract, wouldn't it slip to fly?

Indeed, this is within the scope allowed by the rules.

Regardless of whether you depend on others or yourself, you have the ability to accept a demigod war pet, a demigod slave with a soul contract, even if it is a pet and slave that exceeds the age limit, naturally it is part of its own strength.

It's just that it's extremely difficult to do that. The demigod level is different from the legendary level. Unless there are extremely special means and the spiritual power is strong enough, it is impossible to produce a soul contract. Even if it is barely successful, it is easy to suffer backlash.

As a result, similar situations have only occurred a few times in the history of the Hell Assembly.

Perhaps, from this perspective, Chi Lie and their three brothers' teams are already weak. It's just that this year's contestants are generally too perverted.

The three brothers Chilie looked at their shabby team, and then looked at the tall team of the Princess Ange. The three brothers swallowed each other, and this battle did not want to fight.

But there are some battles, it is not that they say they will not fight.

Princess Ange has been fully advanced over there. No tactics have been used, but just pushed all the way.

A quarter of an hour, not even a quarter of an hour.

The three brothers of Chilie were wiped out by the whole army. They couldn't even struggle twice. They were completely frantically rubbed on the ground.

This war, although lost, there is no suspense.

But after all, the purgatory side lost two games in a row, and everyone's face was very bad.

Especially among the three demon gods above, Satan's face was somber to the extreme, and he lost two games in a row.

"Satan." The fallen demon Samel did not miss this opportunity, and began to sneer at the devil Satan. "How did you purse the demon domain this time? There are nine teams, not all of them can't even support the preliminary game Right? "


Satan Satan sneered and said, "Sammel, are you too happy? I believe my son will definitely win the final victory."

"Oh, let's wait and see." Samal, the fallen demon, sneered at this, and at the same time, turned his attention to Asmode, the head of evil spirits.

Samel is still very satisfied with this new generation of fallen angel descendants, and dare not say that he can be promoted to the devil in the future. But at least a big demon at the peak of a deity can't run away.

And even if he is in the level of the big devil, it is definitely a leader.

Qualified to be his right arm.

The emotions of the audience of the entire Purgatory Demon Race were also quite lost.

Fortunately, it was Wang Yan who was next to play.

The team faced by Wang Yan is a miscellaneous army from the Dark Demon Realm. The leader has a legendary demon with a total of thirty legendary ranks. Naturally, Wang Yan learned an Asmode, brandished a childish warhammer, and directly beat the other leader down.

As for the slave army, there is no chance to show their strength.

The bravery of "His Royal Highness" naturally aroused the cheers of purgatory residents.

Even the devil Satan said repeatedly: "My child has the style of the original god, one word, fierce enough!"

The game goes on non-stop.

The Dark Maiden and the Prince of Night Blade also won easily.

Subsequently, another team attracted Wang Yan's attention.

It was Gabriel, the necromancer from the earth. At this time, he was wearing a dark pope-like gorgeous robe, a skull crown, and a bone staff with the true meaning of death.

Behind him, followed by twenty legendary liches, ten legendary death knights, ten legendary skeleton kings with strong bones and swords.

The rest are some ordinary death knights and skeleton warriors. But even if it is ordinary, those death knights and skeleton warriors are half-step S-level existence, which is much stronger than ordinary cannon fodder teams.

Gabriel is against a third-rate cannon foul team in the Dark Demon.

The two sides have come and gone, but they have played very well.

In particular, Gabriel itself is very dazzling, and has a deep understanding of the law of death. At the beginning, he now summons two skull dragons and thousands of dead skeletons.

After spending more than two hours, Gabriel won the game.

However, in Wang Yan's view, although Gabriel's overall strength is not bad, but this battle consumes too much, I am afraid that it is impossible to reach the final decisive battle.

The heaviest decisive battle is not the same as the current preliminary match.

The number of people in each legion was enlarged to a thousand. In this situation, the chances of Wang Yan or Asmode who purely want to rely on personal bravery to penetrate the enemy with one enemy are very slim.

But even so, it does not mean that those cannon fodder teams without demigods can turn the sky.

In fact, the more the number of people, the more the cannon fodder team will be unable to handle it. Without the strong support of the Devil God behind it, it is difficult to put together an elite team of thousands of people.

A few days of kung fu.

The preliminary round has ended, and each team has already seen the phase and participated in the round.

Some with joy, some with sorrow, left the Hell Assembly venue. After a short break, there will be a more brutal rematch.


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