The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1679: Various exhibitions

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At the other end of the river, the vast plains

The army of Princess Ange is stationed here.

Through the God's perspective of the three demon gods, all viewers can clearly see the status of Princess Darksong's army.

Rao is already anticipating, but after everyone sees the strength of her legion, he still can't help but take a breath.

Her lineup is really too luxurious.

The first is dozens of dress-ups like Princess Ange, all of whom are legendary guard maid groups. They have already seen each other in the previous war, not to mention them for the time being.

In addition, there were as many as two hundred re-installed war butchers who had also been seen before.

Two hundred war butchers, this is the dark magic domain of the royal arms, whether it is a knight or a crotch heavy beast, training from an early age, until they reach the legendary level, they are eligible to join the war butcher.

This is a royal army that is not inferior to the Imperial Army of the Purgatory Demon Realm.

In addition, there is another ace card, the number of shadow demon assassins, as well as hundreds, there are also legendary shadow demon assassins.

The remainder is another famous legion of the Dark Demon, Dark Marauder.

The Dark Marauder is an elite army of elites of various races living in the Dark Demon Realm. The selection criteria is a half-step S-level, and it takes a long time to learn to control the dark-legged flying dragon.

Dark predators come and go like winds and are best at long-range surprise attacks. They are usually haunted and often cut into the enemy's rear to attack, plunder, harass and other tactics.

Once the dark predator with more than six hundred units flies, it must be covering the sky and the sun, and even the gods have to retreat.

And among the dark marauders with a total of more than six hundred, there are also legendary ones, and the number is about sixty.

It is also because of this that if you collect all the legendary levels of Princess Darksong, you can make up more than 400 legendary levels. It ’s not much more than the legendary ranks of Asmode and the Prince of Night Blades.

Horrible team, if you go to attack a **** city, even if you put on this lineup, it is possible that the other party will lose the will to resist and directly surrender.

"Mamen old thief, isn't it easy for you to make up this team?" Satan, the devil, looked more and more gloomy. This old thief actually saved such a team for his daughter.

It's no wonder that Satan's face is getting worse and worse. According to today's situation, let's not say that the opponents have united to deal with the son. Even if they don't join forces, the son's team meets the Princess Ange's team, and it loses greatly.

Devil God Satan regrets that he knew he would dominate his son as long as he knew it, and put all his brains into the youth-grade Yanhei massacre and heavy guards.

Satan believes that by then the overall strength of his son will definitely not be worse than Princess Ange, and will be even better.

Now it's good, all the limelight, all told others to give up. Then if they came up with conditions that were unfavorable to his son, he would have to resist the backlash caused by the breach of the Styx.

"Hehe ~" Dark Demon Mamen just smiled lightly. At this point, it seems that at least the Mo Yan boy lost.

Even if in the end Satan has to resist the Styx vow, he will have to pay a huge price. By then, Mamen will naturally have his calculations. So he escorted his daughter's next escort, basically has completed more than half.

There was a sudden commotion in Princess Ange ’s camp.

Fifty hundred riders of dark marauders are preparing for military affairs, and they are ready to set sail for expeditions. Needless to say, Princess Darksong has already received information about Demon Flame God and is preparing to act according to the plan in advance.

When the audience of Infernal Demon Realm saw this scene, they all sighed. Anyway, Demon Flame Devil may have really lost.

However, it was at this time.

An unexpected accident happened.

Just over ten miles away from Princess Darksong ’s camp, a large army suddenly appeared, with densely fallen angels flying in the air, and a considerable part of them were fallen angels with four wings.

Their position seemed to block the marching route of the dark marauders. It seems that as long as the dark marauders dare to fly in groups, they will be attacked by fallen angels.

The audience was all amazed. Should this army be the army of the Dark Lady Catherine?

How could her army block the path of the Dark Marauder? Is it intentional or coincidental?

Everyone looked at the lineup of the Dark Lady Legion through God's perspective, and they all took a breath.

Fallen angels, many fallen angels.

I'm afraid this amount will be thousands?

Is it possible that the Legion of the Dark Virgin is an army of pure fallen angels? She gave up ground heavy infantry, gave up the powerful air cavalry, and commanded a legion composed purely of fallen angels?

From God's perspective, this seems to be the case.

The Dark Lady was riding a nightmare beast king, with a relaxed and relaxed posture, and the sky covered with fallen angels.

The combat effectiveness of fallen angels is very comprehensive, able to fight and resist, fly and escape, even if it is a top-level arm. The most exaggerated is that among the thousands of fallen angels, there are no less than 300 legendary fallen angels with four wings.

Purely in terms of legendary combat power, it seems to be worse than Princess Ange. However, because of the consistency of the arms, there is no drag on the ground troops, and the overall speed of the Dark Lady is probably the fastest among all the troops.

The five hundred dark predators of Princess Ange dared to break through, and could not be beaten for a quarter of an hour.

What's more, the Dark Lady also carries a demigod-level sheep-head demon Baffo.

She is the only army with two demigods.

"Dark Lady."

In the camp of Princess Darksong, a clear and ethereal voice wafted out, covering all fallen angels, "Are you going to tear up the covenant and violate the Stygian oath?"

The Dark Lady was riding on the Nightmare Beastmaster, and also responded with a breezy voice: "Why did Princess Darksong say this? This Saint Girl is just guarding here, lest it be calculated by someone with ulterior motives."

"Humph! I think you are the one with ulterior motives." Princess Ange's voice was slightly sullen. "How about we tear the covenant together, how about winning first?"

"Giggle ~"

The Dark Lady smiled and said, "I am a person who keeps the covenant, and I want to tear yourself."

"That's fine," Princess Darksong said in a hurry. "Then we will wait here slowly, and wait until the son of Demon Flame is eliminated, and then decide according to the agreement." Her overall fighting power should exceed The Dark Lady has a great deal of control over the final decisive battle.

"The princess is kind." The Dark Lady said lightly. "However, for the sake of fairness, neither of us should communicate with our allies."

With that said, thousands of fallen angels erupted at the same time with a terrifying dark magic, which enveloped dozens of miles. The traditional communication magic array is probably already unbearable.

"It seems that the Holy Girl is very well prepared." Princess Ange responded very coldly to this. "Then, let's wait and see."

at the same time.

The dark demon Mamen looked at the fallen devil Samuel with a little surprise: "But you didn't expect that you secretly cultivated so many elite fallen angels in youth."

The fallen angel who can reach the half-step S-level in his youth is indeed the word elite. He can only rely on time to cultivate and accumulate. When he has lived for three to five hundred years, the legendary level cannot run away.

With such strength, even Satan, the devil, looked at Samer with a serious and alert look.

"No way." The fallen demon Samel calmly said, "Among the three devil gods of hell, I belong to the degraded devil's weakest domain. Besides, there are bright old dogs who have always regarded me as a nail in the eyes. Was annihilated. "

This time the **** conference is a tactic that the three demon gods show muscles and fangs to each other, so that the other party is worried.

This is the case with the Law of the Jungle. The stronger you are, the more respected you are and the more chips you can get in negotiations.

Among the three devil gods of hell, Satan, the purgatory demon god, has always been the strongest, and his army of soldiers will be wide and occupy the largest territory. The Fallen Demon Domain is the weakest of the three parties, occupying almost only one-fifth of the entire hell.

"Huh, I'm afraid it's not just to fight the bright old dog?" Satan the devil sneered sneered. "Do you have Samuel's ambition to control hell?"

"Hehe ~" Samel, the devil demon, chuckled, "Even if I say yes, someone has to believe it. It's still a good time to watch the **** conference game, the final result, but it will affect the pattern of hell."

Almost at the same time.

Wang Yan is holding a meeting in the camp surrounded by the second artifact.

The scouts sent out have already come back one after another, bringing back a lot of information. For example, on the other side of the big river, about a thousand miles away, the Hawk Lady discovered the trails of the Dark Lady and Princess Dark Song Legion.

Of course, the scout did not see the body of their legion, but just made a slight contact with the other's scout, and quickly retreated.

As another example, the giant Hengduan Mountain Range, which seemed to be the frontier of the battlefield, was sealed by the Devil God with might. Unless it is the seal that blasted the devil, or even the demigod, don't want to easily cross.

The worst information, of course, must come from the rear of the army and another piece of quicksand.

The scout returns, Asmode, the head of evil spirits, is leading his army. It seems that he joined forces with Prince Nightblade to annihilate the spirit of his magic flame.

"Lord," Elsa replied, "Can't wait any longer. We must choose to make a breakthrough all the way, otherwise we will die if we are hit by both sides."

The dark elf officer Enzo objected: "How can we break through with our current marching ability? Moreover, even if we break through, we can't escape at all. Lord, I suggest relying on the big river as a back and putting up a defensive formation to stick to Mainly, there is a line of vitality. "

Wang Yan silently listened to all kinds of admonitions, and finally said to Camus: "You are the commander, you have the final say."

Camus frowned deeply: "I don't feel right. I know Asmode very well, don't look at his guy's cold and handsome look all day long, but the calculation is extremely deep, and it is extremely conceited, like Take advantage of the fire. If you stand from his standpoint and join us in attacking Prince Nightblade, it is the best strategy. After all, the control of the strong alliance is not as good as the strong alliance. "

There is no doubt that the "weakest" on the scene is naturally the purgatory. Who called the Infernal Demon Realm has only one team to live on, and the leader is not the Ace Army.

"And, I still remember the night after the preliminary match." Camus said lightly. "Your Highness, the Dark Lady, has personally visited the Lord. Isn't the Lord talking about her alliance with her?"

"Oh, I can't hide you." Wang Yan smiled and said, "Yes, in fact, I and the Fallen Demon Realm have secretly united to fight the Dark Demon Realm together."

"Boss, aren't you?" Said the deceived lord Lord in surprise, "You really took down the Dark Lady?" That's great, we have been saved. "

Take your sister!

Wang Yan stared at him fiercely, not to mention that Laozi seemed to be able to form an alliance only by betraying his hue.

"Lord Confused Lord, I think the opposite is true." Camus said coldly, "The so-called unity is just a calculation. The Dark Lady wants to win the championship, whether it is us or the Dark Demon Domain, is her enemy. According to my inference, it is very likely that Asmode will not work, so that we and the Prince of Night Blade will both lose defeat, and this is in his best interest. "

"Damn ~" said the confessed lord violently, "The gang of thieves in the Fallen Demon Realm is really cunning enough. With the alliance with us, we want to pick up the cheap in the background? He also wants to exhale. "

"Fool!" Camus stared at him and said, "In addition to venting your anger, you will only push Asmode to the Prince Nightblade camp. Since Asmode wants to pick up cheap, then we should Give him a fair opportunity to pick up cheap. The emperor of the desert, I hope you will make one shot next. "

"Oh, do you want me to sneak attack the prince of Nightblade?" The emperor of the desert asked calmly. "Don't dare to say that in the desert, this emperor can play them alone."

Although this is a bit arrogant. However, the desert emperor is a demigod, and the desert is his best home. It can contain harassment and sneak attacks, and he can surely be unaware of the ghosts and make the enemy unable to fight back.

"No, I need you to help Asmode create a sandstorm, the scale is not too big." Camus said, "send him an excuse, as for the next battle with the Prince of Night Blade, you must not participate, rest assured It's enough to keep your spirits up. "

The emperor of the desert pondered for a moment and said, "This emperor understands that your ambitions are really big. I heard that you are from the Devil's Devil's Land, and Asmod is old knowledge? ? "

"I am a slave to the Lord, so naturally I have to stand on the position of the Lord to think about the problem." Camus said indifferently. "Either Asmode or Prince Nightblade, are all enemies who hinder the Lord's championship. Those that have been eradicated will naturally be eradicated one by one. "

Fortunately, because of the eight mirrors, the Devil God's eye cannot see here. Otherwise, there will be another uproar.


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