The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1681: mean! Shameless Flame

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In particular, you can't let the magic flame kid win.

Otherwise, with the terrible idea hidden by the magic flame kid, he might make unacceptable demands.

After the three demon gods used their divine power to see Wang Yan's arms one by one, naturally in the **** conference venue, they all saw this through the magic array image.

Everyone exclaimed.

Especially those audiences of the Purgatory Demon Clan, who had already been listless, were suddenly "hi" like playing chicken blood.

It turned out that His Royal Highness was such a magic flame.

When he led the slave cannon ashes, when he expanded to a thousand-person battle, his strength could be so strong?

It's too deep to hide.

Horrible ogres reload infantry, more terrifying barbarian infantry and **** dog barbarian cavalry.

This kind of strength, even if it is a hard bar with the strongest Princess Dark Song army at present, is absolutely worthwhile.

"Vile, shameless flames."

The audiences of Dark Demon and Fallen Demon, those strange monsters, night demons, fallen angels, death knights, and even the lich skeletons roared indignantly, cursing Demon Flame Son.

In the preliminaries and the semi-finals, how can he pretend to this degree?

Although everyone will retain their strength in order to confuse the enemy and have an unexpected effect. However, can't you pretend like your Mo Yan kid?

He turned his army's strength into an unassailable level of cannon fodder, relying on the power of the devil's own demigod in the battle of a hundred people. Even Prince Nightblade and Asmode's team are not as good.

Unexpectedly, in the decisive battle, such a terrible overall strength.

"Liar, dead liar. Princess Ange will teach him hard."

"Our Highness Lady of Darkness will let the dead liar know and know how powerful we are in the Fallen Demon Realm." A fallen angel groaned in dissatisfaction.

"His Royal Highness is Majestic, His Royal Highness is domineering." Most of the audiences of the Inferno Demon Clan are veteran lords, and even Devil-level city lords, all of them have their eyes on.

With such a powerful son of the demon god, the overall power of the purgatory demon domain will continue to rise in the future.

In particular, some devil-level city lords have begun to ponder, giving the best heirs under his knees as guards to His Majesty Mo Yan, and giving the most beautiful daughters to His Majesty Mo Yan as his favorite concubine.

and many more!

It seems that the Devil has already done this step by step.

Many demon kings have set their sights on the red refining demon king. The red fire demon king's floating fire city is doing well, and it belongs to the middle level among all the devil kings. The most important thing is that his eyes are so venomous that he had already settled down before the rise of His Highness, and sent a pair of children to His Highness.

And this time, His Majesty the Demon Flame brought the cruel lord of the cruel county and the lord of the red confusion to his side, which shows how believable and graceful.

Chilian Demon King, the future is a sign of rising. After His Highness Demon Flame is sealed, it is definitely the level of elder.

The eyes of many demon kings are already hot, and they have begun to please the red refining demon king intentionally or unintentionally.

Provoking the Chilian Demon King is both sad and frightening.

Sadly, the son and daughter voluntarily followed His Royal Highness, and he kept saying that he would sever ties with his father. But what was happening was that the devil king, who usually coaxed in leather, started to stifle him.

Recalling the entire journey after encountering Mo Yan, Chi Lian Mo Wang's mood is a bit complicated.


Regardless, the finals continue.

Only the originally clear battle situation now shows some confusion, and no one can guarantee the heaviest victory.

Asmode's army is moving forward in the direction of "Devil Flame Demon Son" without any hassle, with a natural and comfortable attitude, as if not watching a war but watching it in the desert.

Of course, he was not in a hurry, but the Prince of Night Blade, who had a huge contradiction with Demon Flame Demon Flame, was the only one who was in a hurry.

If it weren't for the covenant, he would even be willing to stay here until the magic flame **** child killed Prince Nightblade.

In Asmode's view, Demon Flame Demon must have hidden a lot of strength. That guy, but quite cunning, how could he really only bring the Cannon Grey Legion to the war?

At this moment, a erratic wave of dark energy fell into Asmode's perception.

His brow furrowed slightly, and he hummed coldly: "Who? How dare he dare to be so close to our army." However, he was a little wary in his heart. The other party is very good at stealth and disappearing. If he has a semi-god-level perception, it is really difficult to capture the other party.

"Hehe ~" It is worthy of Lord Asmode. "A beautiful voice sounded, and less than a hundred meters in front of Asmode, a dark elf slowly emerged from the sneak.

She wore a full set of black leather armor, a short bow on her back, and two dark black daggers hanging around her waist. Lord German. "

"Dark Elf?" Asmode's face was slightly cold.

The Dark Elves are the exclusive races of the Fallen Demon Realm and deserve the attention of His Majesty Samel the Devil. Even if a small percentage will be caught and sold as slaves, most dark elves will proudly commit suicide.

But now the dark elf seems to be loyal to Demon Flame God?

"Elsa, it's you!"

The adjutant beside Asmode, the female fallen angel Sophia was surprised.

"Sophia, do you know this dark elf?" Asmode asked lightly.

Sophia bowed down and said, "Sophia was once a member of the Dark Blade Legion and one of the many adjutants of Camoud."

"Camus's adjutant?" Asmode's eyes flashed sharply. "So, it should be that I have no perceptual errors. The guy who gives me a familiar feeling is Camus, the shadow stinger."

A powerful chill of death shone away from Elsa as if in substance. The existence of a slightly weaker strength, I am afraid that it will suddenly be crushed to the ground, trembling and daring not to move.

However, Elsa is still a calm and relaxed look: "Adult guess is good, General Camus has also turned to His Royal Highness."


The fallen angels all showed a surprised expression. Unlike Elsa, who had no name or name, Camus, the Shadow Sting, had a big head in the domain of the fallen demon. It is said that even His Majesty Samel, the demon god, has added blue eyes to him, and has also integrated part of his soul into the Holy Tree of Death.

It can be said that Camus, one of the generals of the Dark Blade Legion, is one of the popular candidates for the promotion of demigods in the future.

It is also one of the few heads of evil spirits-friends.

Asmode burst into rage and smiled angrily: "Okay, a good Camus. He would die on the battlefield, but he dared to abandon His Majesty the Demon God and surrender to the hostile forces."

Asmusd was angry, and the fallen angels and death knights under his command were also angry. Thousands of armies have burst out of strong anger, fighting intent!

Actually don't talk about Asmode.

Even the depraved demon Samel, who was above him, was furious when he heard the news: "Camus, the thorn of the shadow, dared to turn to the kid of the magic flame. No, this tone can't bear it."

With that said, Samir burst out of a terrifying divine power, preparing to smash the energy of Wang Yan, the mirror that surrounded Wang Yan's camp, and went to Camus to settle the account.

It is no wonder that Samuel is so excited, he is so optimistic about Camus, and even spares no effort to help him.

What's more, Camus' strength is not only in personal force, but more in the command of the army, whether it is training march to fight, the standard is super first-class.

"Sammel." Satan, the magnificent projection of Hell Devil, stood up and stared at Samer improperly. "Are you going to break the oath and get involved in a fair fight among young people?"

Satan, the devil at this time, is no longer as fearful as he was originally. The battle posed by Aiko Moyan, dare not say that he must be the first, but he is also a strong competitor.

He naturally did not allow Samel to destroy at will.

"Satan, do you want to do it?" Samuel sneered. "The God just wants to teach the traitor."

"Oh, the traitor in your mouth, but the faithful man of my son Moyan." Satan, the **** demon, refused to let it go. "If you want to shoot at will, don't blame me for breaking the rules."

"Okay, okay, both of you are quiet." Dark Demon Mamen, had to come out to play round the road, "Now is the most critical moment for young people to fight, and look at it quietly. Especially you, Sam Well, loyalty and betrayal have always been the theme of eternal life. Look a little bit. "

For Mamen, the situation is worse than expected. But he is confident that his daughter, Princess Ange, will eventually win. The magic flame's hole card looked good, but after all it was still half a chip.

The three demon gods are afraid of each other.

After all, the fallen demon Samel snorted and sat down quietly to watch the drama: "The appearance of the traitor Camus just angered Asmode. The **** believes that Asmode will definitely purge the traitor."

at the same time.

Asmode and his army were also in extreme anger, clamoring to clear the traitors who betrayed the gods.


Elsa snorted uncomfortably, and said softly, "Listening to General Camus, how wise is Lord Asmode. Now it seems that this is not the case."

Asmode raised his eyebrows tightly, indicating that his army was quiet. Then, staring at Elsa with Sen Leng's eyes: "Say, why did Camus send you to come?"

"Covenant." Elsa's expression was indifferent. "Adults should not forget that the covenant of Your Highness Saint Virgin and Highness Demon Flame?"

This remark came out.

The audience of the three magic domains was boiling again, which was too unexpected.

That dark virgin, even an alliance on both sides? Which one is she going to play?

Unexpectedly, Asmode sneered and said, "Our saints and demon flame sons are just verbal covenants. What effect does it have? Instead, our covenant with the Dark Demon Realm was witnessed by the Swearing Oath."

"General Camus seems to have expected that you and the Princess Ange had a secret covenant." Elsa said coldly, "But General Camus's request is very simple, that is Lord Asmode only We need to wait here in peace and quiet until our side and the Prince of Night Blades win or lose. "


Asmode smiled angrily, "Camus, with such a big tone, dare to make me wait quietly?" In the original plan, Asmode was also preparing to sit on the hill and watch the tiger fight.

But planning oneself and being forced to do it by others are completely two experiences.

"General Camus also said that if Lord Asmode would not listen to the advice," Elsa said lightly, "he will temporarily talk to Prince Nightblade, regardless of everything to attack you."

"What? Rampant, too rampant."

The generals under Asmode yelled furiously.

Although Camus was very famous, he was just a general of the Night Blade. Lord Asmode can look up to him and treat him as a friend.

It's better now, after that guy's mutiny, he even in turn threatened Master Asmode in such a rampant manner.

"Leader, humbled to fight, and defeated Camus traitor." A death knight who reached a legendary peak exclaimed with terrifying death chills, shouting his teeth.

"Leader, humble and ask for battle, and give Mo Yan a painful lesson."

"Chief" "Chief!"

The generals under Asmode are furiously fighting. In their view, the Demon Flame Son, despite his personal strength, was a gang of slave army of soldiers. If he passed hundreds of troops, he could destroy the opponent.

Personal strength reaches the demigod, in the battle of one hundred people, naturally dominates, but now it is a battle of one thousand people. Dozens of hundreds of legendary elites besieged together, and the demigods can only flee.

The men are roaring.

But Asmode instead calmed down and forced his anger and said, "What's the guts of the boy, Kamu? I have a challenge? Our two armies are fighting head-on, and our army is at most losing 30%. For personal bravery, I overestimated. "

"Master Asmode." Elsa calmly said, "With your wisdom, can't you guess that our army has hidden strength? Otherwise, would your Highness risk taking part in the **** meeting?"

"Humph!" Asmode snorted coldly, which was the main reason for his hesitation. According to his guess, the magic flame kid must have hidden means, at least, definitely not weaker than the night blade prince.

"If your highness hides power." Sophia, the deputy deputy of the fallen angel, sneered, "Our leader, Asmode, must fulfill the covenant with Prince Nightblade and join forces to attack you. Camus thought very well that he wanted to divide us. , One by one. Do you think we will be fooled? "

"Since Lord Asmode, we have to be enemies with our Highness Demon Flames." Elsa responded calmly. "Then we can only make decisions that hurt the loved ones and the enemies are quick. We will take the lead in defeating Lord Asmode, and then withdrew from the final. "

"You!" Sophia chuckled and grinned, "Do you think that your army of slaves can still win us?"

"Sister Sophia." Elsa said with a smile, "I think you are a stupid head of cultivation, if our army has no strength to defeat you. It is better to quit the game earlier."


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