The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1700: Hooked up with the Bright Lady again?

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Today, this level of flame demon is extremely rare, even if it is, it is also in those places that can not be reached at all. In some dangerous places, even the devil is not willing to wander casually.

What's more, the Flame Demon and the Purgatory Demon Clan are not close, and neither will submit to each other.

"Those skeleton soldiers are Lich's spells, and of course they can be used." Samal also said, "But this ancient flame demon is a real outside creature."

"No, you take a closer look." Satan the Satan said proudly. "This ancient flame demon has a soul contract with my son and belongs to a war beast with a soul link between my son and you. Soul war beast? If so, do n’t use most of the arms in our purgatory. "

No wonder Satan is proud.

Some of the royal arms of various races are cavalry. For example, the War Slaughter of the Dark Devil, each of which has a soul contract link with the crotch war beast, so as to ensure loyalty and command the arm during the war.

This is the range allowed by the rules of the Hell Assembly. People and beasts have a soul contract, which is usually regarded as one body and one unit. Like a cavalry, you can't treat it as two units?

In a short time, the two demon gods of Mamen and Samel were speechless. Since it is a soul contract, it naturally belongs to someone's combat power. This relationship is like the Dark Lady and her claw demon Buff Like the extinction, it belongs to the soul servant, this is the game rule.

The rules are set by everyone. Since the other party has not violated the rules, no one can do anything.

at the same time.

In the battlefield, only the War Butcher feared the Ancient Flame Demon and had stopped charging. The heavy beasts under the crotch also hesitated, full of uneasiness.

Princess Ange ’s voice sounded in the sky: "What are you afraid of? The flame demon is just a little bigger, and his strength is only the level of the demon king. Continue to charge, otherwise it will be handled by military law."

"Ao ~"

The war butchers roared, slapped the reloaded giant beasts, and charged up to the ancient flame demon. Each of them is a legendary existence, and there are many legendary teammates.

It stands to reason that this two-hundred-person war butcher charged, even an opponent of the Demon King level would have to retreat.

The princess was right. The ancient flame demon was just big, but in the end it was only a demon king, not a real god.

However, after all, they underestimated the ancient flame devil Bella Roca.

In theory, it is the heirloom of Vulcan, and the magical powers it possesses are far from ordinary flames. I saw its huge body shaking violently, and the lava on its body fell like a rainstorm.

Each ball of magma fell on the ground, twisted and transformed like a living creature, stood up, and became a flame element. The flame elemental breath is ordinary, according to the classification of the earth people, only B-level strength.

In this level of battlefield, level B is just the cannon fodder in cannon fodder.

However, not far from it, there are constantly flame elements standing up, including C level, B level, and even A level.

As the "fire rain" on Bella Roca continued to fall, the endless flame elements continued to emerge like mushrooms, one thousand, two thousand, and soon the number reached three thousand.

Even more frightening is that this number is still rising, they are all over the battlefield, blocking the momentum of war butchers.


Two hundred war butchers, giants stepped on the magma and rushed into the army of flame elements. How elite a war butcher is to deal with those cannon fodders. It is like a broken bamboo. Those below grade A can't stop them from smashing with a single blow.

Even those A-level elements of flame were swiped by the war behemoth, and slammed into debris three or two times, returning to the embrace of flames. Two hundred war butchers, like a broken bamboo, are invincible.

However, the total number of flame elements not only did not decrease, but the number continued to increase dramatically, five thousand, six thousand, eight thousand, and the number soon exceeded ten thousand.

The two hundred war butchers are like being in the ocean, although they are countless fierce, rushing into the sea like a wind and waves in the blue sea.

But more and more elements of flame have separated them, and each war butcher is besieged in all directions. The more you kill, the greater the number.

Finally, after killing more than ten flame elements in one move, a war butcher was rushed to the body by dozens of flame elements, letting him desperately howl and drag him to the war behemoth.

The war-butcher in heavy armor was still resisting, and his body constantly exploded energy to destroy those flame elements. But countless elements of fire, like the maggots of the bones, entangled him deadly, even if it caused him a little damage.

In just over a minute, the war butcher of legendary strength had no movement, and he was torn into pieces by the element of flame, and the flesh and blood were burned into coke.

Fire tactics.

Such cruel tactics are frightening and terrifying. Most of those flame elements are C-level or B-level cannon fodder, but with a large number of them, the legendary-level strongmen are killed.

This is also the reason why Wang Yan's big demon dare not dare to break into the legendary battlefield. As a big devil, it is easy to crush a legend, but being dragged by hundreds of legendary levels, it will soon be killed by ants gnawing at elephants.

After the flame element has increased to more than 10,000, it will no longer increase. It's just that no matter how much is consumed, the same amount of flame elements will stand out in those flame magma.

This made the two hundred war butchers trapped in the enemy's line of despair feel disappointed. Now, no matter which direction they break through, they are all greatly hindered. If the situation is not improved, all war butchers will be killed by death.

"Uh, I didn't expect the ancient Flame Devil Bella Rocca to be so powerful, but I didn't see it before." Right? This is much better than Lao Sha. "

The desert emperor on the side was black, so don't overdo it and refuse to speak. In fact, he also felt that Bella Roca was a bit exaggerated. According to his own estimation, even if he has reached the level of the Great Demon King, even in the desert, it is by no means an opponent of this ancient Flame Demon.

"Laosha, don't be discouraged." Wang Yan said with a smile and comfort, "If you are promoted to the level of the Devil, you will definitely not be worse than Bella Roca. If you are in the desert, you must be better than it. Its flames Although there seem to be a lot of elements, it is a long-term accumulation of manufacturing, but it usually inhabits it. As the consumption reaches the limit, it will be less and less. "

"I said, how could it be so powerful?" The emperor of the desert said with a sigh of relief. "But even so, it is powerful enough. At least in this war, it can bring down the Dark Princess."

"I'm afraid it's very difficult." Wang Yan said with a smile. "But it's more than enough to wipe out the two hundred war butchers in this area. Whether he can defeat him depends on Princess Darksong's reluctance to fill his life."

"Dark Marauder, give priority to attacking the ancient Flame Demon to prevent it from continuing to summon the element of fire." Princess Darksong suffocated herself and ordered 600 Dark Marauders to return to attack Bella Roca.

Each war butcher is a valuable asset of the Dark Demon Realm, and is also a manifestation of comprehensive strength. If you lose two hundred here, it will definitely be a big blow.

In fact, the best choice for Princess Darksong is to allow the six hundred dark predators to continue to attack Wang Yan, and the eight hundred fallen angels who cooperate with the Dark Lady will defeat Wang Yan's army as soon as possible.

It's just that the two hundred war butchers will certainly not be able to survive regardless of the outcome of the battle. It's a pity that she can't bear those war butchers.

And she did not dare to fight in person to deal with that ancient flame demon. She was afraid that it was Mo Yan's trick, and she was lured to come out to perform beheading tactics. With the breath that Mo Yan showed, she was not the opponent in the heads-up match.

"Dark Song ~" The Dark Lady was anxious and whispered angrily, "You ripped 600 dark predators, how can I fight to win the magic flame?"

"Don't hit your head first," Princess Darksong said quickly. "Traveler drags the magic flame. I will give priority to defeating the ancient flame demon, and I will come to meet you. If there is no war butcher, what can we eat?" Man-devil heavy infantry? "

"Okay, you're faster." The Dark Lady also made sense, and had to bite the bullet and continue to order her army of eight hundred fallen angels, but only changed from a raid to a guerrilla.

The appearance of an ancient flame demon completely changed Wang Yan's weakness and changed the situation on the whole battlefield.

This surprised everyone.

There are too many cards from the guy of Mo Yan. But even so, it is hard to say who will win or lose in this war. As long as the Dark Lady and Princess Dark Song can truly cooperate, regardless of personal gain or loss, they can still barely defeat Mo Yan and clear him out of the battlefield.

Of course, the premise is that Mo Yan's kid has no cards.

Does he really have a hole card?

This is what everyone is worried about. If he can play another card that is not inferior to the ancient Flame Devil, then this battle is really not to be played, even if the two women join forces to admit defeat.

It was at this time.

Wang Yan glanced at a large group of fallen angels in the distance, and the corner of his mouth laughed: "A lot of fallen angels. I heard that fallen angels are another aspect of the war angels, then let her deal with these fallen angels Now. "

she was?

At this time, Wang Yan did not use the Bajin Mirror to form an enchantment to isolate the devil from prying eyes. It is also because of this that this sentence was broadcast by the Devil God and passed into everyone's ears.


The people in the Fallen Demon Realm didn't believe it first. That so-called she could still deal with the army of 800 fallen angels.

But the audience of Purgatory Demon Realm suddenly boiled. Isn't it right? His Royal Highness has a hidden card. That she can actually deal with the fallen army of angels, I am afraid that it will not be inferior to the ancient Yanmon?

Under the attention of all, everyone's focus is on Wang Yan's incarnation, Mo Yan.

Even the Dark Lady Catherine was inexplicably nervous. She knew Wang Yan very well, and that guy was always unexpected. The war is less than the last moment, who knows what kind of cards he will play.

"Laws ~"

Wang Yan pointed his finger in the air, a vast momentum rose into the sky, and said coldly like a devil, "The door to heaven opens."


The door to heaven opens?

Everyone is dumbfounded, is this Highness Mo Yan being funny? The Gate of Heaven, that is the passage of war for the Kingdom of Heaven, is dedicated to serving the light.

You, a pure purgatory demon, even want to open the door to heaven? This is not calling subordinates, but the enemy?


Mamen in the demon **** has a black thread: "Satan, is your son's head broken? Why does he think he can open the door to heaven by posing himself?"

"Does he have any tricks?" The fallen demon Samel frowned, and he didn't believe that Mo Yan could open the door to heaven. Because no one was present, he knew the kingdom of heaven better than he. Those who can open the door to heaven must be an existence recognized by the God of Light.

Once upon a time, Samuel could also order to open the door to heaven. With one order, countless war angels would serve him. But now, he has been denied such authority.

"What kind of tricks can my child have, pretend to be pretending to be." Satan, the demon god, is also frowning. To say that he is the most feared guy, it must be the God of Light.

The old guy lived long enough and his overall strength was very strong. Even if he fights the whole **** at the same time, he can achieve one enemy and three without falling.

This is one of the reasons why the three devil gods of **** must also unite while fighting against each other.

Just when everyone is in doubt.

There was indeed a golden and white interlaced glow in the sky. The divine light overflowed, and the incomparable light energy condensed into a door to heaven.

The magnificent symphony was played, and the statue of the holy angel on the colonnade shone bright and majestic.


It is not known for how long, the gate of heaven has not appeared in hell.

The auditorium was filled with one after another of exclamations, shocked, feared, questioned, and even some Mozu emotional breakdown.


The fallen demon Samel slammed up and shocked, "The gate of heaven, how could this kid summon the gate of heaven?" This is simply challenging the limits of his common sense.

Satan, the devil, opened his mouth wide and could not believe it was true. His son really summoned the gate of heaven.

The matter was the biggest shocker, the non-dark lady and her army.

Especially her army of fallen angels is only a few miles away from the gate of heaven. According to their eyesight, the carved porch on the gate of heaven can be seen clearly, full of Baroque art style, and all kinds of details come to life.

And this is probably not an illusion or an illusion, because the divine light breath emanating from the gate of heaven scorched their skin sorely and disgustingly. Since the birth of the universe, light and darkness have been the eternal opposites.

The dark lady's pretty eyes are round and surprised. What the **** is this? Could it be that the guy of the Flame Son sneaked up with the bright Saint Lulu again and asked her to send reinforcements?


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