The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1714: Fire Pheasant, is your brain broken?

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The pheasant warhammer trembles with flames, and in the face of the more terrifying and more powerful sixth sky thunder, it turns into a human-shaped pheasant weapon spirit, and the soul is almost scared to fly. ~ Forcing?

Just kidding, in front of the destructive, overbearing and annihilating Sky Thunder, it's a little weapon, where dare to pretend to force it?

Not to mention, the sky thunder in front of it almost hacked it to the soul, and the sub-god-level warframes were almost burned.

The last Destruction Sky Thunder, under the combined force of their two sub-artifacts, they were so miserable, now the power of the sky is stronger, and the power is better than the previous sixth Sky Thunder. If it is cut on it, it is definitely two words. : "End of play"!

How to do? It's handsome and beautiful, with a flaming pheasant and spirit of perfect appearance, but you don't want to be chopped up in smoke!

But at such a critical moment, it is the mortal warhammer spirit of master Wang Yan, who will not bear it, who will bear it?

If the owner Wang Yan had three longs and two shorts, his mortal warhammer would also disappear.

It's just that the sub-god-level battle armor has been half-destroyed, and it's also awkward as a dog, but destroying Tianlei indifferently and ruthlessly, it won't give it any chance to breathe.

At present, the sixth thunder, which seems to be able to destroy the heavens and the earth, has fallen into the sky, such a horrible situation, how to make it a poor little weapon spirit?

If you can cry, the fire pheasant really wants to cry, if you can choose, it will really not pretend to be in the future.


The thunderous thunder has been resounding in the whole secret area. The edge of the outer magic tower, the confusing lord, Zhang Weidao and others all squinted their eyes and looked at the gradually falling sky thunder with fright. The chaotic cyclone below splits strongly.

The fire pheasant's spirit exploded in the head. In the face of the terrible sky thunder, it could not stop it either.


At this moment of life and death, the fire pheasant's spirit suddenly flashed, and as it drummed up its strength, the flames once again made a great effort.

Among the billowing flames, a golden and magnificent lotus stand was forcibly thrown out by the fire pheasant.

It is another great treasure of Wang Yan, ask Xinlian Liantai!

The Fire Pheasant Warhammer is Wang Yan ’s natal soul weapon. After many sacrifices, the Fire Pheasant Warhammer stays in the sea of ​​Wang Yan ’s consciousness on weekdays, and Wenxin Liantai is also one body with Wang Yan, and also stays in Wang Yan ’s consciousness. Nautical miles.

But when it comes to seniority level, it is inferior to the Fire Pheasant Warhammer.

It is precisely because of this level of gap that at this moment of crisis, Wenxinliantai was forcibly called out by the spirit of the fire pheasant, used as a shield, and smashed towards the falling thunder.


In the Xinxinliantai, which suddenly became larger in the air, the frontal confrontation with the falling sky thunder was fierce.

Q. The heart lotus platform used to be the treasure of the kingdom of Buddha.

But the power of this sixth thunder sky is really huge.

The fifth Sky Thunder has already allowed the Pheasant Warhammer and the Sub-God-level Warframe, and these two half-artifacts can't withstand it. The power of the sixth Sky Thunder has brought this magnificent power to the extreme.

Q. Xinliantai only insisted on two or three breathing kung fu, and was defeated by the destruction of Tian Lei's body.

Fortunately, the Pheasant Warhammer and the Second Artifact Warframe are still there, and the rest of the thunder is finally under the hard support of the Pheasant Warhammer and the Second Artifact Warframe.

The scattered thunder and thunder fell like a raindrop into a chaotic cyclone.

The chaotic cyclones condensed and concentrated again, and the chaotic cyclones in the range of tens of meters were still left, shrinking by half again. The air of chaos inside was extremely compressed and almost all came out of the water.

Undoubtedly, under the refining of Tian Lei, the chaotic gas once again concentrated is undoubtedly more pure and solid, and the power contained is also more vast and powerful.

While the destruction of Sky Thunder brings annihilation and destruction, it will indeed bring many benefits.

However, after resisting the sixth Sky Thunder, the Fire Pheasant Warhammer and the Second Artifact Warframe suffered more serious injuries.

The surface of the fire pheasant's hammer was smoky and flaming, the spirit of the fire pheasant weakened a lot, and the surrounding flames were dimmed. The second artifact's armor is even more miserable. The original smooth surface of the armor showed a large area of ​​cracking under the lightning strike, as if it would break at any time.

"Whirring whirring……"

The flame trembles slightly, and the fire pheasant's spirit looks at it wearing a sub-artifact armor, which turns into a human face, full of bitterness.

Look at it, as if to say: How did the war armor crack? My goodness, how should it explain to its owner Wang Yan this time?

It is not only the artifact armor that makes it feel hard, but the heart lotus platform is also anxious, the original Yingying Buddha light, almost extinguished at this moment.

Now the lotus platform is slanting to the ground. If it is not a little bit of body protection, I am afraid it is no different from a stone sculpture.

"Ah! My god, my elder, the eldest, you, you, you actually used your **** to block the sky ?! Aah!"

Suddenly, a wailing wailing came out from the heart of Wenxinlian.

Then one red and one green, two figures flew out of the center of the heart of the lotus.

These two figures are Wang Yan's two favorite pets, the three-legged Jinwu and the hairy crab.

They usually stayed in the Xinxinlian platform to sleep and practice. This time they were bombarded by the sky and thunder. They were directly inside the Xinxinlian platform.

At first, the three-legged Jinwu thought it was the boss of the goods, and when it was used as a cannon fodder, but when it saw the shrunken pheasant weapon spirit, its hair was blown up.

"You, it's you! Quack, it's you!"

The three-legged Jinwu spread his wings and screamed angrily, "Fire Pheasant, your brain is broken? Wow! You! How dare you take the **** to block the sky?"

"Boss? Where is the boss?"

Saying that, the three-legged Jin Wu looked around, and besides the chaotic cyclone that was unknown and the heavy robbery that made it cautious, he still had Wang Yan's shadow?

The hairy crab on the side was also "poo, poo" spit a bubble, and look at it waving the crab tongs, pointing at the fire pheasant weapon spirit, as if cursing the fire pheasant weapon spirit is not something.

"Whirring whirring!"

The fire pheasant with its head shrunk, and the flame quickly shook, explaining to the three-legged Jinwu and the hairy crab.

The fire pheasant is still a new-born spirit. Although it has intelligence, it has not been able to speak, and usually communicates directly with the other party by will.

"What? The boss is gone? There is no way? Quack! What is this called?"

After listening to the explanation of the fire pheasant weapon spirit, the three-legged Jinwu almost did not feel dizzy. It knew that the situation was urgent and quickly communicated with Wang Yan.

It was found that Wang Yan was in a mixed cyclone, and was in a realm of forgetting things. This realm was very delicate, and it was obvious that Wang Yan was still in a state of promotion.

In the promotion state, the most disturbed by the outside world, the three-legged Jinwu can not be contacted, but after it is confirmed that the boss Wang Yan is safe, it is also a long relief.

"Whirring whirring!"

The Fire Pheasant Spirit once again shook the flames and contacted the three-legged Jinwu.

Upon hearing the three-legged Jinwu, almost no old blood spurted to death: "What? Quack! The last three days left in Heaven Tribulation? Can only rely on our bloodline servants and armed forces to resist?"

Under normal circumstances, a practitioner who walks against the sky, his armament and blood servant are all inseparable parts of himself, so the power of heaven does not think it is an external force, and naturally will not cause heaven Robbery.

However, if the confessed lords and the desert emperor who protect the law in the periphery, help, this will be regarded as external interference by the Heavenly Tribulation. Erase the destruction.

This is also the reason why Wang Yan has so many men and companions.

"What should I do? Quack! What should I do?" The three-legged golden black bird's beak opened wide, anxiously turning around.

"Poo, poo!"

Hairy crabs vomited without intestinal bubbles, and the eyes of a pair of little crabs were full of despair.

Just kidding, the final rhythm of the sixth Sky Thunder has almost cooked it, and the next three are the ultimate thunder of this Sky Tribulation, one is stronger than the other, and each power will be more than the previous one. Times!

Not to mention the eighth, ninth, and the seventh thunder just about to fall, I am afraid that it will touch this cute intestine to become a delicious hairy crab!

"Puff puff……"

The hairy crab spit out bubbles, crying without tears. It has n’t had time to spread its seeds all over the universe, and it has n’t tasted the hotness of Hell Crab ’s sister. Is it a dish here?

Ooo, Boss, you are really pitted!

However, the three-legged Jinwu and the hairy crab were too late to sorrow. A shocking thunder above the sky caused the entire subspace to tremble.

Immediately after that, the thunder falling through Changhong fell suddenly towards the bottom.

"No, I'm going to help the master!"

I have been confusing the lord and others, serving the succubus charmer on the periphery, there is no longer any hesitation, and rushed towards the falling sky, "Let's go together!"

Facing the ruthless Tianlei, Meier's charming and charming face is full of perseverance and fearlessness.

At this moment, the three-legged Jinwu, the hairless crab, and the weak pheasant warhammer, no longer have any scruples, and rushed in the face of Tianlei.

At this time, the four faithful servant brothers had no additional thoughts, and the only thing in their hearts was Wang Yan's safety.


The explosion at a distance immediately oscillated in a ring-shaped shock in the air, and burst out strongly around.

The thundery stream was mixed with white air waves, just like a huge splash of water. When it burst out, it fell to the top of the magic tower.


The floor tiles on the top of the mage tower immediately lifted up, and the tumbling annihilation power instantly drove the edge of the mage tower, quietly waiting for Wang Yan's many men and companions.


"It hurts, it hurts me!"

"Oh, tentacles, tentacles, my tentacles are full of focus!"

Lord Chew, Zhang Weidao, Shen Tu Tianlu and others, only had time to simply lay out a layer of defensive shield for themselves. Under the strong impact of the destruction of Sky Thunder, all of them were like paper paste, which was easily broken and destroyed They were all rushed out.

The most miserable one is the ogres Ablon Giantmaul. He is naturally not good at flying in the air because of his race. He usually jumps to high altitude in the form of jumping, or barely suspends in midair.

But now, he had just laid the giant mallet in front of him to resist Tianlei, but under the surging Tianwei, the thunder impact immediately blasted him out.

Ablon, who was huge and heavy, had no time to react, and immediately fell down the magic tower.

The tower of the starry sky rises into the clouds, and the one where Ablon fell is called earth-shattering. The ground was directly smashed into a big pit. Not to mention, Ablon himself also broke several bones.

This is also the strong point of the thick meat of the ogres skin. When it falls so high, it will break a few bones, and it will not take long before it will recover under the powerful vitality of the ogres.

Otherwise, it will be replaced with other creatures, I am afraid that it will have been smashed into a pile of mud.


"Puff puff!"


Compared to the lords of the Red Confusion, Ablon and others, the three-legged golden blackhead, the hairy crab, and the charmer and the pheasant's hammer are directly more miserable.

You know, this is the sky-tribulation that is strong enough to reach the peak of the semi-god level. A few of them are only the pets of the legendary realm, and a sub-artifact warhammer.

After resisting the sky-tribulation and counting the effort, he lost in turn. Their body shields exploded one by one, full of the power of thunder with the meaning of annihilation, and almost passed them through.

The three-legged Jinwu fire feathers were almost split apart, the hairy crabs were covered with smoke, and the cold blue crab armor was almost baked by the electric current.

Meier is also smoky, and a set of **** and sultry leather armor is almost exploded directly.

In addition, these three pets all exhausted their power. Under the thunder tide, like a broken kite, they fell one after another.

Sky Thunder does bring great destruction and destruction, but at the same time it is destroyed, it is a new life.

Being able to experience the baptism of Tian Lei without lethal death will undoubtedly experience a great baptism of body and mind, thereby becoming stronger and stronger, and will also benefit in the future.

Without the three sets of Jinwu, the hairy crabs and Meier, the three darlings of the warfare, the falling sky thunder is like a vertically falling waterfall, pouring down unimpeded.

"Boom! Ka Ka Ka!"

The thundering intertwined thunder, with countless thunder arcs like a silver snake, constantly hitting the top of the starry sky tower.

The top of the starry sky tower, but the astrological tower of the starry sky god, was also an important occasion for this powerful demigod-level magician to practice enlightenment.

There is no doubt that the top of the tower is the strongest and most magical place of this magic tower.

But now the sky is thundering, the floor tiles on the top of the starry sky are all like paper paste, large pieces are destroyed and shattered, and the entire top of the tower is bathed in an atmosphere of terror and annihilation.

The chaotic cyclones that spread above the top of the tower were naturally dissipated by the impact. The original chaotic cyclones were only tens of square meters. At this time, they were only concentrated to the last small group, and in this raging thunder tide, a pair of The look of destruction.

"Huh! Huh!"

Just above this last little chaotic cyclone, the only pheasant warhammer that has not been stunned, is still perseveringly defending the last point of safety under him.

In fact, it is no longer an opponent of Sky Thunder, and its flame power has been destroyed, leaving only the purest original core, hiding in the Warhammer, relying on the Warhammer's own tyrannical material, supporting it.

In its view, the chaotic cyclone below is undoubtedly the boss who is being promoted. Even if the fire pheasant disappears, it will protect the boss until the end!

The pheasant warhammer's loyalty is true, but the reality is often so ruthless.

Destruction Tianlei is still eroding the hammer body of the Pheasant Warhammer, consuming the original power of the Pheasant Tool Spirit.

The material of the Warhammer is indeed rare in the world, and it is indestructible. Under the continuous impact of the Destruction Sky, the surface of the Warhammer without energy blessing has become red, and small cracks one after another begin to appear one after another.

Following the cracks that eroded into the interior of the destruction of thunder, the desire of the pheasant was strangled to death.

"Woo, woo, you are really a pitman. If you think I am a young pheasant, I will block the thunder for you and die!"

The fire pheasant was enshrined by Tianlei, crying without tears, and crying out in his heart.

It feels that its original power is decreasing and shrinking. If it continues like this, it will disappear like a piece of melting ice in this world.

At this moment, a large, tough and powerful hand suddenly stretched out from the last chaotic cyclone, holding a pheasant warhammer on the verge of collapse.

At the same time, a lazy, slightly sneered voice began to be directly introduced into the core of the fire pheasant's spirit: "Fire pheasant, who did you say it was a pit?"


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