The Domestic Hero

Chapter 204: Stolen for half a day

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"Miss Wenren, hello." After being surprised, Wang Yan stepped forward with a smile. "I didn't expect that I would meet you here."

"Do you know?" Little Bunny's sister followed, and there was a trace of doubt on her lovely face.

"Mr. Wang and I are neighbors," Wen Renqiang said with a smile, "I just didn't expect that he was actually working in the National African Affairs Bureau. Rabbit, you didn't tell me."

"I don't know that you and Brother Wang know each other." Little Rabbit's pair of long ears twirled cutely, and looked suspiciously at the two of them. "It's Rose, you haven't been back for a few days. Encounter with the male **** of our unit, suspicious and suspicious. "

"What happened is just an encounter." Wenren Qiang smiled and smiled, "You are a bit of a suspicion, little rabbit, the unit has such a handsome male god, hiding it and refuses to introduce it. I come back this time, but with you I have eaten a lot. "

Wang Yan didn't even think that it turned out that Little Rabbit and Wenren Qiang knew each other, and they seemed to know each other well.

"Squeak ~" Little Ferret snuggled in Wang Yan's arms and grunted dissatisfied with the smell of the rose. It seems to be saying that I knew you were not a fuel-efficient lamp.

"It's good to know everyone." Feng Yuande said with a smile, "Xiao Yan little rabbit came over to sit. Xiao Yan, you have been struggling all the way along the road, take a sip of tea and relax."

Everyone was seated.

Feng Yuande re-brewed a pot of black tea, and served the tea skillfully to everyone.

After drinking two sips of tea, Feng Yuande said with a smile: "Xiao Yan, let me introduce you formally. This lady Wenren, a cadre of the O League Superpower Federation, this time in Huahai City, has a special business trip . "

"Miss Wenren, this is the backbone member of our East China Branch, Comrade Wang Yan." Feng Yuande officially introduced each other.

"Mr. Wang, who did not reveal his identity before, because the identity needs to be kept secret and cannot be disclosed to outsiders casually." Wen Renqiang extended her jade hand and apologized. "There are still some misunderstandings that need to be apologized to Mr. Wang."

"Miss Wenren is polite." Wang Yan smiled and shook hands with her. "It's all trivial things that I didn't care about. Besides, I didn't tell you anything about my work at the National African Bureau."

"Well, thank you Mr. Wang for your consideration. However, the last time Mr. Wang invited me to have breakfast." Wen Renqiang smiled shallowly, "I haven't returned the gift yet. It happened to be that Mr. Wang came back on a business trip today, so that Rose is here. When the house receives a wind, it expresses his heart. "

"Brother Wang, you are blessed this time." Little Sister Tutu praised, "Rose has lived in Europe for many years and is best at cooking some French dishes. The method is very authentic. Rose, you cook in your own house, you will not take me Right? "

"Of course not, how can you get less of your little greedy rabbit?" Wen Renqiang's wonderful eyes gave her a glance.

Wang Yan smiled politely: "Don't talk about authentic French food, I haven't even tasted fake French food. It must be tasted, and then I'll have a hard time smelling Miss Ren." Human rose seems very simple. Having known each other for so many years, is she also a banshee?

It's just that she doesn't see what the body is.

After a brief greeting, Wenren Qiang first said goodbye, and agreed with Wang Yan to eat at her house at six in the afternoon, and Rabbit got up and sent her away.

Wang Yan stayed first and reported to Feng Feng about the trip, including the mobilization of secret agents. In this regard, Mr. Feng only said that it is a good thing to know the enlightenment. Besides, it is not a wrong thing to bet on gambling. There is no blame.

"Xiao Yan, the process of this mission is more complicated, and it is a joint operation with the Central China Branch. The mission is settled, and you have to wait a few days." After the report, Feng Yuande also said, "You take a holiday and go back to have a good rest. Don't worry about going to work. "

"Yes, Director Feng." Wang Yan took Xiaomin to leave.

After leaving the National African Bureau, Wang Yan returned home.

After not returning home for a few days, Liu Lang did a good job of keeping his family clean, neat and clean. He easily called Liu Lang and said that he had successfully found a job and was busy outside. In the evening, I have to go out with my new colleagues, so I do n’t have to wait for him to have dinner.

In this way, Wang Yan no longer cares about him. Take a good bath. Changed to a home casual clothes, lying on the balcony to bask in the sun, drink tea, read a book.

On his large terrace, climbing plants have flourished a lot, and the green and green are quite eye-catching. Also facing the Xianghu Lake in the community, the scenery is very beautiful and pleasant.

It is autumn now, but the autumn temperature in Huahai City is not low. The sun is clear, and it's very comfortable to warm people. The little ferret, curled up in Wang Yan's arms, fell asleep sweetly, snoring lightly in his nasal cavity, and the fluffy tail flicked on Wang Yan's belly.

Wang Yan is reading a book about the mysteries and potential of the human body. It says that the human body is very delicate and great, and has unlimited potential. In the case of genetics, only about three percent of genes will work.

The remaining 97% of the genes are in a state of sleep, and they have no effect until death.

Some scientists believe that 97% of the genes are junk genes, which are useless functions eliminated by humans in the long evolution.

But there are also many genetic biologists who believe that a considerable part of those sleeping genes are useless genes, but some of them must be very powerful. If that part of the genetic gene is dominant on the human body, maybe human beings can obtain all kinds of incredible super powers.

While drinking tea, Wang Yan watched leisurely, but thought that the analysis was somewhat reasonable. I remembered the mass of meteor that hit me and changed my destiny. Come to think, maybe the cluster of meteor material did not cause mutations in its own genes. Instead, it inspired some of the recessive genes.

It's just that Wang Yan is also very strange. Why do we need that kind of magical substance that can induce gene dominance in the universe?

On this question, Wang Yan also asked Uncle Gun. But even Uncle Cannon can't say why. I only know that my pure yang physique seems to be more pure than that of Uncle Cannon, and it has a much stronger affinity for flames.

On a rare afternoon, Wang Yan spent his leisure time drinking tea and reading books. Quiet and comfortable, the mood feels very calm and comfortable.

Looking at the time, Wang Yan put on his shirt, rolled his cuffs, and dressed in a semi-formal and casual style. Holding the little ferret, carrying two small gifts and a bottle of red wine out. He didn't even take the elevator and rang the doorbell directly to the door. Within a few seconds, the door opened.

Wen Renqiang was wearing light red casual clothes, her hair was randomly tied with a rubber band in the middle, and her face was only light makeup. Compared to the previous meeting, it was a little less charming and a little more gentle.

When she saw Wang Yan, she smiled and said: "Mr. Wang, welcome, welcome. Come in quickly, you can come on time. There is Xiaoxue, and you are also welcome."

"Squeak ~" Little Ferret waved his paw and greeted him politely. Although it seems that this demon girl has some bad intentions for Wang Yan's brother, but we can't weaken the lady's temperament, the main house's style.

"Brother Wang Yan is here." The dress is slightly cool, the figure is **** and feminine, and the temperament is cute and playful. At this time, she is setting the table. When he saw Wang Yan, he greeted him and handed him a pair of brand-new slippers thoughtfully.

Looking at the pair of slippers, Wang Yan was a little puzzled. It was a pair of plush slippers in the shape of a cute rabbit. In other words, I haven't tried these kawaii-style slippers in my life.

"What's wrong? Brother Wang Yan, don't you like it?" Little Sister Rabbit looked innocent, blinking watery eyes and staring at Wang Yan, "but I was in the shopping mall today, and I chose slippers for a long time. "Her eyes are soft and watery, as if she feels crying as soon as Wang Yan says something bad.

"It's not bad, it's pretty." Wang Yan gave two small gifts to two girls, changed her slippers, and said politely, "Two beauties, is there anything I need to do?"

"Mr. Wang, you will watch the TV break first. The two of me and the rabbit are almost the same. We can have dinner in 20 minutes." Wen Renqiang took the initiative to help Wang Yan adjust the TV set.

But the bunny made a cup of tea.

The two women were so polite, Wang Yan was also flattered and said: "You are busy enough, no longer greet me."

Wang Yan leaned on a soft leather sofa, looked at the recording channel, and looked at the room. It is also a cascading pattern, but in terms of room design, it is quite different. And the decoration style is obviously feminine, revealing a warm and romantic atmosphere everywhere.

In addition to decoration, there are many plants in the house. In particular, climbing roses, flourishing everywhere, green branches along the ledge, climbed to the ceiling, bright red roses blooming, a faint fragrance spread throughout the house.

Wenren rose is really as the name suggests, how much she loves rose flower.

After sitting idle for a while, I started to eat.

But since it is eaten at home, there is no chef or waiter to serve.

Everyone eats it more casually. Appetizers, soups, hot dishes, main dishes, etc. are all served together.

Wang Yan looked at a table full of exquisite dishes, the fragrance was overflowing and he couldn't help moving his index finger. I just have n’t eaten French food. I do n’t know the rules.

"Mr. Wang, don't be restrained, eat as much as you want." Wenren Qiangwei said with a smile, "We are not Michelin restaurants, we must eat the main course, and the taste will be slightly worse after cooling."

"Then I'm welcome." Wang Yan first tasted cold cuts and mushroom soup, and then began to eat the main course. It was a huge baked lobster. It was delicious, tender and smooth.

Then, at the suggestion of the hostess, I ate the grilled steak, which was really tender and delicious. And taking into account Wang Yan's exaggerated food, his dish is full of weight.

Eat this big meal, not to mention the little ferret eats a round belly. Even Wang Yan was satisfied and felt very full.

The little ferret rubbed into Wenrenqiang's arms without any rhythm and began to coquettish and please. I patted my chest and squeaked nonstop. The general idea is that Benzhengfang agrees that you are a concubine in the side room of Wang Yan's brother. In the future, you will be responsible for contracting the kitchen.

In order to order this little thing, even Wang Yan sold it.

Of course, that was a joke. But this meal, everyone was very satisfied. Then Xiaotu suggested that he would be too full and have some entertainment after dinner. Then he bit his finger and looked at Wang Yan charmingly and said, "Brother Wang Yan, what game is suitable for two women and one man?"

"This ..." Wang Yan peeled the big white rabbit toffee and put it in his mouth, feeling a little sad.


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