The Domestic Hero

Chapter 227: Jade Girl Heart Sutra?

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The reason is very simple. Even if the field of Nanlian is opened, and it is struggling as hard as possible, it is estimated to be similar to this data.

She is a domain-level powerhouse. The normal C-level powerhouse is in front of her, just like a chicken and a dog.

Take the two-tailed coquette she played so hard as an example. She is now fully confident that she can solve the battle within seconds, and has the advantage of crushing the whole process.

But Wang Yan gave her a different feeling. If the two fight, it is estimated to be a fierce battle. Moreover, when Wang Yan fought, there was always an endless stream of means. It is really hard to say who wins and who loses.

"It's so strong!" Wang Yan secretly talked. Others have a feeling that as they become stronger, the power of the Fire Unicorn Armguard will also be stronger!

"Oh, you broke the dynamometer, it seems that Director Yun is going to scold people." Zhao Xiu said with a smile, "Comrade Wang Yan, would you like to explain to her?"

"Uh ... I'd rather lose money." Wang Yan's scalp felt a little numb when he thought of Yunzhi. Since the measurement of Wang Erniu's essential nature that day, he showed various domineering. Yun Zhi said afterwards that His Excellency Wang Yan had become the first person to reproduce her descendants.

Of course, the premise is that she has plans to reproduce. For now, she has no such plan. However, she expressed that in case she had a whimsy in the future and wanted to carry out a reproduction plan. So, a terrible story happened ...

"Okay, don't make trouble." Master Feng said with a tea and a smile, "Kirin's right arm is good at attacking, Kirin's left arm is good at protection. Since the force gauge is broken, Xiaoyan, please try the fire Kirin left arm . "

Wang Yan nodded, his thoughts moved.


A fiery light erupted from the left arm, centered on the relief shield of the head of the unicorn under the elbow, and burst into flames in all directions. The thick flame seemed to be bound by some kind of force, forming a flame shield that looked like nothing but nothing.

Its light is very blazing, reflecting the entire training room red, and the temperature is instantly raised by many degrees.

"Nan Lian, you help him test." Feng Feng ordered.

"Yes! Nan Lian responded, took off his sunglasses, and his eyes were as deep and beautiful as the blue whirlpool, and the voice was clear and ice-like," Xiao Yan, I will go all out on this blow, see if you can It can't be prevented. "

On her slender and graceful body, a blue and stunning light twirled around her body. The cold mist and the finely divided ice crystals are shining brightly under the red flame.

The sudden drop in temperature caused the humid water molecules in the air to instantly condense into petal-shaped ice crystal snowflakes, which fell one after another and were caught in the vortex.

The cold crystal ice fog and snowflakes, like the galaxy when it was just born, rotate violently at a rapid speed, magnificent and magnificent.

Grandpa Feng, Zhao Xiu and Guan Nuo couldn't help the cold and hot collision, and sneaked out of the training room. Just kidding, Nan Lian is a field-level powerhouse in the Ice Department, and her all-out blows are sure to be huge and powerful.

And Wang Yan's fire unicorn armguards also seem unusual. If the two collide, it may cause any evil effects.

Seeing Sister Nanlian's momentum gradually rising, Wang Yan not only did not feel the slightest fear, but his eyes burst into a fiery and excited look. The first year of life was filled with a breath of flame, like mist and flame, surging and rolling.

Even his hair turned red. The flame shield of Kirin's left arm grew thicker and thicker.

"Be careful!"

Nan Lian Tan lips spit out a cold word lightly.

Thousands of swirling mists of crushed ice gathered in her palm in an instant, and her figure shook and shoved.


An icicle composed of countless finely crushed diamond-shaped ice, violently rotated, the air could not resist tearing, and twisted into a blue vortex. A snowy, crystal-clear ice road was frozen on the ground, and the thick floor tiles spread along the sides of the ice road, spreading in all directions and cracks.


Wang Yan was fearless, and his hind legs rested on the ground, raising his hands and shielding. The crimson and magnificent flame shield is intertwined with flame tongue, as if forming a faint phantom of a unicorn beast head.


Everything happened in an instant.

The ice and fire, the icicle vortex and the flame shield collided in an instant. The ice crystal extinguished the flame, and the flame melted the ice crystal. Water mist, sparks, ice, snow, steam and fire filled the entire training room.

The violent explosion was deafening, and the shock waves that were formed stirred up a wave of ripples and spread out in all directions. Near the ground, a big pit with a radius of two meters was exploded.

Under the impact, Wang Yan's feet plunged into the stone floor, plowed out two deep trenches, the gravel turned up like mud, and slid backward for a full three or four meters.

The flame shield was dim, and several places had cracked. However, in the head of the unicorn beast, another red flame spewed out to add to the shield, and the flame shield returned to its original state, shining brightly.


The steam that had been tumbling up in the past was condensed and condensed into raindrops. The rain fell on Wang Yan and was blown away by the heat wave around him, the smoke was floating, and it was really beautiful.

The coldness around Nanlian's body converged, and the ice vortex in his eyes restored the ice-blue pupil and put on his sunglasses again. "Xiao Yan, I didn't expect my full blow, but I couldn't break your defense. See Come on, you are really worth the Huo Qilin armguards. "

"Xiao Yan, are you satisfied with the new baby's trial process?" Mr. Feng walked in with a smile. "Do you want to return it to the unit? You can rest assured that the method of erasing the master is complicated, but this consumption board is out for you. . My old Feng is the one who decides to return all 5000 points of merit to you. "

Huo Qilin's armguards still seem to understand people's words, conveying a strong feeling of reluctance to Wang Yan. Then he took the initiative to exalt two flames to Mr. Feng, the flame was shaped like a unicorn, and his teeth were so powerful.

"Sir, please don't tease me. I like this baby so much." Wang Yan smiled embarrassingly and said sincerely, "Thank you for recommending such a good baby."

"Oh, it looks not only very satisfied with this baby, this baby is also very satisfied with your master." Master Feng said with relief, "Take care of it and let it grow up with you."

"Yes!" Wang Yan saluted respectfully.

As the old man left, Wang Yan hurriedly took a shower and changed his clothes.

Then I rushed to the unit cafeteria to meet with Nanlian, and it was already half past one in the afternoon. There were just a few people in the cafeteria empty.

Nan Lian has helped Wang Yan order a lot of delicious food in advance and put it on the table.

After a frustrating morning, Wang Yan was already hungry. After saying hello, he rushed to the table. After nibbling three or four roasted crispy pork hands, half a roast chicken, and a pound of brine braised beef, I regained my spirit.

"Every time I watch you eat, I have a particular loss of appetite." Guan Nuo complained angrily. "You are a male **** anyway. Can you have a bit of grace when eating in front of a lady?"

"Xiao Yan, don't worry about her. Even if you eat it, the boy has more energy to eat." Nan Lian took out a bottle of red wine from the storage bracelet and helped Wang Yan pour a glass. "But these things are all big meat You drink a little red wine to get tired. "

"Well, thank you Nanlian." Wang Yan took the red wine and murmured as the drink dried.

The three of them were talking, and they heard the voice of Scud: "Brother Niu, you sit. Are you tired of training for the newcomer for half a day? Do you want to hammer your legs? Want to eat something, Here you go for the calf. "

"Leg, brother, don't, don't be so polite." Wang Erniu said weakly, "I'm a newcomer and don't understand the rules."

"Oh, Brother Niu, don't say that." Scud said flatteringly. "Tonight I will go to Huahai City's most famous night show to sing K. I will cover all the expenses."

Wang Yan looked at this scene, and suddenly realized that SCUD was interested in Wang Erniu's ability to handle her sister, and was entangled with the other's teaching.

"Oh, Xiao Yan, Miss Nan Lian, and Guan Nuo, are you all here?" Feudal smiled and said hello with a smile, "Will you sing K together at night?"

"Forget it, we have something else at night." Wang Yan saw Nan Lian's face, and then refused, "You guys have fun."

As soon as he saw Wang Yan, Wang Erniu shrank his head instinctively and said, "Yan, Brother Yan. Nan, Miss Nanlian, and Miss Guan Nuo."

"You Niu, please don't be polite. Last time I also performed official duties. Everyone is a colleague in the future. I hope to take care of each other." Wang Yan said politely, "Do you want to eat together?"

"Don't use it, we'll eat right next to it." Wang Erniu apparently had a deep fear for Wang Yan. After greeting, he immediately went to hide.

In this regard, Wang Yan no longer cares about him.


After eating, Guan Nuo said he would go home to see his parents.

Wang Yan and Nan Lian decided to find a secluded place to practice and absorb ice and fire. Although the danger of absorbing fire pulp and ice pulp is not high, it is best to have someone watching on the side, just in case. And those who practice the opposite attributes of the other party are the most suitable.

Therefore, the two met together to practice in a secluded place.

Huahai City is overcrowded, thinking about it, Wang Yan still thinks that the villa in his hometown is better. The air is clean and quiet, there are very few people, and you can accompany your parents.

The two drove back to Danghu, not far from each other, and only drove for four hours including the high speed.

After returning home, it was natural to have dinner with his parents again.

By the next morning, when the sun was rising and the sun was rising. Nan Lian and Wang Yan started cultivation on the large terrace outside the room. At the urging of Nan Lian, Wang Yan took off only one piece of **, and shivered under the wind of the lake.

This made him take care of his chest, and he could not help crying and saying, "Sister Nanlian, we just **** a fire-pearl ice pith. Don't you have to make it look like Yang Guo and Xiaolong Nu are practicing" ******** "? "


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