The Domestic Hero

Chapter 246: Land fairy

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As for others, it may not be visible.

For example Nanlian.

Nan Lian's eyes lightened Wang Yan's eyes lightly: "You stared at the girl for half a minute, did it look so good?"

"I just envy Yu Jian's roaming, very chic." Wang Yan touched his nose and whispered, "And she seems very powerful, I feel a strong sense of coercion."

"Inviting the Moon Sword Gao Mingyue, of course, is amazing." Nanlian smiled with a smile on her lips, explaining, "She has reached the field level at the age of eighteen, and it is now estimated that she has reached the top of the B + level. She has already won the Chinese Super League in both circles The top ten outstanding young people in the world. Unfortunately, they have not been able to break through to the A level, otherwise they will be ranked among the top ten outstanding young people in the super energy world. "

"Top ten outstanding young people in the world?" Wang Yan was slightly stunned, showing a strange expression. "So, is the A-class strong under the light of the Saint Virgin?"

"Don't you know yet?" Nan Lian put on her sunglasses again, covered her eyes, and then explained, "First, let's talk about our top ten outstanding youths in China. According to the regulations of the National African Bureau, if the age is not more than three At the age of ten, if you advance to the field level, you will be eligible to be selected into the top ten outstanding young people. After review and verification, an honorary certificate will be issued. "

"Honorary certificate, what does this mean?" Said Xiong Xiong pouting, "I still have a bunch of honorary certificates for sports, but what's the use?"

"Of course it is useful. Once it is rated as the top ten outstanding young people in the superpower world, it can be summoned by the central leadership and be recognized as the seed powerhouse of the Chinese superpower world." Wu Ya Ange embraced his hands, There was a surge of eyes flashing, "For this part of the seed strong, not only are there resource tilts, professional system training, and even S-level strong people can be invited to personally guide and so on."

"Miss Ange, this sounds a bit unfair?" Xie Yu said weakly. "Resources are limited. If the resources are inclined to those people, will the rest be less?"

"Uh ... are you still in the era of big pot rice?" Uya Ange gave him a glance.

A breath as sharp as a sharp edge made Xie Yu take a step back.

"Xie Yu, in fact, the country is right to do so. You also said just now that resources are limited. The same resource, training a third-class qualification, and training a first-class super-first-class qualification. The result is that third-rate The qualifications have finally achieved the field. But the super first-class qualifications have finally become the first-class land fairy. "Nan Lian frowned slightly and explained to the side," This simple topic, after any leadership will choose By."

In fact, everyone knows the truth, just say so naked ~ naked ~ naked, always feel very unpleasant. In fact, if a leader doesn't do that, he will be incompetent.

"Xie Yu, don't hold back." Wang Yan patted him on the shoulder and said with relief, "I remember you are only twenty-eight or nine years old, and now you are C + grade, maybe work hard, the miracle is one or two What happened within the year? "

"Lao Wang, please don't comfort me. I have just advanced to the C + level, and I still have self-knowledge. I am thankful that I am lucky to be promoted in the field of forty." Xie Yu said with a smile, "You are the old king." Work hard, you are only twenty-three years old, and the speed of advancement is so perverted. Work hard and strive to squeeze into the front line as soon as possible. "

Wang Yan opened his mouth, when he was about to say a few words. Xie Yu said with a smile: "Okay, okay, in fact, I just made a little complaint. Although we are not as good as the first-line seed players, but at least they are also potential stocks in the younger generation. How can we not understand some resources? "

In the National African Affairs Bureau, you want to get resources for the merits.

But the merits are earned by completing the tasks. If the director does not assign the tasks, or all the tasks are leftover, where do they earn the merits?

Assigning more tasks and giving more sharpening is already a great care.

"However, this is not to say that if you don't have a good qualification, you don't have a chance to stand out." Nan Lian said indifferently. "If you don't have a good qualification, if you have poor potential, you should work harder. Our National African Bureau is still very human in this regard. Mr. Feng will not give up any member who is willing to work hard and know how to improve. But if the qualifications are not good, if you do n’t work hard, and you complain all day long, there is no cure. "

Nanlian's remarks made everyone agree, and nodded thoughtfully. In fact, everyone can work very hard to get this step.

"Sister Nan Lian, our domestic judging standard is to reach level B before the age of 30. Does the international standard reach level A before the age of 30?" Wang Yan asked curiously.

"Let ’s talk about the country first, I learned from Mr. Feng. The country divided the seed strong into three series. The first series is the seed strong who can reach the A level before the age of 30, but this category is extremely rare. Currently there is no such thing in China. The second sequence is that there are many strong seeds who can reach the B level before the age of 30. There are a lot of us in this country. The third sequence is that after reaching the age of thirty A strong seed for comprehensive considerations such as sex. "

Nan Lian explained it carefully, then paused and said, "In addition, there are some special seed strong men. They may have a very powerful talent, potential, or character in a certain aspect. Each The director of the branch bureau has the right to set some special seed cultivation targets, but needs to report to the headquarters for verification. "

When he said this, Nanlian gave Wang Yan a slight look.

Wang Yan understood that he was the special seed cultivation target set by Director Feng. Otherwise, no matter how talented you are, you will not be able to reach this level in a short period of time.

"Sister Nanlian, Sister An Ge, how old are you all?" Wang Yan asked in a low voice curiously.

"Oh, I knew you would ask. But since you have been here, there is no need to hide you." Nan Lian replied calmly, "I am 28 years old. Xiao Yan, do you think I am old? what?"

"You are not old, sister Nan Lian, you are still very young." Wang Yan hurriedly put on a sincere expression, "Actually I always thought that sister Nan Lian was two years older than me."

In fact, to be honest, in the mindset of Wang Yan ’s entry into the National African Affairs Bureau, he would think that twenty-eight is a very old age. However, after the explanation of sister Nan Lian just now, it was easy to recognize that the 28-year-old is still very young, especially if he has cultivated a field.

"I am also twenty-eight years old, but my birthday is the twelfth lunar month." Wu Ya Ange glanced at Nan Lian without showing any weakness, and there seemed to be some smugness between the brows. As if to say, look, my sister is younger than you.

Wang Yanhanran, what's the equivalent of this? At most, it's just a few months away.

Nan Lian ignored her, but continued: "When the domestic standards are over, let's talk about the international standards. The standards of the top ten outstanding young people in the world are indeed A-level strongmen who are not more than 30 years old."

"Wouldn't it mean that none of our China nations has entered the ranks of the top ten international outstanding youths?" Tan Zhuoshui said with a disappointed look. "Isn't it that China's State Administration of African Affairs is a world-class superpower organization?"

"World-class, the top part is still supported by the older generation." Nan Lian obviously knows a lot more information than everyone, and said indifferently, "Our China National African Affairs Bureau is developing very quickly, but it was finally established. Decades. I have also experienced catastrophes before, and the background is finally worse. Compared with the old organizations such as the Light Holy See and the Dark Council, there are still deficiencies in the talent training mechanism. However, the standards of the world ’s top ten outstanding young people are very hard It is said that the last ten, the so-called top ten outstanding young people, actually only granted eight seats. The contemporary bright saint is one of them. "

Eight seats?

Although only eight seats were awarded, one can imagine the weight of those eight seats.

Everyone was silent, and it sounded sad. Of those eight seats, none of them were Chinese. However, Wang Yan turned his gaze to Gao Mingyue again.

That girl is now qualified enough to be selected as one of the world's top ten outstanding young people. Fortunately, it's not very shameful.

In the chat of everyone, soon after, a vision happened.

A man wearing a modified Chinese tunic suit, volley appeared in the middle of the auditorium.


The spotlights turned on in unison and the light beam hit him.

Such movement, naturally attracted the attention of all young and handsome people.

"General Director Han."

Wang Yan whispered, knowing that Director General Han is not simple, but did not expect it to be so simple.

I saw Director Han carrying his hands on his back, standing empty and walking like a walk in the walk. Every step of him, he stepped firmly into the void, as if there were invisible pillars supporting him there.

But everyone knows that that is impossible. If there is a pier, even if it is invisible, it will not conceal everyone's mental strength.

"Land Fairy!"

Some people around screamed out with their voices low, and small arguments came one after another.

Wang Yan also took a breath of air!

Land fairy, really land fairy, can walk step by step in the sky. This is the power of the S-class powerhouse, and it has really reached an incredible level.

Wang Yan is no longer Wuxia Ameng in the old days. He already knew that flying in the sky was one of the S-class marks. This kind of volley flight is not simply the use of various means to fly.

Flying by plane can't be said to have reached the S level?

In addition, there are some technology-based single-person aircraft, or magic weapon-like external wings, or natural wings, power wings, and flying swords.

All these flight methods are essentially different from the S-class strongman's volley flight.

The reason is very simple. S-class strongmen are flying in the air by their own power. In the eyes of mortals, this method is already like a fairy. The difference is that they are not ascending fairies, which is the origin of the name of the land fairies.

Wang Yan had some vague speculation before, but when he really saw the strength of Director General Han Lu, he determined that Director General Han was an S-level strongman. For a time, the mood could not help but surging blood.


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