The Domestic Hero

Chapter 250: Violence Wang Yan (asked monthly ticket)

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"This is ..." Master Jingyi said slightly in the lookout room, "This is Huo Qilin's armguards !? No, a C-class kid in every corner, how could it be possible to have such a treasure, which research is it? The magic weapon imitated in the place? No, no! The flame is very strong, is it a fake weapon? "

Generally speaking, the rune research institute will refer to the effects of treasures and spirits to make some low-end artifacts. The appearance and function of these newly-made magical instruments look very much like the ancient artifacts of ancient artifacts, but they are actually more powerful.

As for the level of spiritual weapons, there are very few masters who have the ability to refine the level of spiritual weapons in China, and they are limited by materials and craftsmanship. It often takes several years to produce a spiritual weapon, and most of the quality is in the spiritual weapon. The bottom of the level.

Therefore, Master Jing Yi thought that the pair of Huo Qilin armguards were a kind of magic weapon that the institute tried to imitate.

"It doesn't look like a counterfeit spirit weapon." The wretched old man who had not spoken for a long time, took out a dry smoke, and smoked. In the muddy old eyes, there seemed to be a golden light flashing, "The old man looks like a real thing."

"Lao Lu, don't you read it wrong? I remember that Huo Qilin's armguards require 5000 points of merit, and they must be exchanged for official cadres." A lean man named Yang, said with some surprise, "And it's a treasure. This level of equipment usually has spirituality. Even if the master who is too weak possesses them, he will be resisted from recognizing the master. And this treasure was followed by Master Yan Zun for many years, enjoying the pure yang of Master Yan Zun. Real fire will be a bit more critical of the owner. How could a kid who didn't even reach the congenital field make him willing to recognize the Lord? "

"The old man had also fought side by side with Jingluo's brother, and had seen Huo Qilin's armguards many times with his own eyes." Mr. Lu smoked dry cigarettes, and his face calmly said, "How could it be wrong."

As soon as this remark came out, all those who didn't know the truth began to think in silence. No matter what means this guy used to make Huo Qilin's armguards surrender, he showed that this guy seemed really not simple.

In fact, the treasure in the National African Bureau is far more than this one. The pillars of these SABs responded so much to Huo Qilin's armguards. That's because the last master of Huo Qilin's armguard was Yan Zun, and his name was too great.


"Wang Yan, do you want to gamble?" Shen Tu Tianlu waved a metal sword in his hand, and a dull broken sound oscillated. "Play for fun, bet 50 million yuan."

For money, Shen Tu Tianlu has a strong desire. It can buy him all kinds of very precious metals and can help him become stronger.

Wang Yan pondered for a while and smiled indifferently: "Since Brother Shen Tu is so interested, you may wish to add another bet and bet 100 million." After becoming the official hall level, the unit's interest-free loan amount reached 100 million.

Anyway, the quota is also empty, it is better to play with Shen Tu Tianlu. To be honest, Wang Yan is not absolutely sure about this battle. The purpose of increasing the size of the bet is to force yourself to see if you can find your own way in the predicament.

On the high platform, there was an uproar. Is this Wang Yan crazy? 100 million yuan, this is a huge sum of money. Pretend to be overdone, just send it to Shen Tu Tianlu. Is it possible that these two men are guilty?

When Wang Yan said this, Gao Mingyue, who had been half-closed, couldn't help but cast inexplicable eyes. One hundred million yuan is nothing to her. But what's in it is the confidence of the other party.

What was the man's strength to drive him to do this?


On the monster-like face of Shen Tu Tianlu, there was a dignified color, but he laughed and said: "Very well, since you want to gamble 100 million, I will play with you. Look at your money. For the sake of sake, I will let you go first. "

"Then I would like to thank Brother Shen Tu for giving in." Wang Yan didn't refuse to respond to this. Feet kicked on the ground, and people went straight to Shen Tu Tianlu like an arrow off the string. Because of the fierce force, the heavy stones under the feet cracked on the layers, and some of them were exploded.

His speed was extremely fast, and a series of layers of shadows formed in the shape of the storm.

Just now that Jiao Wei was fast enough with the power of thunder and lightning. But compared with Wang Yan, it is more than one step behind. Even Wuya Ange, who is very good at speed eruption, burst into glory in her beautiful eyes. After Bei Bei ’s war, Wang Yan made great progress. With the help of the spirit-level combat boots, it is not much slower than her speed.

"Beep beep!" The young man with glasses burst into the glasses twice, looking at the long data on the mirror, looking surprised, "the instant burst speed reached 45 meters per second, Is this Wang Yan a monster? "

"Impossible!" The companion beside him exclaimed, "The speed reached 162 kilometers per hour. Doesn't it mean that the domain-level strong who is good at speed can exceed the speed of 150 kilometers per hour? Is he a speed type? ... "

His words did not go on, because the ring inside had already undergone various changes before he spoke.

Between Wang Yan and Shen Tu Tianlu, but the distance of more than 30 meters. Just a moment of "dropping", he had already reached him. While many people were still immersed in shock, Wang Yan instantly had a heavy warhammer in his hand, and with the impulse, one hammer slammed into Shen Tutian Road.

Shen Tu Tianlu deserved to be a domain-level powerhouse. After being shocked, he immediately blocked his chest with a thick metal shield, forming a defensive posture.


In a loud bang.

The thick metal shield was directly torn apart and flew all over the place like a maiden.

Rao is Shentu Tianlu, whose body weight reaches several hundred kilograms, and he can't bear such an impact. He was blasted backwards for more than ten meters, his back hit the ground hard, broke a pile of rubble, and slid another seven or eight meters away.

Shentu Tianlu, who fell to the ground, had a faint metallic blood spilled from the corner of his monster-like mouth, and his eyes were horrified and inexplicable.

The raven was silent.

The whole auditorium was immersed in the echo of the heavy blow just now. Everyone held their breath, and there was shock and disbelief in their faces.

How can this be! ?

Not only is Wang Yan's speed not inferior to the speed-type domain-level powerhouse, but is his power so terrible?

In fact, Wang Yan was also uncomfortable with this blow. The speed of its own impact has reached 160 kilometers. Think about it, what would happen if a car traveling at 160 kilometers suddenly stopped?

There will never be too many complete places in that car.

At the moment of impact, Wang Yan also pulled out a hammer weighing 300 kilograms from the storage bracelet and waved it vigorously. The speed of swinging, coupled with the speed of sprinting, has brought the 300-kilogram warhammer to its full potential.

This hammer caused great lethality.

But at the same time, the huge anti-shock force also made Wang Yan miserable, even if the fire unicorn armguard helped to offset a lot of impact, even if his physical quality was already strong enough to be non-human. The resilience also shocked his internal organs and his internal organs, and there were cracks in his arm bones, and there was a trace of blood in the corners of his mouth.

But that kind of pain seemed to inspire the violent power in Wang Yan's bloodline. The blood ignited, making his bones crackle and muscles and bones swelled up.

In a blink of an eye, his height broke through to about two meters, and each muscle was cast like steel, full of violent power. The skin was stained with a thin flame, and even his hair burned into a flame.

In the pupils of the eyes, two flames seemed to be burning, and the atmosphere of destruction was violent.

If Wang Yan had not been transformed before, he was a handsome and handsome young man with a kind and sunny heart. Then, after being transformed at this moment, he is like a destructive **** who is burning a blazing flame and has just stepped on the flame from the purgatory.

Indifferent, cruel, dangerous.

"It's cool." The young and handsome men in the stands, although they are all extraordinary superpowers, are the pillars of the future of the Chinese nation. But from the bones, they are all young people in their 20s and 30s.

They also play games, watch anime, and even a few are still in college.

Wang Yan's contrast was so dramatic that they couldn't help but cheer. In particular, some female compatriots can't help but start nymphosis, eyes staring at Wang Yan like small stars.

The most tragic thing is that Shen Tu Tianlu has been hit by that hammer, and it is because his defense is so strong that he will become abnormal. Otherwise, he will have to lose half his life if he is not killed by that blow.

Even so, he was very uncomfortable. The metal that collapsed was part of his body, making him at least 20 kilograms less. The flesh-and-blood body wrapped in metal was severely injured by internal shock, and it will be difficult to recover in a moment and a half.


Wang Yan was excited, shouted and rushed over again. Because of the burning source of fire on his body, he sprinted at a rapid speed and swept a long flame tail, just like a falling meteor in the sky.

Only this time, with the weight of the hammer, the sprint speed is slower. But even so, his speed should not be underestimated.

"Damn, this kid is a monster." Shen Tu Tianlu had regretted and provoked him, but by now, he couldn't allow him to repent. What's more, he is a powerful player in the field. In the North China Branch, the second youngest master besides Xiaoyan Zun Zhang Huang.

"Don't underestimate me." Shen Tu Tianlu growled, and the metal on his body surged again. This time, the metals did not exist in a solid state, but turned into a long metal whip like a soft whip.

They are like the monster's tentacles, extending more than ten meters, dancing in a strange way.

"Golden Serpent Dances!"

This trick is one of Shen Tutianlu's killer skills. With this trick, he captured two B-level criminals and made outstanding achievements.

"His !?" On the high platform, the bursting bear of the East China Branch took a breath. "This guy has so many grown tentacles. Isn't it the legendary **** ~ beast tentacles? Shen Tu Tianlu this guy's move is too evil. . "

As soon as the voice fell, two cold and fierce murders locked him firmly.


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