The Domestic Hero

Chapter 252: Goddess of the Ice World

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Wang Yan was entangled in dozens of metal tentacles, not surprised or angry, his expression calm and relaxed. Suddenly, the flame on his body burned again, and the whole body was covered with a blazing fire.

The violent breath suddenly exploded inside him, and the red hair floated upright, like a burning flame.

The slender metal tentacles become hot and red in one or two breaths.

"not good!"

Shen Tu Tianlu's eyes shrank violently, his heart screaming badly. The metal conducts heat, and a stream of heat keeps flowing to his body. Feeling wrong, he hurriedly withdrew the metal tentacles.

Those tentacles were very clever, and under the idea of ​​Shen Tu Tianlu, they fled from Wang Yan like a low tide.

But everything is too late.

Wang Yan, dressed in fire unicorn armguards, embraced his arms together and embraced dozens of slender metal tentacles. The muscles of his arms swelled up and his blue muscles burst, releasing a heart-wrenching terror.

Shen Tu Tianlu tried hard to pull the metal tentacle away, but was killed by Wang Yan. Not only did he not pull it out, but he became more slender. Under the violent burning of the flame, it became red and dripping.


One of the metal tentacles broke and fell to the ground, like a chopped snake, constantly twisting. After a few seconds, it twitched and stopped moving.

These metals are all part of Shen Tu Tianlu's body, including many of his cells. This break was like a finger cut off, causing him to lose a part of his body.

This made Shen Tutianlu terrified. If dozens of metal tentacles were to be broken, he would lose at least one third of his mass. If you want to make it up, you can't do it overnight.

"Confess! I admit defeat!"

Despite the unwillingness in his heart, Shen Tu Tianlu had to shout loudly to admit defeat.

Upon hearing the other party's defeat, Wang Yan didn't force it too hard, his tightly held arms slightly loosened. The dozens of metal tentacles, which were almost broken, flew out in a hurry and quickly shrank back into Shen Tu Tianlu's body.

Shen Tu Tianlu was restored to the original human form, and some rough faces showed an annoying wry smile. In this battle, he lost, completely defeated and injustice. Although he believes that he still has a lot of kills, if he is fighting in the wild, it is really hard to say who wins and who loses. But losing is losing. As a man, there is still some shame and self-esteem.

"I lost!" Shen Tu Tianlu sighed and said very seriously.

Unfortunately, Shen Tu Tianlu did not know. If you are fighting with Wang Yan in the wild, and everyone has endless means of success, his losing face is bigger than the competition.


As a result, cheers burst on the high platform. Various congratulations were heard on the ring.

This battle is much more beautiful than the previous one. In particular, Wang Yan actually defeated B-level strong Shen Tu Tianlu with C + level strength. This was the result that no one thought of before the war.


Look in the room.

A group of bigwigs are also talking. Showed all kinds of wonder!

The leapfrog challenge has not been unprecedented in history. But it is also very rare to see a wonderful leapfrog challenge in person. Especially that Shen Tu Tianlu is not weak, and his metal superpowers are also very strange and powerful.

Fortunately, apart from insiders, no one could see that Wang Yan was Yan Zun's apprentice, and no one could see that the flame he used was a pure Yang fire.

The reason is very simple. Uncle Pao teaches Wang Yan that the breathing technique comes from the most disguised Linghu family. The technique is very magical, and he can restrain his pure Yang energy. Without the leakage of Chunyang's qi, even those few people who saw Chunyang's true fire could not distinguish it.

Unless the strength is strong to the level of Director Han, it is possible to spy out some secrets. It is only the first level of land fairy. This is the most pinnacle existence in the world. The number is very rare and rare, and it will not be easily dispatched.


Wang Yan's wings and wings of the Bat King closed, and his body drifted down slowly. His clothes were already ragged, and he was torn apart, and the clothes of Hula La were torn to pieces. Exposed crimson and strong chest.

In particular, the birthmark-like flame symbol on the chest reveals a sense of danger and evil charm. From the storage bracelet, he quickly took out a suit and put it on his body.

Although just a glimpse.

The girls on the branches of the high platform exclaimed. The courageous, wide-eyed eyes flicked without blinking. The timid, covered his eyes, but secretly peeked out of his fingers with a blushing face.

I have to admit that at this time, Wang Yan's figure was really explosive, with a wide shoulder and a narrow waist, and an inverted triangle. Each muscle is sharp and angular, full of streamlined beauty, and contains a powerful explosive force.

Most muscles of superpowers are good, for example, the physical shape of a burst bear is very good. Therefore, these girls mainly look at their faces. Wang Yan's face is clear, handsome and masculine, and he is burning in the flame-like pupil, and showing the power and coldness of the flame king.

This made him **** ~ The fans sucked quickly, and most of the lesbians in the stands, more or less, had a little good impression on him. Even Gao Mingyue couldn't help but sneaked a few more glances at him.

As Wang Yan breathed, the redness on his skin and hair shrank like water, and his figure returned to its original shape. But this did not affect the sense of lesbians towards him.

It's just that from a brave and powerful overbearing king to a friendly and handsome guy next door. The two tastes are very different, but they are also very popular with girls.

Of course, this does not mean that the lesbians in all branches are in love with Wang Yan. This is just a good feeling, a sense of psychological identity, just like the relationship between female fans and male stars.

Wang Yan returned to normal, his eyes clear and clean. He smiled and said to Shen Tu Tianlu: "Thank you Brother Shen Tu for your concession, your metal power really opened my eyes and realized many things."

In this fierce battle, Wang Yan had a deeper understanding of the feeling of flames, and a little more insight in his heart, which made him seem to have touched some of the mysteries of the field.

As for the relationship with Shen Tu Tianlu, Wang Yan did not intend to develop hatred further. After all, everyone is a colleague of the National African Affairs Bureau, and it is not that there is no common enemy, and there may be opportunities for cooperation in the future.

Regarding Wang Yan's humility, Shen Tu Tianlu's face also slightly slowed down, and said with a bitter smile: "Brother Wang Yan, you are really perverted. To discuss something with you, I can only make up 60 million. Can you owe you 40 million first and wait for the national war mission before returning you. "

While speaking, he also felt a little uneasy. If Wang Yan is not willing, he can only borrow money everywhere.

"No problem." Wang Yan smiled indifferently. "Anyway, there is no shortage of money."

Shen Tu Tianlu was relieved, took out his mobile phone, and transferred it to Wang Yan for RMB 60 million after logging in to the APP. Before the two met, they contacted each other and had a transaction. So, the transfer was successful easily.

As a result, Wang Yan ’s total deposits in his personal account have reached more than 90 million. This makes Wang Yan feel inexplicably inexplicable. After becoming a superpower, it is really much easier to make money.

More than 90 million, how many ordinary people can't make so much money in their lifetime.

But this money is not too much for superpowers. A random weapon-level piece of equipment can easily be sold over RMB 100 million if it is auctioned in RMB at a black market auction.

Besides, the Gulfstream private jet like the predecessor of Gao Chengzong has a price of hundreds of millions, and the annual maintenance cost is tens of millions.

Compared to those who are really rich, Wang Yan feels that he is still very poor.

Wang Yan and Shen Tutianlu each went back to their own circles. Shen Tu Tianlu was obviously very depressed, and the comfort of his companions made him a little listless. Wang Yan, however, was deeply embraced by Xiong Xiong and congratulated him.

Colleagues of the various branches on the high table, looking at Wang Yan's eyes are also different, originally thought that he was just a C-level superpower. But now, he has been placed in the ranks of field-level strongman.

Next, someone went up and kept challenging.

But most of these are battles between C-level superpowers, and naturally will not be as fierce as the battle between Wang Yan and Shen Tutianlu. However, even in the battle between C-level superpowers, Wang Yan is still interested.

Most of the superpowers who can come here are not ordinary people. Even if they are C-level superpowers, all kinds of means are emerging one after another, so that Wang Yan can see. There are superpowers who are good at all kinds of elements, and there are superpowers whose bodies can be alienated to become a half-human half-bear.

There are superpowers who are good at the Fulu formation, as well as superpowers who are good at mental attack.

Wang Yan also saw a fierce poisonous insect from the Southwest Branch who was good at using Gu, and the strange means made the opponent surrender quickly.

After most of the C-level superpowers have studied. It was more than ten o'clock in the evening, and the dinner was relatively high.

Finally it was the B-level powerhouse. The highly toxic widow Yuan Rourou drank the wine from the glass, stepped on the air, and flew towards the ring like a feather, charmingly smiling: "Queen of Ice, it's time for our sister."

The ring has been ruined everywhere, but this does not prevent the masters from fighting. Yuan Rourou stepped on a rock that was lifted, her green skirt fluttered, and Miaoman's posture was full of charm.

Nan Lian's face was calm and indifferent. He took a sip of red wine and took off his sunglasses, revealing a pair of ice-blue eyes. Tan Kou said lightly, "Okay, I'll play with you." Then, she bent her knees slightly and flew into the air.

The whole body was chilled, and met with the water vapor in the air, filled with a breath like fairy mist.

A waterfall of long black hair turned into a snow-white color at a speed visible to the naked eye, and flew in the sky with the breath. Let Nanlian look like a goddess from the world of ice and snow.


(With 800 monthly tickets down a day, Lao Ao is very moved. Thank you brothers and sisters. So Lao Ao decided to work hard in January and strive for a lot of bursts. I hope that during the double monthly pass, everyone will continue to vote for the Lao Ao ~ you guys)

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