The Domestic Hero

Chapter 260: Come, you come and beat me!

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For a time, Wang Yan felt what Han Qiang was referring to. If his eyes can kill people, Wang Yan estimates that he has already died thousands of times.


Wang Yan swallowed hard, and then glanced back at Gao Mingyue secretly.

Gao Mingyue, who struck the Shushan sword school traditional female costume, had a blushing face and a complicated look. In fact, no matter how powerful she is, she is only a 26-year-old woman, and spent most of her life in cultivation.

Embarrassed, indignant, and somewhat dissatisfied. The interweaving of emotions made her very uneasy. But now, it is no longer possible to shoot. Otherwise, once it was spread, she thought that Gao Mingyue was rejected by the man, and then chased and killed the man in rage.

The lesbians on the high platform secretly gave thumbs up to Wang Yan. The male **** deserves to be a male god. At a glance, Gao Mingyue's girl was unwise, so it was not practical.

This year, when looking for someone, you have to find someone who is grounded. This kind of fairy air all day long, why do women flying around in the sky marry home? I really regard her as a goddess and worship it like a bodhisattva.

Carrying a drunken body, Wang Yan was still shouting to thunder the thunder of the wife Zhai, and returned to the high platform like a thin ice. Then he threw Lei Hong into the corner angrily, and no longer ignored him. Just to save him just now, I almost took my life down.

"Lao Wang, in fact I haven't been convinced by you before." Bao Xiong hooked Wang Yan's shoulder and said with dignity and admiration. "But from today, you are my idol of the old bear. Domineering, it is too Domineering. You dare to refuse even Goddess Gao! "

Wang Yan has a black face, which one should be your idol? Is it glorious?

Also, what is the rejection of Goddess Gao? That is simply a matter of not forgetting it. Senior Gao Chengzong and Director General Han, the two old and unjust, were purely full and supported nothing, pushing his old king into the fire pit. This is good, Goddess Gao must have hated him. Maybe one day he will play a black hand behind his back ...

Others are A-level guru, as powerful as the Golden Armor Corps. If you really want to come, you can wipe out Wang Yan with a big move.

Thinking of this, Wang Yan sneaked a glance at Gao Mingyue. Sure enough, although she returned to the camp of the Southwest Branch, her eyes were always attached to him, and she passed a cold flash from time to time. It can be seen that Wang Yan's heart is cold and cold, and he feels insecure like a thorn in his back.

"Brother, what about my wine? Drink it, we are happy today, we will continue to drink it." Lei Bong lying in the corner, shouting all over the floor, played the wine madness. call."

Suppress the village, suppress your sister! Also bring a man's word, your mother's today is really going to kill my pharaoh.

Wang Yan was cold and sweating, his forehead was violently violent, and he really wanted to set fire to burn these two goods with no bones, and a picture of a quiet world.

"Huh!" Wuya Ange really looked at him, and with a "shoo", an arthropod tail was raised. Without a word, raising the poison needle and piercing Lei Hong's neck. Then Lei Hong's face was full of bruises, and after twitching twice, his head crooked and disappeared.

The chills around were frightened by the brutality of Uya Ange.

Wang Yan also felt cold and looked at Uya Ange weakly and said, "Sister Ange, wouldn't there be any problems?" For Lei Bang, Wang Yan would blame him for drunkenness. But I have to admit that Brother Boom is actually very loyal. At the time, he was invited by the corpses, he jumped out to support himself without saying a word.

"Relax, these two goods are also a half-step guru anyway. If you can't die, let him sleep peacefully and rest for a while." Wu Ya Ange looked indifferent.

Sleep for a while? One hundred unbelief in Wang Yan's heart, where is this for a while? This is clearly unconscious, okay.

Wu Ya Ange's mouth had a cold smile, and the scorpion tail poison needle ticked Wang Yan's side: "Why, don't you believe me?"

"Faith!" Wang Yan nodded heavily, his face full of sincerity and sincerity. At this point, where can Wang Yan manage Lei Hong's life and death? It was his own death anyway.

The East China Branch is lively and lively, but the North China Branch is silent.

The North China Branch is also considered to be among the best in the country. This dinner party was originally intended to roar the audience. The result is now, but the face is lost.

Although Xiao Yanzun Zhang Huang didn't play, but the development of a series of things made him more embarrassing than playing.

A violent breath gathered more and more intensely on him.

Anyway, he had already been sentenced to imprisonment of demon prison, Zhang Huang's face was black, and he broke the jar. The flames spread all over the body, a pair of flame wings raised high, flying on the ring, and roared with majesty: "Wang Yan, if you are a man, dare you accept my challenge?"

His voice sounded like thunder and thunder, which rang throughout the auditorium.

Everyone was stunned.

Not because of his momentum, but by his shamelessness.

The powerful B + -level powerhouse, who even took the initiative to challenge the C + -level superpower, also ran directly with words. North China Branch, which one is going to make a noise today? What a shame.

Many people shook their heads secretly in their hearts. Could it be that Zhang Huang was thrown into chaos after being thrown into chaos by Lei Bo? Or that he feels that it is already shameless anyway, just shameless in the end?

Wang Yan was also dumbfounded, and for a few seconds, he sneered and said: "You slowly pour it on the ring." He was too lazy to care about whether it was a man or not. Too naive. Does he need a man to verify whether he is a man?

Wang Yan's words made the platform laugh out loud. The lesbians at each branch glared at him with shame and shame. Oops, Wang Yan, the goddess, you are too shy to say this.

Zhang Huang's face was dark, and the lingering flames on his body became more intense, and the surrounding air was roasted by the hot breath. The expression is sneered with a greasy and distorted expression: "Okay, okay. Since you don't want to fight and like to hide under the wing of a woman, I won't force you. The night witch Uya Ange, I officially challenge you.

There was an uproar.

Wang Yan's face suddenly froze, and sharp eyes directed at Zhang Huang. Obviously, Zhang Huang touched his bottom line.

A sneer was raised at the corner of Wuya Ange's mouth, and his body was lingering with black mist. Take the previous step and prepare to fight.

Wang Yan squeezed her arm, and her eyelids jumped and said, "Zhang Huang, I advise you not to mess with me."

Zhang Huang was surprised for a while, and then he burst out laughing: "Don't mess with you, a kid in your area who doesn't even understand the field, I'm irritating you again? It doesn't matter if you want to learn to shrink the tortoise, I finished Wu Yaan Sing Huangfu Nanlian. If you are not convinced, you will come and beat me. "

"it is good!"

Wang Yan stepped on it like a shell and flew up.

When the person is in midair, the bones crackle and the whole person's physique is constantly rising. The pure flame breath exploded outwards on him. A few centimeters of long hair, dyed with a touch of crimson, dancing like a flame.


The wing-like wings of the Devil's Wings, which tore the back of the suit, raised to the rear obliquely.

A pair of fire unicorn armguards, spread like a transformer on his arm, the appearance is cool and domineering dazzling, the lining stretches and contracts to fit every inch of muscle. This pair of armguards and Wang Yan have a very high degree of fit and become part of his body and arms.

He was extremely fast, as if flying to the dome of the auditorium in the blink of an eye. After her posture was turned, her feet kicked on the steel arc beam of the transparent dome.


The tens of centimeters of thick arc beams were slammed, and they were stepped on more than a dozen degrees, making people feel that the dome of the entire auditorium shook slightly. Some dust deposits on the complex steel structure fell one after another.

This muffled sound shook people's hearts. This explosive force of Wang Yan is really cruel. It seems that when he and Shentu Tianlu were engaged in battle, they still had some spare power.

It was through this counter-impact that Wang Yan dived down very quickly. The thin flame was burning hot on him, he was like a meteorite tearing the atmosphere. Fiery, fierce, and dragging the long flame tail.

I don't know when, he already has an ugly heavy warhammer in his hands. The warhammer, which weighs 300 kilograms, has added countless brutal atmospheres at such a dive speed.

"Humph! Pretend."

Zhang Huang snorted coldly, but his eyes glanced awe-inspiringly. Is this Wang Yan a monster? A C + superpower who has no understanding of the field, how can his power and speed be so terrible?

But Zhang Huang couldn't hide. He obviously told him to come over and beat himself. If he tried to avoid it, he was weak. As soon as he gritted his teeth, the flame of his body vigorously emerged, and the scorching flames of the fake weapon-level armguard burst into the hot sun, welcoming Wang Yan.

Amidst the blazing flames, a tiger-like phantom could be seen vaguely, and the claws of the open teeth were not majestic.

High platform.

Nan Lian did not know when he had taken off his sunglasses, and the ice eyes were shining like swirls. Seeing Zhang Huang's move, her pupils shrank slightly. In that blow, she saw a trace of destruction.

Subtle changes have taken place unconsciously. Once Wang Yan is seriously injured, she will immediately rescue him.

Wuya Angehuan leaned against the railing with his hands. She looked relaxed on the surface. However, she didn't know when there was a thin blade in her hand, and she swayed dexterously between her fingers. The cold awn flashed like a flapping butterfly. If Wang Yan had an accident, she would not control the rules and rules, and she would have to kill Zhang Huang even if she tried hard.

Gao Mingyue, dressed in a women's sword, carried her slender hands and stared at the scene. There was a little worry on her beautiful face. That Wang Yan is indeed extraordinary. It has been quite incredible that he has been able to do this before he has been promoted to B-level. The weaker B-level strongman is not necessarily his opponent.

But Zhang Huang is not a weak person, although he has not yet realized the power of the laws of heaven. But his strength is in the B-level, already a pinnacle of existence. A real fire in Nine Yangs is even more extraordinary.

This Wang Yan, I am afraid it is really not Zhang Huang's opponent. So impulsive, alas ~


In Wang Yan's eyes, two white flames were burning. Indifferent, firm, and fearless. Waving the burning artifact warhammer, fiercely met the flaming white tiger ghost.



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