The Domestic Hero

Chapter 266: A group of monsters!

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The most central location of the island villa complex.

A muscular white bearded middle-aged man with a length of nine meters is sunbathing by the pool of a large villa.

His image is very unique. The right arm is an exoskeleton arm made entirely of titanium. The five fingers like a robot are very flexible to take a sip of a red wine glass.

Two women of ethnic origin in Southeast Asia, dressed in tulle, half-covered, half-squatted, kneeled beside him, massaged him gently and softly.

He was half awake and half awake, even when he was enjoying, there was a sharp meaning in his eyes from time to time. It seems that I am used to being alert to the occurrence of danger at any time in any environment.

"James." A black man wearing a handsome leather jacket and a one-eyed blindfold came over. "The company headquarters sent a message that there is a supervisor-level person who is escorting a batch of pigs. It will be within an hour. Landed on our island to inspect and work, and let our doctors perform a small heart transplant operation for a distinguished guest. Because there is exactly one of their pigs' hearts matching their pig in the pig. "

"Operation?" James with a mechanical skeletal arm said lazily, "It's a rare visitor to come to our little stronghold, pirate man, please tell Davis to prepare for surgery."

"Okay, I will do it right away." The pirate man hesitated slightly. "According to the news from the headquarters, the guest has a huge future. Should we do some preparations?"

"What are you going to prepare? Will we all go to the port to welcome you?" James yawned. "You let Santos' old man take some people to do this and take those pigs back to the cage. I It doesn't matter whether he is big or small. This year is about strength, can someone who really has the ability to change his heart to survive? "

The pirate man took out the intercom and began to order one by one.

After a while, an old man wearing a satin shirt, with a group of indifferent green soldiers, came out of the villa ’s secret door. The old man described withered, with a pale complexion, as if he was about to die at any time.

But when the pirate man saw him, his one-eyed pupil shrank slightly. Politely said: "Mr. Santos, you have worked hard." This also does not allow the pirate man not to be afraid, this bad old man who seems to be dying, is the famous head of Nanyang.

All over the world, the head-down masters are known for their evil and weirdness, refining poison and playing Gu, raising little devil to boil dead oil, and various curses. One night, the pirate man saw Santos's head fly out with his own eyes, and even the intestines with a big stomach, looked very disgusting and terrifying. And he also sucked the blood of a few pigs ...

Even if they are all C-level superpowers, the pirate man is still far away from Santos. Because the head-down technique is so evil, it is impossible to prevent it.

Santos also nodded to the pirate man as a hello.

"Before the person has come, I'll go to Shuangshuang first." The robotic James sipped out the red wine in the glass and yawned to his feet. "It's really boring. I have to stay in such a ghost place for a year to meet Headquarters. By the way, Santos, if there is a Chinese woman with fine skin and tender meat in the pig, let me keep it. I like to crush their shame a little bit. Ha ha, Dongying woman, even if she does everything, Not at all. "

"Okay, Mr. James." Santos nodded stiffly. He also can't offend the robotic James, I heard that he has a relationship at the headquarters, and his strength and super ability has improved rapidly. Maybe he will understand the field and enter the rank of B class in two or three years.

Once you become a B-level powerhouse, your position in the company will be different, and you can enter the upper management.

Robot man James, patted Santos on the shoulder with satisfaction and said, "Very well, I will apply for a bottle of telomere recovery medicine for you next month, which will at least allow you to live a few more years."

"Thank you Mr. James." Santos looked grateful. For a head-down division, because of the cultivation of various poisons, imps, and spells, Shouyuan's damage is particularly fast. He was in his fifties, so he was as old as the seventies or eighties. He didn't understand the principle of that kind of genetic medicine. What chromosome and telomere? But it can certainly supplement his consumption of Shouyuan to a certain extent.

"Hua Xia woman is good, but unfortunately her character is too strong, it is too easy to commit suicide." The robotic James glanced in disgust at the two short, half-skinned semi-naked women, and then said greedily, "Find a chance Go to China to play ... "

Suddenly, Santos's face changed slightly, angrily said: "Mr. James be careful." His two thin fingers, a clip in the void. A thick centipede with a length of more than ten centimeters appeared in the two fingers. Its head was bright red, the carapace was black as iron, and a pair of poisonous jaws were like tigers.

The black centipede is very fierce and extremely powerful. Even if it was caught, it still twisted its body, biting hard at Santos' fingers.

The black poison gas spread quickly along Santos' fingers.

"Centipede Gu!"

Santos's face became screaming in shock, and he took out a knife and chopped a finger. It is strange that there was no drop of blood on his fingers.

Centipede and his fingers landed at the same time. It didn't **** blood from the broken finger. With a dissatisfied hiss, he flew towards a black suit near Santos.

It is extremely fast, and only a faint black line can be seen in the air.

At this time, Santos was afraid to intercept the centipede. Shouted sternly: "Hurry."

But it was too late at this time, and the black centipede fell on the face of the man in the black suit, and swiftly burrowed into his belly. There was a ruthless man in a black suit before, screaming, and he immediately fell to the ground and rolled up.

All the powerful superpowers were present. James the robotic arm did not know when he had an extra heavy cannon in his hand, hiding behind the pillar of the villa.

The rest also took out their weapons and hid behind the bunkers.

From the scene, only the man in the black suit was left, and his head was rolling and howling on the ground in pain. The voice was sad and miserable, as if suffering from eighteen levels of purgatory.


The centipede bit his celestial cover from the inside, and drilled a half of the red head with **** brain plasma, staring sharply around. The black man in the black suit, who was still alive, was still screaming and wailing.

When all the enemies saw it, there was a chill in their hearts.

In fact, let alone an enemy, even Wang Yan and his own people were numb when he saw this scene. This poisonous grub centipede is so brutal that it penetrates into the brain and bites the heavenly cover. Such a person is not dead yet ...

Of course, this poisonous centipede was released by Wang Yan's team member Miao Hong. She is a C + -level superpower and has also demonstrated her strength in the dinner ring. It is by relying on several kinds of poisonous insects to force people to admit defeat.

At that time, Wang Yan only felt a little magical and weird, but at this moment, the poisonous poisonous guts against the enemy only realized the strange and terrible poisonous guts.

"This is the authentic poisonous Gu of China's Miaojiang. What senior person is here, Nanyang descending head successor Santos is far from welcome, please forgive me." Santos hides behind the obstacle, spitting awkward China Said half a word.

"Hehe! Don't rob me with me, just leave this group of **** to me." A urn sounded with a strong metallic sound, "I can't afford to hurt, I lost so much money, I earn more Click back. "


The door of the villa was kicked, and a strong man about two meters high came in from the door with great care. His feet were rumbling, and every time he stepped on the ground, he seemed to tremble.

"Who are you? Do you know where we are?" James, who was hiding behind the column, pointed the gun at the strong man with a gun in his eyes.

"Who am I?" The strong man grinned plainly and his body began to change. Liquid metal like gilt spread on him, and in the blink of an eye it solidified into a monster full of metal tentacles, and the voice was terrifying, "We are from the China National African Affairs Bureau, come here today, that is You need to squash your stronghold. Do n’t surrender, because I do n’t want you to surrender at all. Like you scum, it ’s better to die early and be born. ”

This brave man is obviously of course Xiao King Kong Shen Tu Tianlu. Don't look like he looks like a scumbag, but he speaks quite a bit of English.

"China National Bureau of African Affairs?" James the robot was stunned for a while. That was a world-class top superpower institution. When did you provoke such a powerful institution?

Shen Tu Tianlu was too lazy to talk nonsense with them again. The dozens of tentacles on his body were like a golden snake coming out of the hole and looting away at a rapid speed. Three or four roots are in one strand, entangled seven or eight men in black suits.

Those guys are either D-level or E-level superpowers, no, to be precise, superpowers made through FBG's gene induction technology.

Superpowers of this level, in the eyes of the powerful Shen Tu Tianlu, are no different from ants. A few metal tentacles twitched violently and quacked. The bones of those superpowers were twisted to pieces, because the chest was severely squeezed, and they couldn't even scream.

"It's a Class B monster, fight!"

Robot man James, at this time, he still screamed in horror as to whether he was in charge of the SAFE or SAFE.

"Boom! Daddy!"

The sounds of various firearms were one after another.

At the same time, James also activated his 25 mm Vulcan machine gun.

Various bullets of different sizes, strong and weak, were like a violent wind and a shower of rain on Shentu Tianlu. But he was like a monster from an alien planet, using a shield and his body to block the bullets.

The bullets drilled into the rubber-like metal and drilled holes. But soon those holes disappeared in the metal flow.

"Hey, the bullet tastes really good." The monster-like metal tone tuned, and it rang again. "Come on, come a little more, the bullet is not strong enough. Jie, really delicious."


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