The Domestic Hero

Chapter 282: Undersea Adventure

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As for Wang Yan, he headed deep into the sea. In the case of dive desperately, get deeper and deeper. Soon, he reached a depth of several hundred meters. Here, it was so dark that even the slightest sunshine couldn't shine in.

Even Wang Yan's physique felt that there was a lot of cold surrounding him, and he had already felt some discomfort in his body.

Here is a depth of several hundred meters, the water pressure is dozens of times the normal atmospheric pressure. Due to his extremely fast dive, the water pressure continued to rise, and the pressure inside and outside the body could not be adjusted for a while, and he could not balance it.

The pressure of dozens of times has been shocked for ordinary people, the heart and lungs are severely squeezed, and the blood is absolutely unable to circulate. But Wang Yan's physique is so strong. Under such circumstances, he just feels a little uncomfortable.

Put the hammer into the storage bracelet and let him hover in the water to adjust.

The sea is vast, and the underwater vortex swells. Wang Yan doesn't believe that mysterious woman, she has the ability to enter the water and search for herself. Because he has already tried it, the spiritual power under the water will be greatly blocked, the farther the more difficult to penetrate.

In the storage bracelet, there is also a set of wetsuit and scuba. He took it out slowly and put it on, put the scuba breathing tube into his mouth, and took a breath of fresh oxygen.

According to his current ability, he can keep almost one or two hours without breathing. But deep in this water, the body must resist water pressure all the time, and the oxygen consumption rate is still very fast.

With diving equipment, it ’s different. According to Wang Yan ’s need for oxygen and the slow breathing rate, this small tank of oxygen can be used for at least a few months.

This is the power of the superpowers. Its own powerful capabilities, and the clever combination of modern technology, the power exerted is not as simple as one plus one.

There are underwater flashlights in the storage bracelet, but at this time Wang Yan dared not take it out. Who knows if the mysterious woman has chased nearby? In this dark environment, any light is very eye-catching and easy to find.

After suspending quietly for a minute or two, Wang Yan adjusted to several dozen times of atmospheric pressure. Start to paddle the water and slowly swim down diagonally. It hasn't been completely out of danger, and can run as far as it can.

At the depth of five or six hundred meters, Wang Yan touched the seabed. Can not help but breathe a sigh of relief, people constantly suspended in the water in the dark, always feel empty and insecure.

He touched the seabed with his hands, and the tentacles were all young and fine sand. After staying under water for a long time, Wang Yan's mental strength has also been significantly adapted. Within a dozen meters around the body, the mental strength has been completely enveloped.

Here, the sea is very quiet, with almost no fluctuations. But the bottom of the sea is not calm. There are many lives in the dozen-meter-square circle covered by Wang Yan's spiritual strength.

Most of them are shellfish buried in the gravel. They pierce the long hose out of the gravel layer and gently sway, engulfing the endless plankton in the sea.

Although Wang Yan didn't see it with his eyes, his mental energy was subtle and delicate, sometimes clearer and more comprehensive than his eyes. This made Wang Yan move a little in his heart, and he became a superpower. It was less than half a year. The growth of strength could be described as a rocket rocket.

The strength is certainly improved, but the lack of some precipitation has accumulated.

For example, in the aspect of spiritual power, although Wang Yan had contact, he did not care too much about spiritual power. But deep in the sea, in the dark space, spiritual power seems to become particularly important.

There are many nicknames for mental power, such as perception, mind, mind, etc.

This is the sixth sense in addition to the five senses of human beings. It is similar to the sonar system of bats or dolphins, but there are large differences. From the perspective of modern research, spiritual power is no longer a mysterious force.

When human brain cells are active, brain waves are generated. But most human brain waves are very weak, and need to be measured by instruments, and they are uncontrollable.

The ability to truly control mental activity comes from the pineal gland in the human brain. It is located between the anterior thalamus and thalamus of the midbrain, and looks like a red-brown bean. At the age of seven, the pineal gland is most developed, and the pineal gland shrinks with age.

This is the reason why many children are more sensitive than adults. They often see something that adults cannot ‘see’.

There are also some people who are born with a pineal gland, and this type of person has a strong mental strength. They will be more sensitive than ordinary people, and often find many details that ordinary people cannot. After a certain level of training, they can control their mental strength.

For super-awakened people like Wang Yan, every transformation and evolution of the body naturally includes the evolution of various cells of the pineal gland and the brain. This makes Wang Yan's mental power very strong, and after a little training, he can master his mental power.

There are many exercises and know-how in this world that can be used to exercise or cultivate spiritual power.

The "pure Yang Divine Skills" that Wang Yan practiced is a top-level exercise that comprehensively promotes the evolution of the body. The physical and mental powers are simultaneously refined and evolved. But this is also the case. Wang Yan has never specifically focused on spiritual training.

Wang Yan has only been a superpower for a short time. He has been used to feeling the world with five senses in his 20-year life. Especially the visual system is the most used sensory system for modern humans to experience the world.

Therefore, when Wang Yan apparently still has the sixth sense of spiritual power, most of the time he feels the world, he sees it with his eyes.

And deep in the sea, the photon is extremely weak. Wang Yan had to use spirit to feel the world, which gave him another very different and wonderful experience.

The fine sand, the hose of mollusk shell creatures tentacle dance, and even the dense, palpable plankton. Everything is real and magnificent like a dream.

A crab that Wang Yan had never seen before, moved lightly and sharply on the seabed, then embedded a shell, and then a big clip, clicked, cracked the shell, and tasted the fresh and juicy shell meat.

There was another group of thumb-sized fish that swam like a whirlwind, with countless plankton inhaled between their open and closed mouths.

All of it, within Wang Yan's more than ten meters of spiritual strength, is full of details, and the details are brilliant.

After more than half an hour, Wang Yan's mental strength became more and more adapted underwater. He tried to control his mental strength and radiated away in the same direction. As a result, about a hundred meters ahead, they were all covered with mental power. Any wind and grass in the area could not escape Wang Yan's perception.

This is because there is a lot of sea water blocking. If it is on land, only the air blocking, Wang Yan's mental strength is enough to extend more than ten times.

However, although the mental strength is very strong.

But it can only be used as a complementary ability of human senses, and it cannot completely replace sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste.

And under the radiation of mental power, usually only the outline of the object, only the dynamic things, will trigger the focus of mental power. This is the same reason as human vision. Only by focusing can we observe things in detail.

And sometimes when the focus is on the focus, things outside the focus are often ignored.

At this point, mental power is somewhat similar to vision.

But no matter what, Wang Yan happily swam westward along the seabed. How can Wang Yan tell the direction in the sea, he is not a pigeon or a dolphin?

This of course depends on the compass.

In this national war, everyone carried some emergency supplies and toolboxes, which included a compass. Whether it is on or under the sea, the earth's magnetic field will not change.

According to Wang Yan's judgment, the mysterious woman's plane flew westward, so she probably flew out hundreds of kilometers in so much time. The sea where he fell may have been close to Vietnam.

There are thousands of kilometers of coastline in Vietnam to the west, so you wo n’t get lost in the sea.

As expected, the depth of the ocean is getting lower and lower as you go further west.

After swimming for seven or eight hours, I reached the two or three hundred meters of the ocean, and the species in the ocean suddenly became richer. Relatively "full of sunshine", the subtropical clear sea water has almost restored Wang Yan's vision.

Near a large reef, Wang Yan, who knew he was out of danger, turned on the flashlight and was admiring the corals in the reef. The corals here are colorful and extremely beautiful.

Flocks of fish of various colors live in this large reef. This is their castle, their home.

Perhaps the reefs here are large and unsuitable for trawling. And this depth, ordinary humans can not come down. Therefore, this large seabed reef group seems to be in a very primitive state.

Lobsters, fish, crabs, and skin shrimp are everywhere. And the Pipi shrimp here is huge. Wang Yan saw the biggest one, which is as long as a child ’s arm. Uh, it must be heavy.

Wang Yan got up on a whim and grabbed a dozen of the biggest in the cave. I have to admit that this thing is very fierce, and the two mantis-like claws are powerful. It's a pity that Wang Yan is a B-level superpower, and he tries his best not to cut his skin.

Like big lobsters and crabs, they just picked big ones and grabbed them casually. This kind of wild big seafood is rare in the market. There are few superpowers who will be fine to run deep in the sea to grab seafood. If you are free, you might as well practice and do tasks.

The big storage bracelet that was distributed during the unit's national war still had a lot of space.

Wang Yan is just passing by, just doing it, just as a fun, and just to satisfy the mood of a foodie.

"Huh? This is ... 磗 磲." Wang Yan saw a large shell next to a coral reef. It looks very beautiful, more than two meters long.

To say this, I haven't eaten it yet.

Moreover, I heard that Chong Qing is very valuable. Since I encountered it, Wang Yan, who is a foodie, is also welcome.


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