The Domestic Hero

Chapter 294: Soaring 90,000 miles

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The wind on the sea is a bit strong.

Wang Yan vibrated the wings of the Bat King, soaring above the blue sea.

The clear waters of the South China Sea, the blue waves rippling, in the rolling sea breeze rolled up a wave of waves. The sea is vast and endless, and the view from the far away, the sea and the sky in the distance are woven into the blue, and the scene is quite spectacular.

It is said that the sea is a symbol of men, majestic, atmospheric, strong, yet gentle.

Wang Yan spread his wings and soared in the sea, and he also felt open-minded and refreshed. This time he won a lot of national wars. But the biggest gain was the unprecedented prestige of Uncle Cannon and his duel with the legendary S-class master. Domineering and powerful.

Since he entered the National African Affairs Bureau, Wang Yan has reached the B level in just half a year, and is qualified to compete with the leaders of the younger generation of the National African Affairs Bureau. The constant expansion and expansion of his strength gave him some complacency.

However, the emergence of the young teacher, Uncle Gun's majesty. Only then did he deeply realize that he was not enough, far from enough. In the future, the road I have to take is still very long.

One day, Wang Yan, like Uncle Cannon, will become the unrivaled SS-class top master. He can shatter the void with just one punch, just like the God of War.

For a time, Wang Yan's heart increased greatly, and his chest was full of blood.

"Bat King Wings and Swings" slammed heavily, and the flight speed was a little faster, the angle was adjusted slightly, and it flew obliquely into the air.

Wang Yan knows that the so-called sky is the atmosphere. The true thickness of the atmosphere exceeds thousands of kilometers. This layer of our human existence belongs to the bottom of the atmosphere. Because the atmosphere has the highest density and the airflow surge is unpredictable, it is called the troposphere.

Depending on the latitude, longitude and climate, the thickness of the troposphere is within ten to twenty kilometers.

At this moment, Wang Yan wanted to try to break through the troposphere.

The pure yang in his body is vigorously running, turning into a force to drive the wing of the bat king, and the speed gradually climbs to the extreme. Even though Wang Yan does not have a speedometer, he feels that his current speed should be more than 300 kilometers per hour. The higher the flight, the higher the sea level. Looking toward the blue sea in the distance, an extremely obvious arc has appeared. The wind blows violently on the body, faintly like a knife.

In the troposphere, the higher the air flow, the faster the conversion, and the lower the temperature. Wang Yan quickly felt this, and the higher the temperature, the more severe the temperature dropped. Before, he was on the surface of the South China Sea. Even in winter, it was as warm as early summer, with temperatures around 20-30 degrees.

However, the temperature reached four or five kilometers, and the temperature dropped to minus zero. Wang Yan felt the cold wind blowing on his face like a knife, and there was some pain.

The sky is so miraculous that within a few minutes, it made people step into the severe winter from early summer.

As Wang Yan flew upwards, the temperature continued to drop, and soon his body and wings were covered with frost.

Good guy, it's only six kilometers high, it's already minus ten degrees.

Wang Yan also feels extremely magical. He used to know this kind of knowledge before, but his personal experience is completely different. More than ten degrees below zero, the speed of more than 300 kilometers per hour violently rubbed the air, and Wang Yan's superman's physique was faint.

The pure yang in the body turned slightly, and a thin flame was cast on the surface of the body. The frost condensed on the body melted and re-transpiration became water vapor.

Then, seven kilometers and eight kilometers, it reached a height of 13 kilometers. It seemed that Wang Yan had penetrated a thin film and suddenly went to another world.

He floated at an altitude of 1334 kilometers and looked around. What you see is an endless blue sky, because there are very few impurities such as water vapor and suspended particles. In this world, the space is blue and pure as a gem. Even the sun is countless times cleaner and clearer than when viewed from below.

Moreover, the wind here is moving in the same direction, with a smooth and gentle attitude, giving people a feeling of being in a pure natural paradise.

This is the stratosphere in the atmosphere. Most civil aviation aircraft soar long distances in the stratosphere. But looking at the beautiful view of the stratosphere from the small and thick windows on the side of the plane, it is far less than the direct flesh like Wang Yan ~ suspended in it, and it is so amazing to experience it personally.

His eyesight is excellent, and he feels and shocks the beauty more than ordinary people.

He used to see the haze in the city, where he felt the endless purity and openness, the blue sky, the sun was pure like gold, and under his feet, there was a continuous cloud layer. Seeing the sea is like heaven.

But in this stratosphere, it is not without danger. The temperature here is extremely low, and Wang Yan estimates that it is minus sixty or seventy degrees, which is colder than the winter in the Arctic. Ordinary people will die if they are suddenly in this cold environment.

Wang Yan spread his wings and soared in the stratosphere, the sky was like a blue dome, and the clouds were at his feet, as if he were in a fairyland.

Obliquely below in the distance, a large cloud formed a huge dark cloud vortex, which was spinning in a majestic posture, and the thunder and lightning roared indistinctly.

This should be a thunderstorm whirlpool. Apart from marveling at Wang Yan, he was also a little afraid to fly inside. The power of the storm vortex is completely two concepts on the ground and in the sky. Even on the ground, some strong thunderstorms can uproot big trees and make cars fly.

The kind of palpitations that made Wang Yan feel dangerous, could not help giving him the idea of ​​the power of nature.

Wang Yan flew in another direction for a while, and found that a big plane was slowly coming in the distance. However, Wang Yan is currently at a relatively high altitude, about 13,000 meters high. The plane was at least a thousand meters lower than him and would not hit it at all.

Wang Yan wanted to make a prank and ran to someone's plane porthole to scare passengers with a grimace. But the flight speed is almost two times slower than other big planes. Helpless can only give up this interesting plan, after the strength is stronger, flying faster, then go to play this trick.

How about flying upwards? Apart from being excited, Wang Yan did what he said, and began to fly obliquely and continuously toward the sky. Thirteen kilometers high, fifteen kilometers, seventeen kilometers. What surprised Wang Yan was that it was different from being higher and colder in the troposphere. The higher you fly in the stratosphere, the hotter it gets.

Soon, Wang Yan reached a height of 20 kilometers. The place is getting hotter and hotter, and the temperature has climbed to minus 20 degrees. But Wang Yan's flight is getting more and more difficult. The reason is simple. The density of the atmosphere is falling rapidly. In the absence of sufficient atmospheric support, when Wang Yan waved his wings, he did not get enough reaction force. Flying here is much harder than flying in the troposphere.

Moreover, because of the low atmospheric density, the pressure is naturally declining. Human beings are living creatures on the ground, and the air pressure inside the body is 1 unit of standard air pressure. Now at an altitude of 20 kilometers, the air pressure inside the body far exceeds the external air pressure.

This makes Wang Yan feel that his internal organs are expanding outward. Fortunately, Wang Yan has a strong physique and a strong cell structure. This feeling of swelling is only slightly uncomfortable. But he believes that if he continues to climb, the air pressure in his body may prop up himself into a balloon.

Not right, because he died before becoming a balloon, and all the blood vessels in the body exploded and flowed out of the pores and Qiqiao to die.

This reminded Wang Yan of the experience of diving into the deep sea of ​​several hundred meters.

The two are diametrically opposed experiences. Diving is because the external pressure is much greater than the internal pressure and is squeezed to death. The constant rise in the air means that the pressure in the body far exceeds the pressure in the body, and the blood vessel bursts to death.

"Oh, we humans are really fragile." Wang Yan smiled, ordinary people can only adapt to survive on the surface. Whether it is going up or down, there is a harsh environment.

However, he also believes that if a superpower like him keeps evolving, he will continue to improve the ability to overcome the harsh environment. It is said that the United States has begun to prepare for landing on Mars. With his own strong physique, he only needs a simple oxygen breathing device to survive on Mars, without having to wear a clumsy and heavy space suit.

Why doesn't NASA ask itself to participate in the mission to Mars? Ha ha.

No, they also have superpowers. Maybe they will also have their own superpowers in the implementation of the Mars landing plan. It's just that those superpowers will not be open to the general public.

Thinking of this, Wang Yan also sighed in his heart. When did our Chinese nation send a spaceship to Mars? When the time comes, I am sure to be the first to sign up.

Wang Yan was obsessed with obscenity, and continued to fly to the sky. After flying to an altitude of 25 kilometers, it was really overwhelming. It seems that this height is already his limit, and the reduction in atmospheric density makes the props such as wings more and more useless.

It seems that the sentence skyrocketing to 90,000 miles is pure bragging. I only flew 50 miles ...

Somewhat helpless in his heart, this bat king wing can't even fly out of the stratosphere. In desperation, had to fall.

When going down, the wings spread high, like a ****** generally flying down. In the endless sky, Wang Yan felt the bloom of the soul and the sense of freedom and freedom. Soaring freely, but the dream of mankind, and now he can realize this dream, it is still very cool.

Until it reached more than 10,000 meters, I saw another big plane. The distance between the two is only a few hundred meters. After Wang Yan slightly avoided it, he rushed directly into the top of the troposphere and landed on the ground.

Just in that plane, a blond little girl saw this scene through the window and screamed excitedly at the father next to him: "Father and father, look at Superman."

Her dad was also far away, and Jinghong glanced at the gliding Wang Yan, and also exclaimed, "Oh, God. Is this an Eagle? Is it our super hero of the United States, he is performing a mission ?"


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